Astral plane Second
(the same like different bodies in the aura) This is something like flying zone
of the planet – it looks like spider web of different emotions, thoughts and
it`s like the place for cleansing (pipe) of all negative emotions in state of
sleep. This is also the place of emotional, mental healing and cleansing in
sleep of all astral bodies of humans, living and asleep. It can be called Upper
astral – and has strong cords connection with soul – heart chakra and
Astral-mental light, as well as to Moon energy and clairvoyance. 1. Upper
Astral is related to Astral bodies of living people, and their cords of healing
and rejuvenation, in state of sleep. 2. Upper Astral is related to people in state
of deep uncontrolled sleep, who are in vulnerable state – like after traumatic
experience, koma or near death experience, where the cords holding them to the
heart chakra are very thin. 3. Upper Astral of people who are in deep state of
meditation, extasy, astral travellers, or clairvoyant experience when they
connect to the other side, and see beyond the veil. In all Upper astral spheres
there are different beings, mainly fairies, could be astral angels, guardian
angels, and other not benevolent beings. That’s why this astral level can be
very chaotic, there is called “flying” zone, as all astral bodies are like
flying in void.
The colours of Upper Astral are multiple, but it has generally dark blue, and silver light.
world ~
It is called also the First Etheral sphere - where all of the higher beings reside, also all kind of elements, including water, ocean, and collective Earth spirits - like Tree and flowers spirits, some elementals. There are here also patterns of green-blue spider web and seven pointed stars in this plane. Also this is the world for accessing another time window, higher dimension, shifts, and all kind of Gateways. People can enter this sphere only trough process of ascension, meditations and rituals. This plane is very close and interconnected to our physical plane.
(Crystal spirits, elementals, nature spirits, undines, mermaids, water
spirits, water element, spirits of all elements, Tree and flower spirits,
nature devas and some faeries connected to trees and flowers and water fairies,
cosmic and planetary souls and entities, collective dream patterns, moon
Ethereal -first
light of spiritual advancement (here are different kind of Angels, spirit
guides, Reiki angels and Faeries of higher hierarchy). This level has many
different colours but mostly they are in shade of green, pink, and light blue –
like the Heart chakra and Throat chakra. (Equal to sephirot Yesod -Foundation
or connection between giver and receiver in Tree of life in Kabbalah). The first ethereal level are residing your Spirit guides, they can be not only different angels, ancestors, but also faeries, tree spirits, Ascended masters. This is the level of all Masters of the world - Buddha, Jesus, Virgin Mary, and to all Gods and Goddesses in history of earth. Thats why this sphere is Worlds Heart - as all higher beings connect to give to others from heart, they dedicate their life to a mission for humanity.
Ethereal –
second light – Pearl white light for Spiritual teachers, gods and goddesses,
As. Masters, and connection to Higher Self. This is the level of unconditional
love without ego. (Equal to sephirot Hod -Glory, Splendour, on the Tree of Life
in Kabbalah).
Ethereal – Third
light – it has violet and golden colours. This is the level of emotional,
mental spheres of light (or awaken astral bodies of Ascended masters) like
Jesus, Buddha, Maytreya, Parvaty, Krishna…In this level there are no ethereal beings, but only light from their Higher Consciousness, also some Spirit guides and guardian angels for advanced souls and masters are here. Mostly it is filled with their ideas,
thoughts and feelings, which is preserved in level as an “archive”. So they can
be reached any time from advanced humans. (This level equals to sephirot Netzah
– Eternity, Victory, continuing cycles – of the Tree of life in Kabbalah).
Thank you for tuning in! Stay on the path of Love, Joy and Light!
Nina Lea-Nour *
All rights reserved
Angel`s medium
Reiki healer
Tarot intuitive
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