Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Full Moon in Sagittaruis -Questions to Self, Affirmation & Kabbalah

 Full Moon on 26 of May is also a Celestial portal of light codes activation and illumination of Heart for all human beings, from the core (heart) of the Moon and crystaline core of the Sun. 

This time you may have problems with blood pressure, heart or blood vessels, as this is Fire element in the body. Also be extra careful about your diet now, what do you eat and consider time for detoxifying your Liver and stomach. Sagittarius is celestial warrior of light, his chakra is Solar Plexus, so you are invited to meditate on your Solar plexus. Specially useful is relaxing music, drums and yellow/ orange candles.

Questions to Self: Journaling (on each Full moon questions to self will bring you purpose and vision about your future)

As Sagittarius loves change, purpose, adventure and travel, you can ask yourself questions related to these areas:

-        What do I need to change in my life? (or relationships?)

-        Do I follow my hearts desire?

-        Do I live with purpose every day?

-        What is the next place I want to visit?

-        Do I take mindful decisions?

-        What do I procrastinate and why?

-        Do I have any blocks or stagnant energy on my way?


These questions to Self are powerful tool to understand, realise and observe your fears and navigate your energy on the Ascension. They will help you to feel where is your weakness and what are your Powers.

This Eclipse energy will help you activate great qualities of determination, persistency, willpower, standing your ground, resilience, self-reliance, independence, ambition, inner strength, visions, time planning, time travelling, seeing things from different view above.

The Full moon portal is suitable for: renovation, changes, new contract, new job, future planning, fire activation, working with Divine masculine, Solar Plexus chakra, Sacral chakra.

It`s not suitable for operations (of heart) or travel through sea, or business negotiations.

Work with arch. Uriel , angel of wisdom and illumination and yellow flame angels to activate what you need in your life; Let go of all negative emotions and fears about future; let go of any expectations on how you want things to be.

Angels to work with: Uriel, Michael, Metatron

Crystals (for grid and meditation): yellow calcite, amber, aventurine, citrine

Healing plants: yellow hibiscus

                 Image: Art by Nicoletta Ceccoli 

Say this powerful affirmation until 10 days after the Eclipse:

Affirmation of Temperance –XIV.

I stand in the point of balance, peace and self-love. I appreciate what I have, I can listen to angelic guidance. I m filled with self trust, purity and joy of life. I balance my positive and negative side, my Yin and Yang. I`m in tune with the universe, Moon, Sun and Earth music. I accept others as they are without judgement. I accept my shadow self. I accept and nurture the Light within me. I connect with the world of angels and elementals. My life has meaning and purpose.

(In your daily ritual you can light up 3-6 yellow candles and say this affirmation, together with Tibetan bowls or incense smoke).

Sagittarius is related to the Princess of Wands (Fire) in Tarot court cards. This is powerful time to connect with your inner child, or with any children.

Spiritual message from Princess is for journey, travel, inspiration, using your creative gifts, new discovery. tools: candles, rituals, mantras, yoga, tarot cards)

You can also make good planning for starting new private business or personal project. Be open minded and willing to explore many options.


In the Kabbalah mystical tradition [8] (the date of Eclipse 26 -value) reveals the Sefira Hod [Splendour, acknowledgment]. This is the eight sefira on Tree of life, corresponds to left leg. “Hod is associated in the soul with the power to continually advance, with the determination and perseverance born of deep inner commitment, toward the realization of one’s life goals. The acknowledgment of a supreme purpose in life, and the total submission of self which it inspires, serve to endow the source of one’s inspiration with an aura of splendor and majesty.

The spiritual state of Hod is that of temimut” [sincerity].


Happy Lunar Eclipse! 

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium

Full moon in Sagittaruis [Total Lunar Eclipse) - releasing old mindset [8]


    The energy of the Full moon in Sagittarius will be amazing Light portal, sending light codes and new programs to all Humanity. This Portal is connected with alignment of the Earth with the Moon crystalline core. (And that alignment happens every Full moon and Eclipse). The energy will be quite strong, some sensitive people and psychic may feel dizziness, strong tiredness and heart issues. 🌕

The Full moon is known as “Blood moon” falls on 26 [8] of May, it will be starting point of a New cycle of mass awakening, and the 3 rd cycle of Karma cleansing for humanity.

