Friday, August 24, 2018

Body illness from energy perspective -II


1. Head and skull (brain) injury or trauma ~
I mean a light” trauma – which is not related to karmic illness – like brain concussion, which is also very dangerous. Possible affects from: you refuse to see clearly situation in your life; something in your life needs to be changed dramatically, but you neglect this change.; need of transition and personal growth to higher level; - need of change of perspective, mind pattern or personal values. – need of personal transformation. Usually such injuries happen in very specific time and are never “by chance”. They need us to take time for change and grow slowly from inside. Something new is coming and you need to realize it clearly.

2. Ears illnesses ~

Left ear – a pain or any other more durable illness of left ear can be related to: being offended by someone who is close to you; being inactive and in passive position and allowing (silently) to be offended with words. Not reacting to someone` s constant verbal offences, keeping emotional resentment, anger or any negative feeling toward person who offends you multiple times; offensive, evil words that you hear regularly, curses, or bad language, feeling depressed and not reacting on the offences.
Right ear – thinking or speaking out offensive, evil words to someone (close to you). Thinking or “sending” bad thoughts regularly to someone with aggressive behavior. Suppressing aggressive words and emotions to someone, but showing bad behavior to the same person. Suppressing good and encouraging words to someone.
Usually the left ear is related to suppressed words of resentment and anger, non reaction to offence, and right ear pains appear after you speak out aggressive or offensive words to someone (doesn’t matter if you think the person deserves or not).

3. Eyes, sight imbalances, illnesses, pain:

Eyes are extremely vulnerable organ who could have multiple energy imbalances before appearing as “illness”. Generally eyes problems connected with damage of sight (or diopter) could be result from refusing to see the truth or situation clearly and not realizing your own spiritual values, or spiritual path. Both eyes are connected to the Pineal gland – or Third eye. That’s how constant eyes problems will most probably affect also the Third eye –intuition, open mind –creativity –imagination – mindfulness. Of course the problem wont result in all these aspects together, but will be in one or more. Eyes problems also develop gradually, and sadly such problems visible in little children will point to such pattern  of mind from their parents (or one parent specially). (Remember that until 9 years children are vulnerable and totally depend -or fed from- the aura of their parents. Later they develop their own energy field and still they have strong ties – energy cords- with their parents.)
Problems with eyes are generally related to emotional/ mental conditions or feelings: envy, jealousy, caring what other people think/ say about you; feeling of lack on material level – by making comparison with others. Making comparison on material level with others – and feeling envy for material success, prosperity, money or situation of others. (have in mind that envy here does not include Qualities!, but objects. Feeling of envy and jealousy for material success is connected with left or both eyes.
Right eye imbalance – influence from the energy of someone, who envy you [ for material things, objects or success ]. That specially can appear in having little redness, eye injury, which common cause should be “small polluted particle in eye”. This will be someone who is also relatively close to you – friend, family member. Being overly possessive or jealous towards your partner also reflects in the illness of eyes or right eye – but this may include also other organs – like liver for example. (Remember that body is a complicated machine in which all parts are immanently connected and related, function as one.)

4. Nose – throat – trachea
    These are main organs related to Throat chakra and thyroid. This is extremely vulnerable place in all body. As I wrote in “Yin –Yang energy flow” it functions to reverse the energy to both right and left side and makes the transition. This is place of cleanness and truth, and under the spiritual support of arch. Raguel and Gabriel. Problems in these areas are very commonly appearing each year in little children too, in form of flu or cold, soar throat. They are so common also not because of cold weather or “viruses” as we may assume, and as usually is presented by mass media. This concept is totally wrong. The problems in nose and throat – and thyroid come mainly from:

-         not speaking the truth;  hiding the truth, or hiding what you know about someone else –in order to “prevent him”; - being in hidden position and not following your inner spiritual guidance or spiritual mission; - being under force –dominated by someone else to chose a mission which is incompatible with your Higher Self. (examples here are endless of parents who force their children to study f.ex. language, or be engineers, or anything they think “guided” without the child to feel attracted for that.)
-         lying intentionally – telling chains of lies multiple times to more than one person.
-         Hearing offensive- aggressive words from someone close and not responding (again open your eyes and see how many children are in such position that they “couldn’t respond” and how many women in family life).
-         Passive position –being silent, not reacting in situation of offence to you or anyone else (cases of abuse of other people for ex. In which you were afraid to say something or to respond, even totally unknown people in street).
-         Offensive behavior in the family – for ex. shouting, screaming, aggressive arguments between parents, specially in front of the child.

