Thursday, December 31, 2015

About Money

I want to share my feelings and my concept with you on this topic. (this thoughts are taken from a reply in social site "Collective evolution", and I decided to publish them, in order to develop the topic later) 
And I`ll be more or less extreme : money for (in the way as now humanity deal with it and manage it) is a big form of evil. It`s growing and has its deep roots in our blood. Money now in our world is not a "means" to have, they dismiss many levels inside of human nature, making mistake bigger. What is money in our world? 

1. Creating of all kinds and forms of slavery" including this of African and Asian children labor, this of forceful underage marriages, and slavery of the MIND and body for some works of women and men. 
2. Money is toxins of the primitive thinking of possessing "it" makes you supreme ruler of the world. And it transforms into truth sadly. Instead to possess something" like goods, energy, knowledge, love, help, we increase simple desire to possess more "money", that also increases our rate of dissatisfaction for all what we achieve. It`s not in a human nature to want "more and more " goods in a physical world, but we made it so, as we are unable to want more and more in spiritual world. 
3. Money creates the worst of all things in world- think well about - weapons and wars. Of course they come from need of power and domination. The more you have, the more you want, and the same as spiritual knowledge, this kind of vicious circle never ends! So with money and power we created the worst kind of uncleanness, and commercialization of all even feelings. From there it comes then - banks, corrupted society, corrupted political system. 

4. Money creates a subconscious feeling of need also for more and more food on a physical level. Simple example - when we didn`t have countless hypermarkets in my area, there weren`t so many people, who suffer from obesity and from there many kind of illnesses come. Overeating is something, which became natural now for the human nature. But it was not! Now every time statistic shows how many generations have problem of overweight even in early age (like 7-10 years ). 

5. Money is factor of collapsing of all ancient rules and all spiritual light of ancient civilization. They create power over power, greed over greed, and it`s totally build on blood of innocent people. We build our world on money, created from slavery labor ,on killing and even torturing animals, on hard labor in bad conditions -for the sake to have more -and so circle is closed. Now the whole society become blind and follows the great heroes. What finally they have (possess) ? not even themselves. 

6. About social system and banks I even dont want to mention. Our mind become programmed that we cant be and are NOT successful until we have all great goods of society - nice car, flat, good job, account in bank. ... 
We cant be successful, until we are not payed to continue our education. (as one art drawing showed very well how the child of a rich person is climbing on a stairs made of money, while child of a poor person is hardly managing to climb with his efforts only. ) 

7. We make ourselves completely dependent on money. So we create the Monster with our hands , now all normal social life can`t survive or exist without money. Even to bring up a child, we need money (not a good developed mind). So we create and create our "clones" who again do the same. While busy to "gain" money, we of course dont have time to be much devoted on other activities, which could be more important. We even make our thinking in one direction, and wont believe anything out of the main stream.

Result - we live in Chains day by day, and empty our existence from very essential things -like spiritual development and knowledge. Because "time is money" , we make meditation (if at all) for only 10 min, and are happy as we reached that. But is it enough? For now we have the awakening moment, and many people start to realize and ask questions "Who am I? What is my aim in the world?". Even if we ask questions and make progress, still we cant live out of the chains of the "social machine". Are we asking really about "justice"? But still is better to ask, than not to ask. Now more and more people start to have own communities and share ideas for improving all - from health -to nature, and even try to escape from social life paradigm. It wont be easy, but we have the start. 
That`s what I think on the whole. If we use the terminology of "Star wars", the Dark side still wins, but Light is also growing in power. 

About money - now with our mind - its very hard to imagine how we`ll survive without money, as they already exist. But i`m sure there are many other options, which will be for better. Humans are divided and not equal from many points - from birth, and the attitude to the material world and possessions and money is one of the biggest differences between them. 
What is good and bad is many times questionable, and subjective. But facts are Facts. And its much better to see the truth, then the great Illusion. 
(and Dream is not equal to an illusion.)

Friday, October 30, 2015

What is a healthy meal?

Here I want to introduce my perception about "healthy food", and what we should eat. First of all, this is not a nutritionist advice, nor recommendation of a special kind of food. I want to determine what all we have to consider as healthy "meal" in general, and what is meaning of healthy eating. 
These days we are 'Bombed" with information about what to eat, what foods /products are good for health, which fruits and vegetables are most full of vitamins...Its endless sea of information, and always is good to have this in mind. We can find in all advice something good, or potential for our new diet and new eating habits. First of all I want to declare the following- when it comes to healthy food ,we should consider these things: 

-- the age of person
-- the temperament of person 
-- the daily activity of the person 
-- the daily spiritual practices 
-- The work condition of him
-- general eating habits 
-- the gender & body structure 
-- the place where he lives...

