Friday, October 27, 2017

Creation of world - Darkness -II

...second part ...
This is quite allegorical way I try to explain a very complicated issue, which was even topic in every early philosophy. Darkness and Light.

What I want to add here is important: the Light manifests light through angels – but they are rays from God source which become creators themselves. They had decree to spread the Light and divine Love. Angels had also the choice, and they choose to be their own essence, to be angels. That’s why we can think and see as if they don’t have personal “will” – but they have enormous will and force – just the one that is extension of Light rays of God.

The darkness too was a good for Light shining in the space, until the moment when it spread in the earth plane (physical plane) and became “intentional evil”. Then the darkness transformed itself (without any will or allowance except his own) into what we call “Evil” spirit. This darkness came into existence in the moment when the human beings and physical plane were created. What is that mean?

As I already mentioned in the first part – Adam and Eve were created first as androgen in the Ethereal levels not in physical form. As the expansion and freedom were not possible in this state, angels took the decision to separate them in two separate personalities –male and female. They continue to exist in the ethereal plane, in which time also many other humans existed together with elementals, spirits, fairies. Elementals were created first from Angels who wanted to send teachers of nature spirit to the transforming physical earth. In this time Elementals and fairies surrounded the Garden of Eden, living together with the first humans – Adam, Eve, Lilith. Human beings in their ethereal body were free and had great experience in the garden-like place, where the life seemed endless, full of joy. They were familiar with all nature spirits around and all elementals. But they were put in experiment - with intention from angels.

Did angels want to harm or humiliate humans? How is possible they made this experiment on humans just to throw them down in another world? Not at all. What angels want is the will of God source –to spread the light more and more. In order to do that we need one thing –movement, change, expansion. The light cant expand in stagnant space. No matter how beautiful it looks. It needs continuing of movement and power.

    In order to accomplish this movement, they needed Adam and Eve to go outside their “comfort” garden ("comfort zone"), and to be prepared for the fruits of knowledge. When we think deeply – this was actually the first sign of Free will and free choice made by humans (no matter of consequences). Adam and Eve were left free to choose or to be “tempted”, to choose the fruits of knowledge. This knowledge gave them big power then, but what they lost is their innocence. Together with innocence they lost their ignorance for the world, they came down to the lowest physical matter – the earth plane, and made decree to be Creators. From this moment – human beings started to create (remember in the Bible humans gave name to all existing and to all animals, this is significant). They started not only to create but also to choose their own way, their own destiny.

    In the same time the free choice was "free” but under the observation of Angels. Because the angels, as divine Grace from God-source, are who created the living humans (not the demons), they had decree to help them, to take care of them, to connect with them in all possible times of human existence. But they also gave vow to let people to have free choice, and by that to choose if they want to connect with angels or with no one or with demons power. Since this time people are helped, observed but they are free to choose. This choice is amazing privilege for all Earth.

   Since the beginning of physical plane and first people from “clay” this choice is visible. But we have to remember – our eternal source is Light and we` ll return to Light, not to darkness. (in some cases some humans choose darkness, but that choice is very hard and rare).

   What I need to clarify here is that God created the Light and accepted Darkness to expand equally by itself, to let the light shine brighter. That’s beautiful in seeing the Light. We see the stars, comets and moon in the dark canvas of night sky much better, and they are invisible in the light of the day. But God-source does not created “the intentional evil”. This form of evil spread from the darkness, when it became intense and evil entities (demons) appear. This is transformation of darkness. Intentional evil started to spread and gain power much more with appearance of humans in physical plane. As in this heavy matter place people are put in situations of choices, obstacles and need of knowledge, need of expansion. That’s why the intentional evil was surrounding big masses of people, who went much far from the way of angelic Light. The intentional evil and "demons” spread even more with existence of human “power”, weaknesses, fears, negative emotions, greed, lust, egoism. The human egos were fed by these emotions and greed for money and power, in such ways giving food for the evil spirits and demons. In such way many “souls” on earth invited and became friends with the evil spirits even without to realize that. They were used in good way in the same time making the human expansion by creating karma.

