Saturday, April 30, 2022

New moon Ritual & Meditation for healing and rejuvenation / 30-th Apr. 🌙


The time of this New moon in Taurus creates profound inner balance /or inner challenge/ within your emotional and physical body.

Rejuvenation and alignment with your Higher self and angels in all levels – physical, mental, emotional; Power of grounding, feeling stable; connect with nature and all earth life –animals, trees; fairies and elemental connection; 🌒

At this time we need to find our centre of balance and stability, regardless of outer conflicts and the dark environment. That’s the only way to master qualities of inner strength and persistency and heal our past trauma. 🌙

This is ritual for healing, acceptance and rejuvenation. 

     Light up 1 (3, 6) green candles in the East direction of your home or garden. East represents element Earth, the archangel guardian in this direction is Raphael. You can ask arch. Raphael to send emerald green healing light to you and to people around you, family or friends. You can add to your altar grid of green crystals – aventurine, jade, malachite, green moss agate.


    🌒Now prepare a piece of paper cut in form of a circle – It represents the power of the New moon. In the middle of it write down the initials of your spiritual name, the date and the moon cycle – new moon. Now start writing the following invocation, from the outside to inside circle. This is powerful way to activate the energy of the words.

I call upon archangel Raphael, arch. Ariel and my guardian angels, fairies... to surround me with sphere of light of healing & protection. I ask you to clean all my chakras and aura from any negative cords, attachments or entities. Let my energy be pure and shining. Please make all my chakras in perfect balance and flow. I ask you to clean and rejuvenate all my body, my inner organs, my cells, blood and bones. Bring them into perfect balance now. Thank you! Amen." 

Write down these words and then say it out loud 3 times. In this way the words will start to be active in the outside world.

Then make a short meditation with arch. Raphael, Arch. Ariel and your angels. See yourself in a sacred place – in the mountain, near lake, or sea shore. Feel the presence of all angels and arch. Raphael, Ariel surround you with beautiful shining green light. This light is streaming from the palms of their hands to your heart. You are surrounded by protective green sphere of emerald light. In this sphere you are healed. See all of your chakras wrapped in the spheres of emerald green light: from Crown to Root chakra. This light cleanses and removes all negative stagnant energy from your body, bring it back to balance.

 ★ 🌙Stay in this green light and feel safe, protected and healed.

The green healing light continues to work for 2 more days after this ritual. So be sure to take care of your health, make short diet and have more rest at this time.

In the next 12 days you need to make this short ritual as you light up your candles in the East and say the same prayer /invocation. On the last day the candles need to burn away totally and then you burn your piece of paper with the invocation. That is sign that written words are sent out to the Universe and start to be activated.

   ⭐ If you want to know more about the New Moon in Taurus and Solar eclipse >> read here!

Nina Lea-Nour ©
April, 2022 ★
Angel`s medium
Crystal-reiki healer

Friday, April 29, 2022

New Moon in Taurus & Solar Eclipse (+ Journaling) 🐂


This highly energized New moon is in the sign of Taurus ♉, and brings to surface strength and alignment with your inner core – centre of safety and stability. This is the first New moon when we activate the alchemical element Earth in the body. That means at this special Cosmic portal we need to be aware of this element in our lives: places of stability, safety, home, family and finances. We are opening new doors in all spheres that we need stability. 🌒

  Also we need to acquire Earth qualities during this New cycle: persistency, willpower, perseverance, acceptance of all that is. At this time the best is not to fight, but to find your centre of stability within.

Earth is the most stable elements related to growth, development and protection. This is time to ground your emotions and energy and see in which aspects you can grow more: this Earth moon happens 3 times in a year, in every earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

It will be helpful to say mantra of Earth every morning during next 15 days:

I am like tree – I` m grounded, safe and protected. I nurture myself with healthy food, clean water and meditation.

Earth is element of grounding, protection, healing, it is stable, inflexible and persistent. Taurus is one of the most persistent sign in the Zodiac, making small steps toward the goal, also with great discipline. This is the sign of keeper of the Earth treasure (or keeper of the material plane). Other fixed signs are keepers of other planes (Aquarius - of plane of knowledge, Scorpio -plane of emotions, Leo -plane of Inspiration). 

(While Virgo is the traveller/ shape shifter of Earth, and Capricorn is warrior/ knight of earth). Element Earth represents material values, home, family, children and ancestors, money, property, health, body, food and diet.

