Friday, March 18, 2022

Equinox activation with Green-golden Light & archangel Raphael


Spring Equinox is very powerful Gateway of light, which descends to all earth. At this time there are many different amplified energies, but what you receive in time of equinox is Opening and activation of your Heart centre.  🦋

The spring Equinox has to enhanced energy of Archangel Raphael – and all Green flame angels of healing, cleansing and rejuvenation. Raphael can cleanse and heal your physical, emotional and mental body and align it to your Higher self.

At this time of Spring Equinox Portal there is immense healing and releasing energy on the planet. There is emerald green and golden light Vortex opening in higher levels, so that you can really claim this amazing energy. That happens only when you allow, open up to receive, and INTED. Nothing can happen without your focused intention, the same as in every portal.

Times of Spring equinox on cosmic level it activates alignment of the crystalline core of the SUN, Moon and crystalline core of Earth. In such way our planet receives influxes of healing amplified Light into its core, which then is spread (through our Earth Star and Soul Star chakra) to all humans. How that happens?

At this time we receive Light codes and upgrade of our energy system to higher vibration and higher energy grid. Also, our Heart aligns with the magnetic frequency of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Every year in times of Equinoxes and Solstice the same energy is available for us. All humans, who are conscious and awaken from their spiritual sleeping” are invited to claim these amplifying frequency from the planet. That happens as usually with practices, conscious choice and being in state of “emptiness”. That state of emptiness of mind can be achieved through meditations, music, art, nature care.

In this spring equinox we are invited to go through this Spiral portal of Green- Golden light with arch. Raphael.

By choice you can do the ritual for the Full moon in Virgo 🌕 (which has also the energy of Raphael). 

Light up 1 (3,6) green candles in the East direction. This is the direction of Raphael and represents Earth & Air. Set the intention, what you need to heal in this Equinox energy? What do you need to release and let go? Make a list with things that you want to change, re-evaluate and balance in your life. Which are the areas out of balance in your life? You can think and journal to have the answers.

Then call upon arch. Raphael. You can use also any green stone, that works with this healing angel (some of the best are green malachite, green moss agate, jade).

Close your eyes and imagine you are surrounded by a powerful healing green tube of light, that comes from above, envelopes your body and goes deep into the earth. This is the Portal energy. Feel how energetic golden-green spiral of light flows down this tube and through all your body into the ground.

Now write down on a paper and say out loud 3 times this prayer to arch. Rapahel:

“I call upon archangel Raphael and my guardian angels to be with me and surround me with green and golden light. I ask you now, to please release and wash away from me any dark energies, negative thoughts or blockages that I have in my body. I ask you to help me and remove now any curses, hexes, entities and cords from my energy. Please, bring me the energy of deep healing, rejuvenation and transformation in all levels, in all directions of time and space. Thank you, angels. And so it is!”

You can of course say this,or create your own affirmation that will resonate better for you!

Equinox is also time to think about areas which are out of balance in your life, and especially related to health, diet and food. So ask yourself questions: Do I eat healthy foods daily? What is the quality of water I drink? What can I do to change my diet, so I can feel better? What are the bad habits in my diet that are holding me back? What sport, practices and exercises I need to do, in order to be in perfect health? What practices I need to do for my emotional and mental wellbeing?

These are suggestions on your questions to Self.

Asking questions to your Self, guardian angels and other light beings is wonderful practice, that will increase your intuition and help you in many ways to improve your life.


♥  Full moon blend for healing with archangel Raphael 

♥ Full moon in Virgo - Sacred home energy

♥ Archangel Raphael - about him 

Nina Nour © 
Mar. 2022
Angel`s medium 
Crystal healer

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