Sunday, November 3, 2019

Spheres of Existence Beyond - Astral plane -I

In this article I`ll observe some basic questions related to astral planes, or what is the image of “afterlife” for earth souls.
Here I`m answering the questions: What are astral planes? How does afterlife look like for different souls? What we experience in the transition time to other side or in process of dying.

I.             Astral plane:

This is the plane immediately connected with the earth plane, or the dense physical reality we live in. We experience this plane every day through our state of sleep, meditation, dreaming, imagination or visualisations. Astral plane is strongly connected to our believes, feelings, subconsciousness, emotions, and with our Ethereal and Astral body, which consist of lighter and higher vibrational energy.

It`s interesting to know that our Astral body is connected to the physical body always through thin cords. We use our astral body in the night, when we sleep, or when we make meditation or Astral travel. In this way our Astral body keeps the physical body safe and in special state or absence”. Astral body resembles the physical body, but it can look younger and with higher frequency, which makes it better version of the body.
Astral Plane is divided to 9 Astral sublevels, each of them containing different information of astral and different ethereal beings.
Of course all Astral planes are invisible to the human eyes, and vibrate in another frequency than earth plane. Some of the lower astral planes inhabit various types of ghosts, spirits or entities, that were incarnated or not. { ref. please see my article: What are ghosts? I } 

The Sub-Astral – (my angels also call it Dark or Black astral - Demons, ghosts, entities, spirits 
There are three levels, that can be called Sub-Astral, or Dark astral – and which are “below” and consist of kinds of dark non-incarnated beings, like demonic entities, ghosts, demons. They are mostly not incarnated (as humans), and have another purpose of existence. In some very rare cases though they could incarnate.
For now I wont go into more details in these levels, as I have separate article dedicated to demons and entities from Astral plane.

The Sub-Astral Spirit of Deceased Souls, ghosts
Another three levels from Astral are inhabited by deceased incarnated beings, that are passing through that plane, but for some reasons couldn’t go further to the Light. They had not enough power of mind, or were trapped in the Astral levels. These beings we also refer to as “ghosts”, or spirits. They can be felt by extra sensitive humans or clairvoyants, as they are very close to the earths energy. Most of them were overly attached to the physical plane -like different kind of attachment to people, objects or money, which made them unable to connect with their Spirit guides. So they didn’t go to the Accelerated golden tunnel of Light, which is the main purpose of all human beings. These are spirits of deceased. They can often live or merge together with the dark faeries realms. These souls live in a similar to earth or fantasy-like conditions and environment. But they don’t have advanced spiritual lessons (as humans) and don’t have angelic presence.

{ The Astral plane -Void or Collective consciousness of Earth/ Physical plane

Another three halls (planes) are filled with Void or dark matter, where is actually collected all material consciousness of Earth and humanity. Here are living in form of clouds or transforming fogs, and energy diffusions all dark thoughts and feelings (which have energy cords and look as spider webs often) of collective Soul of humanity. Here could live also the collective evil, dark thoughts or twisted psychology of all earth eras and history periods. They are mostly related to moments of energy downfalls in humanity consciousness – like the invention and use of Atom bomb or different war weapons and techniques and chemical weapons, or atrocities of humans against humans or against nature. Here would be Nazi ideas, Related to demonic world other inhuman ideas, which are far from the omnipresent God Spirit in human.

This is one of the lowest Astrals, no other beings live here, but it`s like a soup of void and fogs; This territory is something like an archive of the humanity. (like Akashic records but with opposite sign).
The medium Astral plane are the souls of the deceased and different kind of ghosts and imprints of energy.

The Upper Astral (or Silver Astral plane) 

This plane is close to us and our physical plane, is inhabited by so called shadow-sides (or Astral bodies) of all beings, already living on Earth – but in state of sleep, deep meditation, state of connection to Astral – like clairvoyant, or mediums, and dream state. These are all astral bodies from present and near past – future of the earth. So you can see some forms of angelic presence (guardian angels, astral guardians, or faeries), as well as Astral fluid bodies and thoughts in this Upper astral plane.

The main colours of astral levels are dark – dark blue, grey, silver, all shades of silver and sparkles, moonstone light, dark silver. In these levels you can also see and receive information (if you are a medium), about past lives of person, his aura colours, his chakras and Astral body and patterns, his future options and choices. This plane is amazing as it is visible in it the whole web of cords and energies of the Planet. This level is the actual Blueprint of the Earth, and one way how the spirits and angels see us here, and how we view ourselves in state of meditation or connecting with other creatures.
All planes are actually 12 – they are like big spheres, and they are divided further into 12 more sub-levels – or 144 levels total. Each of the 12 sub-levels are divided into 10 more smaller spheres-planes (or discs of reality), so they are totally 1440.

The levels and planes are related to the pattern of the bodies in human aura, after the physical body. They are also related to the kabbalistic Sephirot and tree of Life.
The first level is called Astral Plane- as I have described already.

All Spheres/ Planes are:

I. Astral Plane first ( equal to the space between and under the sephirot Malkut -Kingdom of the Tree of life in Kabbalah). This sphere includes 6 sub-levels called Sub -Astral. (1. Sub Astral of Demons, ghosts and dark entities; 2. Sub-Astral of deceases souls, trapped souls, dark souls that were incarnated or not incarnated; 3. Sub-astral -void, collective subconsciousness, thought patterns of humanity; level of dark fairies; 1. Medium Astral – Soul of the deceased in history of earth, plus collective unconscious mind patterns and believes. Different kind of ghosts and spirits can abide too. 2. Medium astral of deceased souls, some entities and dark fairies; 3. Medium astral of deceased souls, souls psychologically tested and committed suicide or act of murder or ancestral crime.)

Thank you for tuning in, children of Light! 
Please continue to read the next part about Spheres and planes beyond ....

Nina Lea-nour
© All rights reserved 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

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