Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Monogamy and Synchronizing in partnership -III

      So the socially approved monogamous model of stable, life-long relationship is not suitable or even has unhealthy aspects, due to deeper need of the soul for expansion and spiritual development – which comes from multiple relationships. Even so, the person will have again special lessons to learn and to develop to some point, but it wont bring the inner change, or inner spiritual power, if it stays in a life-long relationship. This is the same as all kind of changes, which people try to RESIST. Another thing I want to say is, resistance of change (or fear of change and from that personal growth), is also the basis of the stable long-term relationship (marriage). Fear of change and feeling insecure and unstable, which is the one of the basic social fear in “modern society”.
That’s how by beings in this modern socially approved stable family core, people start to find ways to “escape” the social matrix (including escape the lows and values) by many ways. That suppressed spiritual or any kind of development and change will appear as :

1. inner conflict, not knowing who you are and what is your mission, obesity, depression, sleep disorder and disorder of Thyroid (throat charka);
2. Conflict with others – being selfish and acting mostly from point of personal ego, relying only on personal power, and imposing your own views on others (believing just your way of life is the “right one”)
3. Conflict with the inner values – that may be visible in adultery, deception, telling lies, hiding the truth, not sharing, being attracted to lust and increased sexual desires (to your partners or others), or opposite feeling of lack of sexual desire. 

     These all are results from monogamous life long relationship, which is in fact a stamp of society on the individual life. This kind of monogamous model of relationship becomes a stereotype, which brings social stability and permanent resistance in the matrix.
By making stable family core people cant easily escape the matrix, because they will be caught in social work, situations and material world issues, which works like spider web around. (that’s how social media – facebook mechanism looks like). This is the productive way to keep the society and average individual ignorant, or to control and manipulate his desires and needs. Also that can control the image and concepts of good and bad, and values.
That’s how all society is sure that being in life-long partnership (marriage) is good and being in multiple relationships is “bad”, which is very far from truth (universal truth).

      The way people synchronize together in the relationships is significant to understand the principle of monogamy and serial monogamy.  People in time of spiritual evolving, value the concept of one-and only partner and relationship, because they feel it`s connected to devotion. They way person is devoted to one partner can be seen in concept of monotheistic religions and oneness of God. Strangely in Islam the monotheistic concept is well working with early polygamy practices (or historical religious polygamy, which is related only to men). Even so contemporary Islamic societies don’t view polygamy as socially approved, but still as approved by religious leaders and Shariah. But this practice shows one very real and row condition that existed. 

     Devotion to one partner can be very mischievous, because how many people don’t actually “commit adultery in their heart?” (as Jesus says…) How many people in reality do not desire another partner, a different partner, don’t feel unstable, threatened, and how many do not stay within the life-long partnership only because they fear change or avoid being alone, financially unstable or fear social judgment, or afraid being alone parents, sacrifice their real desire for what they believe is good for children? Please observe well, try to answer by yourself.

    Or how many partners changed, or have different spiritual vibration, or become a different person. Or how many in a life-long relationship keep the same feeling of love, passion and support? Or how many stay inside relationship, because “there is no better choice”, or because they are used to each others qualities, or because of endless compromises of Self.
Is that the real value of life-long relationship?  No, that’s the social matrix of life-long relationship – spider web.

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to like, share this article, or post a comment below!
Stay blessed and filled with divine Light!

nina Lea-nour *
m E d i u m 

Monogamy and Synchronizing in partnership -II

       Reason why polygamy cant exist in our society is easy to understand – it doesn’t meet the values and requirements of society, it has conflicts with personal morality, and it has conflict with the human ego. (Reference - see information on some still living communities with active poligamy practices - some American mormons.) People usually come in “marriage relationship” because they want to have legal and socially approved connections, 2. they want to feel stable in family core, and bring up children, 3. they want to have life long partner, who to share life responsibility with; So in such stable, approved status of relationships, passion and long term love are finally not the most important. (even they are also appreciated well).
The next point in spiritual and psychological perspective is that this kind of relationships strive for qualities stability and permanency, on account of qualities flexibility, passion, and personal development.

       It`s true that such relationships if they are life long, they have very good point of learning with one partner, and focusing on the children education. But also they don’t have much space for personal growth, and they are not flexible. We could say even in multiple cases – maybe even 90% from all such couples, the energy of life long or extended monogamous relationship is stagnant and with rather negative influence on the individuals.

