Friday, May 19, 2017

Colors in Aura - III

      - third part - 

     * Pale yellow is color that is mostly connected with fairy kingdom, specially if there are sparkles of golden dust around it. The person will be highly spiritual and evolved soul, on higher level. In the same time will possess most of the good qualities of people with yellow aura of first levels.)

   * Dark green – this is color, related to growth of consciousness. It’s the last color from the warm palette” and the first from the palette of “cool colors”. Dark green indicates transformation in heart. As you may notice all the auric colors go in direction of chakras – from Root, Sacral, Manipira –heart. The heart as the first spiritual central of physical body, is most important for growth and evolving. All humans need to go through transforming power of heart chakra, in order to continue. Dark green indicates: heart emotional wound, incompleteness, abilities of healing and self-healing, need of change in values, need of life transformation, emotional growth, releasing. All green stones will help in raising vibration of heart chakra –green jade, green serpentine, aventurine. Green souls are the first warm colors, that feel need of isolation and releasing, ask themselves questions about invisible world, have interest in specific fields of natural medicine. They can use power of natural elements to achieve higher result. In this way they boost their heart energy and open it. They could use herbs, flowers, fruits, trees, and seeds in order to awaken their mission of healers. They are much more emotionally stable –but they paid a price for it by experiencing all ranges of heavy emotions in life. They are type of healers and spread their power to others. These people will devote time to themselves and their families, but always will need time alone”, freedom and independency. Their first special gift in the life is “freedom of heart” –when they release all negative and dull feelings, their heart center will be much uplifted and able to heal. One of their challenge will be cleanness in emotional level; another challenge will be lack of understanding and trust from others, and lack of believe in themselves.

     Best for them are to be involved in practical use of natural powers, to prepare herbs, or distribute them, to be nutritionist and take care of physical body, to make massages using different ancient techniques, to use the hot stream spa for clearing their energy. They have immanent connection to the ground and earth. Need to master visualization techniques and meditation is not so “natural” for them. They love activities that make them closer to growth –yoga, mantras, social gatherings. They are not quite religious, but believe in the power of love and compassion. These people will have imbalanced emotional life with many curves, changes and obstacles, but their later ages will be filled with more peace and tranquility, if they are on the right way. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0512 -1- 
- image - pattern of chrisocola stone 

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