Therefore, in every New moon cycle in earth sign there is focus on all these values in our lives.

This period (as whole Taurus season until 22. May) is not suitable time for fast changes – especially in the spheres of Earth (home, family, finances). It`s time to acknowledge what you have and be grateful for all small and big things in life.


You can use green colour in any shade to amplify the energy in this season.

   💎 Crystals that can enhance your energy: emerald, green jade, green moss agate, green aventurine, olivine, malachite.

   💜 Angels to meditate: Ariel , Raphael, Sandalphon

 ⭐Qualities to achieve: persistency, self-discipline, acceptance, gratitude.

🌙 Chakras to work on: Earth Star & Sacral chakra (below your navel).

Tarot card of Taurus: V. The Hierophant  – spiritual teacher, guidance, lessons to learn, understanding the bigger plane for you.

 * Every new moon is amazing time to go within, journal and ask questions to Self. This is a great practice to find your balance and understand your desires:

🌙     What are the areas of stability in my life?

🌙        In what areas I need to grow and develop more?

🌙     Do I feel safe and stable in my environment?

🌙         Do I feel safe at work?

🌙       Do I feel safe and in my power with my family and children?

🌙        Is my home clean and well organized?

🌙       What do I need to declutter from my space?

🌙         What bad habits are hindering me from being in perfect health?

🌙         Do I eat healthy foods every day?

🌙         Do I have enough rest/ sleep and meditation daily?

Choose which questions to answer in your journal, take some time to acknowledge what you feel. Be honest with your answers. You will discover which are your places of stability and safety now, and what do you need to do further.

    At this time you can practice gratitude, which will amplify your positive energy. Write down 6 things you are grateful for related to yourself (for example – body, hair, skin, health); then write down 6 things that you are grateful in your home (that could be: having a safe home, material objects, art and so on); Now write 6 things you are grateful related to others (like having healthy children, parents, being supported and helped).

Now read all these things that you are grateful for and feel how much you are safe and taken care for.

What is Solar Eclipse? 

Solar Eclipse is a Cosmic portal that acts like magnifying glass for your energy. Whatever you put your focus on, whatever you work on, it will be amplified to help you on your journey. Solar Eclipse is often a Mirror portal. At this time you can also meet” or see yourself in the “mirror” of universe. Depending on where you are now on your spiritual path and awakening, you will see your shadow Self aspect, or you will see your Light aspect. In both cases you have the opportunity to acknowledge your inner power and move ahead in alignment with all environment, all earth and all existence. Solar eclipse also opens portal of Spiral vortex, that vacuums all negative energy away from your aura. That happens only if you set the intention for such cleansing.

Nina Lea-Nour ©
April, 2022
Angel`s medium
Crystal-reiki healer

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Cycles of Karma & Planetary Cycles - IV 🌍

 This is 4th article - to read the part III please click here. 

   💜 2nd Karmic Cycle 

The next cycle of Karmic cleansing and Spiritual transition is in age of 22 (22-24). Interestingly that time coincides with the expansion of the Heart chakra in body. 

That’s the amazing period when you realize how another special person can be with high value in your life equal to yourself. That is the time for feeling of intensity of love, passion and connection with another. (No matter of the physical aspects of this connection). The power element of 2 [22 as a master number] is Water (Divine Ocean, sea). This is very cleansing, purging, nourishing and soothing element of Feminine. In the years 22-24 each soul needs to acquire the key (in mystical sense) to Water element and start using it in his life until the next Karma cycle (33).

That means, from 22 to 32 each person is in time when he will be given keys and situation of challenge with water element. Water means feelings, love and Divine feminine, also sexuality; therefore don’t imagine the challenges to be (only) with the physical essence of water. Water is also love to Self and all people around who are from your Soul group.

     💗 3rd Karmic cycle #

33 is a very special age when another Karmic cleansing cycle begins; the period from 33-35 can be very challenging for Soul –but to each will be in a different aspect. 33 represents energy of double Fire, it is related to strong life transition, life changes in all levels and total cleansing of Soul from past trauma. (Again, have in mind that if your soul couldn’t go through the Karma portal in this time, you will continue to feel effects of the Karma). 33 resonates with the colour ruby red and archangel Michael and Metatron; it is divine Masculine principle of positive intention, action and inner strength.