Moreover we have Supermoon (the moon is closest to Earth) and Lunar eclipse at the same time! (Which didn’t happen since 6 years). The Earth stays in the between Sun and Moon, creating a shadow for the Moon illumination.

It`s interesting that it falls on the beautiful sign of Sagittarius – fire element on date with number of Water [8] –representing moving, flowing water, Celestial waterfall.

This is number of Soul passage, opening the Third eye. The energy of the next month will be much lighter than in May. The guidance this month we had from arch. Jeremiel, angel of Karma and past life reviews, and arch. Ariel (until 10. of June).

   This portal set the vibration for huge collective awakening on Earth. This is a slow process, and wont happen at once, be aware. We are already on the third wave of the Earth`s awakening.

As moon energy relates to water in the body and Divine feminine, set your intention to drink more water, make detoxification of liver and be mindful of your cycle of sleep and rest. 

Moon portal as Full moon activates energy of change, transformation and movement. What happens during around 9 days after the Eclipse it triggers releasing of sub-conscious fears. When the moon is in Fire sign (Sagittarius) these fears can be about:

- Fear of change and transition

-  fear of travel or moving;

- fear of doing something new;

- fear of power and aggression, abuse;

- fear of sexual control 

- Fear of failure and not being good enough;

- Fear of being in your power and taking action.


Your soul will long transition, change, freedom, but on a deeper level you may create blockages for yourself and prevent this to happen. That’s why this energy is so strong, as anything that needs to be released, first will come to surface.

The main theme of this Full moon is: Don’t be afraid of CHANGE in all levels.

Continue to part II for more information and affirmation for this Full moon! 

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 

© May-21

Message from Ascended master Auset (Isis)


Dear children of Earth,

       We are here in this challenging time, to create a New age. We are going through amazing time of time-line shift, greater than what you have experienced before. You are incorporating more of the cosmic Light codes sent to you from the Council of Light, to your Heart core. These codes have purpose to help you with any difficult changes in cellular and physical level. These changes are valid for everyone on the Planet. Regardless of what you feel, please know that you are surrounded with our protection and support.

Now is the 3 rd cycle of Karmic cleansing for the planet and humans.

We want to invite you to be very careful with your surroundings and body. What foods you take and how do you act in the hard energy. Don’t force yourself to do something, but first listen to your inner guidance, to your angels, Ascended masters.

    Until the end of June and beginning of July we are starting the great quantum jump of timelines. After the Full moon Solar eclipse on 26. May (in Sagittarius) many of you may feel unwell, out of balance, or out of control in any situation. That’s so because you are preparing to expand your light (aura), and all chakra systems. Now for many light workers they will feel like going through darkness, or they already went through hard energies in the beginning of the year. You will be more sensitive to energies, and that can create imbalance and strong influence from the environment, people, and feeling of exhaustion. Take your time to rest, sleep and nourish your energy. That’s crucial in this time-line jump.

In time of Lunar Eclipse the whole earth will be aligned with the Moon core. Be aware that the planets and stars also have aura and magnetic field (similar to humans), but they have much different frequency. Now these aura and magnetic field are in constant change. With the Eclipse the ethereal core of the Moon will be aligned with core of Earth. Moon is sending its energy to our Earth, in this time you will be extra sensitive. Practice all healing practices and be sure to be connected with the nature in any way.

After this period (until September) your main incorporation process will be finished and you will continue to learn how to work with the New energy and New Self! 

The light codes are here to navigate your body through changes in your aura field and Structure on deeper level. We are guiding you slowly to your Highest good.

In the time of Summer Solstice the earth will start new phase of harmony and alignment. In this period we are going through the Celestial portal of Light, to higher vibrations for the planet. Expect many changes around you in global level, as well as changes in nature during summer-autumn.

In this time every soul will be guided to return on her Spiritual path and highest purpose.


Sending you Love and blessings from Divine Council of Light:

As. Master Auset.