-         Language of hiding anything, lies, speaking with evil language, or anything opposite of kindness – can reflect on all family members but most vulnerable are children.

Thank you for tuning in! 
Continue to part 3 ....

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

Body illness from energy perspective -I

Any organ in human body is influenced on energy level, before physical illness appears. As we know all imbalances within us –emotional, spiritual, physical – come first from higher level (of energy), and then they are activated in a visible state what we call “physical” or hard matter. That’s how all things work in the universe – first in the “energy levels” (spiritual), then manifest (appear) in lower levels. The process is much longer and more complicated than this. But now I want to mark in this short article only the basic spiritual/ emotional influences, reasons for physical body imbalances.
     It is already proven - since long time- that there is immanent connection between the mind - and body, between the psychological, emotional, mental state and the physical body functions. All things in nature appear from invisible (level of ideas) to visible – tangible – levels of manifestations, active power. The same is valid for our precious body – it is quite important instrument that we need to keep in state of good health and cleanness. In order to do that though people need to follow many steps. If you eat healthy (or organic foods), if you practice regularly Yoga, reiki, meditations and all different kind of spiritual activities, you still can be prone to multiple illnesses or imbalances of physical body organs. Why it is so?

     Even all these spiritual practices are great for you, and without a doubt will reduce the levels of such imbalances for your body, still there are many other factors to be taken in mind, such as: - level of daily stress or balanced portions of free time- work time –sleeping time. 2. level of emotional stress (overcoming or realizing hard relationships, heart brake, forgiveness, ability of letting go, ability to release past traumas and pains…) 3. The level of realized and activated personal values and principles ( do you work on progress of enhancing your positive qualities? Do you work on changing, releasing, cutting off your negative traits that hinder your development in many aspects? In what ways you work and what is the time you commit to personal/ spiritual development? ). 4. Level of sensitivity and ability to react properly on external forces and environment ( what is your sensitivity related to other people and social acceptance? Do you feel you “fit in” a group or social behavior or the whole society? How do you react and how the whole society affect your mindfulness and emotions? Do you have increased sensitivity and reactions on negative energies (of people, situations, speeches, news, friends…)?

All these questions are part of the big picture and by answering them you can determine for yourself what kind of illnesses/ imbalances of physical body you could have. Even so the topic is quite wide and complicated. Here I would like to present just a very simple and straight to the point outlines of the problem with body and inner organs illnesses. (In the way they were given to me in meditation from an Archangel.)
I hope this to be useful for you. The list can be much longer, but I tried to go through the main physical organs and related to them emotional – spiritual brakes (wounds).

2. Any kind of illness can be determined as appearance (manifestation) of long term developing processes within emotional and mental bodies in all levels. That’s how illness of physical body comes in the last stage. The first appears the “imbalance” or brake of emotions, mental brakes (wrong values and wrong believes), and all other factors of environmental stress I mentioned above. These factors and imbalances are mostly invisible in the first stage. But they are growing gradually, developing, changing or multiplying gradually…until they reach to the moment of manifestation (or real illness in body). That’s a whole process. To be more clear – for example you are left from the person you love, or you went through a heart brake and emotional pain. Then you need time to overcome this situation on emotional level. And this time “off” is obligatory, in order your body to recover. If you don’t want to see your situation clearly, or you refuse to accept your emotional wound and take your time to recover, then this imbalance will surely affect in any illness on physical level. Depending on your values, sensitivity, character and so on...factors, the illness can be different and affect variable organs (places). What is sure is that it will appear, no matter when and how. In this time you will be also much more vulnerable to any illness, as your energy will be more “down” than usually. This is quite normal, that’s why what you need in this time is to focus your attention to increase your energy and state of mind by practicing spiritual recharging activities (meditation, Reiki, music…Tibetan bowls, traveling, sleeping, reading..) They could be also multiple depending on personal preferences. If you let yourself down in this current state of energy and heart brake, your emotions will go down until you become really exhausted and finally will result in physical illness.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part: ...

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

Meditation for forgiveness in Blue sphere -II

5. The end of the meditation in case we are still in connection with this friend, we see his sphere of light to become separate again, he becomes smaller and goes away in the distance, while looking at you with love.

