Saturday, May 20, 2017

Nun -Naunet

   image: Nun holding the Solar baraque with first gods

    The couple Nun- Naunet represents the feminine and masculine aspect of the first element of creation –Primordial waters. Similar to the introduction of Biblical story about world creation, where Gods spirit was roaming above the dark endless waters, in ancient Egypt all life was created from primal waters. These “waters” shouldn’t be confused with the water element existing later on earth, spread in vast areas like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers. The earth water is nourishing, evolving, alive. The primal waters of creation were actually symbols (or equal) of abyss, cosmic space – nothingness, invisible dark matter, empty space, infinity.
   The life sprung out from these dark Waters ruled by Nun and Naunet as couple, and according to most legends, it will return again back to it.
If there are gods existing before the Creator god (Atum, Re) they are namely these deities of abyss and dark “water”.
   Interestingly the importance of Nun as god was in different level, as he was not worshipped in a certain temple, nor any rituals were dedicated to him. In this way he was placed in another space, “out of the earth” reality, where he did not have relations with humans, as most Egyptian gods.  
In the Egyptian mythology, idea of dark primeval Waters of creation has deep philosophical aspects. It shows the mystery of cosmos formed by chaos and order. Even so, the waters represent the chaos from which the organized life was born. That is one of the reasons why the gods Nun-Naunet were not worshipped.

Legend of creation 1 

The Egyptian creation myth has many analogues in another religions. First was the primal Ocean (chaos), from which the Lotus flower emerged from the mud. That lotus was situated on a “Sacred Mound”. From that lotus flower (representing the birth of Cosmic Light, or Sun, similar to Bible creation), was born the main Creator god – Atum (Re) Sun god. This legend was popular in Heliopolis

Legend of creation 2 
This legend presents the eight first Gods of creation, or the so called Ogdoad. They were four couples gods directly connected with primeval waters and emerging from it:
Amun –Amaunet (symbol of invisibility, hiddenness )  
Heh –Hauhet (symbol of infinity)
Kuk –Kauket (symbol of darkness, abyss)
Nun –Naunet (symbol of primordial ocean)

All of them are represented as aquatic animals – frogs and snakes. Nun was depicted as frog headed deity (which makes easy to understand the frog as symbol of fertility, birth).

Legend of creation 3 
In different version of Egyptian creation, God Thoth (god of Moon, wisdom, written words, letters energy), appeared from the Nun first. He started singing, and his song gave birth to the frog and snake gods. They continued the song of Thoth after, in order to keep the cycle of the sun rise and sun set (or sun travel through sky in the Solar baraque).

Nu ~
Nun was called Nu to express the energy of chaos, darkness, yearly inundation of the river Nile. He was linked also to the whole river.
Existence of Nun as deity was symbolized by important inner lake, situated inside temples, that was used for purifying rituals from the priests.

Appearance of Nun and Naunet 
He was depicted with frog headed man or with man with a beard and green-blue skin with color of water, he was wearing a palm frond on his head. Naunet appears as a snake or woman with head of snake. In temples walls we can see wall art with Nun holding the Solar boat with raised hands (which shows his supreme position of first god) – in the baraque there are seven gods surrounding Solar god Khepri in the middle. Other gods are part of Ogdoad.

As I shortly draw the outlines of the myths connected with Nun-Naunet, its visible one – the primeval ocean and dark waters look very similar in symbolic as the invisible waters of the womb, before baby is born. They are infinite, and everything comes and returns to them. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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References: (I always love reading more) 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Tefnut & Shu


   Who was Tefnut?
Ancient Egyptian personification of feminine energy, Tefnut was important goddess of rain, moisture, water (and from that aspect of fertility of land). She was depicted with head of lioness and holding ankh, sitting on a throne. Her name translated would mean “She of moisture”. In most wall art Tefnut appears with a sun disc and uraeus (sacred cobra) above her head. She was depicted also sometimes with a “was” scepter- symbol of authority and power over all earthly life. She was connected also with Moon energies and represented the night sky.

    Who was Shu?
God twin of Tefnut (Tefen), he was her brother and husband. The ancient cosmology linked the power of Shu with his father (Creator god Atum Re) and his right eye, symbol of Sun, while Tefnut represented his left eye –the Moon. In such way the Father and his children become part of God Trinity with many functions. Shu was god responsible for wind, air and weather. His name in ancient Egyptian meant “Feather” (shua) and also “light”, “Space”. In this way he was also personification of cosmic light and sun beams, that travel through the air.

Symbolically Tefnut (rain, water) is connected with Shu (the cosmic air, wind) in sacred Union. They represent the higher atmosphere that spread from the power of their father Atum Re.

Shu was identified with feather symbol; He was depicted with head of lion, ostrich feather above his head and holding ankh. 