Channeled by:

Nina Lea-Nour ❂

Angel`s medium 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Spiritual tarot for Gemini (and Air signs) -Happy Birthday! 🎂


Gemini is amazing Air sign of self-love, awakening, clarity, perspective, mindfulness, curiosity, adventure, taking risks.

[ This Tarot reading and angel guidance can resonates with all Air signs too for May-June]

Here I give you the gift of Tarot reading for May-June, Happy birthday, Gemini! ðŸŽ‚

The Tarot cards for you are: 3 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, the Empress III.

       "Paulina Tarot" by Paulina Cassidy 

      You have beautiful and fruitful time, where many things will come in balance. Whatever you had problems in the past will be resolved in a positive way. 3 of Pentacles indicates spirit of connection with others, starting projects (personal or busines), being supported by people and friends. Your environment will support your growth in home, family, work and education. You are important person in the community and people admire your intelligence and mind.

Take care of your honest communication this time, be open to discuss any issues with others, to take advice. (3) indicates the Throat chakra –being open to listen and understand others is also important. It`s possible this time many friends, or family members come to you for advice and help. 

6 of Pentacles in the position of Your current energy and qualities – is a great sign of returning to balance. Be sure that you have enough financial stability and savings. Whatever you give it will come back to you! That relates not only to money, but also to support and help in all levels. You are person who has good managing of your life, so now is the time to open your heart to others. In this way you gain Karma rewards for the future. Throughout next 2 months there is sense of love, sharing and community of good friends around you.

The Empress (3) indicates you need to connect with your inner power, creative energy and feminine side–yin energy. You are radiating beauty, confidence and optimism. You need to pay attention to your health, diet and daily habits, to take care of yourself and close people or children.

If you have little children, or pets you will take more time for nurturing and care for them. Some of you can be attracted to plant garden, small crops and vegetables.

Connecting with nature reflects our connection with universe, angels and all living things. Think about what healthy habits are preventing you from feeling joyful and in harmony? This period all efforts you make will have positive results!

Spiritual messages:

Imagination } Imagination intrigues the soul and illuminates the heart. 

[Used from “Witchlings oracle” by Paulina Cassidy]

Fairy message: Metamorphosis: Butterfly

Trust the Process and be patient. Becoming can not be rushed. Change is beautiful.

Angelic guidance: 16. Owl:  

Receiving inner wisdom, guidance from your Higher self, messages for your past life experience, Karmic cycle ending. Messages, news. Premonition

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 

© May-21

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Sun in Gemini ♊︎ - Awakening, Clarity, Throat chakra


Sun in Gemini is amazing point in the year. This is first air sign from the astrological wheel. It` s related to understanding our inner Self and our Mind, balancing between mind and heart; Mind and physical body. Gemini is also sign of duality and balance, projected in multiple spheres of life. It is sign of acknowledging all options and awakening to inner change. 

As an Air sign Gemini likes changes, transformations, and so attracts challenges. We become stronger just we manage to overcome all difficulties in our environment.

     This is also sign of love, truth, optimism and personal metamorphosis. Sun in Gemini is time of support of any personal changes in all spheres: love life, relationships, work, family. As this beautiful sign is connection between all things, in harmonious way. Things that you need to do is to ask questions to Self: 

What do you need to change and transform in your life? 

What sphere has more stagnant energy that need to be shaken off?

Gain clarity what is the next important step in your development?

Do you need to gain more knowledge, education, courses?

What changes you need to make in your relationship and communication?

All these questions will help your to grow in this process.

Qualities you are invited to gain: truthfulness, honesty, clarity of mind, balance of opposites, mindfulness, gaining knowledge, observance, curiosity, creativity.

As air is sign of truth, justice, honesty and power of intellect, you need to acquire all these and be careful about people who will challenge your honesty, truth or values.