In similar way – angels are attracted and invited by other souls, who seek the way of Light. They help them to spread love, trust, passion, devotion, understanding…throughout humanity. Such people of intentional Light we call Light workers or channels of Light. They are united and work with the angels, in the same way souls of intentional evil work with demons.
    I put things in too simple way here, that’s why I would like to say – there is no matter of darkness and Light existence inside human heart, but it is matter of proportion of them. All humans are meant to face their shadows, to fight darkness, to strive to light. But the way of Light is not so easy in physical body, that’s how in many souls there is prevailing “darkness” or evil, and in most souls is prevailing Light. No matter how much darkness they have, they should not have more than 50% -which will make them connect to the demons strongly.

I wont add more on the topic of darkness and evil, as I wrote much more in other articles. I want to say only – remember the soul that chooses Light and angels after all is the eternal one. The soul that chooses evil and darkness many times has the chance to become mortal” or transform in the ethereal soul of demon. And all demons are mortals – their soul will die. So the demons and darkness does not “rebel” or fight against God-source. That would be strange. They exist because they are transformation of initial darkness into intentional evil, which expands and spread between humans. God allows that, as what he needs is expansion of the universes and time-space, in order to generate power for movement. This movement will spread by darkness and light together. Ying and Yang. To the human souls is appointed the task to choose which one to be predominant on the painting of their life.

I greet you, be healthy and choose always Light. 
Arch. Jophiel with nina nour. 

Creation of world -Darkness -I

In this article I ll answer with help of my angels (arch. Jophiel) the questions that are basic since beginning of human history – what is darkness and when it was created? Why God “created” the darkness? Does the form of evil exist in so called “Devil” and demons? Did the Devil rebel and created the darkness? Lets begin.

   In the beginning of times, time didn’t exist. Space didn’t exist. There was an Abyss, or Emptiness spread everywhere. This emptiness was the primordial womb of all existing. The God-Source sprang from the emptiness. In this moment time-space, universes, parallel worlds, galaxies, planets, stars, systems and all amazing cosmic events were created. The first and final mission of God Source (Alpha and Omega) was to expand. The more it expanded, the more the emptiness surrounding the space-time expanded too. God Source (as face of feminine and masculine Union of energy) created all things and let them “be” let them expand and transform in best possible way. Alpha and Omega created the Light, the light rays transformed in first Angels and archangels. He created all other elements – waters –cosmic ocean, air –winds, ether, earth – solid matter and crystals. Everything was amazing and beautiful. Then God source thought – how the living entities will recognize the Light and elements – if there is no differentiation between all. Then he expanded the dark matter, spread dark rays and shadows among the Light rays, so their beauty to be shining even more, to be visible, recognizable. The dark matter was created. The Light was created and manifested the intention: "I ll be Light until the end of times, my mission is to spread only Light." The darkness manifested too: "I ll be only darkness until the end of time, my mission is to spread only Darkness."

   Was the mission of the Light good? We can call it so only with our programmed minds of human beings. No, the mission of light was to Shine. Was the mission of the darkness bad? No. The mission of darkness was to create more darkness and shadows, to be a strong canvas of the Light painting, to make light more visible and stronger.
With the expansion of time-space Angels -as divine colorful rays- expanded. They went to fulfill their missions of light to the end of times – in eternity. Angels had their own personality, but not ego. They are like rays spread from the central Sun or God-Source.

What about the darkness?
The story in the Bible says, that God-source created the Light and said “Let there be Light”. The part of creating “darkness” is missing. In fact, God-Source equally accepted and created the darkness saying: “Let there be darkness.” Why God created the darkness? Because He knew that all things need to be in union, to fulfill each other, complement each other, to expand and transform. That was good for the universe – strive for knowledge, expansion of spirit. (See teachings of Lao Tzu)
So Alpha and Omega manifested the Light – and it started its own life in form of Angelic hierarchies, who spread more through the universe. He also manifested the darkness and shadows, which spread and began its own life, with decree to expand the darkness. 
Now the question on the darkness is: does the form of evil exist in the form of Devil and demons?

