Saturday, October 14, 2017

Cool chakras -Third eye -VI

VI. Ajna – indigo blue lotus

   Ajna is the Third eye center, situated between your eye brows or little above in the middle of your forehead. This is chakra of the Mindful self, connection to Higher mind, consciousness, understanding and wisdom. This is the vortex of activated energy of knowledge that we are able to give to the world. (knowledge from within your brain pattern). The center of Ajna is the point within your brain, it has shape of white ethereal three side pyramid. The top of this pyramid connects to the crown chakra and to Soul star chakra. Ajna is the start for our ethereal connection or energies of invisible world spectrum – high spirits, devas, angels, god. With open and activated Third eye you have the power to perceive world beyond the visible plane; also it increases your qualities –open minded, tolerance, awareness, able to let go of past, mindfulness, awaken and conscious self.
With healthy energy of Ajna you are able to take responsibility and take decisions on your own life. Ajna is connection with your consciousness and that to the whole world.

 Physical organs ~
Physical organs that work with Ajna are eyes, brain, skull, nervous system. This chakra is in Ying-Yang circle with Sacral chakra (feminine enrgy, sub consciousness, feelings). If Svadhishtana is sensation of visible reality – the Third eye is sense for invisible reality. Here are some other oppositions within the circle 

~ Satisfaction (Sacral) -  devotion, awareness (Ajna)
~ creative earth energy -sexuality (Sacral) - creative spiritual energy – enlightenment (Ajna)
~ joy, blissful emotions in life (Sacral) - spiritual joy, inspiration (Ajna)

Ajna is inspiration, deeper knowledge about lows of the universe, wisdom of life, memory of life path, learning process, study details, intuition about hidden aspects of self and universe, connection to angels and masters through perceiving. Center of understanding our reality in all forms –visible and invisible and higher purpose of your existence.  

Ajna chakra is open more in the night when we have special perception and dreams, we are subconsciously connected to the space beyond, and to the finer ethereal levels. That’s why any sleeplessness or not observing good times for sleep, will reflect on Ajna. As all chakras Ajna is very sensitive on foods and harmed by excessive use of sugar products and flour products. To maintain open Third eye you need to eat mostly fresh foods –fruits and vegetables in periods of time. For opening Ajna is useful to make Moon meditation (Full moon), as the moon energy flows well and has good stimulation on Ajna.

Make visualization, imagine you are sitting in the forest or in front of a mirrored lake. The full moon is reflecting in the still waters. Imagine the moon grow and its energy amplifies your strength, then it comes as rays of light through (blue) crystal ball into your Third eye. Feel and see the sparkling energy rays flowing to your chakra, feel peaceful and relaxed. This is powerful tool to help you open your Third eye and expand your vision of spiritual world. 

Affirmation for Ajna: "I have peaceful and open mind, I involve in spiritual activities, meditations, prayers, yoga. I can sense the world beyond visible matter, my intuition is sharp, I have creative ideas, I feel the energies around me, I can sense the negative energy around any person or situation. I have deep sleep and dreams, that reveal many aspects of my  lives or symbols. I receive constant spiritual knowledge, I expand my mind, I m free to the flow of divine Light and angels."  

nina Lea-nour *
@ angel medium 

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