You can also have many friends, many hobbies and create one dynamic environment. Inspiration and new ideas are on the way, with the Tarot card of Gemini “Knight of Swords”. He represents warrior of Air, who is going forward with motivation and enthusiasm for change. He is strong, but very conscious of what he chooses. Heading to another direction, he wants you to not be afraid going out of your comfort zone, stimulating positive changes. Even if you feel burdened now, or need to pass through storm and heavy emotions, be sure the reward is waiting you soon. This Knight is going on quest  of knowledge, connect with others with open heart, and he demands expressing yourself without fear.

Chakra you can work on in this time is Throat – sit in a quiet place and imagine light blue light in form of sphere above your Head. This light is send to you from Spirit realm. Feel the light for a while, and see the vibrant blue colour as it spins. The light cleanses and release any negative energies, entities or blockages in your Crown chakra and Aura.

This sphere is purifying and has healing properties. See how the sphere now descends slowly down, reaching your Throat. Feel it the blue light spinning there as it does work to unblock, cleanse and heal your Throat chakra. Say in yourself “I have clear communication, I express myself without fear of judgement, I`m in my power to speak the truth.” Now your Throat is cleansed in all levels.

This is the time to use more yellow colour to uplift your mind and energize your Mind.

Crystals to work for Gemini: In this season make a crystal grid or use in meditation/ healing yellow calcite, citrine, heliodor, or amber to bring you more enthusiasm, joy and self-love.

Pay attention to your thoughts and intentions! This magical time can manifest anything that you focus on, any positive thoughts will be opening portal to the Universe.

Angel to work with is Gabriel; and plant is Jasmine (any white fragrant flowers are helping your growth and grounding in this period).


Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master I

© May-21

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday Tarot, Oracle & Star scope [18]

 Tarot and Oracle used: "Paulina Tarot" & "Witchlings" by Paulina Cassidy 

This week we have energy of peace, tranquillity and divine guidance to go inward and listen to our feelings. What do you need to accomplish? What makes your heart sign, and what is your higher mission/ purpose in life? All these things become meaningful and important now.  

Tarot spread 

There is sense of stillness, knowing and deep understanding of all that surrounds you. This is time to listen, to have clear vision and clear guidance about the future. Don’t rush to make things before you know what is your higher purpose;

Cards to guide you this time are:

II. High priestess, XVII. The Star; Knight of Wands 

(I. First card indicate what reflects and what is connecting with the present situation, or your present energy? Past to present)

High priestess is energy of Isis guiding you to open your perceptions for insight and clear visions. This is card of alignment with universe and of mystical knowledge. This is card also of balancing Yin and Yang energy, of self-love and creating spiritual healing of body-mind- Soul.

Now is the time of deep reflection, cleansing aura, healing, meditations. Observe surroundings and understand the hidden nature of the world.

Maybe you will be drawn to divination practice, time alone, you feel increased intuition, visions and signs in dreams.

In this time you have powerful help from Goddess Isis. Be in your own power!

Ajna chakra –Third eye opening; wisdom of the spiritual world. The element of High Priestess is [2] Water : mystical keys to emotions, clair voyance and sub-consciousness.

High Priestess spreads mystical waves of receiving wisdom from the Universe, angels and all Nature, connecting with your divine Feminine. High Priestess is very harmonious with the Star, as they are following the Universal laws, intuition, love and tranquillity.

From that mystical knowledge you go higher on path of Ascension.

The Star – XVII (Celestial Portal of healing) -Present energy

This card indicates Portal of Soul ascension. Your heart grows older, many things were revealed for you last months. You are about to realize and connect your past and future in this special moment. Karmic cleansing and karmic relationships are here to help you. Hear the message from the stars, what belongs to you will not be taken away. You are on a spiritual crossroad in your journey.

Star indicates cleansing, purity and rejuvenation in all levels, specially connects with your emotions and sub-conscious mind (the woman is pouring water on the ground and in a lake).

This is sign for you to activate your Merkaba star, work for cleansing and balancing all your chakras. (Star also has 7 other stars around the main one in the centre).

As this is card of celestial Portal, it has deeper meaning of going through a “gateway” in your spiritual path. Cleansing, healing and love to source will uplift your energy in this time. Element of Star is [8] Celestial water : inner purification. 

In this time you are reborn, purified from all in the past, actions and thoughts, so you can start anew and follow your path. 