    So these are what I could think of, obviously so many and various factors. They are surely affecting on persons diet, food preferences and health. It`s easy to make connection! So do not follow a trendy diets for couple of days (even it could have a good effect on your body). Better think deeply and investigate the above factors, then you can decide to ask advice from a nutritionist. All in all, as I devote my attention to general case and human nature, I can assume the following things about what a healthy meal is. I don`t determine here "sugar" as a damaging, nor bread and flour as damaging for the body (with the arrangement that quantity matters!) SO have in mind the basic ideas for healthy meal, and how to eat healthy, regardless of personal tastes.

1. Quality is above the quantity ( when you eat quality food, dont try to full your stomach, but eat l i t t le. Let your stomach to have an empty space, in order to process the food. Avoid to use "junk" foods in your daily meals. (that means packed)

2. Eat regularly (Eating in intervals of 2 or 3 hours in the day time is the best way to not feel hungry. Everyone knows that then you wont feel so hungry to let your stomach without space, and you `ll have little healthy snacks. Its important to eat regularly and little portions, and the best is to have exact determined times that your body will be used to. For example if you had breakfast at 10.00 am, have lunch at 12.00 - snacks at 2.00 pm and so on. 
3. Drink liquids every hour. (in order to not get also too much at once, is well to remember to drink liquids, and specially water! every hour. But also this can be, fresh juice, tea, coffee...
4. Drink warm water or tea (green, herbal) right after you wake up. The myth that the coffee is the best, is over. Even if you prefer, after you drink warm water -with or without honey and lemon, you can also drink coffee...But here I will say also the quality of coffee matters too! Avoid drinking "nescafe" and all packed and ready made coffees, even you can be used to this. Coffee doesn`t have the same effect on mind", but on heart, which wont make you wake up, as you imagine. First step to do is try to have some days free from coffee, and substitute with green tea!

5. Eat at least 1 fruit in the morning. (Morning is the best time to cleanse the body from the previous day. In the night body and stomach functions are low, so you cant have food processed as needed, but in morning is the time of "sun" and fire, and the best time to drink liquids and eat fresh fruits. Eat fruits all and dont make juices, as they contain important fibers. Eat seasonal fruits, and apples are really the best for cleanse.

6. Include warm soup in your lunch. ( when I was little, everyone assumed that the best meal includes (soup, main course and dessert.. So if for others I can argue, but soup is really and important meal, specially in middle day. With the soup, you have so needed warm liquid, to make your stomach works). It`s a bad practice to drink - juice, water, soft drinks -while eating! better to drink after you finished, or give some time.

7. Choose and combine your meal by ingredients : combine - proteins, carbohydrates, grains & lentils, fruits. When you make separation of the food by type you help you stomach to work fast, plus you boost your metabolism. You`ll feel more light, more energized and more productive in the day. 

8. Eat at least once " alive food" in your day. (alive foods are coming from the nature directly without to be processed -cooked, in canes, cut, packed, and so on. Such valuable foods are vegetables an fruits. That is without a doubt. Make them always important part and eat plenty. If you succeed with this practice, make at least one -of 5 days with only "alive foods". You `ll feel the difference!

9. Eat in in peace. (This is very important part from healthy eating. What to not do? everyone know about the practice of "eating" and having a bite" while watching movie, or surfing in internet, or while having a conversation. This if done regularly, can destroy our attention, and how food should be accepted and will lead to weight gain and problems in metabolism. This is so, as food needs special time, separated from all other activities! Try to eat while playing game. Do you feel well the taste of food? do you feel the time when you start and when you finish? and the speed you ate? In this case mostly the food will be eaten fast with no attention of process ,and have bad consequences of body. 

Try now to eat while observing nature, or something still. Or while you close your eyes, in time of chewing. DO you feel the taste now? And the time of eating the food? Surely you`ll feel the difference. The best way to eat is in peace, without noise around, or talks even. Then you have the best result. The only thing you can include is a nice slow music. 

10. Don`t eat in the late times "snacks" - that mean all after 8.00 or 9.00 pm is not recommended! Dont eat after time of sun set, which is the best way to make your body free from toxins and overweight. Don`t make exceptions. When you go to sleep your stomach should be light, so eat less at dinner ,eat most at lunch time. (12.00)

These are my basic points on healthy eating and healthy food. Don`t be totally restricted from something, unless you know from doctor its bad for you. But consume wisely. Other things, that will help you much if you want to stay healthy and have a good metabolism are :

-- good sleep 
-- practice meditation 
-- play sport, exercise 
-- read about food and alive food
-- walk in nature regularly 

I think as all is connected, so is with food. You`ll find these practices help for good digestion of food, and will improve many more things in your every day life. So dont concentrate on "food" only, but on all together as part of a healthy life. 
About how temperament of person affect on foods he should consume? In my other investigation about foods and how they affect, I determine what special needs each person has, according to his psychological portrait and temperament. for example - Choleric people should avoid more sugar and fats, as they affect on heart directly and will increase his blood pressure. They should take more vitamins, fruits and vegetables. 

