Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Black Obsidian - stone of Grounding & Shielding 💎


Obsidian is a powerful stone made from fast cooling volcanic lava, in form of “black glass”. However, it is accepted in the crystal family. It has amazing properties of aura protection and blocking the way of any negative energies or dark beings from the Astral.

I`ll observe some of the less known qualities of Black obsidian. 

# 1 Obsidian has smooth and sharp surface and reflects the light as a mirror. That`s how it has some of the spiritual properties –to remove and protect the space from any negative beings, including dark astral beings, entities, bad thoughts and evil eye. You can use it perfectly to shield your energy, embracing you in a safe cocoon.

Also, it was used as a tool for psychic vision and predictions from the Aztec and ancient Egyptians. It has deep connection with the energy of Egyptian God of the Underworld transition, guardian of the dead souls –ANUBIS.

# 2 Black obsidian has qualities cleansing the space and repelling all dark energies from your chakras and aura. That means, it is wonderful for shadow work, and seeing hidden, buried emotions that are under the surface. Obsidian will help you to reveal and remove hidden emotions and believes from your subconscious mind. That’s why it is also stone of revelation and truth. Seeing the truth has potential to bring you back in position of power. 🔥

# 3 Another great use of black obsidian is: creating healthy boundaries with people. That is specially good for empaths and psychic mediums, who tend to absorb many different energies from the environment and people. Obsidian creates powerful, but calming shield of energy, where the person can be totally safe. 💗

# 4 Obsidian was used in history from Aztec and many other tribes to make weapons. So, it has also great benefits for working to cut negative ties with the person or place from your past, that is no longer in alignment with your Soul path. You can use obsidian in a ritual to severe the cords, which drain your energy. 💎

# 5 This lovely stone works amazing for stress, anxiety and fear relief, for calming the mind and heart; Also for focus and grounding and being in the present moment.  💭

# 6 Black obsidian will repeal fast negative feelings like anger, jealousy, envy, so it is perfect for anyone to have it at his work desk. It will remove the masks from people who have ill intention, so they will be exposed.

# 7 Black obsidian is stone that resonates with Earth Star chakra, Base chakra and Third eye. It can shield and protect your Astral body when you are in a dream or Astral travel. In this ways no other stone works so well.

# 8 Archangels you can connect with black obsidian are Azrael, the Astral angels and fairies and crystal elementals; also it can connect you with the Fire dragons. All of them will help you for transition in your life. ⭐

# How to cleanse Black obsidian? 💎

Some of the best ways are through smoke of Paulo Santo, with sound of Tibetan bowl, or placing it in a pot with healing plant like lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, basil, garlic, or small palm, lemon tree, Ginseng bonsai, Krasula (money tree).

# Rituals: This is perfect stone for making rituals to remove curses, hexes, or for general protection of your home and aura. Place obsidian in the North-west direction of your home – place of protection of your guardian angels. You can light up 1 (3,6) black candles in the time of New Moon (especially in Water or Earth sign). 🔮

I hope this article was helpful! 

Nina Lea-Nour © Mar. 2022
Angel`s medium *

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