       People are meant and “programmed” to have multiple experiences in relationships with different, multiple partners, in different life stages. That means any soul has many, multiple Soul mates, as well as many Karmic relationships (from past lives), and many other experiences of new choices. This is the spiritual perspective on relationships, which is out of the social lows and norms, and out of “normal” views of humanity. That means relationships from spiritual perspective are opposite of what we can call “approved” , as they are made to bring you different soul lessons, karma cleansing, self-knowledge, growth and achieving higher qualities as forgiveness, compassion, self-love, and unconditional (Christ) love. That`s how the spiritual pattern works. It doesn’t care of social connection or social matrix. It looks from very higher perspective, the one of Soul lessons.

      That’s how such stagnant and stable in itself family core/ relationship wont be very spiritually stimulating; on the contrary – the relationships that brings multiple soul lessons – including the lesson of letting go, releasing old – will be much more appreciated. That’s how most (I don’t say all, as they are so many different cases!) but most advanced souls are actually going through many different relationships, partnerships and lessons in a life time. Or some of them are even just “out of relationships” or need to find the suitable partner, or not in a stable family core. In most cases such souls are more able to have time and focus on spiritual aspects of life in any kind –religion, self-growth, education. While people in stable family core, are usually busy with many real life tasks and obligations of life, they wont have much time to be spiritually devoted. Of course there are different lessons and souls, I speak about the majority.

      Something more –the two people need to be always in alignment with each other within the couple, and never change, or change simultaneously both, in order to remain in one spiritual plane. That is really how the spiritual and advanced partnerships will look like! They can be life-long, monogamous, and spiritually devoted, as two people will be in the same vibrational level. But how many times people do change in a life time? Is it possible for growing soul to stay unchanged and in the same level for all the life? Yes, it is possible the soul to stay in one life long partnership, and to undergo multiple lessons and obstacles, and to not change” still the spiritual level – that means the souls are just not reached to the way of spiritual growth, and they have other ways to learn and expand. That does not mean the souls will be “bad or good” in any way. Just they wont be on the spiritual growth way, and not in the life of accelerating the spiritual potential, path or intuition. As I said that rarely happens , as advanced souls don’t experience smooth way of growth through relationships.

      Another reason is: just one relationship and one partner cant bring to the soul all needed lessons for spiritual growth. Even more – just one partner could bring also energy of stagnancy, block changes in life flow, and not allow life of soul to unfold in its natural way. That is so, because each soul has already several life experiences that create several karmic relationships (people from past lives), and many soul mates. And the soul will be naturally attracted to these soul mates in some stages of life. That attraction can appear as friendship, or temptation (to go out of restriction of relationship), or as suppressed attraction that becomes blocked. In all these points it will remain inactively in subconscious mind. But all things that are inactive there can become “active” or will be unlocked by special circumstances when subconscious mind is “touched”.

So all that relationships of past will be in inactive state and waiting for their “turn” to become part of persons life.

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to like this article, share it, or post a comment! Stay blessed. 

nina Lea-nour *
m E d i u m

Monogamy and Synchronizing with your partner I

In this article I`ll observe very important question, that has different discussions and points in many religions, institutions, and psychological concepts – about humans monogamy and polygamy.
There are several views and concepts on that topic, as it can be seen from quite different perspective.

       In this article I have to define the terms monogamy and polygamy, and what ideas I connect them to. Monogamy is a relationship between two people, on mutual relationship as a couple, including sexual relationship, in aspect of partnership in long term; This relationship is connected with socially approved norms and behavior, and extended with having just one “marriage partner (or any kind of partner), in time and for all life.
Polygamy is relationship between two or more people, representing their relationship, including sexual aspects, as patterns from short or long term partnership, which is always related between three or more people. This kind of relationship could be extended in time, but its rarely linked with socially approved behavior and legality.

There is also the term called serial monogamy, which is having multiple relationships, at different times of life. I`ll discuss here the aspects of monogamy, polygamy and serial monogamy from higher energy perspective,  and human values.

So what we call “monogamy” is usually and mainly related with the aspect of “normality” and social norms, and one of the most underlined aspects of it are in the official marriage or partnership. Here we are viewing things out of the social norms and taboos, but with the elements of psychology of relationships. So I want to determine – monogamous relationships are formed and developed in cultural societies at later stage, as a form of observing exact social lows and norms. Cultural society needs to identify the couple and the instinct of having children in the single family, formed by mother, father and children. That’s how the social picture looks, which is growing throughout the historical periods.
The significance of that single family and children relationship becomes very strong in later times, with the significance of certain understanding about human moral values. In such way monogamous relationships are not only approved, but they remain the strongest pillars of family core. That’s also because of the fact, these relationship can be –stable, extended in time, and keep the same permanent status life long. In this way these monogamous relationships make social low and social relationships also in stable plane. One of the significant aspects of monogamy in society is – having just one and only one marital partner for the life. This will bring most stability in all other practical life spheres, as you wont be distracted by searching for another partner. Secondly the person is believed to be more devoted to bring up and educating his own children, if he is in stable monogamous partnership.