Shu and his twin sister lioness –Tefnut became the first Egyptian gods of dead and underworld. They created the foundations of the home, where the dead souls will dwell (called later “Gate of the pillars of Shu”). The god of wind also had the role of punishing the wicked souls in Duat, he was participant in the sacred “Hall of two truths”, where the heart was judged on the Maat` s scales.

   Tefnut had important role to supply drinking water for the souls of deceased in Underworld. So she ruled also over the dead and afterlife. Other names she was famous were: “Lady of the Flame”, “Uraeus on the head of all Gods” – they give her strong qualities of protection. She takes part in the ceremony of justification of heart in the Duat and one of 42 judges for the soul. Her city of worship was on the Nile delta, it Egyptian name was Taremu, and Greek name – Leontopolis –city of Lion headed gods. Other famous solar and lion deities were: Bastet, Sekhmet.

Children of Shu and Tefnut were Nut (goddess of sky, stars and moon) and Geb (god of earth, land, soil).
Shu and Tefnut represented the feminine and masculine cosmic energies, united from power of Atum Re – Sun and Moon, left eye of Ra, the right eye of Ra, cosmic moisture (connected with primordial ocean) and cosmic wind, air (connected with primordial creation of air and light traveling through atmosphere). All the pantheon of first gods laid the foundations of and evolves in other gods and goddesses later.

These first primordial gods (Atum Re –Shu-Tefnut) exist in the magical creative power of Triangle – or transforming universal Fire. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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- image - goddess Tefnut on the left with sun disc and goddess Isis (right) 

Colors in Aura - VII (hidden auras)

  - this is the last part of my journey in aura colors and meaning. Here I observe the "hidden aura" 
   * Hidden auras – black 
     Black color in aura indicates several possible soul kinds – 1. hidden auras (people who want to disappear for while and not be “seen”) 2. people possessed by demonic presence 3. possessed with strong fear, horror or panic. 

     Here is one clue, that I discussed before in other articles, explaining about the way angels see us and about “demons and ghosts”. Black auras are not always indication of demonic presence –or highly negative souls. They can be people who want to hide for some reason, or possessed by fear. As we said strong negative emotions raise a black cloud in the aura, preventing the person to be observed and seen by angels. Yes, angels always can help him, but just to a person who is willing for help. He has the power to ask or not to ask. Spreading feelings of fear and panic would make the person covered with the black “cloak” and hidden- but not from demons. They will see the person even better in black cloud.

Another interesting fact – black auras can be helpful and preventing –but only for those people, who know how to make protection and work with energies. For example fairy auras can use method of protection by adding “black” protection field around them –this circle will be active for a while and it hides the true presence of fairy soul. In such way they can be protected from many unclean –energies, people and surroundings. For such people this method is recommended, as they need to be “hidden”.

For low level people this method wont work well, as they wont be able to know how to make a good “cloak” or how to not attract demonic entities. That’s why for them is best to use any other protective color – best are green-blue and turquoise. Actually fairy colors  -pink, light green, baby blue, peach, are very soft and with too loving vibrations. That’s how they attract all kind of unwanted energies –specially of low level souls, who love their blissful colors and purity. In such way fairy souls need much stronger protection. They should use also black stones like –black onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, black agate. Of course these stones are recommended for all people to use, but for some their energy may seem too “obsessive” or strong. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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- image -yellow calcite

Colors in Aura - VI

     * Deep violet color (iris) and amethyst color: 

      These souls have all the good qualities of the higher level souls. They are the best example of life devoted to spirituality. Violet is the color of higher knowledge, connection with angels and spirit guides, of unconditional love and healing. People with this color are empaths, healers and spread spiritual knowledge. Many times they are attracted by the unifying principles valid for all religions, they strive to improve their human nature to the best possible level. They are faithful, honest, authentic, love the cosmic truth, lead to others hearts by unconditional love. These people are not easy to be found, and they should spend many life times on earth (more than 30) in order to achieve deep violet color aura. Amethyst color –which is brilliant violet –in energy will be achieved from even higher level souls, that suffer at least 50 life times on earth. Violet souls have generally hard life, many obstacles and many choices make. They may suffer mostly with all kind of physical challenges – loss of beloved or loss of child, humiliation, abuse, mistakes in choices, depression. They may have problems with surviving in the physical world, and escape in spiritual world. These people will be good healers and psychics, as they want to spread their light to the world. Their efforts will be practical. Sometimes they will be confused about their spiritual mission, but not for long. They have strong connection with the invisible world. All their efforts will be in direction to spread love and knowledge and to show that any human is able to do that.