      In this time the angels are giving you mystical keys of using Fire element in your life (overcome challenges, power, and boundaries, self limits, removing barriers, motivation, inspiration, travel). This is a strong and crucial time for the soul growth. In the age of 33 is time of expansion of Crown chakra (spiritual connection and receiving angelic guidance). Therefore, you will have in the same time big energy and Karma portal opened. The sacred geometry represents 3 as a Merkaba star or as triangle within circle. Use the mystical keys of Fire until 43 years. Fire is also very nice sexual energy, bringing all positive power of man. For some people, who work on their spiritual development, together with Crown chakra will expand also the Soul Star –to lead you on your path.

    💜 4th Karmic cycle #

The next cycle of Karma cleansing starts at the age of 44 until 46. (it could be just 1 year). In this time in spiritual plane the second expansion of Heart chakra is taking place (43-45). This time is also amazing and special in life, as 44 symbolizes element Earth (Cosmic tree), and relates to archangel Raphael and Chamuel, angels of healing the heart. 44 is a big Karma portal and transition to Higher consciousness and light, and can be for some people second Spiritual awakening. Person realizes importance and essence of life, he can again start to explore Self and relations with others, he may discover love or true love. (it`s not late). This is amazing time of healing and cleansing in the same time. You are given the green mystical keys to Earth/ tree element for healing, rejuvenation and spiritual connection. This tree gives you great power to work on your body-mind soul in all directions; self care and self-love practices are crucial for your health in this time. The mystical Sacred geometry form of this cycle is Pyramid in a circle.

     💜 5th Karmic cycle #

  The next Karma cleansing cycle is age 55 to 57. This is profound time when all chakras have their second expansion. In this time there is an energy portal opening with Karmic cleansing and light codes activating your Soul Star chakra (in energy of people who work on their chakras). Then is the golden age, as person can easily activate the golden light in his aura and his Earth star chakra. 55 number relates to archangel Sandalphon and ether-Light element. You are protected by the Golden light. The higher form in Sacred geometry of 55 is Pentagram in 2 circles –protection, union and integrity. 5 has also special golden color of cleansing.

  💗 6th & 7th Karmic cycle #

The sixth Karmic cycle is at the age 66 and the next cycle is 77 when the Soul will reach his full potential of energy and chakras start to decrease their light and value. The same happens with Third eye and mind and all organs start to slow down and unwind. (For some people that happens at 66, for some at 88, it`s individual).

66 is related to element of earth and lotus flower, it is number of Unconditional love and children. 77 is number of Metaphysical fire and relates to arch. Uriel; it has yellow -golden light. And the divine expression of it is seven pointed star in 2 circles of light.

Each person has multiple angels and spirit guides as we know. We also have additional spiritual helpers, angels of mission, angels of births, astral angels of transition of soul and more! These are legions of Light who are here to support you! Just for your soul growth.

Together with them, in each cycle of Karmic cleansing (11-13) you have an angel you can call upon, if you wish –so he will make your transition less painful and send you great influxes of Light.

So, try to connect with this angel as many times as possible and encircle yourself with the light of his colour.

Nina Lea-Nour ©
Apr. 2022
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer

Cycles of Karma & Planetary cycles -III 🌍

 This is article III - continuing from part II (read here). 

There are totally 7 cycles in life that are related to periods of Karmic cleansing – and that is valid for all humans. ★ 

The cycles of Karma (cleansing) are also special transitional points in each life, that can be related to transformational traumatic or happy events. Karma cleansing is rooted in each human energy and it is energy imprint for your soul. Therefore, you cant come to earth and not experience these cycles of Karma cleansing and transition.

     Cycles of Karma cleansing are each 11 years in human life span – they are usually a big energy portals (light portals) opening within one cycles. Each cycle lasts from 1 to 3 years in this period, which is very different for each person.

The first Karmic cycle starts when person is 11 years old (even you might be surprise that a child has a Karmic cycle, but it is so). For the child 11 years is special age, and then from 11 to 13 there is an energy portal zone that opens, so that the child can receive Karmic cleansing. 

    Depending on angelic and soul contract, in some cases the soul of the child has to suffer very hard transition. But these are the years of Karma cleansing. Some people can feel they have Karma cleansing for a long period of time, but that’s not true. If their soul couldn’t “go through” the portal of Karma cleansing or couldn’t release the old dark mindset and paradigm, then the person can feel his Karma cycle continues for many years. (which is what we can call “cause and effect” or the consequence of past choices). For each soul is individual and time choice when this cycle will start and how long it will last (within these 3 years of Karma cleansing).