3 card: Knight of Wands - Where you are heading to? What is your goal?

    Knight of Wands – indicates changes, transformation on spiritual level and then in your environment. That are very fast and important changes, coming together with gaining qualities like confidence, determination and taking risks. Now things happen fast and you should be prepared to act in all situations. 

This Knight for some can mean passion and love, but he wont be very stable or persistent. As Warrior of Fire this knight is a travel, longing for travel, movement forward, defending your values, standing your ground and overcoming obstacles with strength; You need your freedom and passion, connected with Fire in the body.  

(Advice and tools: With Knight of Wands meditate on your Throat chakra and in your Fire element in body – connected with blood and pressure; eat more Yang energy fruits –red fruits and berries; crystals to work with: garnet, red jasper)

Overall energy: We are moving fast forward, from state of stillness, focus inward and thoughts about past, to state to action, setting goals and being persistent to what you want to achieve. Water is feminine and nurturing, and reflects emotions and soul connection, it is still in the present moment. Fire is changeable, dominant and masculine element of transformation, movement. Fire is your intention for the future and for what to be prepared. Fire has the mystical keys to fulfilment, motivation and overcoming challenges and quests. 

Oracle card: Cleansing:

Energy cleansing creates healthy and harmonious space in which to thrive.

Be aware to have clean environment and eat healthy foods, use nature based products. 

Star Scope: Jupiter in Pisces:

Strong need to expand your awareness or purpose and spiritual growth. Starting to feel oneness with all world and to need to balance your environment. Expand your spiritual knowledge by reading books, meditation and feeling. Past lives knowledge, meditation will be very enhanced too. Planet of expansion and growth and sign of Psychic and healing Pisces, we have Ascension, going higher on our journey.

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 

© May 18-21

Equinox Energy and Light codes of transmission (Spring)


Each season has specific energy, and that’s not “mythology”, it`s a fact. The more we know about Energy, planet Earth, and solar system, the more we ll understand how all things in the universe are connected. All things that surround us are part from a higher Divine plan. Find out what psychological, energetic and spiritual changes happen on earth and with all humans at this time. 

Here I want to observe in details the Earth energy in each activation Portal of Summer and Winter Solstice, and Spring-Autumn Equinox. What happens in this time?


Spring Equinox (21-26 March)

     The Earth is preparing for waking up, rejuvenation, restart and coming back to life. We can observe that in all nature, plants are starting to grow, trees are in bloom, and many animals have their mating time. This is exact time of profound healing and realignment of the humans with the magnetic core of mother Earth.

This is energy of emerald Green light, healing and activation from archangel Raphael and green flame angels.

In the energy of Equinoxes (also in Autumn), Earth`s crystalline core and magnetic grid (connected to magnetosphere) start to expand, change and spin faster. (Be aware, not the earth starts to spin faster!) That changes in grid of Earth result in shift of energy in whole planet, and they affect humans in specific way.

In Spring equinox we receive light activation codes to our Heart centre (and Etheral light situated within Heart), so we are aligned with the crystalline core and grid of Earth.

Also we receive such emerald light codes into our Mind (Pituitary gland in the brain). In this time we need to balance our Masculine (Yang) and feminine (yin) energy with the Earth.

   Since 2020 year the vibrations of whole planet are much higher, that means there are significant changes in crystal grid of Earth. Until we integrate these changes (in our physical and mental body), it will take time, and around 3 planetary years. These changes can result in easily being out of focus, feeling of fatigue, tiredness, anxiety and changes in blood pressure, also faster heart rates. 

   In this time crystalline core of the Moon (moon is not by chance so close to us), is aligned also with the Earth` s core. Moon acts as a magnet and pulls in –our certain energies from our bodies. They are related mostly to feelings and emotions, and feminine energy.

In this time the first Full moon after the Equinox (in Libra sign) will be quite intense and serve as activation on Ethereal level.

(Ethereal level is higher than Astral *) Elements of Spring are Fire and Earth; that’s why its amazing time to ignite your fire, passions and to see the direction you are going.