You could repeat this meditation regularly, if you want to achieve better results, as this will definitely affect on the astral body of your friend.

The meditation has many variations, according to what kind of relationship you have with this person - if you are still connected with him, if he passed away, or in life, if he is your past beloved, or ex husband/ wife.
Don’t forget the following very important details – in meditation with person who is not alive anymore, but was close to you, or with someone, who is no longer connected with you, but alive, you have to say the words before you separate: “ I let you to go in the Light, sending you love and blessings.” 
These words indicate that the person can not have any physical connection with you, but you still can maintain spiritual connection by heart.
In case also if his astral body becomes attached” to you again ,he wont be able to stay with you or appear in your dreams.

* When you make meditation for love in the past (or past life), you see the same beautiful sphere of light, but this time appears the arch angel Chamuel, who brings sparkling pink sphere of light around you and the person. The sphere encompasses also both of us, my beloved and I hold pink lotuses in our hands, then release them and they float in the air above our heads. The lotuses in this meditation can`t become one, but they remain separated – above my head and above his head one pink lotus in sparkling light sphere. We say the same words. But in addition we exchange little rings of light pink material with the sign of eternity above. They are exchanged only if we had close intimate relationship with this person, who is now no longer with us, or we are separated physically. In this case we exchange the rings saying: “ With this ring your spirit light and love shines in my heart in eternity. May this ring make you free from any resentment about your love relations in the future. And so it is.” Your ex partner / beloved says the same words and you exchange that pink crystal rings.

Then the sphere of your beloved from past starts to be smaller and smaller, together with his astral body, and goes further and further away…until disappears from your sight. If you wont meet again physically you say “I let you to go in the Light, sending you love and blessings.” 

Next you need to sit for a while in quiet meditation, looking to the sacred lake. And let all your emotions flow freely. Don’t hold anything inside. Notice any thoughts and feelings. You ll see then the totem animal soon appear next to you or in front of you. This animal is the actual sign from the person and holds keys to your relationship in spiritual world. If the animal is like: white dove, swan, peacock, white owl, humming bird…it’s a sign that the person you invoked in the meditation is well and in good state of mind, and he sends love to you. If otherwise the animal is like black owl, black bird, or any kind of black animal or cat – will be a sign that the person is not feeling well or struggle with pain or illness or heavy thoughts in that time, or he is surrounded by negative energy.

* The same meditation you can make very successfully for any close or distant family member for forgiveness and love or making the connection closer. The responsible arch angel will be Sandalphon. The sphere of light will be turquoise, and when you invoke the person (for example mother, father, brother, sister…) you say: “ Welcome/ Greetings divine being, I recognize in your Higher self the energy of my “mother/ father…” in the present life.” Then the words from the first meditation repeat. Specially you have to say that you are grateful for all “love, support and spiritual lessons” that she gave you, and which made you in higher state of divine spirit. You can add also “ You are part of my spiritual group.”

When the meditation is with arch. Sandalphon and family member, then you see little turquoise cords attached from your body and heart to the body and heart of another person. Such cords are also connected from your palms to his, and from your third eye to his. Your hands wont touch, but you ll feel pulling of these cords. You can remove the cords, using the power of arch. Sandalphon, but except the heart cords, which will remain. If you had very heavy experience with this person, you can also visualize removing the heart cord, then say “I release all your cords attached between us, I forgive you and release all the negative feelings and darkness away from me. Now my soul is free from you.”
With the close family member, who you don’t like to release” all cords, you can exchange gifts of blue light bracelets. They will be very thin and light like a feather in blue light, that wraps around your wrists. These are bracelets of devotion and love in your spiritual group. They have the sign of Sandalphon. You can say when you giving the gift of bracelet: “I` m on my own way, but we are still together in the Light of spiritual group. Be blessed, Thank you.”

That’s all about meditations for forgiveness, love and bliss with another person, beloved from past or family member. Remember that this visualization will be most powerful if you make it in time of energy portal (new, full moon, solstice – 7 days after, or equinoxes – up to 7 days after, or in a day with higher vibration – 07.07, 08.08 and so on). You need to do that for 3 days in a raw, to intend forgiveness from your heart and to invoke just one person. 