As we can see 11 is special number in numerology, and they call it master number. It is related to divine will and angelic guidance. The good thing is that in these 3 years (11-13) the soul is open to receive angelic guidance more than before; so in cycles of Karmic cleansing (no matter if individual or planetary), we open our psychic senses and awareness to Spirit and higher divine power. That’s why we are given the challenge, but we are given the tool to overcome it. 11 as age in numerology is related to transformation from childhood to puberty, not by chance these are difficult years for the parents and child. 11 is connected with number 1 – representing oneness of all, self-reflection and self-concentration. Now the child starts to experience need to look to himself suddenly, focusing on the difference between him and others, usually children on his age or other situations. He starts to develop his aura already from 9 years, so he is now more independent and separated from parents energy. 

(the first chakra expansion starts on age 12-14 – when the Root chakra starts to expand for the first time, provoking special connection with the father). Number 1 represents element Air-Wind and is linked with archangel Zadkiel and Haniel – of transmutation, connection to divine Feminine/ Masculine. That air has effect of uplifting, dreaming and growing up. 11 is angelic number of Ethereal and Celestial spheres. (also represents cycles through repetition).

The Karma cleansing portal opens in the years just before the Root chakra expansion, which is very special time for everyone. Until then the soul can have past life memories, but with expansion of the first chakra, the Soul will lose them.

If the child feels attracted to the spiritual world since this age 11-13 that often indicates in his past lives it was connected to spiritual practice.

Nina Lea-Nour ©
Apr. 2022
Angel`s medium 
Crystal healer 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Cycles of Karma & Planetary cycles -II 🌎


I talked about the Cosmic cycles (which are 444 years on Earth), you can read more in the “Message from Goddess Quan Yin").This information is channeled with the help of my angels and guides. 

Each 444 years new Cosmic cycles begins; that time in human measurement can seem very long, but for the Angelic beings and God it`s like a little dust particle in the ocean.

The Planetary cycle on Earth is equal to 33 human years. 

The Sun system cycle is equal to 3 Planetary cycles and it`s 99 years; Each human has also Personal Karmic cycle -which lasts 11 years, and starts when person is 11 years old. 

What each cycles brings? 🌎

Each cycle of the planet, sun or human life brings the following elements: change, transformation, transition and Karmic cleansing, Soul purification). We have to understand that the change, transformation and Karmic cleansing are strongly related to the time concept. As one of the meaning of Time on earth and in the Galaxy is exactly going through CHANGE or expansion –which brings the Soul to new level of Consciousness, higher mind and opening to the Higher levels. That is also called Transition. 

No matter what kind of transition you should go through  -physical, emotional, spiritual, of mind (they are all connected), this transition is like a higher calling of the Soul. Why it is so important? Because change, transformation and Karmic cleansing bring development, expansion and growth of the holy trinity elements – mind-body-soul. This growth and expansion bring Ascension and this is one of the meaning in human lives. 

No human came to this planet without going through tunnels of change, transition and even spiritual transformation (which is like Dark night of the Soul) in order to achieve higher levels on the spiral.

Here is something else – everyone goes through physical, emotional and change of Consciousness, but not everyone is planned to have spiritual transition. Some people just didn’t choose that from the beginning before they were born, and that’s ok. Some souls choose to have spiritual transition, and others don’t have a choice, but their soul has like stamp from past lives with the Spiritual transition. And that means you can not escape from it, the same way you cant “escape” from the physical plane here. (the suicide is not an escape, as you are starting from the beginning again.)

About human Karmic cycles -What do you need to know

As the laws of Karma are some of the very strong laws, that affect all people and all cosmic beings in all galaxies, we need to understand them well. Laws of Karma is not the law of “cause and effect”, as we may think on the surface, even they are connected. Laws of Karma are related to the Soul impact, Soul mission and choices in the spiritual plane first. Then they have an impact on all other planes – emotional, mental, physical. The law of Karma is not an “arrow” and dos not go in straight way. Law of Karma is everlasting, eternal, but it`s not unchangeable. You can change the Karma, and that `s why we have cycles of Karmic Cleansing and clearing! In order to make the transition to higher consciousness and levels, (or in simple words –to expand, to grow and become wiser), you need to change/ cleanse your Karma. We cleanse Karma every day in some cycles. But we don’t change Karma by ourselves and by our intention only. In order to change your Karma, you need first to deserve that with “collecting spiritual points”, or doing something, being connected to your Soul. 