        * Translucent green – this color exists as “visible” or saturated colors – in “warm palette”. In the same way, all saturated colors have their brilliant, translucent versions. These criteria also divides people in different soul groups –higher and lower levels. If normal visible dark green color mean healing abilities by using earth elements, herbs, plants, trees…, the translucent green is linked with well developed healing abilities and uses spiritual connections. People with this color will be close by qualities to the navy blue auras, just they wont have mission of psychic and teachers, but will be prone to use the natural power and resources in order to heal. They start by their own heart. Green souls will be with very vulnerable heart, kind and easy to be “broken”. When they discover and focus their natural healing abilities, by connecting their mind and heart – they will be able to recover, let go of pain, experience forgiveness and emotional purity. They are the best natural healers and shamans – will be most productive to live in almost wild places in nature, and being close to animals. One of great missions for them is as any kind of doctors, vets, working with pets and wild animals, being loved by animals, working as photographers of wild nature, healers with herbs, nutritionists, psychologists. They are the children of nature, and will possess immense innocence. These are workers devoted to defend animal live, fight for any animal and human cause, and win hearts of others. Unlike most of “cool colors” aura –translucent green souls will have feeling of belonging to the mother earth and spreading their natural healing forces to all living beings and all planet.

    * Fairy colors ~ Pink, rose quartz, (mauve, lavender), pale green (prehnite, emerald), peach opal. 

      These people are one very rare group on earth. They can sense or “smell” the presence of other fairy person close to them…sadly they are not easy to be found and just 5-6% from the earth souls. I wont observe here every color separately, as they have similar qualities. their mission as fairy souls is connecting on higher spiritual levels, revealing mystical truths about the world, spreading emotional healing and purity, practicing self-love and acceptance, learning how to cope with energies of physical world, learning grounding, passion and self-esteem. They are quite different from the usual “human” souls and could be easily misled by unclean energies and people. Their natural purity and approach of children, will make them sometimes fall pray to hard and unclean situations, provoking evil eyes and surrounding. That’s why they mostly love “hiding” from physical world, soar in their own inner space, practice forgiveness and unveil the mysteries, they already know – as records in their auras –since so long time. They are experts of energy work, magicians, have perfect skills with focus energy, making amulets, crystal circles, grids and working with all elements. They are familiar since little age with their abilities, angels and spirit guides. Often such people may appear to others as “strange”, unusual, lonesome, or even crazy. They love being alone and feeling their supportive guides and angels presence. Their worst obstacle and suffer will be namely anything in the physical plane – they may be too sensitive to physical pain, panic from any physical imbalance or illness, and will have strong need for living in perfectly pure atmosphere and perfect health.

       That kind of feeling will probably make them more attached to spiritual plane and lose balance of earth qualities. They are quite not fearless and should conquer many fears and self-doubt. Its much harder for them to work in physical plane than any higher sphere. They can have quite lonely life, as they don’t have big variety of choices for suitable soul mate. They will be real friends with all nature elements – trees, flowers, plants, crystals. These people will have natural healing abilities, but their energy will be easily exhausted. They need much longer recharge of energy, specially longer sleep and spending time alone in nature or with their gems and crystals. These souls are strong art lovers and feel attached to everything beautiful in the nature and art. They will dislike “ugliness” in all human actions, in fine art, writings and photography – even if they are “realistic” and show the truth. This truth doesn’t need to be “seen” from the sensitive hearts of fairy souls. They wish to soar in their special realm and see their truth –even if no one believes what they see. 
[ note - have in mind that some people may have "clouds" of fairy colors spread in places in aura field, this does not mean the whole aura belongs to the "fairy" category, as it represents a moving stage of heart, feelings and mind ]

Here I close the topic about major aura colors in humans, thank you for reading. I`ll appreciate any comments or questions of curiosity. 
~ I wrote this article with the loving help of my angels and arch. Chamuel, Abide in divine Light ~ 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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- image - crystal cluster of Rose Quartz, cleansing aura and heart 

Colors in Aura - V

      * Turquoise color ~ (protection aura)

      This color is one of the special colors for the souls with usually many life-cycles – above 30-33. Most of people with clear turquoise (have in mind there are some “clouds” or separate shades of turquoise in some peoples aura, which is not the same as having full turquoise aura field). This is the color of true calling, spiritual expression, thoughts and ideas that reach to peoples heart and mind. This color is spread mostly with spiritual leaders, or religious people and priests, masters on the path of awakening, who want to share their views, ideas. It is also strong protection color –connected both with Throat and earth chakra. Turquoise is strong color of arch. Sandalphone – bringing to people revelation for the true Self, missions, and best soul qualities. People with turquoise will have knowledge about who they are and what they want to achieve. If their aura is mixed with light yellow, that combination marks message spread to humanity and healing humanity. People with turquoise combinations in their auras can be – Ghandi, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Jesus…They don’t live isolated from others, on the contrary, they bear strong ideas and love for all humans. Turquoise spreads spiritual ideas, truth, and reveals call of higher self very fast.
    This color is ruled by element high Air –wind, Ether. The air gives any message and idea new life. Turquoise souls have open heart to people, they are absolutely authentic, self-confident, have strong faith in their abilities and missions. They are messengers of humanity.
    This is color of many writers, scientists, people who spread any new knowledge, or who revive hidden history.