     That’s how the situation look from social perspective. There are many more sides to be considered.

     From psychological and spiritual perspective things look a bit different.

I have to determine, that the early humans were Not monogamous. They were practicing different kind of polygamous relationships, but also they were in need of adopting some restrictions, taboos and social practices. Polygamy is in fact related to the early stages of human DNA and was the real primal power and mind of early humanity. So humans are not monogamous by nature in history, but they are cultivated to develop to monogamous family core, because of social lows, taboos and restrictions. So monogamy is avoiding conflicts between sides, between couples (similarly to animal world fighting for females and territory). Monogamy in its deeper patterns and structure is not the primal state of humanity, and it is “build up” and strengthened with time. This state has positive and negative sides and effects on humans.

I`ll observe here in more details the negative or down sides of monogamy. First of all monogamous relationships start to gradually and steadily turn into “life long” socially approved partnerships (marriage), in which people stay in the couple (marriage) for all the life. The psychological pinpoint here includes the bringing up of children, that are normally to be just from one couple, and abnormally (extraordinary) to be from different couple. What that means? I ll give in example with case of people who are married two times and have children from both marriages (or relationships). Such cases exist, they are quite visible, but also they are not socially approved – the simple point is such cases are viewed as already memorable, strange or “brave”, as well as different than the social values. Not think about how many cases you know about person with 3 marriages or relationships, with children from all of them? And how many such marriages without children? You can see such cases will be even more rare, and that is so, because they are not socially approved or stimulated. That lies in many psychological reasons, including the state of human Ego, and acceptance.

nina Lea-nour *
m E d i u m 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hexagonal structure of water in ethereal plane -III

    All of the sea shells, sea sand, sea salt, and some other minerals, and waterfalls contain also spiral shapes, usually of one, two or three spirals connected together (see the trinity symbol!), which are moving fast in anti-clockwise direction. These spirals in fact contain information of time-space in our universe and are symbol of transcending the time illusion.

    Clear quartz, all kind of quartz (amethyst, citrine..) and diamond, also contain spirals and grids of multiple merkaba symbols (see here).
Pattern of 7 pointed stars are included in ethereal structure of wheat, oats, nuts, grains. They are very nourishing and open the thymus glad and heart.

As we can understand, humans can pray and affect the ethereal patterns in all elements, including water. You can pray on water to have healing effect on your body, or for something special, and ethereal parts will be affected by the prayer, so they will do the work. The same is valid for opposite though. You can also say spell (on water) or put some ingredients (like in black magic rituals), or you can affect crystals in the same way, the so called programming of crystals. So if you want you can recharge your water daily with positive affirmation.

Thank you for tuning in! Be blessed and stay in side of light and Love!

nina Lea-nour *
Spirit. medium

Hexagonal structure of water in ethereal plane -II

What about other elements and sub-elements?

      The thing to have in mind is, not only natural water sources have the ethereal particles and amazing healing structure. The same is valid for all elements – like crystals, minerals, the sea sand, leaves of trees, the tree trunk, flowers, plants, honey, fruits, flowers essences, oils, roots…
All transparent and translucent crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, fluoride, aquamarine, tourmaline, rose quartz, emeralds, peridot…have ethereal parts of 8 pointed star. Exception is diamond, which has patterns of 9 pointed star in his crystalline core. That’s why crystals are similar to vibration of the waterfalls. (8 star pattern).

      All other minerals or rocks – like turquoise, jasper, sodalite, lapis lazuli, have the 7 pointed star ethereal particles. They are similar to the sea sand and shells, that have also the same pattern. The leaves of tree and tree itself also contains 7 pointed star shape, as well as most flowers. Exception are some kind of flowers -roses, lotus flower, have 9 pointed star ethereal particles. Some white flowers have also hexagon pattern in structure. These patterns are included on ethereal level in the structure of leaves, stem and flower petals.

                                  Lapis Lazuli mineral 

(That’s why 7 pointed star is the symbol of fairy realm, magic and transformation of energy from nature).
All fruits and honey contain ethereal pattern of pentagram (5 star) meaning of protection, nourishment of physical body.