In the next part  I will observe the cycles of human life that bring Karmic cleansing.

To know more about Karmic clensing cycles read article here!   

Nina Lea-Nour ©
April, 2022
Angel`s medium
Crystal-reiki healer

Cycles of Karma & Planetary cycles -I (What are Cycles?)🌍


In this post, divided in chapters I`ll look closely to what are cycles of Karma in human life and what are the Planetary and Cosmic cycles. 🌍

        We live on the planet, sun system, galaxy and dimension, ruled by multiple Cosmic laws (they are made by Highest hierarchy of cosmic federation, Light beings, Angels and Masters). Some of the strong laws with impact on all directions of time are laws of Karma and law of human cycles. Everything in this universe has cycles, and that is a fact we see – we have hour time on earth, based on the cyclic movement of the planet around the sun, the moon and all planets have cycles; We have our seasons each year, we have months and the clock has round shape. Moreover, the sacred geometry amplifies this cycles with the divine form of Sphere in all planets, sun, moon and stars. Spherical form is also essential in the divine plan, as well as its meaning of cycles.

What does a cycle mean? 

Each cycle is marked by beginning and ending point, they are connected together in continues movement. That means simply –there is no end, as each end is marked by a New beginning cycle, and there is no beginning, because each beginning comes from an end. That movement can be represented in the mystical tradition (like Alchemy or Kabbalah) with a snake that is coiled and biting its tail. This snake represents cycle of life, endlessness and connection between all things.

 We will notice that all (laws) in the universe are connected with strong links (we can still call it mystical), and all things on earth and in human lives have links with something else. These links are quite important when we want to understand the basic universal and Divine laws.

 Human life is within a cycle, from beginning till the end, we go through the different ages of childhood, puberty, youth, adulthood, elder age, until finally we exit this life –and that is a universal rule without exception. We have cycle of years, but also each of these cycles are totally connected between each state in life. That means something that most people didn’t think about – the childhood is followed by puberty and young age, but it is linked (on the total plane of life) with all other human ages and states. 

Childhood will have strong links to adult age, and elderly age; The same as the summer, follows spring, but summer is linked with all other seasons in different way, like with winter (Solstice) and with autumn that follows. We are all part of these cycles, and that is very important to understand. Cycle of summer starts and ends, then begins the new  cycle of autumn which starts and ends and so on. 

This is the symbolic picture of cycles.

Now I`m going to the essence of the question:

Why are the cycles so important and what they represent?

Each cycle is beginning and ending brings a new cycle that is one level HIGHER than the previous one. It is like climbing stairs, that each step is above another. That’s why the cycles in divine form are presented by the Spiral. The Spiral is exactly repeated cycles of Consciousness, that travels higher and higher. The spiral is in this way “out of the time and space” so it`s endless. While the cycles (or spheres) seemingly are limited in time, they have beginning and end.

Nina Lea-Nour © 
April, 2022
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer

How to Program a crystal? 🔮


In this article I `ll observe easy ways to program crystals. Before that, you will need to cleanse and recharge your crystal. 

if you want to know how to cleanse your crystals -read here.

 After the crystal is cleansed, take the crystal in your dominant hand (that’s usually the right), you can also light up a candle with the colour of the crystal if you wish. Now close your eyes and visualize this crystal connecting with your Third eye and Heart chakra, by drawing ray of light from it. Say in your mind or out loud: 

I now ask the crystal spirit of black Tourmaline to connect with me. I program this crystal to protect me and cleanse my room from all negative thoughts, emotions, entities or energy vampires, with pure intention. Thank you.” 

According to the crystals mission and qualities, each crystal works to help you in different ways. For example you can program the pink crystals (rose quartz, pink opal, kunzite, pink jade) to infuse love, self-love, cleanse emotional body and sooth the Heart, heal you from brakeup, or infuse inner beauty, love and strength in your aura. 

You can just think this words, because crystals are always reading your mind. (So, pay attention , they will also read mind of other people around you!).

At the end, open your eyes and you can blow air into the crystal, as your breath activates its energy to start working for your wish.


That’s all for connecting and programming crystals. You can share your experience:

What do you think about energy programming?

-        How do you connect with your crystals?

If you are curious to know more about crystals..

💎 What are crystals & crystal spirits?