     * Lavender color (lilac) ~ (soothing, gentle, unconditional love)

This color is rare in aura for people, and one of “fairy colors”. It means that person had physical transformation in past lives. The soul may have come from another galaxy or planet or he was “star seed” or she was one of the elementals before choosing to be human. Lavender is very high frequency color, it spread love, kindness and activate principle of forgiveness. This color often combines with translucent pink (rose quartz) or any kind of pink. Lavender souls are one of most pure – and in deep search of purity in physical and emotional levels. That’s why they often go through “hell” on earth plane, as they hardly can be used to the heavy matter and all things seem to them too obscure, too rude. This color is always bright and translucent, one that cant be observed on physical level. Such souls, unlike the blue ones, like to be more isolated from the physical world and have escape deep in their hearts. One of their missions is to spread messages of ascension, love and purity to the world. The obstacle they should overcome is their shyness and surrounding themselves with fence from ordinary people. Lavender souls have very few close people and cant feel good in any social situation. That makes them good in any individual spiritual practices, but bad in spreading messages to humanity. Though they will need to do that by sharing all knowledge in another ways –like writing, music, art. They have strong mysterious approach in their researches, also they are with very well developed Third eye since little age. In this way they are prone to have much higher psychic abilities or sensitivity. They are also one of the best people of channeling divine messages of angels. That is so simply because their first principle is purity, and they are naturally away from unclean surroundings and people. They are more lonesome in life, but feel best inner peace, harmony and love. One of their mission is to reach self-acceptance and self-love. They also would need to work on their first chakras and make often grounding and protections. Lavender souls have very soothing presence and voice, that’s how they will sadly attract souls with much lower vibrations. Their isolation and protection will be highly needed in many points in life, in order to keep them away from unclean energies and situations. This will be their challenge. When they succeed they will master the art of energy work and manifestation, and astral travel. These people work perfectly with mysticism and principles of symbolism, magic and Kabalah. They are masters in making amulets of various kinds, crystal circles, invoking love and blessings, channeling, making rituals and spells. They are so to say “good witch” or fairies. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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- image - Aqua aura crystal cluster ~ perfect for aura cleansing 

Colors in Aura - IV -

  * Cool colors in aura (souls of glass, stars and moon) ~

     These people have all shades of blue and blue-green palettes in their aura, light blue, navy blue, royal blue, translucent purple, amethyst, deep violet (iris), indigo blue, turquoise, lavender, mauve, lilac, translucent green. These types of auras signify souls from the higher levels (usually blue colors- are above soul level 4 or 5 or 20-25 life cycles), violet, lavender, purple, royal blue colors are levels above 5 -6 or 25-50 life cycles) The higher is the level of the soul, the more aura will be brighter, with higher light spectrum, and more translucent. Aura is somehow like crystals and gems in the nature. There are so many different varieties of auras. They depend on level and the unique karmic lessons and achievements through each cycle.

     * Light blue (color of blue calcite or blue chalcedony) are souls with special qualities. They have very gentle presence and lovely vibrations in aura, sometimes radiate feelings like sadness, isolation, inner pain, need to be alone. Light blue auras have good senses but less believe in themselves. One of their missions is with sharing, expressing their true self, finding what they are meant to do in life. Often they will suffer from misunderstanding, lies, inner conflicts or suppressed expression –which will reflect on their throat chakra. They are given abilities of healers –only if they want to take what is prepared for them. Only if they believe in their angels, spirit guides and invisible energies. They could be good teachers, writers, translators, journalists, or social workers. Blue souls don’t like to be center of attention, or to be surrounded by many people. They want to have few precious friends, and trust is most important for them. The quality all cool auras need to achieve and practice is forgiveness and letting go. If the blue souls don’t want to acknowledge and admit the spiritual world, they will be at risk from falling in traps and illusions of life. On this level they feel the loving energy of angels, but cant feel strong connection with them. That’s how they will feel more gloomy, have problems with letting the past go, coping hard with earthly life obstacles, disbelieving or negative. What they need to practice is – confidence in their abilities, 2. giving more to others, 3. forgiveness 4. letting go of past pains. Expecting too much from themselves and others, blue souls are often negative, easily falling in disappointments and frustration.
Their positive qualities are – trustful, gentle, kind, smart, curious, social, expressing their emotions, understanding value of people, peaceful, quiet, creative, artistic approach, open heart. Light blue souls feel like too gentle for this world – this is valid also for most cool colors. But they don’t find many times solace in what they do, or see life from more obscure side, as lack of happiness, than as place for joy. They realize their way of soul, as they go higher. The best thing for them is to bring themselves to joy and life with friends of warm colors.
     Good combination if their aura will be existence of yellow color, to make them more grounded (or red). Blue colors are not practical, they are sometimes eccentric or strange to others, have many ideas and like change and movement. Worst thing for them is staying too long in one place – in all aspects. They feel heavy in routine and daily life rituals. What they want is change, air and space. These people will benefit from any social profession, can be good writers or language teachers. They will be more happy after discovering their spiritual path and healing abilities.