The ethereal light (which is like a small seed situated in the Heart chakra), starts to move, expand and transform as emerald hexagon Star (six-pointed star), through which we receive healing and rejuvenation.

Here I have to say, though this process is available to every human, still there are people who cant use it, because of they are blocked by limited knowledge and limited believes. That means, if you have the “key” to open the door, but you don’t know where is the door, or how to use the key, you cant do more.

   As angels are aware of how most of people think and feel and in what spiritual state they are, they don’t make things harder. That`s why when your Ethereal light codes are activated you can be unaware; Just if you are on the path of ascension of spiritual development it will be much easier for you and you will integrate these codes faster. For some people who still cant stand the Higher and lighter vibrations, they will struggle in their body or have emotional imbalance.

 Feelings of acceptance, love and grounding are very important for these energies. The integration of codes continues around 30 days (until 20 of April, the Aries season). This time we need to be active, strong and turn attention to healthy food.

    So Equinox energy brings planetary balance and connection between crystalline core of Earth and core of the Moon. Also it brings balance between our emotional, physical and spiritual body, with rejuvenation and awakening.

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 

© Apr 12-21

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Angel message for today: Boundaries


Be aware and know how to create healthy boundaries. Know your self worth and trust your intuition - you are unique and powerful being as you are! Don`t let others take advantage of you or send you their influence. Don’t let other people trespass your boundaries, come into your sacred space with black traces. Know what you want exactly and let go of hesitation. Not all opinions can be equal or should be. That’s why we are different, that’s why we are so colourful and have personalities.

Know that you are made of you own experiences (past and present) not of experiences of others. That’s what makes you so different, so beautiful and unique Soul.

Don’t be afraid to shine, to show yourself to the world, to manifest your difference, and to appreciate and love that difference. Don’t think that your opinion is small or doesn’t matter”.

   Dont think refusing something or being on “the other Side is creating conflict. You are asked here to stand your ground, to be firm in your believes, regadless of conflict. Peace can`t be at all cost, the same as war. Defend who you are, express freely, then you can enjoy your own integrity. 

This is message from angels today!

Nina Lea-Nour ❂

Angel`s medium 

© May 15-21

Friday, May 14, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance -Fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius)

 For all Fire signs in the next 30 days is period of ending and beginning new cycle; expect interesting new things and surprises. Take time to see situation from all sides and be objective without judgement. Fire signs are like spiritual "family" so you can read all cards regardless of your sign, as they ll affect you. 

Leo – Wheel of Fortune (Karma, end of cycle) ♌

Something is about to change totally in your environment, that can be related to work, money, home and family. The energy is challenging, but quite different. For some winning in material or spiritual plane is important, awards come to you when you have planted seeds of good and beauty in the past.

Cycles are natural, so be prepared to let go of something, it will be for your good. Karmic cleansing; possible feeling of restlessness, anxiety, and premonition. The major shift is coming; on the verge of change. Here Wheel of Karma indicates inner transformation, and spiritual development.

Possible moving or short travel, consider to be objective in a situation. Wheel of Karma is the card of May month (X).

Aries – the Hanged Man XII. (Objective view) ♈

This is very unusual card for Aries, who is always on the go and pursuit of something. So here it comes to remind you to set time to be still, observe things from different angle and clear your mind. Situation is more complicated than you think and has many sides. Not all other opinions are wrong.

Relax and let go of judgement and prejudice about people and situation. Don’t think you know all the answers too, that’s not the case. Time for preparation, stillness and waiting before next important period of your life. Need to relax your head a bit from daily activities and schedule. Set time for meditation, breathing and nature connection –specially Trees have very helpful spirit.

In this time you could have vivid dreams, lucid dreaming and cleansing of subconscious mind. It would be helpful to have dream journal.


Sagittarius: Princess of Fire (Page – creativity, desire)  ♐

This is card of Sagittarius, so it came in this position to give you special message! You are loved and supported by the universe this month. Be sure to use all your abilities and power to create what you need in this time. After time of stillness you are about to start again with fresh new ideas and new mind.

