Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Black Tourmaline - Stone of Psychic protection 💎


Here I`ll observe one of the most powerful crystals for protection and shielding of your energy and home. There are many more crystals that work for protection, but here I want to focus on the ones that are proven also to absorb and repel the negative energy from the space.

Crystals are amazing conduits of Divine light, they constantly transmit and absorb energy frequencies.

Note: you need to be aware that all crystals work in the way as anything in spiritual world: they need to be cleansed and programmed and stored in a proper way, if you want to have their benefits. Treat them like your close friends.

    to learn more about Crystals and what are crystal Spirits, click here 

I.               Black Tourmaline (Stone of Psychic Protection)

All black stones are known for their protective properties. Black tourmaline is one of the most loved as it has strong power in any type of protection: it can help you to shield the space by placing an energy grid of protection around your room; it also absorbs fast any dark energies from environment or electromagnetic pollution, entities and evil eye.

This is one of the most effective crystals to work if you want to protect your energy and aura from any negative beings, energy vampires, curses or hexes. That’s why it is used in rituals to remove curses from your body and home space.

     🔮Black tourmaline vibrates with the frequency of arch. Azrael (angel of transition, Grief and Astral realm), and Jehudiel (angel of removing obstacles). That’s why this stone also has soothing, releasing energy and it helps you to go through times of darkness, to return back to balance, be more grounded and focused.

Black tourmaline resonates with frequency of the Earth, connecting with your Root and Earth star chakra through your feet. It will absorb and remove from your field any dark clouds, and it will cleanse your emotional, ethereal, mental and astral body. This is stone specialist in psychic shielding.

All stones have crystal elementals, appearing mostly as in hexagram and octagram pattern. They look like multi layered facets of shimmering light, with different shades.

        Personal experience: when I connect with Black tourmaline energy I feel it as very bold, strong, but also soothing energy which absorbs the blockages from my chakras. It has also perfect for grounding and shadow work. I also see the elemental of black tourmaline in very beautiful shades of shiny black light, with fractals of dark golden light, that has mirroring effect. (That’s how you can create the perfect psychic shield with this stone).

Healing Properties 

 On a physical level it releases all tension from your muscles, bones and helps in digestive system. Black tourmaline wonderful to work for headache or for full body massage and reiki healing. You need to place one small tourmaline on each chakra, so it will form a grid on ethereal level and remove blockages from all chakras.

For energy cleansing you can use it to massage gently your palms, fingers, wrists and hands from inside, as they are connected to the heart.

How to use it for protection?

You need to cleanse and program the black tourmaline and place it in your room, on your desk or near the door. It will work to absorb the dark energies, so nothing can reach you. I use it in ritual for space cleansing, as I draw circles in the air of each corner of the room. (one big and one smaller circle in it). That works like protection sigil.

How to cleanse and recharge black tourmaline?

It is best to cleanse this stone (as well as most black stones) by placing it in soil, or covering it with healing herbs like lavender, geranium, poppy, eucalypthus, rosemary, clary sage. You can also place it in the pot of plants that are purifying the air like: dracaena palm, peace lily, spider plant, geranium, money tree. This stone loves being near to the earth. You can also recharge black tourmaline by placing it in the sun rays before noon. (Sun rays, as well as the moon recharge all crystals).


What is next #

I`ll write about Black obsidian stone -properties, healing.

Click Here to listen meditation and reiki with black tourmaline: 

Nina Lea-Nour © 
angels medium
crystal healer

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