   * Navy blue aura 
These people are strong character, souls of the sea. They are quite rare to be found (together with royal blue). They radiate confidence, feel much more in waters of spiritual activities, love all big spaces, ocean, sea. These are souls with main priority Freedom in their life. often they will have problems in relationships –with family, friends, partners. This is not because they don’t love others, but they hate restrictions too much, and dislike someone to feel possessive about them. The worst situation for them is to obey orders. They are very independent – the same as all indigo color auras and have unique ability to view things from above. Usually dark blue –or indigo auras, have hard early years and hard childhood. They maybe passed through many challenges with being abused or offended, anything in relation with others. People close to them will be often a trap for negative emotions in their life. Even so, their nature is not weak, they are spiritual fighters, who realize their value, and who stand up for their Truth. These people cant be lead easily, they have strong mind, high imagination and love to indulge in dreams. Their obligation is to master more spiritual practices (meditation). It will be good if their energies are protected from polluted surroundings. Dark blue souls will be the core of the spiritual teachers, leaders of ascension process. They love the invisible world, their Third eye chakra is always active, and their dreams will connect them with the Light of past. Their highest principles are Peace, inner balance, self-acceptance, letting go, clearing energies, purity, truth. These are also to main values in higher spiritual levels. What they need to practice is grounding – the same as all cool colors, as they will lack connection with earth. Their higher chakras will be much more active and expanded, than lower chakras. Some of the navy blue souls can experience times of loneliness, depression, frustration and strong emotional pain. These will be all “holes” leading to ascension. After all such periods they will rise higher, become stronger and be much more confident. They need to have more active power, to move their multiple ideas into actions. Their imagination about the future could become real. These people have one of the best abilities for “manifestation”, as they have power to control energies. They will be more teachers than healers in the world. They will dive deep in their spiritual essence, until they discover the truth. Blue souls have strongest connection with moon and all water sources –specially ocean and sea. The best way for cleansing their aura is sea waves, swimming, sea salt.

    All green and blue fruits will add to their clairvoyance. They have mission in this life and they are aware of it.  They have to spread the light of knowledge. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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Colors in Aura - III

      - third part - 

     * Pale yellow is color that is mostly connected with fairy kingdom, specially if there are sparkles of golden dust around it. The person will be highly spiritual and evolved soul, on higher level. In the same time will possess most of the good qualities of people with yellow aura of first levels.)

   * Dark green – this is color, related to growth of consciousness. It’s the last color from the warm palette” and the first from the palette of “cool colors”. Dark green indicates transformation in heart. As you may notice all the auric colors go in direction of chakras – from Root, Sacral, Manipira –heart. The heart as the first spiritual central of physical body, is most important for growth and evolving. All humans need to go through transforming power of heart chakra, in order to continue. Dark green indicates: heart emotional wound, incompleteness, abilities of healing and self-healing, need of change in values, need of life transformation, emotional growth, releasing. All green stones will help in raising vibration of heart chakra –green jade, green serpentine, aventurine. Green souls are the first warm colors, that feel need of isolation and releasing, ask themselves questions about invisible world, have interest in specific fields of natural medicine. They can use power of natural elements to achieve higher result. In this way they boost their heart energy and open it. They could use herbs, flowers, fruits, trees, and seeds in order to awaken their mission of healers. They are much more emotionally stable –but they paid a price for it by experiencing all ranges of heavy emotions in life. They are type of healers and spread their power to others. These people will devote time to themselves and their families, but always will need time alone”, freedom and independency. Their first special gift in the life is “freedom of heart” –when they release all negative and dull feelings, their heart center will be much uplifted and able to heal. One of their challenge will be cleanness in emotional level; another challenge will be lack of understanding and trust from others, and lack of believe in themselves.

     Best for them are to be involved in practical use of natural powers, to prepare herbs, or distribute them, to be nutritionist and take care of physical body, to make massages using different ancient techniques, to use the hot stream spa for clearing their energy. They have immanent connection to the ground and earth. Need to master visualization techniques and meditation is not so “natural” for them. They love activities that make them closer to growth –yoga, mantras, social gatherings. They are not quite religious, but believe in the power of love and compassion. These people will have imbalanced emotional life with many curves, changes and obstacles, but their later ages will be filled with more peace and tranquility, if they are on the right way. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
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- image - pattern of chrisocola stone 

