Friday, August 24, 2018

Akashic records -I

In this article I ll answer the important questions about: what are the Akashic records? Who are the archangels or beings – guardians of the Akashic records? Has anyone “right” or ability to come in and read the Akashic records? Lets begin.

I.                   what are the Akashic records?

      The amazing topic of Akashic records spread through many spiritual teachers and practitioners. All they want to “show” and teach others how to access the Akashic records, what is the ritual for entering, so there is much information already available. Here I present my own perspective in the way of my channeled messages. Akashic records are giant energy archives, they are kept in for of endless spirals in time-space, and unfold, creating more and more archives. Some people compare them to a giant library. There are shelves with millions of books and scrolls, and when the new archives are entering, the library creates more shelves and space. The thing you need to remember is that Ak. Records are the archives of spiritual imprints” of the soul journeys in all universes – and it is related Only to the mindful beings. That means Akashic records are not kept separately for other forms of life (animals, trees, nature), but they are kept in a separate archives.
The records are situated in a highly energetic space in a spiral around the Central Sun of each universe. This spiral contains all spiritual information for all souls and their multiple lives in different time –spaces. In such way the records are intensified energy core of all “Contemporary” happening in universe – and relation to Soul and divine energy on all mindful planets.

II.                 Who are guardians of the Akashic records?

    The archangels in groups of Metatron, Raziel, Zadkiel, Seraphiel, Michael, Melchizedec are what we could call “guardians” of the divine records. I can try to explain what that means. When we think of Akashic records, we may imagine something quite simple – just all these angels are sitting in front of giant Library of records and “guard” them with their angelic swards. (funny, but not quite truth). Guardians here means that these angels –and that means their groups – are in charge of keeping the archives clean, organizing the Library, making the management of the archives, and making all lists of the souls journey. The groups of these archangels are the one who make “maintenance” for the divine Space-disc of information. It is similar to the action of our IT specialists – cleansing and storage of data, avoiding problems and mistakes in the system. As we know from article about Universes [ source here…] everything in world is amazingly well organized and endless – because its ever unfolding in cycles of death-birth.
When we say that “Metatron” is guardian of the Akashic records, that means – all angels from group of Metatron, their helpers, and also some spirit guides and angels of the souls, are in charge to keep the archives clean and organized and to put “updates” in them.

III.              How the archives of souls exist in time?

Here I want to ask the question – what is the actual time of Akashic records and how we could access information of what we call “future”. I`ll make one clarification here: as we live in our universal level (1-2), of hard matter, we have linear time, and that cant be change until our planet exists. We are here in this dimension for a reason and have exact purpose. We are not here “to suffer” (even hardship and suffer are part of our plan), nor to feel only joy (even joy is also part from existence), but to learn lessons, grow and expand our consciousness.

From angelic perspective, as I wrote in all places – there is no time or space, the way we know it. Angels live in a vast space-time of present. The same if valid for the Akashic records configuration. They are library of multiple stores, that exists out of” time-space, and that means it is in the center of all. That’s why humans can access information about future in the records, which is already “available” in the archives. Even so have in mind not all things are available in the divine library. The reason is, because souls are meant to change and evolve with time, so they can easily choose to “change”, grow and evolve into different beings, which also affects on the Akashic records updates. For that reason the archives are always updated with the “latest” soul qualities, lessons and achievements. In such way it`s very easy and out of doubt for angels to “see” and predict the direction, curves and downs of all mindful beings. 

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part here ....

nina Lea-nour
Angel`S medium 

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