You may feel flow of creative energy, inspiration, need to do many things. Don’t be overwhelmed and try to make schedule and priorities for how to act. Also don’t take fast decisions this time.

This is card with message from your guardian angels, they are here for you, just take time to connect and meditate. Connect with your inner child, and focus on your passions. What you love to do? What makes your heart feel happy and light? These moments of joy are very important. So be in your real self, create, explore, study.

This is energy of rejuvenation, beginning and pure heart.

This Princess also is a sign that you are loved and supported by the angels, fairies, and you have circle of good friends! Love, trust and harmony are in the air. Focus this time is on connection with friends, soul mates, exchanging ideas, study and education, projects.


 For all Fire signs: Beauty: When beauty is felt from within your gourgousness will glow

Cards used: "Paulina Tarot" & "Witchlings Oracle" by Paulina Cassidy

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 

© May 12-21

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance -Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)


This period is marked for the Earth signs with coming back to your power, taking actions and responsibility, and amazing results, enjoying the fruits of your work. Patience, determination and resilience will be also important.

    Taurus: Queen of Wands (Nurture your passions)  ♉

    This Queen is showing that you need to nurture and take care of yourself. Be aware of your need to move, exercise and have healthy balance between work- rest and time for your own inspiration. This is queen of inspiration, passion and doing everything from heart. Arch. Ariel is guiding you to be more conscious about your choices, what you eat, how you connect with others and how you react. It`s amazing time to create and come back to your power.

     This Queen also marks potential time for the New moon in Taurus on 11. May. Archangel Ariel is sending you message and spiritual gift of confidence, self-discipline, faith, feeling loved and appreciated, optimism; Be open to others and be compassionate. Follow your passions and connect with Fire element through Sun gazing, walking outside, candles rituals, or yellow, orange colour.

Health and self-care: turn attention to your blood pressure, veins, heart and issues with blood. Do you balance your Fire energy? Do you take enough sleep, rest and time out?

Chakra to work on: Third eye and Solar Plexus; crystals: orange carnelian, amber, orange aventurine.


Capricorn: Ace of Pentacles: doorway to Abundance  ♑

You are receiving this month the spiritual gift – opportunity is opening for you for prosperity. Could be in form of new idea, proposal, or successful investment. New opportunity for work, study and education. For some could mean new home, property or renovation. You will see your idea unfolds in amazing way. Persistency is needed in order to get things as you want. This pentacle also is symbol of protection and good health. 

Take care to be grounded and go to natural places or frequent walks in the garden. Pay attention to your home and clean environment.


Virgo – IV. The Emperor (Power, Control) ♍


    Managing your time and finances is crucial at the moment. Being responsible and organizing all things is amazing, but also requires much energy and devotion. You are the one who should take care of your actions, make your schedule, make priorities and don’t compromise with external circumstances. Emperor gives you willpower and activates your sense of belonging to order –social status, home, family and ancestors. You are now in position of power, grown up and responsible for your own decisions.

Activate your Masculine energy to do all daily tasks with determination.

Consider working on your Root chakra, if you feel out of energy:

Visualize your root chakra (at the base of your spine) filled with beautiful ruby red light. It’s a swirling sphere of red light. See this chakra expanding and growing slowly. See now from this sphere tiny tentacles of roots growing and extending down to the Earth. These are the roots of your beings, grounding you to the Earth energy. Feel safe, secure and powerful in your place now.

 Qualities you need to acuire: courage, determination, willpower, discipline, taking responsibility.


For all Earth signs we have much grounding energy, and the card from Angels is “Meditation”. 

Regardless of how many tasks, obligations you have, how busy you are every day, make time for meditation. That will increase your energy and will have great benefits for your health and mind. Meditation is key to balanced life.

Message on the card: " Meditation will transport you to a place of bliss at any desired time of the day"

Cards used: Paulina Tarot" by Paulina Cassidy, "Witchlings" by Paulina Cassidy 

Note: I publish Tarot for spiritual guidance monthly little before the New moon. Group of Earth signs is connected as a "family" so you can see also other cards from the same element for guidance. Please consider also your Rising and Moon signs. 

Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium 

© May 12-21