Colors in Aura - II

     - second part -

    * Bronze color – this is also put in the group of warm colors, although its radiance is slightly cold, as the metal. This color is not so usual and signifies souls of people who didn’t succeed to ascend in their missions in past life. Maybe they were on the right way, but something went wrong. This color indicates challenges on physical level as well as emotional –psychological level. The color bronze in aura is rarely alone, he is combined with another color. It shows most of the positive qualities of “brown” and adds some more; it represents person of honor, wanting to develop in one direction, stubborn and free minded, who possess artistic approach. This soul is one of the more complicated psychologically from all warm colors. It has strong connection to the earth, but combines some contrary qualities (like Ying and Yang) – sense of freedom with sense of possessiveness, self-esteem and self doubt, believe and disbelieve, love and hatred, female and male energy; the feeling of confusion in understanding the nature of Self is one of the highest in bronze color auras. They are quite from on one side, on another they need social evaluation and attention. They are accepted as quite misunderstood and tend to spend big part of their later years in loneliness. They have challenges in heart chakra – specially if they don’t have additional color green. These people will be more quite and hidden in many aspects. They wont share all things with others, as their private life is special place. They could hide even from their closest people, in tis way they will lack true friends in life. Positive qualities for bronze people are: careful, kind, connected with nature, generous, helpful, expressing compassion in some situations, simple. They also possess some qualities of the red auras –passion, ideology, warmness, fighting for a cause. Unlike the red colors, bronze are mostly hiding (or suppressing) their negative feelings –specially anger, hatred, resentment, jealously. In this way they harm their inner emotional system and heart, and do the same for their partners. Because the emotional vibrations from hidden feelings have effect of bursting outside in negative energy. That’s is damaging the atmosphere where the people live. Bronze colors are often very confident in their abilities (specially if they work with hands), have independent mind, but in the same time they are not flexible. Their world will be strongly affected by any change from the outside. The change of moving the place and change in life status will be their challenge.

     * Dark orange color (or ocher) are people connected to the nature and specially the trees and herbs. They love to spend most of their time in nature and have strong connection to it. Best activities for them are gardening, taking care of herbs and agriculture. They can be also good healers. Orange auras in general have very warm presence, they are filled with love, sympathy and devotion to family. Their biggest mission is to take care of their family and raise their children. They are also very attractive for the opposite sex, and will have many admirers. They are with sense of self-confidence and all positive qualities of the Sacral chakra. Their mission is to give birth of children and feel complete through them. Orange auras are very emotional, sensual, and have bolder sexual energy. Compared to others they radiate sensuality and need to be loved. They are simple, open and honest, express freely and rarely have hypocritical approach. They are in the same time gentle and strong. The dark clouds in orange color indicates problems with sexuality, confusion of self, doubts and emotional instability. One of the problems with them is they don’t see the limits of their sexual energy, may fall in traps of adultery, negative sexual relations, sexual abuses, perversions. That will add darkness to the orange color, and could evolve in many cases in sexual illnesses and conditions. These souls can be too quite different, depending on the individual values. They may have optimistic views, spread love energy, emotions and strong attraction for others…or they may fall in trap of sexual addiction and wrong self-understanding, go down and end up with illness. Very big part of the earth population has the orange color and pay karmic debts related to Sacral chakra. This is due to the fact, the lower levels didn’t learn how to control their energy, and indulge in all what is attractive in primitive levels.
     The happiest moments of orange people are with their children and family. Often they have hard times and challenges exactly with the people they love most.

    * Dark yellow  - the dark yellow could be also seen as “light” in energy spheres, so the word I need to use here is “bold” and saturated color. Most of the warm color auras are saturated, bold or dark. People with lighter auras are not in the beginner levels (like pale yellow, or golden-yellow, or light yellow with sparkle). Warm saturated yellow of any kind signifies very strong self-esteem, high confidence and strong foundation of Self. These people are already in higher spheres, compared to red, brown, orange auras. They radiate light, optimism and confidence. Their approach is love and joy of life. They know how to enjoy every little thing in life, in the same time they go through obstacles almost without effort. This color indicates a “bonus” in life cycle, given for very well accomplished missions in previous life times. Yellow will show a person with quite good luck, spreading happiness and love. In the same time such people are compassionate, generous, but also have tendency to be egoistic and self-centered. They love attention and praise. They are also narcissistic (the beautiful daffodils are also yellow color). If they are not attracted by negative easy ways to get power and fame, they will go very far in their carrier. Such people tend to be most successful in their works as they put their heart in all actions. These are people of smiles and laughter, love traveling and life pleasures. They are mostly attracted to “fame”, glory and power. They are most optimistic from all warm colors. Even so they have lack of spiritual understanding, sometimes intolerant, not compromising and not forgiving. They are strong souls and fighters, but don’t go deeper in the spiritual ways, nor are believing or connecting to angels and god. Their believe will be “shallow” or just with outer form without feeling. Their spiritual ignorance may lead to challenges on psychological level in older ages, to some illnesses connected with head and brain, or such illness may affect their close ones. These people are perfect leaders of groups, may be teachers and work perfectly in social platforms – political, in big companies and responsible positions. They dislike solitude and love being surrounded with people and friends. The best weapon of them and their charm is their smile. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0512 -1-