💎 Crystals & crystal elementals -II

 💎 Black Tourmaline -stone of Psychic protection

 Nina Lea-Nour  ©
Apr. 2022
Angel`s medium
crystal healer

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Meditation with AA Chamuel for releasing old Relationships & attracting new Love 💗


This is meditation -activation with Archangel Chamuel and pink flame Angels to release old patterns and negative attachments from your previous partners and relationships; The Angels will help you to open your heart and attract more love, and partners/ friends that are in alignment with your Soul. 💗

Image: art by Nicoletta Ceccoli 

Sit or lie down in a comfortable place, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Hold the breath, counting to 5 and then breath out slowly. Focus on that breathing for 5 breaths. Feel how all dark thoughts and negative energy leave your body on the exhale.

   Now you are at peace. Imagine brilliant soft pink sphere of light hovering above your head. This sphere is Light send by AA Chamuel, angel of love and sweet memories, and by the team of Pink flame angels. They are here to release all your burdens today.

💗 See the sphere of pink glowing light flowing down on your body like a shower of amazing light. Feel and see all your body being washed away by this beautiful pink light: starting from your head, hair, face, ears, neck, back, torso, arms and hands, legs and feet. All your body is now enveloped in pink soothing light. 

   💗   Now see another pink sphere of light turning and expanding in your Third eye (Mind), second sphere of pink light in your Heart center, and third sphere in your Sacral chakra (below your belly). These 3 spheres of pink light are connected with your self-love and self-believe patterns. Visualize in each of them closed pink lotus, starting to open and blossom in the middle pink sphere. Each petal is opening gracefully, radiating more light. This is lotus of self-love, joy and personal freedom. By opening this pink lotus, you let go of all negative believes about yourself, and feel free to express who you really are.

But before that You need to release and let go of all old relationships and wounds that are not for your Highest good.

                 image: Art by Nataly Abramovich -Kukula 

    💜 Imagine 1 (or 3) balloons with cords of pink light, which you are holding in your hands. Within these 3 balloons see images (faces) of 3 of your past romantic partners, which you want to release. Even if you have cut the negative ties with them, you still may need to let go of some negative believes and blocks around them.

They are enveloped in pink flames, their faces are smiling. Now say to yourself the following words: 

I`m ready to release and let go of all negative energy and cords with ….and send him/her unconditional Love and forgiveness. Let all past be in the past. I`m happy and fulfilled in this present time. I wish him only happiness in the future.

See yourself releasing the pink balloon with the face of your past partner. Now the balloon flies away slowly, until it disappears from your sight. Repeat that process with all 3 past lovers.

Every time you release one balloon, you receive back more pink healing light, surrounding you like a bubble.

   💗Now you let all 3 balloons to fly away. You are free and no longer hold on to the energy of the past.

# 3. In the next visualization, you see yourself in pink light, see three pink lotuses opening in your Third eye (mind), Heart and Sacral. Say the following words within yourself:

I ask arch. Chamuel and Pink flame angels to surround me with spheres of loving light. Let this light bring me Love, joy, abundance and opportunities for a new relationship. I attract now the most perfect partner for my Soul. And so it is! Thank you.”

(If you do that in a ritual, you can say the words 3 times and light up 1 pink/ white candle).

   💗 See all Pink flame angels and arch. Chamuel surrounding you and infusing in your aura, emotional body and heart more pink sparkling light. They send streams of pink loving light into your Mind (Third eye), cleansing it, into your Heart centre (cleansing it), into your Sacral chakra (cleansing it). Stay in the angelic presence for some time and feel serenity and peace.

Then see radiant pink balloon flying to you from the sky.

This is balloon with your Perfect partner, that you want to attract. See it flying to your, until you feel the presence of your man/ woman, even see face features, or smell. Then see how your hands and fingers bond together, feel his warm embrace. (If you practice this meditation for 7 days in a raw, your intuition and inner connection with your future partner will increase.)

                                  Art by Nicolletta Ceccoli 

In order to do that, you need first to: 1. let go and release ALL old relationships, negative believes and cords with past partners (as well as be clear about your current relationships); and 2. to feel freedom, self-acceptance and self-love. That means you need to practice self-love and feel Deserving of your upcoming romantic partner. 3. Feel happy, whole in the state you are now. (That means you are not desperately clinging to the idea of partner, but let it go, and let the universe bring you the best one, who is in alignment for you).

