Sunday, October 15, 2017

Love Longing relationships -II

III.                   Unconditional love –what is?

   I would like to ask first another question – does unconditional love exist? The answer (also given from my angels) is yes, it does. But not everyone in his mind-pattern and spiritual level is appointed to reach the unconditional love. What is that feeling? This is the pure cosmic love send to us in form of cleansing divine Light from the Source (god) and encompassing all living things. Moreover, unconditional love is given for free, its easy to achieve (even earth people rarely can achieve it), as it’s the light inside your heart. To give unconditional love for others, first you need to have it by yourself – to love yourself unconditionally, or with pure heart, with open mind-flow. Why unconditional? That means simply without judgment. Judging others by looking from our own perspective and point is easy. Most people fall in trap of judgment, struggle with overbearing ideas or wrong concepts. Not judging is linked to one: let it be! Let things be as they are, no need of external or internal force to them. See them, observe them and love them as they are. Unconditional love means that your divine sparkle light within your Heart connects and feels the divine sparkle of light in heart of another. That’s how you can love everyone, if you reach to this level of mind. This is the pure Christ love. Humanity is not yet ready to pour such love in his heart. Unconditional means above all judgments, above Ego –mind, above restrictions and limitations. That’s the freedom of divine love. Its so easy to achieve, and yet so hard for us. Why is that so? Mostly because of Ego existing. When we become pure souls –or pure light (close to angels), we will achieve finally the unconditional love. All of us. Now this love will be felt just from some people, who have higher consciousness and spirit. Even so – everyone in his life time experienced unconditional divine love at least once. That could be a moment, seconds or less in time of eternity. But he felt this love. Such pure love is hard to be present or intermingling in our relationships. That’s because we are here in a hard form (clay level) so its not so easy to reach to pure bliss all the time.

    That’s why I want to give more details on how to recognize love-longing relationships and what to do to avid them? These steps will help us achieve higher level of love, coming closer to pure unconditional love.

These are four sure signs that you can look for, if you want to make the right choice for relationship or marriage.

1. Admiration

    Admiration is amazing feeling of respect, approval and warm impression from the person you love. To admire him goes far beyond the physical appearance or simple attraction, that is on body level. Admiration is attraction of the soul to the inner qualities, interests, likes, dislikes, moral values and views of this person. That means you love and approve his mindset, his ideas, his needs, his goals, the things he loves, or the way he deals with people and situations. Admiration is not adoration, but can have some of its qualities – you find qualities, traits, behavior, speech, or anything inner inside your partner attractive and worthy. Your value him and treasure him, you cherish him as a person.
Admiration is the first sign of mutual understanding and connection. If you don’t admire someone for his personal qualities, he cant become so close to you. Then you ll achieve closeness and gentleness in your love-relationship. This is the first trait that love-longing relations don’t possess. Admiration also shouldn’t be just from one side. If you admire your partner, but he doesn’t, something is missing in the puzzle. Ask yourself the question: do I feel admired and loved by him/ her? In what way he admires me and what are my personal qualities that he admires?
How I`m valuable for him and in what ways he shows me that its so?
Do I feel in his eyes that I am source of inspiration for him?

If the answer of any of these questions is “no”, then you need to look again and revise what is hidden for you in your current relationship. What are love pieces that are missing? Is it possible for you to achieve what you want? If you cant love your partner as he is, for what he is now.., then no change will be sustainable. You and him need to be inspired by each other, to share your ideas and admire what each others qualities. Admiration is like and approval on higher level, of the soul. You feel and see him/her as good or perfect in many respect. No need to admire him for all (as everyone has weak points), but admire him for any special thing.

Without admiration your relationship will be dull and without colors, and soon will fade away. Many people sadly maintain empty relationships just for purpose to “not be alone” to not lose something they have. These are false believes, so its much better to quit such love-longing relationship. 

* continue to part III ...

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel medium 

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