Colors in Aura - I

    This article is part of the series focused on explaining the aura field, light and colors. As we said in the previous part, people are generally divided in three categories by aura types and colors:
~ people with warm colors in aura – connect with Earth energy
~ people with cool colors in aura – connect with moon, stars, galaxy
~ people with fairy auras – connected with invisible world and elementals

[ Read more about them here “….” ]

    * Now i`ll give more details about colors in the aura, in most positive cases, and what they indicate. No matter of positive or negative development of the person on earth, he is not supposed to be always “spiritually developed”. That means –people come in life with different missions, having their unique karmic lessons, transformations, choices and their unique path. They are also not the same in the start point. That means they are on a different Soul level – have different number of previous life-cycles. We can see, souls on earth are so big variety. Some of them – the first group of warm colors in aura, are still in the fist steps of development as cosmic souls. They are in the lower soul levels and have passed little life cycles (mostly until 25 cycles if they don’t repeat one). That does not mean they are “good” or “bad” souls, just it means they are beginners. Normally such souls are not expected at all to be in touch” with spirit guides and angels. They are not interested, or disbelieve in anything from the invisible world. They can be good fighters for any other cause, connected with earth plane. That’s why they are called “people of clay”. These are common colors of people of clay ~

    * Dark red (generally red) – this color is indication of passion, devotion to a cause, to family, strong need of safety on earth level, honesty, open heart, can also bring love for adventures and extreme sports, person who gives fully and demands fully. Person with strong ego, self-centered; he is not always tolerant or try to understand others. Red auras are more individualistic, have egoistic approach and succeed easily on physical plane. Person with very successful work or business. He express his active energy and acts many times from inner impulses or “without to think”. Often he has problems of self-control, negative feelings can grasp him easily – like anger, hatred, jealousy. He is able to burst out like a fire and doesn’t control his feelings. He is prone to different material addictions and attachments – like to food, alcohol, cigarettes, or sexual. His energy is felt like a warm wave of fire. He is vivid and lack hypocrisy. He may be seen as quite “rude” from many points. This is person of action, prevailing above thoughts, and not deep in nature. He avoid thinking too much on issues, but solve them by actions or emotions. In many cases such people are successful leaders, managers or lead companies. They love to control everything around, including people or their beloved. They are not stable emotionally, but are in stable position in earth. Such people are accepted as trustful and loyal. Even though they lack of deep romantic feelings, and not able to express much love or gentleness. Their weak point is need for control and power. Often they indulge in greed for money, more food and come in redundancy. Lack of knowledge in spirituality and psychology would make them arrogant. They are good friends, open, and with clear intentions (except cases when they fall in addictions). Even so a wrong path and ideology could transform them in very negative way. For such person will be quite important the physical appearance (body shape, face) and he will spend time devoting to sport activities. (in opposite case, with imbalanced root and sacral chakra, he will be away from any sport activity and will suffer obesity too fast). He loves all things like good food, beautiful women (men), cars, high speed, going to gym, meeting friends. He will have strong feeling of possession to his close people and family, that will make him too jealous. Person who will go through physical transformation, but not one of the soul. He is generous, giving –receiving, taking advantage of life, fighting well with challenges, warm, smart and with high self-esteem.

   * Brown color – color of earth, soil, ground, trees, agriculture. This color indicates person with very good connection to nature and animal world. He will be perfect to live in a village or out of the big city. He loves nature, and cant be long surrounded by too many people. This kind of person is close to dark-green energy and often he can have also dark green in his aura. He will possess most of the positive traits of the red auras – passionate, grounded, warm, smart, loves safety, fight for a cause (for ex. animal causes), he is generous, kind, but in the same time feels jealous about his closer people and friends. He is kind of “hermit” but without religious approach. For him God is nature and earth. He will feel happy with any earth connected work or care for animals. One of his best qualities are taking care, helpful, honest. Brown colors are also inclined to different addictions, that are able to let them out of isolation – like alcohol, cigarettes, meat, sugar foods. Good trait of him is simplicity. He loves simple life style and can feel satisfied with little things – like small house in the nature and garden. He is not greedy for luxury in life, but he can be easily attracted by food addictions. This person will not be afraid of “dirty” work and will have principle to not divide any job as more “humiliating”. He can be good in physical work, washing, cleaning, agriculture, gardening.  

לאה נורה 
[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0512 -1-
    image 1: red Jasper stone, related to Root chakra

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Modern Slavery III

    * In order to prevent the actual slavery to appear and spread on earth, we need to not feel slaves ourselves. We need to be devoted to what we do, and be confident, that we have many good choices, instead of one bad. We need to realize our personal value as humans, our right for freedom and right to be happy. Then we`ll be able together to raise above all greed, restrictions and to stop the slavery.