   The dark matter and shadows started their own life, the same as angels. They had another mission, but with the time-space expansion, they evolved and transformed into what we call Evil. The Evil spirits choose the pride of living alone and isolated – as they belong to darkness not to Light. From this Spirit many dark rays were created, transforming into “intentional evil” energies and with time expansion they became demons or intentional “spirits of evil”. They lived the same as angels, in another space frame, in the lowest ethereal levels in every place, where living being exist. They continued their mission to spread the intentional evil through the Earth plane. Demons also have special existence and they have strong hierarchies. They have different leaders, who live between them for appointed periods of time. These leaders are many (or what we may refer to as “devils”). As they live in the lowest energy levels, and feed mostly  from negative and dark human emotions and fears, demons become closer to animal forms and developed "tails" (not physical ones, but something like a cord that attaches to other human form), and special outer characteristics. They look like humans on the outside, (but the same as the angels), they have power of form-shifting –or to change their appearance and become another living object. The sign of angels are wide spread energy wings coming from their amazing aura, and colorful crystalline eyes. In the same way signs of demons are "tails" or long cord from the body – but they do not look like monsters at all, nor like animals (except if they change their form). Their look resemble very well human appearance.

So the demons had the choice – to expand and spread the darkness, they choose the darkness. 

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel`s medium 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Creation of world -Light -II

    Second part -II -

   Archangel with the glorious name Michael blew life in the Light of human. It was androgen – both male and female. Many universes passed, time and space changed, the frequencies started to be lower and lower – the universe reached to its final phase - the energy expanded to all spaces. Now was the time for the matter. Archangels gathered in the place of Glorious council – Lux Angelica – and took decision. Human beings to not stay androgen, to not stay only part of the Light. They needed to develop, they needed to move the hard matter forward, they needed to make choices, to fall and raise, to make mistakes…they needed to expand. In such way they would add their contribution to the universal expansion. Moreover human being needed to become Creator themselves. It wont be easy process, but it was needed for good of all, for the good of Light. Angels appointed the energy androgen to be separated in two different separate beings. They had spiritual mission – to be trustful and follow the divine will. Then spiritual man and woman were created in a separate place in ethereal plane –this place was amazing fruitful landscape with rivers, trees and gardens. This place was described as “Paradise” but it was the garden where we first belong in our ethereal body. Humans Adam and Eve were given total freedom in this place. They had the freedom to do all, with one restriction – the Tree of knowledge. Was that a riddle? Was that special test or obstacle? Could angels not “know” what will happen next? Could they not be defended from the face of “snake” and prevent humans from the Evil spirit?
Hmm think deeply now and answer this question for yourself.
What happened next?

  The luminous garden in ethereal plane was experiment –and test too. How many years decades or time Adam and Eve lived in this magical place we cant know – compared with our human time. But they finally were meant to taste the fruits of Knowledge. Since this time they both are responsible for expansion of human knowledge and not for …rebellion against God. Humans like to tell the story so – the God –father has to be angry, to punish, to expel. This seems to be the way of his authority, and he takes entirely human qualities. In reality nothing like that happened.

    The world transformed –this is truth – Adam and Eve went from ethereal to the physical plane of existence. They started to survive in this new Earth. So all began with their inner change. The picking pomegranate was not the work of Evil. It was work of angels – they gave pomegranate, but it had to be personal decision. What was the meaning of that decision? Just one – need of knowledge is equal to need of spiritual and mental expansion. Knowledge is achieved by curiosity, attraction, transgression, going down, reaching the darkness…and then going up to the angelic realm again.