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to share this article, subscribe, post a comment or ask a question! 
Blessings in love and light on your spiritual path. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

Meditation for forgiveness in Blue sphere -I

This meditation is designed for people, who struggle with being unable to forgive someone, who feel lost, grasped by negative emotions, sadness and anxiety. It will provide you with peaceful light, calmness, open the heart to forgiveness and improve the whole energy circulation within you. All you need to do is to find quite place and be persistent for 3 days by 20 min visualization. Focus with intention before starting the meditation, and call upon your guardian angels or guides you would like to be with you in this time.

In this meditation you visualize yourself and another person in aquamarine sparkling sphere of light – to achieve forgiveness or to listen any messages from the person, if you are no longer in connection with him/ her.
First of all sit in a comfortable position and balance your breath. Breath deeply several times, and it`s recommended to just feel and sense your body and breath, quite your mind for 5 min around, before you start. Remove your self slowly from any thoughts in this moment, be quiet and still, go to sacred place of deep awareness and focus inward.
1. Now see beautiful divine light descend from above as stream of crystal white flow. It penetrates your Crown chakra, and moves throughout all your energy body and all chakras. You feel cleansed. Breath deeply and adjust to the higher vibrations of this divine light. See now arch. Raguel next to you, embracing you with loving aquamarine blue wings of energy. You are in a fairy-like land, with crystal clean lake in front of you, sitting in a green garden, full of scent of flowers and trees. Notice what kind of flowers you see there? What animals appear in this sacred space. They are sure signs from your Higher self and your angels. And their presence here is meaningful. Archangel Raguel asks you now with gentle voice “Who do you need to forgive? Who`s presence and astral body you need to call here?”  You visualize or just think about the particular person. (just one), who you want to connect in this moment. See his astral body coming nearby. You say “I ask for permission from angels and sprit and from higher self of the person…. (his name) to connect with him in this sacred space”. Raguel says “You have the permission” . Then immediately the astral body of that person appears (he could be anyone, a friend, beloved, or family member, but just one).
2. See his energy body coming to you, he is now within the sacred circle of Light. He wants to help you in your intentions of forgiveness and love.
Now he stands in front of you, close enough to see his face. He is smiling at you. See the pure crystal light blue sphere of light, that expands from your aura and encompasses both of you. The sphere becomes bigger and bigger and now you and the man are together in it, standing face to face. You see from your palms streaming pure blue light. Now hold both of your hands with this light in front of your chest, and your friend does the same, so your palms are almost touching. Between your palms there is blue streaming light. Stay little in this moment while looking to the eyes of your friend with acceptance. Then say: “Welcome, divine creature! I forgive you and send love and healing on your way, wherever you are. I ask you to forgive me now for anything in the present and past. I ask for forgiveness for anything in past lives.”
Your friend, while standing with palms touching yours says “I forgive you, divine creature. I release all negative feelings between us to the light.”.
3. Then I see sparkling blue lotuses floating on the lake. I reach and take one in my hands. Its glowing. My friend also takes one blue lotus in his hands. All movements are slow and careful. We come again standing face to face, and while looking to each others eyes, we hold our hands with lotuses in front of chest. When the lotuses with their light touch each other, they suddenly become one bigger pure lotus that is now floating in the air, between us. This is the lotus of love and forgiveness. You say: “ I see, feel in you love and light in all our past and future connections”. “ My heart is filled with gratitude for all wonderful moments, and divine lessons that I learnt from you. Thank you.” 

In the second day meditation your friend repeats the same words: “ My heart is filled with gratitude for all wonderful moments and divine lessons….”

4. Then we go to the lake and see amazing waterfall nearby. We step into the clean waters and I take in my hands little from the miraculous water and pour it above the head of my friend. I say the following: “Let this sacred water cleanse away all your negative thoughts and feelings between us, and restore your Higher self in the divine light.” See how the light flows through hair and face of that friend. He will do the same for you, taking water from the sacred lake in his hands, pouring It above your head and repeating the words. See how after that both of you have sparkling white and blue aura. All your chakras are perfectly open and glowing. See above your head the crown chakra as open blue lotus of energy shining. See in your heart and in his heart the same blue lotus opening with grace and shining. Feel the peace and happiness.

5. In the end of this meditation you sit on the shore of the lake, looking around and enjoying the presence of your friend. Notice how he has changed, maybe he became older or younger? Maybe his face has changed somehow?
Listen what other messages and words he will say to you. Be quiet for a while in order to listen. You speak with your friend in this sacred place, and suddenly an amazing animal appears in front of you. This is the totem animal of your friendship (or love). Notice and remember what kind is that animal? Is it bird or deer, or rabbit, squirrel, bear, fox or any other? Here your sub conscious mind and higher Self will bring you the picture of the right totem animal. It wont be “your” but for both of you and your friend. It will hold the symbol of your past relationship.
Now hold the hand of your friend, and stay a while, before releasing his astral body to the light.

After the 3 day of meditation with the same person, you have reached for forgiveness, but the results may vary depending on another person, and if he forgave you too. That will appear also in the image of the totem animal, that you both see. 

Thank you for tuning in! 
Continue to part II here: ....

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 

Akashic records -III

How any person receives information (mediumship) ?

      When the light in form of a channel or “tube” is send down to human, it enters first the Merkaba (celestial light), then flows down to our astral-mental light – (Third eye chakra ), and then goes into the heart (ethereal light). This is the whole process of communication – that is valid for angels connections. That happens only if we are: 1. in state of purity (obviously purity and openness of mind and heart), 2. spiritual awareness (we are aware of our actions and their impact in world). 3. focus and intention (which includes desire to connect and purpose – or reason why we do that). These are the main three conditions for all connections. That’s why it`s not possible any “channel” of angelic guidance to be “unclean” , just interpretations of messages will be normally slightly different.
The ways of communication of everyone is unique. The easiest way for angelic connection is through Heart chakra – on level of feelings, people who are sensitive connect with heart, and actually anyone could use this method – this is clairsentience (feeling by touch), clairalience). The next level of communication in spiritual realm is through astral –mental light (Third eye), - clear hearing, seeing, knowing…Each of these skills uses spiritual patterns and abilities that already exist in human, just need to be developed.

     Every human has already internal "link” (immanent connection) with the energy of Akashic library. This is though the Third eye and astral-mental Seed. But not every human has the ability, intention or desire to develop this light (to make it open), due to many reasons, so this divine seed remains closed. In this way the person blocks the channel of angelic connection, and he cant receive any messages, even if he claims he “wants”. The easiest way to block the channel of divine light is: - by consuming predominantly meat products (specially mammal animals), - by being present in strongly negative state of mind for longer time (anger, resentment, hatred, depression, stress…). Thought sadness is not included in the list because it is a feeling of “sensitivity to the environment” and for short times is quite normal.

-         being addicted to anything harmful for the body – cigarettes, alcohol, drugs…
-         having closed Heart chakra for longer time (weeks) will reflect in automatic closing the third eye.

If you want to become a channel of divine messages and open your Third eye (astral-mental seed), you need to do opposite things:
-         develop more positive qualities, be compassionate and forgiving, be loving.
-         Eat more vegetables and fruits in daily menu
-         Practice spiritual awakening by meditation, affirmations, art, yoga, use crystals.

~ About the Akashic library

     It has endless energy archives organized strictly in levels, circles, and rooms. They contain information for each human soul (and mindful soul in whole universe and galaxies), about all present and past lives of the souls. There are some outlines of the future incarnations, even with blank pages. There are rooms for every nation on Earth, rooms for the whole earth and process of ascension. Each room of nation has special symbol a color, that is also linked with angelic group (archangel, responsible for the nation).

~ Have in mind that the Akashic book of our soul present life has blanc pages, that we need to fill up, by enfolding our mind, body and activating our Self in earth level. But once we make a significant choice in our life, a chapter is written in the book (ahead) with link to the “future”. So we can access exactly this chapter consciously, through the Higher self. So we can read the chapter about the future, based on our current state of mind-spirit –body. The chapter also can be changed, in this way we need to be aware of changes and updates in Akashic book. Everything in universe is moving, changing, expanding –and collapsing. That’s why both forces are present and needed.

~ Foods that activate and open your third eye and psychic abilities:
The main power foods are: apples, grapes, black currant, blackberries, cranberries, red berries, pomegranate.
Almost all green leaf vegetables have similar effect even more slow.
Foods that open the heart chakra and develop sensitivity: apple, pear, tomato, green veggies, broccoli, kiwi, cherries, strawberries.
All fruits has the same intention – to open the ethereal light.
Foods that keep you grounded and with strong bones are: nuts, seeds, carrot, potato, rice, root crops.

~ how do you enter Akashic records?

You need to be in clear state of mind and open heart. – as most of spiritual practices. Connecting with your higher Self requires meditation, and will be helpful (but not obligatory) if you don’t eat for about 2 hours before and 1 hour after the meditation. You can sit or lie down in quite place, feel your breath, relax.
Listen to gentle music for meditation and connect with your Higher self. Stay in meditation for about 10 min, then say the words of entering Akashic light:

“I call upon archangel Metatron and group of divine keepers of akashic light –be with me now. I call upon my angelic guides, my mission angel (Gabriel) (and anyone who you like to invite – as. Master White Tara ex.). Please help me to enter, receive and understand the information from my Akashic book (library). I`m divine being of light, and I m in my Merkaba, so that I can feel and receive Akashic knowledge now. Thank you, and so it is.” 

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to share my article, post a comment or ask question! Light and blessings on your spiritual path. 

nina Lea-nour
angel`S medium

Akashic records -II

IV.                   How humans can access Akashic records?

      The meaning of the archives (divine records) are to keep safe the basic information on mindful development and levels, in the certain universe, even after the death of this universe. (as I wrote in another article the Universe has limited cycle of life). The souls are eternal , in such way they can have always access to their personal records. Most humans can read the Akashic records (at least they are given the ability for that!). They read the information through their Higher Self (or Astral body) which holds the celestial light. This is the light that we call “the divine sparkle” in each human. Everyone has this light, but not everyone can have access to it. So the Higher Self can safely connect to the archives and reveal certain information we need to the physical body (mostly brain, or heart, where are the astral-mental and ethereal lights). The way the process happens is through something like “energy chip” (* please don’t imagine anything like electronics here, but we speak about energy.), situated in the inner back side of the brain. (behind the astral-mental Light). With the help of this energy chip we can receive the information from our Higher self, and this knowledge to be translated to our language and social, ethical codes, patterns and believe systems. In such way what matters is not only what we “receive” as spiritual beings, but what we “understand” or how information is translated from our brain. This chips are the reason for different understanding or variable channeling of information on one and the same thing. Anyone can feel, see, listen all kind of information from outer world in totally unique ways. As all humans are unique, that means all the channeled information will look in slightly different way. That doesn’t mean the information will be “wrong”, as the source remains divine energy.
That’s how different people may see, hear or feel the information from divine source in different way – like poems, songs, music, taste, colors… The information will be valid for each human, just the “form” of receiving and ways of expressing it will be unique. You have to understand – angels don’t send you any information in form of poems, songs, smells, feelings –but it is your own perception that “uncodes” and translates the information packages in this way. Exactly that happens when we connect with higher Self and Akashic records. We make it with help of our energy chip in astral-mental light (Pineal gland), and we decode the given information in portions according to our qualities, believes, social and spiritual patterns. That`s why each human has unique way to receive and translate information.

III. Who can access Akashic records?
Anyone who has even distant or changeable connection with his Higher self (astral body) has the ability to access divine archives. I`ll give an example here in order to clarify. We are all given the ability for some things related to spiritual world. But many people simply cant use it. Why? The answer is not – because they don’t believe. In order to “believe” or not, you need to achieve certain spiritual level, and before that level you don’t have the required qualities and didn’t master any abilities. Just pure “believing” cant change the situation, as for all things actions –intentions and focus are needed. Example: imagine you are in a room, where you have table, bed, mirrors, books, mobile phone. Imagine now that you grow up in far away place, in a primitive tribe, and you feel amazed from all these objects in the room. You see bed, you see chair, you see mobile, you see book. You can see the objects but you never used bed before, you never used mobile, you don’t know how to read. Do you understand? The situation with many humans is similar – they have the “object” or ability (access), but they don’t know what it is and don’t know how to use it. Many people also are even not aware what they have in spiritual plane. That’s why they can be given the object (astral mental light and chip) but they still cant access the divine archives, or make angelic connection. That’s because they didn’t reach to certain level to understand how, or they didn’t put efforts in practicing! Please understand dear souls, spiritual work requires practices in real, not just “desire” and not just “intention” which are in the first place. That’s the same, as if you want to be fit, you cry and scream and complain to everyone, who its so hard to be slim, how you make restrictions, how you don’t eat enough….but you never thought about going to gym! And you look and envy people who play regularly sport, and say: why they are Given this body, and I m not?? Why it is so unjust? So –I give this example to realize simple truth – action is need for everything you need. If you want to be slim – play sport, if you want to access Akashic records – do spiritual work, devote yourself to it. That’s the way.