   Its true that mostly this phenomenon is spread due to wrong “values”, greed for money and power. They are the best friends of human misfortune. The worst of all is slavery of mind and heart, it produces actual slaves, grey figures of every day life.

       Slave is the woman, who send her child to school, where the child was abused, offended and beaten by her classmates (this case is true in my country and its not a single case), and all school institutions, teachers, director, class-mates, friends and mother were SILENT. There is no punishment about the abusers – regardless of their age. They continue to go to school and put violence on little child, who is helpless and alone. This is case of slavery. The child didn’t stop going to school. The mother didn’t prevent him from going and the action repeated daily. Why? As the social stamp is you should go to school, no matter what happens. It is hard to miss one year? I don’t know why. That’s amazing mind for me.
    Another case –woman is in relationship with someone, who daily abuses her –physically and offend her (psychological aggression). The woman is Silent, because she is “afraid” to speak, she is even used to this situation of a toy, why? Maybe because she is afraid to lose her children? or children to lose their father? Because she doesn’t have finances for divorce? Because she can not afford to live alone? So many reasons she can have. But the result is – one day the same person, who abuses her, will do that with her child, and with everyone else. One day she may die, or she has the choice to suicide, or be killed. Whatever is the end, its better than to die little every day. 
This is the life of slave. To die little every day.

    * What I want to state is – we turn our own society into slaves, people who work for the “lost cause” of wealth, money, power, or just “surviving” repressions. We turn our children into slaves on the big machine of social institutions, that are obligatory – school, university –and that are now even not as effective as in the past. We transform and put stamp on our mind and our child`s mind, how the highest priorities are greed, love for wealth, possessions and easy life. We live as if money and wealth are biggest pleasures in world, and nothing else can substitute them.
    * Poor woman gives her little daughter – 10 years old –to marry an old man (73) only because of money and poverty. It`s even honor and privilege for the little girl (who still plays with her toys) to be “bride” and “mother”. Horrible thinking. Little child (14) is forced to leave school and work as a driver of little car in Egypt (so called tok-tok), because he is without father, his mother don’t work and he has to survive. These are the “willing” slaves of society. See them well. An old woman (above 70) is forced “willingly” to work as cleaner in office building, café or restaurant…only because she does not have choice, she is not given money from government, she doesn’t have relatives or children. The miners that work underground in very hard, dangerous conditions, for extremely little salaries…are such not “by force”. They willingly want to risk their life every day, just to give food and money to their families. They are slaves of society. They are dying slowly, full of dust, illnesses and harmed body. Yes, maybe its their love and mission to work many hours under ground. Ask them in interview how many of them want to do that, and how many do this job, because there is “no other chance”?
      There is nothing negative in the picture I draw here. It’s the absolute clear truth. I remember, I watched few weeks ago on TV reportage about the miners. Strangely for me –they were exploited to the end point – and not given any monthly payment. They had a protest, and made a little rebellion. How they made it? Not by burning cars of people who are owners. Not by fight, shouting, or leaving work places. They protested in amazing way, just by staying under ground. They prefer to stay there, in the places of slavery, than to lose their work and receive freedom.
    Examples of distorted social models are everywhere.
    The so called “ISIS” movement or any other fanatic movement, if it has to do with Islam or not – they are slaves. They are first slaves of the demonic entities without a doubt. They are slaves of the implanted” in their minds dangerous model of how perfect world should look like. How perfect “paradise” should look like? They are slaves of their owners – wealthy sheikhs who want to gain – power and money. The two best world treasures. These people harm, kill, abuse and do human atrocities in the name of the evil, power, greed. Mostly in the name of a wrong “value”, they have lack of any personal qualities. These people are failures in one society, so they make another. They raise other models of good and bad with reversed sign. No need even to speak about them, as they cant realize their emptiness and blackness of mind. They are used, exploited, machines for killing in hands of higher position people (of power). They are manipulated toys, but they surely are “willingly” enslaved. Their minds are transformed into empty boxes, filled with evil and dirtiness. They are erased as humans, now they are possessed by demons.
The same thinking is valid for all racist groups and historical conflicts, that include worst atrocities, humiliation and abuse on human nature. Such as Nazis in Germany, communists in Russia. All these movements are perfect example of slavery of mind and opposite ideology, transformed in actual evil. Slavery makes rivers of blood.

   * Until when the slavery will continue on our planet?
   Until we stop being slaves of wrong social values of money, wealth, comfortable life. Money give us all we need, but they are not value. We need to have free mind to acknowledge our higher position as humans, to claim our freedom, our need for love and happiness. We should first say, we don’t want to be “slaves”, or under any social conception. We want freedom. Then we ll be free.

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0501 -1-