The period of achieving expansion for spirit , mind, body and soul was appointed on Earth. This period is called time of Human creation. Now not angels, but creation of creation –Human beings – are appointed to create – to be, to accomplish their mission, to expand…to live fully. That’s the reason of humans life. Not hardship, nor total joy and happiness. But knowledge. Together with that mission human being took a decree for spreading the angelic divine Light rays on earth. When 90% of all humans living in material plane of clay substance are cleansed with light of ascension, then all earth will raise vibrations with 21 octaves and the big transformation will happen. Many generations will pass until this period is truth. Humans evolve faster than anyone could expect.
Many of them bear the angelic Light and spread it through the earth plane and from this place it reaches all corners of the universe. Divine qualities and rays and feelings of ascension that humanity should spread are: Love, Peace, compassion, forgiveness, self-love, acceptance, patience, gratitude, harmony, devotion, passion, glory, generosity. All of them belong to the earth and are sparkles of divine Light accumulated inside Human heart. All of them have special frequency and rays.

With that divine feelings humans need to spread the angelic rays of light. That happens in so simple way –yet not everyone will be prepared to do it. When you become a channel of divine light and ready to spread, accept for yourself all angelic qualities, you become adept of Light – or Light worker. This is hard spiritual work and responsibility for yourself and all earth. In such way you sign a decree to follow and go in the Light, to meet your Higher self, to develop your energy centers, to listen and understand messages of your heart, and make your mind open. This is decree not so easy in the heavy earth plane, but Light workers don’t give up. They are sparkles of divine will and spread angelic rays here now, in this time when humanity mostly need them.

Light workers can have different missions, they can be teachers, healers, helping humans, animal world, participating in environment causes, or just students of light, working as mediums channels of divine messages.

All of that does not mean Light workers are free from failures and mistakes. Just opposite, as they strive to light most of all, they will have hardest obstacles, hardest earth fields of thorns, and meeting dark shadows on the way – but as they are real sparkles of divine Light, they will continue to go on the way, until they reach the New earth and the New sun, now in Higher plane. They will deserve the spiritual triumph for all humanity.

Thank you for being here as Light workers, or just a curious human who wants to pick up the fruit of pomegranate. Spread the Light, and so it is!

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel`s medium 

Creation of world - Light -I

In the beginning Source God (eternal Light) spread through space and time. It was divine source of everything – from it all other elements came – ether, air –wind, water-ocean, earth-tree, fire- movement. The fire was essential part of the divine initiation for humans – beginning of the Worlds and all parallel universes, they had Central sun, stars and planets. All of them were created as combination of all different elements in one union –synchronically. Each of the elements give to the divine union different special qualities. They spread around the universes and give all existing things their stamp of initiation.

   God Source experienced expansion. His Holy Spirit soared above dark matter of ocean (Primordial waters), created the divine Light and spread it through all Universes, spread more created the earth (Planets, stars, spheres, star systems), spread more created the force of Air –winds that spread matter and become basis for all.

Which element was the first and which the final?
All elements came together in perfect Union and synchronicity. The living beings and forms of life throughout all galaxies are born from all elements as one.
Then the God-Source expressed his feelings throughout all worlds and universes until the edge of Emptiness (Abyss). The Abyss was not a place to look at, but a place needed for the Holy spirit expansion. Room and space is needed in order to organize and move the existing objects. God-Source expressed his divine feelings by breathing deeply and blowing his breath into the Creation. This divine breath transformed into universal feelings with qualities of Eternity: love, joy, compassion, devotion, passion, forgiveness, generosity – he blew these feelings of divine Grace – then they were transformed into Divine principles, Qualities and colorful Rays of divine Light (also Kabbalistic seforot relate here). This pure divine light spread in enormous waves throughout the universes. From these divine rays of Light Angels were created. They were the feelings, qualities, thoughts, intentions of Light of God- Source to spread all in form of Light. Angels had vast hierarchies and energy beings start to live on many energy planets and stars. Angels and archangels as Gods divine rays of Light spread the wisdom and knowledge of the Source everywhere. As good adepts they created other worlds, and other angels, and they as good students spread their light to other worlds –until the human was born. Human being was not born from clay, but from high Light and energy –in the beginning.

The divine rays of light transformed in splendid angelic beings -22 (23). Each of them formed special hierarchy and angelic group of light.

~ Royal Blue ray and arch. Michael  (1)
~ Pearl white ray and arch. Gabriel (2)
~ Emerald green ray and arch. Raphael (3)
~ Yellow/ peach ray and arch. Jophiel (4)
~ Pale rose ray and arch. Chamuel (5)
~ Purple-golden flame and arch. Uriel  (6)
~ Violet ray and arch. Zadkiel (7)
~ Light orange/amber ray and arch. Haniel (8)
~ Zest pale green ray of arch. Ariel  (9)
~ Fuchsia pink ray of arch. Charmeine (10)
~ Aquamarine blue ray of arch. Raguel (11)
~ Turquoise ray of arch. Sandalphon  (12)
~ Purple-blue crystal ray of arch. Remiel (13)
~ Indigo blue and golden ray of arch. Raziel (14)
~ Red-orange ray of Nathaniel  (15)
~ water pale blue and silver ray of arch. Muriel (16)
~ Lavender ray of arch. Seraphiel (17)
~ Ruby red ray of arch. Samael  (18)
~ Golden and rainbow ray of arch. Metatron (19)
~ Pale yellow and dark gold ray of Azrael (20)
~ Blueberry violet ray of Cassiel (21)
~ Silver and white ray of Sariel  (22)
~ Vivid rose ray of arch. Lumiel (23)

These are all ascension rays – they are divine and have celestial Light that cant be perceived by humans physical eyes. They spread in universes creating more and more shades of divine flames.

Humans are created with blowing the first Royal blue ray from arch. Michael. We are divine beings that always seek the will of God-Source and always return to it. We have one of the heaviest planes and long development in order to reach our Ascension. The process is specially followed and observed by all Blue flame angels and arch. Michael. He is our divine protector on earth. 

This is the first part of my chronicle on worlds creation. Continue to part II...
Thank you for tuning in the angelic space of love! 

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel`s medium 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ascension flames and mantras -IV (Violet and Turquoise)

I.                   Sacred Violet flame and master St. Germain

This is the special Amethyst flame angels, led by archangel Zadkiel. It works on highest possible etheric level on earth to cleanse and transmute all the negative energies into the violet light. Violet flame is the most intensive energy felt on earth spreading the freedom and equality between people. It cleanses and releases all darkness of the earth and inside each human heart, promotes peace, freedom, compassion and forgiveness. That’s the highest achievement for the humanity, so its very beneficial to work with the Violet light. This is the flame of alchemy and transmutation – changing one substance into another. You have to study and practice all other rays in order to reach to the level of Violet flame. This flame is activated specially from all Light workers and people who choose the path of consciousness. With violet flame also work as. Master Buddha, devas Psyche, Ma`at, Dana, Sulis, fairy Amethyst. Working with this flame will make your spirit soar in higher levels. Make regular meditations on Violet flame and use the energy of Amethyst. Sacred symbol of Violet flame is Violet lotus flower with 12 petals, or 12 pointed star; crystals you can work to activate this flame are: clear quartz, phantom quartz, amethyst, charoite, lepidolite, purple fluorite. Other masters of violet flame are Portia, Astrea and Purity.

Mantra of the Violet flame ~
You can use the following mantras, repeated 3 times slowly:

1.    I am a being of Violet Fire
       I am the Purity God desires.

2.    I am a being of Violet Light
       I m violet light worker on earth
       With help of arch. Zadkiel
       I transmute all energies in violet Light
       I am a being of Violet fire
       I am the Purity god desires.
II.                 Sacred Turquoise flame and arch. Sandalphon

The last flame can be activated since the starting of spiritual journey. The babies and little children already have this ray as gift from arch. Sandalphon, it serves as a wall and protection from negative energy. Its vibration is highly purifying, and it has 4-5 level of frequency. It improves and purifies all cells and molecules, and immune system. That’s why the Turquoise ray is amazing to work (together with emerald flame) when you suffer physical illness or feel weak. Imagine the turquoise light penetrating from the Central sun your Crown chakra, pouring down into all of your chakras and energy body, connecting them in one turquoise stream. See that beautiful flame cleansing and restoring all of your cells and physical organs in the body. That’s the restoring, rejuvenating, healing effect of this ray. Call upon arch. Sandalphon to improve your health, by lighting light blue, white or turquoise long candle. The sacred sign of Turquoise flame is 11 pointed star and Turquoise lotus with 11 petals.

Make meditation with Turquoise flame with the mantra (3 times):
I am a being of Turquoise light
I m peaceful, safe, restored
I m being of Turquoise light
Lead by arch. Sandalphon,
I am peaceful, safe, healed
In all energy levels
Turquoise stream of light
Cleanses all my body inside.
Turquoise lotus opens now
In the Star peace of Soul.

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel`s medium 

Ascension flames and mantras -III (Green and Purple)

I.                   Scared Green flame and master Hilarion ~

    This is the fifth sacred flame, dedicated to Healing power and self-healing. (this ray is so suitable for all reiki healers). This flame is lead by archangel Rapahel and Emerald flame angels group. They participate in all kind of healing, of physical and mental body, of all nature, of animals, plants. They work to transform and restore the original patterns of all material things. This is also the flame of truth, desires of heart, analysis, thoughts, science, mathematics, figures, understanding signs, reading, knowledge of self, tolerance, love. Goddesses of emerald flame are: Arthemis, Athena, Harmonia. This flame is quite important for anyone who wants to develop on spiritual path. It`s connected with deep healing, rejuvenation, growing, science and inner knowledge. It also helps us to channel the healing energies we have. This flame connects with the energy of Emerald fairies and elementals. Activate this flame by visualizing sacred sign of emerald 7 petals lotus or with seven pointed star. Amazing crystals to help you with this flame are: chrisocola, chrisoprase, peridot, prehnite, emerald, green jade, green moss agate.

Mantra of the Emerald flame (3 times)~
I am a being of Emerald light
I am devoted to healing
Guided by arch. Raphael
I am a healer of myself and world
I am a being of emerald flame
Emerald angels and fairies
Assist in my spiritual work
Emerald lotus opens
Within my sacred heart.

II.                 Sacred Purple- Golden flame and master Lady Nada

   Purple and golden flame represents cleanness of the heart and mind in union, service to the earth, going on the path of spiritual teaching, love to others and world, compassion. This flame is guided by arch. Uriel and arch. Ariel and angels of Purple-golden flame. They strive for higher levels of human consciousness about the whole planet and about ourselves inside the social groups, countries and continents. This flame promotes peace, equality, human rights, compassion and service in all levels. It’s the harmony above the knowledge and above any personal desires. This ray represents love in giving to others, generosity, responsibility. Lady Nada and master Jesus (Sananda) are working for raising and cleansing the vibrations of all earth. There sacred symbols are: crystals citrine, purple fluorite, green fluorite, sacred purple golden lotus with 10 petals, ten pointed star. They promote harmony, new beginnings without fear. This flame is protection on astral level – expansion of heart and mind. They work to spread the inner light of each person, his mission and service –to the world. Devas of this flame are: Aeval (Celtic), Eos (Aurora), Lilianna (fairy of lilies).

Mantra of purple-golden flame (3 times) ~
I am a being of purple light,
I work to spread light to the world,
I am a being of golden flame
I `m guided by arch. Uriel and Ariel
And all angels of Purple golden flame
To make the world ascended
I m devoted to service and love
I am a being of purple flame
Ten petals purple lotus unfolds

And shines above my head. 

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel`s medium 

Ascension flames and mantras -II (Pink and White)

III.                   Sacred Pink flame and master Paul the Venetian

   Pink flame is connected more with opening the Heart center and balanced emotions. The angels devoted to pink flame are arch. Chamuel and Rose flame angels, they are here to bring humanity to the state of inner peace, unconditional love, compassion, trust, devotion. This is the flame dedicated to mastering high feelings in heart chakra, and in the same time removing and cleansing all lower vibrations and energies. Rose flame angels will assist you to achieve that love – the flame has soft gentle feminine energy. The pink flame will assist you in raising your vibrations in all life aspects, in making the right choices in personal relationships with marriage, beloved or friends, will help you letting go from past traumas and dramatic relationships and attractive the perfect soul mate and partner for you. The crystals to open and activate this flame are: rose quartz, pink opals, rhodochrosite, kunzite. This ray will eliminate all past karmic pains and hard relations, and help you in overcoming present obstacles. Surround yourself with pink light. The fairies of the ray are rose Quartz and pink rose fairies. The sacred sign of Pink flame is 9 petals Pink lotus or nine pointed star in pink circle. Devas – Venus, Freya, Hathor (Egypt).  

Mantra of Pink flame (3 times)~
I am being of Pink crystal light,
I am being of Rose flame
Guided by arch. Chamuel,
I am adept of Peace and Love,
I am learning of letting go,
I am adept of Peace and Love
Opening my pink crystal heart,
I spread the pink flame to the world.
Pink lotus petals open now
In the Star of the Soul.

II.                 Sacred  White flame and master Serapis Bay ~

This is the flame of pure White or Pearl flame led by arch. Gabriel and angels of Pearl flame. It has very gentle, soothing energy. This is the flame of purification and cleansing of ethereal body, of harmony, balanced relations, peace of mind, stillness, quietness. It `s also ray of Full moon energy and moon angels. This is the core of initiation and purity of heart, mind and intentions. Humans should understand how to achieve purity in all levels – of physical body, emotions, heart, mind, words, actions, thoughts. All these energies are balanced in harmonious union in White flame. The ascension temple is in Luxor (Egypt). The white ray works with all chakras and aura field – also with Root chakra to flush away and detoxify the flow. The crystals of initiation with the Pearl white flame are: pearl, clear quartz, white agate, white jade, opal, selenite, aquamarine, angelite, celestite. Sometimes the white flame has the outline of aquamarine light blue shine.

Prayer ~Beloved Serapis Bay, with the guidance and power of arch. Gabriel and White flame angels, send me the gift of purity, harmony and discipline in all levels, cleanse all my energy body and chakras with the ascension of White flame. Thank you and so it is.”

The sacred signs and flowers of White flame ~ white rose, sacred white lotus with 6 petals, hexagram (star of David), snowdrop. Goddesses of white ray ~ White Tara, Quan Yin, Selena.

Mantra of the Pearl flame (3 times):
I am sacred being of White light,
I am being of Pearl flame
I am adept of Purity and balance,
Guided by arch. Gabriel.
I am channel of Harmony and Light.
Opening the white lotus of love.

I am channel of Harmony and Light. 

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel medium 

Ascension flames and mantras -I (Blue and Yellow)

    In this article I` ll present what are ascension flames and how many are they? How to activate certain flame using your astral body and chakra cleansing. How to say activation formulas for the flame and invoke the angels and elementals of the flame. I hope you enjoy this spiritual journey.

  Ascension Flames are dedicated to all angels and archangels in certain hierarchies and groups. They are also linked with the ascended Masters, that are keepers of the Rays and flames. Each ray has specific function, ways to tune in and special group of angels to come and help you. To activate the flames you need to achieve level of initiation, which will add to your spiritual experience and help you to expand your energy in the best possible way.

There are seven Sacred rays (acc. To Elisabeth Clair Prophet, founder of Lighthouse and New age movement). The rays are actually much more, but for this current level of ascension of humanity, only seven rays can be fully activated. These rays carry special messages to all humans and give special initiations to each individual, who can work with them. The rays are related to cleansing and transformation power of Flames – so every adept, who is already familiar with the rays and angelic presence, can work for expanding his spiritual experience with the seventh Flames and seven Masters of the flames. Each flame vibrates with different color and frequency, and is dedicated to different ascended master and angelic group. Each flame also gives unique experiences and develops certain qualities in the adept. To enjoy the full spectrum of flame energies, we need to be strongly devoted and to take the spiritual challenge as a mission. Not everyone could achieve that high, but some people could just touch the surface of that spiritual initiation. Also certain qualities needs to be developed before others, that’s why the initiations and flames have order to be learned. You cant start learning from the highest to lowest. These are the seven sacred Flames and their masters ~
(* have in mind that all activation mantras given should be repeated several times – 3, 9, 12 or 22 times by your choice. The more you repeat the mantra, the more effective it will be for you. The minimum is repeating three times.)

I.                   Sacred Blue flame and master El Morya

(ethereal retreat – mount Darjeling, India)
The first ray works with the divine group and under guardianship of Archangel Michael and Blue flame angels. It`s dedicated to create the qualities – discipline, strength, courage, speaking truth, devotion, surrender to divine Will. It holds the keys of self-reliance, acceptance, faith and initiative power. This flame has masculine energy and has the power to make persons aura protected, safe and strong with beautiful Blue flame. Meditation can be made with stones: azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Tanzanite, Kyanite, blue quartz. The energy is intensive and energizing, sending power. It can open all ethereal body, some connect its energy with Throat chakra or Third eye –but in all presentations I think the flames open all chakras and unblock all hidden dark energies from the etheric body. This flame works also with Blue devas – Ishtar/ Inanna, Isis, Persephone – The sacred signs of the Blue flame is Blue pentagram and five petals Blue lotus flower. The elements associated with it is water and air. (Many world teachers wrote their doctrines in guidance of Blue flame and El Morya –like the spiritual teacher Benisa Duno in Bulgaria).

You can make frequently cleansing prayer to master El Morya: “Beloved master El Morya, with the guidance and power of arch. Michael and Blue flame angels, release and unblock all low energies from my body, make my body strong, full of passion, protected and safe. Fill me with the intense energy of the cosmic Blue flame, let it cleanse deeply all my body, mind and heart, purify and expand all my chakras, cleanse all my aura, so that I`m loving adept of Blue flame. Thank you and so it is.”

Mantra for Blue flame (3 times) ~
I am a being of Blue light
I surrender to Gods will
I am a being of Blue flame
All darkness is dispersed
Guided by arch. Michael
I am protected and safe
I am adept of courage and truth
Blue petals lotus opens now
In the Star Peace of Soul.

II.                 Sacred Yellow flame and master Lord Lanto ~

This flame is connected with illumination and wisdom. Retreat –Royal Teton, the Great Wall of China, Lanchow. This ray is supported by the amazing energy of archangel Jophiel and Amber Flame angels. They bring love, beauty, wisdom, intuition, clarity, new ways of learning and teaching, love of spiritual knowledge. Amber yellow flame is quite important for humanity and it opens the mind and heart in the same astral level. To master this flame you need to have artistic gift – from music, art, literature, poetry, speaking, teaching and to spread your light to the world. That’s the aim of the second ray – teaching and learning initiations. Social involvement, not isolated research. Be part of the world, spread your knowledge, show your inner Self, understand, compare, expand. Amber flame will bring you beautiful energy of self-esteem, power of knowledge and education in succession. Other amazing masters of this ray are Confucius and Lao Tzu. The devas –goddesses of amber golden flame are –Amaterasu, Lakshmi, Sophia. They spread the divine wisdom, and blessings of prosperity and fortune.
The sacred signs are: amber golden 8 petals lotus or eight pointed star in a golden circle. (star of occult knowledge).

Mantra of the Yellow flame (3 times)~
I am a being of Yellow light
I am open to wisdom and art
I am a being of Yellow flame
Guided by archangel Jophiel
I am open to beauty of world,
Golden lotus of wisdom opens
In the Star of the Soul.

I am grace in Yellow flame. 

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel medium