This is part 2 of my article > to read part I click here.
Now other major aspects this month:
Sun conjunct Jupiter ★
The Sun (as self-power, believe and truth) is combining energy with Jupiter
(planet of growth, expansion and luck), that can lead to total transformation,
ending of a cycle and new beginning, or dramatic changes with historical reverberation.
Jupiter in Tarot is reflects the card X. Wheel of fortune. If you look closely to this card you will see it`s like a compass, and wheel of Karma, combining all 4 elements. It has also angelic presence, clouds, snake and God Anubis (Egyptian God of the underworld and death). Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (Truth, power, illumination combines the energy with Karma cycles, angelic guidance and compass of your life mission, in the Moon (shadow work, releasing fears, astral travel).
★ Something hidden will be revealed, hidden
agendas and world power will be exposed, all humanity is going through Karmic
cycle and cleansing. High energies and psychic awakening, premonition,
fears. Moreover: Sun conjunct
Venus (Empress, Divine feminine) conjunct Mars (Tower) –conjunct Pluto
(Judgement, deep transformation, soul calling).
These are 3 important major aspects this month.
Venus conjunct Mars – which is a dance of the Divine feminine, women
energy, love, beauty and care, sexuality - with the Divine masculine (Mars) activation, war,
passion, obsession, defence and confidence.
These two are in Tarot cards Empress (3) and the Tower (16), meaning
events of sudden fall from powerful position, leadership and conflict between
the divine feminine (passive) aspect and divine masculine (active). That`s how
there may be strange feeling of tension, misunderstanding or conflicts in two
sides; oppositions in bigger aspect. In personal aspect that will be more
loving, passionate and sexual relationship.
Both Venus and Mars conjunct Pluto (Judgement in Tarot -20) which means we are going through divine personal transformation, soul calling and purification of the past. We release something negative in the past, but we go through a soul judgement, understand deeper meanings of the unfolding events.
These aspects are not by chance, as they are quite prominent. Sun square
Lilith (shadow Self, dark feminine, illusions and lust), we need to understand
something that is hidden, so many things will come to the surface during this
time. Some self-conflicts and self doubts will also come to light.
In aspect of Venus and Mars are both in the sign of Aquarius ♒ (The Star
in Tarot) – need to acknowledge our life mission and understand our Yin energy
of feminine and Yang energy of masculine. Star radiates message of love,
devotion, artistic talents and discovering abilities from past life. It`s card
of Ascension, so Venus and Mars are ascending in Aquarius.
You can see in your personal chart: where is your ninth house – the sign of this house will be activated during this time. Also in which house are Pisces and Virgo signs on your chart? What that can reveal to you?
5 March– Sun Conj. Jupiter
13 March – Sun Conj. Neptune
16 March – Sun sextile North Node
17 March– Sun square Lilith
18 March – Sin sextile Pluto
2 March - New Moon in Pisces 🌙
18 March – Full Moon in Virgo 🌕
⭐If you want to know more about the energy and angels of March, read the article here.
Angel`s medium 🐢
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