Remember – you release not only the old partners, but your own idea of your old Self. You embrace your New self with more freedom, more self-love and open heart. Completely release all barriers, blocks from your beautiful Heart, so that you can attract the new Love.


Nina Lea-Nour ©
Apr. 2022
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer

Monday, April 18, 2022

Full moon in Libra - Attracting more Love (+ Oracle & Journaling) 🌕


Full moon is a strong Portal of healing, cleansing and releasing negative patterns of your mind, removing fears from your conscious and sub-conscious mind. It has power of deep emotional (and physical) healing. In the Full moon we have sign opposite of the Sun sign (Aries). Full moon power also activates your Third eye (corresponding to the Moon in Esoteric astrology) and enhances your psychic abilities. 🌕 ♎


                      Art by Lori Earley -The Wish

This month there is magical energy in the air – of releasing, cleansing and letting go of old programs, and in the same time of working to manifest your best life.

Full moon in Libra ♎ is powerful attraction portal opening new doorways for Love in your life. I don’t mean only romantic love, but friendship, connections, family love and self-love.

Libra energy is one of warrior of peace and harmony. They are sign of duality and sign of deep transformation and change (Air).

What Fears we release this Full moon? 🌕

In this Pink Full moon we can be prepared for that transition of mind and heart to a new reality. We release many fears:

        fear of being judged, of criticism

     not being accepted, of losing someone close

      to lose appreciation;

     fear of speaking the truth

    fear of exams;

★    Fear of aggressive behaviour

        Fear about the future and what might go wrong

       fear of high places;

     Fear to opening your heart and being vulnerable in relationship

       Fear of commitment

Now is the great time to turn to the magical power of music, dance and instruments to sooth your soul. 

Love and friendship come only when we realize our past lessons in relationships, when we practice self-love, forgiveness and self-acceptance. That’s why for Libra self-love and forgiveness is the key for all future relationships.

In this time more sensitive parts in your body can be lungs, nose, sinuses, teeth, heart.

Important lesson 🎔 you need to learn now is: how to create balance between your Mind and your Heart?

If you want to use the power of this beautiful Moon to ask questions to your Self 🐇 here are some examples:

💗       What should I do to bring more love in my life?

💗     Do I feel happy, joyful and fulfilled in my romantic relationship?

💗    Do I need to attract a new romantic partner?

💗   What are 6 qualities that are most important for my future romantic partner?

💗    What are 6 qualities that I need to acquire for myself in a relationship?

💗       What fears I need to release in my current relationships?

💗    What things in my life are out of balance?

💗      What can I do to return back to balance?

Colours for Libra you can use in this time are: pink, white, light blue, lavender. 

Crystals for the full moon: Rose quartz, kunzite, celestite, white opal, pink opal.

Angels to work with in meditation: Gabriel, Chamuel

Chakras to activate your potential: Heart, Throat

Essential oils: rose, rosewood, patchouli, neroli

Qualities to activate: compassion, forgiveness, non-judgement, understanding, appreciation of others, kindness, loving support, clear communication, truthfulness, loyalty, gratitude.

All Air signs are connected with the Cosmic principles of Truth, justice, purity, clear mind, Higher consciousness, kindness.

Tarot Arcana for Libra is 8. The Justice. Here is the affirmation of Justice you can say each morning in the next 15 days.

 I am powerful creator of my destiny; I make choices from my heart, and I accept the consequences. I observe things with clear mind and open heart. I know what is right for me. I have strong values. I always see the situation from all sides and measure positive and negative. I m in balance. I value honesty, love, tolerance and understanding. I`m in state of Peace.

In the Kabbalah the VIII. Sefira from the Tree of Life is Hod (Splendour) associated with left leg and power to advance and develop over the time.

This is “acknowledgement of supreme purpose in life” (Source:

Netzah and Hod in the Zohar are referred as Scaled of Justice”. They are as the two hips in the body, responsible for the equilibrium.

🔮Additional Oracle card (from Witchlings by Paulina Cassidi):

Dreams by Lavender

Possessing a mysterious language of their own, dreams are direct link to other worlds. They have the power to join the body, mind and spirit. Dreams also supply a means of problem solving and understanding emotions. When you slip into your dream world at night, you are provided with the insight into the subconscious. By understanding the workings of your dreams, you can unravel mysteries in your life, finding greater inspiration and new approaches.

Nina Lea-Nour ©
Apr. 2022
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer