Cool are the three upper chakras above the area of Heart – Throat, Third eye and Crown chakra (Sahasrara). All they have cold and cool energy and color and are linked to higher realms of mental and spiritual body. They are also connected to Higher self (in the place of Soul Star chakra 3-4 inches above the head). Higher self is the activated merkaba of the soul. The merkaba of the soul is center of spiritual protection, and energy central for the Spirit. The upper chakras are related to the Spiritual self and our way to connect with higher beings of Light, angels, archangels, ascended Masters, God, goddesses.
Vishudha (light blue Lotus)
chakra is very important vortex swirling in light blue. It is responsible for
our expression in world, creative way, our spiritual mission, accomplishing our
creative ideas. Its also center of social communication, union between people
in one social zone, ability to unite people around certain idea. Vishudha provides the scientific, creative and
artistic progress for humanity. All people of different kind of art, talents
for fine arts, writers, composers, people dedicated to musical skill (specially
singing, classical music, opera, piano, violin and all instruments, except
is the way out to speech, public performance (link of inner circle with
Manipura chakra) – theatre, cinema, dance, music, teaching, learning language,
drawing, architecture.
is center of expression of our higher mission in world. The union between our
goals (Manipura) and success of accomplishing them for the society and others,
union between our passions and our profession. Manipura and Vishudha both make
a inner Ying Yang circle in the body. Vishudha is our voice from heart and Mind
(third eye). It holds activated energy of giving to others what we have
(talents, ideas, teaching), its energy of sharing in the world from our
creative Self.
– ethereal cords
is the first chakra connected to subtle ethereal plane. It represents what we actually
do, how we act and defend our principles, friends, society, family, country
and whole humanity. It represents what we are able to give. While Manipura represents what we
are able to receive from our cherished people, society, children.
reflects the way we react, the way we speak and what kind of words and language
we use. It’s the active power of words and language and has really magical
power in our life. If the language and words we use is positive it will attract
and activate positive energy for Vishudha. In the same way if the language we
use is negative (or offensive, abusive), it will activate negative energy
inside Throat. That’s why most people who use offensive language will have
strong problems with Vishudha center, which may increase to physical illness.
have always open and healthy vishudha, you have to speak from heart, to speak
exactly what you think, to not hide your thoughts and feelings, to feel free in
social circles and nurture your creative self through art and music. Do what you are
called for and don’t do something just “by obligation”. That’s the mission of
Vishudha. Be yourself and not anyone else. Be your own voice. The mission of
Throat chakra in spiritual plane is spreading spiritual teaching and knowledge
to others – through organizing communities around spiritual idea, writing
articles, sites, publishing spiritual books, channeling to others messages from
angels and spiritual realm – all these are related to Vishudha. Writers need to
be specially careful about this chakra and keep it clean, as they are “singers”
of written words.
Often Vishudha center is referred to angelic help of Gabriel, gentle angel who will help you to find out your true creative self, to be open for social activities, to speak the truth.
Affirmation for Vishudha: "I express myself freely, I m open and honest in my communication, I like to express my creative self; I speak the truth, I seek to know the truth from others; I like to create art, music; I like writing and sharing my works, I`m good teacher and student; I listen to my inner wisdom and follow my dreams on my earth mission. I speak kindly and from my heart. I dont hide my emotions, I`m open to sharing."
nina Lea-nour *
@ angel medium
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