Melancholic people often have problematic stomach and gut, thats why he can eat more carbohydrates than others, but avoid fried foods and fats, as well as cans and packed products. 
Phlegmatic type also can have problems with stomach and colon, so he should try eating more green vegetables, and avoid bread and white flour. 
Sanguine types need calming of their nervous system, so they should avoid coffee, and all big quantities, and avoid eating meat with bad combinations, recommended for them are chamomile tea, peppermint, and to drink plenty of water. 

These are just outlines of the concept about temperaments eating. But the main rules are for all. The first thing you should do before starting any "healthy" practice or diet, is self-discipline. Then you`ll have result. Good luck!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

About Cosmetics

Recently I was thinking much about topic of the so called "cosmetics industry" ,which floods all the world, from West Europe, to East Asia, Africa, America...This is a global issue, as well as pharmacology. Where all started? and why now we have millions of tones of cosmetic products for all parts of our body, even maybe for parts we are not aware about. 

When I find myself in a cosmetic shop, or a pharmacy, or a bigger store, I`m always amazed and dizzy from all cosmetic brands that exists there, from the variety of all products, which should and seem to cover all spectrum of human "problems". Is it not mesmerizing? All that shampoos for all hair type, for "shine and gloss", Anti dandruff, "deep hydration", "Anti-aging", "anti-tangle" "anti dry edges"...and soo on endless list. I was thinking if that variety really helps? I want to say from the point of view of person, who "loved" cosmetics or someone who used to look for cosmetics for a long time...No, all these brands and kinds dont help. They just make you curious and willing to "look like" the polished and manufactured photography of the model on the cover, but they do not help you in real! Why? All these products contain so many chemical elements, which are even more endless list than the variety of products. Just look at the package of one cosmetic cream and see all ingredients written on it! You`ll see by yourself and if you are little more mindful than I was...You wont rely for a long lasting effect. 

Variety of cosmetic products exists, to make you attracted to them from first sight, and say, wow, this is exactly for my problem!! Then next time, your mind will "invent" another problem (or even if it exists) and you`ll hurry to have another cosmetics. So its simply endless process which makes you more wanting, and more attached to what you "dont have". How many people are actually satisfied from the first thing they have?? (if they have it for first time?) Not many. Its so the global cosmetic industry exists, and poison our planet and our bodies. We are not aware of that, as the process started simply in the beginning, but then growing and growing, threatening all nature and us. 

Where is the solution? 

Very easy, make your life easy! By only minimum products, which you really need, moreover with all natural ingredients (as possible) , and look for the label, be more choosy and avoid products which contain " Parabens", "Silicones", "parafines", and all kind of damaging chemical elements. Quality matters more! You can start now by just quarrying in your cosmetic stuff and see how many useless things you collected during the last months (or years). Throw away which you didnt use recently or give it away. Dont make compromises, be aware that you want to start from a clean basis. Replace your body lotion with natural one, and do not buy more than you need! Put limits to your hungry "eyes" for cosmetics and you`ll see how your life will be more clean. 

The same thing you should be aware about food and so called "food industry" , but this i`ll focus on next time. 

What you can do more? As you see the moto of the century continue to be "reduce-reuse-recycle". Dont be late, and start today! Your habits matter for all planet and for environment. See the past - what your grand -grandmother used for themselves and when they helped raisng children? Compare the status of health then and now, as well ass the health of children. Yes, many things improved but not because of "cosmetic industry" for sure. But many things worsen. We are away from natural life every day more and more. Before our grandparents used just an ordinary soap, one or 2 brands of shaving cream, one brand of washing powder. And now? You just cant look over all the brands in cosmetic, let alone to try them! And thats about everything, from "colored cosmetics" to white (creams, lotions, shower gels). And our children are brought up in the same unhealthy environment, just because we see on TV advertising how our baby skin becomes unexpectedly soft after applying on it tones of body cream, and how this helps the poor baby! Even he stops to cry (but it would be from shock) 

Make a list now what kind of cosmetics you use every day? Make also list what kind of cosmetic you like to have without to "use" or just by addiction. See also what products you have more than 2 pieces or 3 and think well -is that necessary? Think well what will happen if you use only: 

- one shower gel 

- one natural body lotion

- one natural face cream 
- one natural shampoo 

is that very little? We are about to find the answers in the future, after we are aware of effects on our health. All is in our hands. We made already mistake and were caught on the hook like fish, so now is time to realize and think over! 