      The number and shape of the star pattern doesn’t mean higher or lower energy level. They are just dedicated to different aspects of nature and different relations to humans Higher self.
All animals (mammals) have active heart centre with 7 pointed star on ethereal plane. They have in Heart all instinct centres, as they don’t have developed Third eye chakra.

       All waterfalls, high mountain lakes and rivers, can naturally open the Third eye and Astral light of human. (inside Pineal gland, which connects to Akashic records). That’s also one reason why all hermits or people who want to achieve enlightenment are living in mountain places high.
Between heart and Throat chakra there is one very important center  -Thymus gland. It contains 7 pointed star pattern and it connects people soul directly with the nature source and earth. This centre transmits emotions to the world, and connects with all trees, plants, flowers, through it we are able even to communicate with them.
The new earth will start to exist after year 3033 -then will be first level of the New earth, and then big masses of human consciousness will be much higher in development.
Vibrations and tunes from the sound of crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, bells of chimes, or other instruments, produce air frequency with ethereal parts of 9 pointed stars. They are moving in circular motion anti-clockwise (opposite of the movement of human chakras). The same ethereal particles of 9 pointed stars are seen in smells (fragrances) of aroma essential oils (lavender, frankincense, myrrh, chamomile, rose…). They also have vibration colour shimmer in different shades of blue, indigo blue, lavender, violet, pearl white, pink.

Thank you for tuning in! Stay blessed and healthy !

nina Lea-nour *

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Hexagonal structure of water in ethereal plane -I

 The substance of water is one of the most important on our planet. It is also an element, source of life that holds the key to our understanding of many life forms. Water is much more than we know, or than we can see. I already wrote about significance of the water…

But what people don’t realize still is that water has a “mysterious” presence – it is alive. That presence is hard to be grasped or determined by scientific research, simply because it is on another plane -ethereal. The element of water not only participate in all healing and cleansing processes in human body, plants and animals, but is essential for the atmosphere, weather and cycle of life on earth.

The living substance of water (that we cant observe in physical world), contains special “ethereal particles” (as it`s name given by me). These particles are small elements, that exist in ethereal plane, so cant be observed by microscope. In water these parts have shape of grid, consisting of hexagram figures. The same hexagram shapes (existing in Star of David, ancient symbols, nature and flower patterns) are visible to the eye in structure of snowflake.

Here is explanation of why we can see the pattern of snowflakes. All sources of water element contain the ethereal particle of hexagon. That means water in the sea, oceans, rivers, rain, lakes…contains the ethereal patterns of hexagon. When that small drops of water fall as rain and they become frozen in the air and atmosphere conditions, they start to be magnified (like effect of magnifying glass). Then these ethereal parts become bigger in size – like 90-100 times, in that way they start to be visible and create the shape of a snowflake.

   Each snowflake has unique shape and pattern, appearing in the nature world, they contain also high vibrational energy with tunes of healing, love, purification, transformation. That energy is directed to all planet and beings.
    The pattern of hexagon is contained on ethereal level in human heart chakra centre, (in the so called Ethereal light in heart, which is channel of love, communication with spiritual world and opening to others). This hexagon light appears in more spiritual developed individuals, who reached level of self-love, forgiveness, and some basic level of awakening. This light works as a code and instrument for healing in the people on the path of ascension.
   Hexagon shape in nature and symbolic meaning of six, bring powerful healing and purifying energy to all life on planet. Six contains 2 times energy of fire (sun light) – and 3 times energy of water (moon) (3 x 2); that makes sense of why water has highly healing and cleansing effect to human body.
                                        Hexagone shape of snowflake -micro 

   The hexagon pattern from all water sources connects on ethereal level with the Ethereal light in the heart of human beings. In that way they enhance the hexagon particles in the heart and help to accelerate the process of spiritual awakening.
Hexagon ethereal particles are contained in water sources: rain, snow, haze, sea, ocean, spa springs, high mountain lakes (natural), natural water basins, rivers (high mountain). All these sources are naturally connecting with the 3 main centres in human body: Heart (ethereal) in shape of hexagon, Third eye (Astral) in shape of 8 pointed star, octagon, and celestial (in Soul Star) in the shape of twelve pointed star.
Some water sources – very high mountain lakes or spa springs, and waterfalls have ethereal part of 7 pointed star or 8 pointed star (for all high waterfalls), not hexagon.

They connect naturally to all human lights (that are parts of Soul complex), and open all chakras.

 * Nina Lea-nour 
 Angel`s medium