      So after you have the knowledge how to access the library, and after you have practiced – you can have information for yourself with simple pure intention.
Even so, many parts of the library are not accessible for humans. That’s quite normal. (the same as you cant understand the IT languages except if you are not specialist in the field.)

In contrast to that reading from Akashic records, being a medium and speaking with the Angels requires little more qualities or “talents”. Because the person connects directly to the angelic beings, without need of translation from Higher self. (that happens through any of the soul lights – astral – ethereal –celestial, and mostly if all of them are clean and open). The senses of the medium are already more open, that’s why he is called “sensitive” for the spiritual realm.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part: ....

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

Akashic records -I

In this article I ll answer the important questions about: what are the Akashic records? Who are the archangels or beings – guardians of the Akashic records? Has anyone “right” or ability to come in and read the Akashic records? Lets begin.

I.                   what are the Akashic records?

      The amazing topic of Akashic records spread through many spiritual teachers and practitioners. All they want to “show” and teach others how to access the Akashic records, what is the ritual for entering, so there is much information already available. Here I present my own perspective in the way of my channeled messages. Akashic records are giant energy archives, they are kept in for of endless spirals in time-space, and unfold, creating more and more archives. Some people compare them to a giant library. There are shelves with millions of books and scrolls, and when the new archives are entering, the library creates more shelves and space. The thing you need to remember is that Ak. Records are the archives of spiritual imprints” of the soul journeys in all universes – and it is related Only to the mindful beings. That means Akashic records are not kept separately for other forms of life (animals, trees, nature), but they are kept in a separate archives.
The records are situated in a highly energetic space in a spiral around the Central Sun of each universe. This spiral contains all spiritual information for all souls and their multiple lives in different time –spaces. In such way the records are intensified energy core of all “Contemporary” happening in universe – and relation to Soul and divine energy on all mindful planets.

II.                 Who are guardians of the Akashic records?

    The archangels in groups of Metatron, Raziel, Zadkiel, Seraphiel, Michael, Melchizedec are what we could call “guardians” of the divine records. I can try to explain what that means. When we think of Akashic records, we may imagine something quite simple – just all these angels are sitting in front of giant Library of records and “guard” them with their angelic swards. (funny, but not quite truth). Guardians here means that these angels –and that means their groups – are in charge of keeping the archives clean, organizing the Library, making the management of the archives, and making all lists of the souls journey. The groups of these archangels are the one who make “maintenance” for the divine Space-disc of information. It is similar to the action of our IT specialists – cleansing and storage of data, avoiding problems and mistakes in the system. As we know from article about Universes [ source here…] everything in world is amazingly well organized and endless – because its ever unfolding in cycles of death-birth.
When we say that “Metatron” is guardian of the Akashic records, that means – all angels from group of Metatron, their helpers, and also some spirit guides and angels of the souls, are in charge to keep the archives clean and organized and to put “updates” in them.

III.              How the archives of souls exist in time?

Here I want to ask the question – what is the actual time of Akashic records and how we could access information of what we call “future”. I`ll make one clarification here: as we live in our universal level (1-2), of hard matter, we have linear time, and that cant be change until our planet exists. We are here in this dimension for a reason and have exact purpose. We are not here “to suffer” (even hardship and suffer are part of our plan), nor to feel only joy (even joy is also part from existence), but to learn lessons, grow and expand our consciousness.

From angelic perspective, as I wrote in all places – there is no time or space, the way we know it. Angels live in a vast space-time of present. The same if valid for the Akashic records configuration. They are library of multiple stores, that exists out of” time-space, and that means it is in the center of all. That’s why humans can access information about future in the records, which is already “available” in the archives. Even so have in mind not all things are available in the divine library. The reason is, because souls are meant to change and evolve with time, so they can easily choose to “change”, grow and evolve into different beings, which also affects on the Akashic records updates. For that reason the archives are always updated with the “latest” soul qualities, lessons and achievements. In such way it`s very easy and out of doubt for angels to “see” and predict the direction, curves and downs of all mindful beings. 

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part here ....

nina Lea-nour
Angel`S medium