Saturday, May 6, 2017

Modern Slavery III

    * In order to prevent the actual slavery to appear and spread on earth, we need to not feel slaves ourselves. We need to be devoted to what we do, and be confident, that we have many good choices, instead of one bad. We need to realize our personal value as humans, our right for freedom and right to be happy. Then we`ll be able together to raise above all greed, restrictions and to stop the slavery.

   Its true that mostly this phenomenon is spread due to wrong “values”, greed for money and power. They are the best friends of human misfortune. The worst of all is slavery of mind and heart, it produces actual slaves, grey figures of every day life.

       Slave is the woman, who send her child to school, where the child was abused, offended and beaten by her classmates (this case is true in my country and its not a single case), and all school institutions, teachers, director, class-mates, friends and mother were SILENT. There is no punishment about the abusers – regardless of their age. They continue to go to school and put violence on little child, who is helpless and alone. This is case of slavery. The child didn’t stop going to school. The mother didn’t prevent him from going and the action repeated daily. Why? As the social stamp is you should go to school, no matter what happens. It is hard to miss one year? I don’t know why. That’s amazing mind for me.
    Another case –woman is in relationship with someone, who daily abuses her –physically and offend her (psychological aggression). The woman is Silent, because she is “afraid” to speak, she is even used to this situation of a toy, why? Maybe because she is afraid to lose her children? or children to lose their father? Because she doesn’t have finances for divorce? Because she can not afford to live alone? So many reasons she can have. But the result is – one day the same person, who abuses her, will do that with her child, and with everyone else. One day she may die, or she has the choice to suicide, or be killed. Whatever is the end, its better than to die little every day. 
This is the life of slave. To die little every day.

    * What I want to state is – we turn our own society into slaves, people who work for the “lost cause” of wealth, money, power, or just “surviving” repressions. We turn our children into slaves on the big machine of social institutions, that are obligatory – school, university –and that are now even not as effective as in the past. We transform and put stamp on our mind and our child`s mind, how the highest priorities are greed, love for wealth, possessions and easy life. We live as if money and wealth are biggest pleasures in world, and nothing else can substitute them.
    * Poor woman gives her little daughter – 10 years old –to marry an old man (73) only because of money and poverty. It`s even honor and privilege for the little girl (who still plays with her toys) to be “bride” and “mother”. Horrible thinking. Little child (14) is forced to leave school and work as a driver of little car in Egypt (so called tok-tok), because he is without father, his mother don’t work and he has to survive. These are the “willing” slaves of society. See them well. An old woman (above 70) is forced “willingly” to work as cleaner in office building, café or restaurant…only because she does not have choice, she is not given money from government, she doesn’t have relatives or children. The miners that work underground in very hard, dangerous conditions, for extremely little salaries…are such not “by force”. They willingly want to risk their life every day, just to give food and money to their families. They are slaves of society. They are dying slowly, full of dust, illnesses and harmed body. Yes, maybe its their love and mission to work many hours under ground. Ask them in interview how many of them want to do that, and how many do this job, because there is “no other chance”?
      There is nothing negative in the picture I draw here. It’s the absolute clear truth. I remember, I watched few weeks ago on TV reportage about the miners. Strangely for me –they were exploited to the end point – and not given any monthly payment. They had a protest, and made a little rebellion. How they made it? Not by burning cars of people who are owners. Not by fight, shouting, or leaving work places. They protested in amazing way, just by staying under ground. They prefer to stay there, in the places of slavery, than to lose their work and receive freedom.
    Examples of distorted social models are everywhere.
    The so called “ISIS” movement or any other fanatic movement, if it has to do with Islam or not – they are slaves. They are first slaves of the demonic entities without a doubt. They are slaves of the implanted” in their minds dangerous model of how perfect world should look like. How perfect “paradise” should look like? They are slaves of their owners – wealthy sheikhs who want to gain – power and money. The two best world treasures. These people harm, kill, abuse and do human atrocities in the name of the evil, power, greed. Mostly in the name of a wrong “value”, they have lack of any personal qualities. These people are failures in one society, so they make another. They raise other models of good and bad with reversed sign. No need even to speak about them, as they cant realize their emptiness and blackness of mind. They are used, exploited, machines for killing in hands of higher position people (of power). They are manipulated toys, but they surely are “willingly” enslaved. Their minds are transformed into empty boxes, filled with evil and dirtiness. They are erased as humans, now they are possessed by demons.
The same thinking is valid for all racist groups and historical conflicts, that include worst atrocities, humiliation and abuse on human nature. Such as Nazis in Germany, communists in Russia. All these movements are perfect example of slavery of mind and opposite ideology, transformed in actual evil. Slavery makes rivers of blood.

   * Until when the slavery will continue on our planet?
   Until we stop being slaves of wrong social values of money, wealth, comfortable life. Money give us all we need, but they are not value. We need to have free mind to acknowledge our higher position as humans, to claim our freedom, our need for love and happiness. We should first say, we don’t want to be “slaves”, or under any social conception. We want freedom. Then we ll be free.

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0501 -1-

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