Think well also how many natural products we have , as well as essential oils and how you can implement them in your daily life. (like honey, cucumber, jojoba, tea tree, lavender, rose..) 

Your skin and body will be really happy and vibrant with other things like : doing sport daily, activity, meditation, love, healthy foods. Start your research, live old habits behind! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to meditate?

In order to have clean meditation practice, we need to follow some daily steps and rules. First of all we need to turn meditation in a daily routine, in a practice, which bring us joy and fulfillment. We need : 

Discipline (to make meditation daily habit) 
Research & study 
Desire & Love 

Every practice needs a time so the body and mind used to it. That`s why its preferable if you are going to meditate, to do it daily, even little time. So is with the sport, yoga and everything else. The person needs to create a habit and routine for the thing he is going to exercise, even not too long time. 

According to your time choose a Quiet and even familiar place where you can meditate every day. 
Choose a specific time of the day - means exact hours and don’t change them ,if not necessary. 
Be with light and comfortable clothes when you meditate. If you would like they can be all white color, as white accumulate more energy and contains all colors. but its not obligatory. You can be with any color, which you feel good and happy in yourself. (black is not preferable though ) 

The meditation techniques are so many, that you can be lost. Try meditation, which suits your life, routine and free time. Don’t brake your rule. And don’t make exception! Meditation needs practice as everything else. 

One of the most important thing is Breathing. while meditating, breath deeply, be focused and in the same time allow your mind to drift -like floating in the air. If you think by chance about anything else, don’t push your thoughts, just try to bring your full attention on meditation. 

Visualization - create beautiful picture in your mind , while you meditate on "chakras you can visualize the color of chakra. For example for Vishudha chakra, see and visualize light blue light around your throat area, expanding in a sphere form. Its also sparkling and giving light. The blue is clear and shining, flowing through your body and finally radiating blue light from around your head -(Crown chakra) and your aura. Feel that as its real, and feel the peace of the light. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Muladhara I

I want to collect all information about Muladhara chakra. It`s important to know its quality, connection to human, meditations, scents and ways to develop. 
Some important foods to increase the energy of muladhara and feel safe and protected - all grains, red foods (tomatoes, red peppers, cherries, strawberries) 

Muladhara is the root centre of physical experience, located at the base of the spine, the sacral plexus.

The square represents the earth itself, the four dimensions and the four directions. Four allows for completion, and earth embodies the elements and conditions for human completion on all levels.

Patience and greed are the attributes of this element, survival its desire, collecting and saving are its activity. Muladhara Chakra is the meeting place of the three main nadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The downward-pointing triangle indicates the downward movement of energy and the three main nadis.
The seed mantra is Lam, the yellow square represents the earth element. The Muladhara chakra governs the vital breath Apana. An inverted triangle in the centre of the square encloses the unmanifest Kundalini, represented as a snake wrapped in three and a half coils around the svayambhu (self born) linga. Because her mouth faces downward, the flow of energy is downward.

The chakra's associated animal is Ganesha, the elephant headed god. Ganesha is the lord of all beginnings and is invoked to bestow protection over all undertakings. His skin is coral orange. He wears a dhoti of lemon yellow color. A green silk scarf drapes his shoulders. He has four arms to serve him while he acts as the destroyer of obstacles. Ganesha is the son of shiva and parvati. He holds a fragrant ladu, a lotus flower, a hatchet. The fourth hand is raised in the mudra of dispelling fear.

The energy, or shakti, of Brahma is called Dakini. She is in shining pink with four arms holding a skull, a sword, a shield and a trident symbolizing the forces of the creator, the preserver and the destroyer.

It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth.

Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras - it is your survival center. Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra. This is your primal, animal nature.

The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times. It connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs.

Since Base Chakra carries our ancestral memories, basically everyone experiences challenges or blockages within muladhara.
War, famine, natural disasters, and any events that threaten our basic survival, are all recorded within energies of the first chakra.
These memories are imprinted in the subtle body and are passed down from generation to generation creating unconscious generational patterns.

It is our work to take responsibility for our own lives and bring to light that which is unconscious.
All of the seven chakras are important and interconnected with each other. Usually, balancing one chakra will create change in another chakra.
It is important though to balance the Root Chakra first, before we proceed to others, or we will lack the stability and rootedness necessary for true transformation and personal growth.

We cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.
Sanskrit name: Muladhara - root support
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Shape: Square
Petals of the lotus: Four
Seed sound: LAM
Vowel sound: O
Rights: To have
Endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex
Physical association:The skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood
Psychological function: Survival and self preservation
Identity: Physical identity
Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months
Challenge: Fear
Plane: Physical plane
Planets: Saturn, Earth
Deity: Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha
Mythological Animal White elephant with seven trunks
Sense organ: Nose
Predominant sense: Smell
Incense: Cedar
Herb: Sage
Sephira: Malkuth
Tarot suite: Pentacles

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Evolving love ~

Lets start with first the matrix” for understanding of this text. There are 5 basic levels in any human existence, namely :

A) Physical level – (body)
B) Ethereal level - energies
C) Astral level – emotions
D) Mental level – Spirit
E) Aural level – aura (shield energy)

These all 5 levels are communicating together, always in touch and the energy is flowing between them through our life. If you are ill on energy level, that will affect all other levels, and reach to the physical body. Sounds simple. If you study and understand the roots of this matrix for “life lessons” and existence, you would save much more time of study in with bitter experiences.
Now I focus on the topic specially of “Evolving love”
I`ll speak about love, even in an unexpected way.

Inner voices – In order to reach to any good decision in our life, we heard many times the phrase : “Listen to your heart”. Yes, for people, who know what meaning of “heart” in this case is, this may be reasonable. But do you know the meaning of “heart”? Is that simply the inner body organ, pomp of blood, is that the center of our love and emotions? Suppose you say yes… Can you then speak to your heart? And understand what it says? If you are doubtful about that, surely you don’t know the meaning of “heart”. Actually the phrase should be more accurate : “Use your intuition, read your mind, listen to your heart.” It’s a 3 steps to make! Not just one, and if we act by only trying to “listen” to our heart , it probably wont lead us anywhere good.
Why? The truth is : the most “good, right” decisions in life are taken by :1. good lessons learned from the past. 2. good reading and understanding the matrix of mind (including emotions and spirit). That means – study –compare –research. Finally by knowing what is meaning of “heart” or unconditional love, we`ll reach to it.

Now to clarify each of the levels of the matrix. The first level is the most simple ,means its visible, touchable, sensible, easy to understand and to “connect”. As we speak about love, what could be love in this level? In physical field of reality ,love is an “Attachment” to someone or something. We need to have this someone in order to be happy, feel complete, safe and response to the vibrations of the physical life , world. This are purely egoistic reasons, and normal to be.
II. On the second level –Ethereal energies, feeling of “love” is “attraction”. What it is? A subconscious flowing of energies from the me to the subject or object of my desire. (we specially focus here on level of another human being ). I`m attracted by this person, without to reasonable know why I feel so. Yes, I could count many outer qualities, though there is a part missing to understand “why” exactly this person.
-- On the 3. level – Astral “love” is called “Passion” (Combination of desire and compassion) We`ll discover on this level how much Passion is related to the feeling of “compassion” in an unique way. We feel need not only to be “inspired” ,passionate about the object, human, but also to make him feel the same inner “passion” to us. (it means also compassion)
-- On the next level Spiritual , “love” means mindfulness, inspiration, purity. Mindfulness is the state of limitless and unconditional love, in which you see the other person as yourself and you put his being on the same space as your own. Means he becomes so much important as you alone. It`s a mirror of yourself. This is the point where love can really inspire you and create miracles in your life. –when it comes to your conscious life as a human being, love is the most pure feeling.

On the highest level –aural –love means eternity. That means love is creating and “solving” itself in the universe many times like a “fenix” bird. There is no beginning and no end of it, love is self-emerging, equal to the universe. Here is rarely for a human to access. (but some very special creatures)

Each of these levels of matrix moreover, equals to an element and a charka (an energy circle in your body). For example the physical level – (with the love as attachment) equals to element of Earth, Ethereal level equals to fire, Astral level (senses and emotions) to water, Spiritual level to “air and wind”, and aura equals to ether. Now pay attention: each of these levels can be improved by our focused, developed and consciousness efforts! There are many ways to do that.

Love is a feeling, so many people try to explain, and find a rational “explanations” and ways to it, so many scientists want to make a trap for the emotions as a visible “object” or matter. By way of just analyzing and going deeper, we could reach the truth. Its like collecting drops of water each day of life, so to have an entire lake. Never you could succeed. Its endless process and that’s way I called it “Evolving love”. The feeling of Love is always growing, and blooming like a tree or flower exactly. To look to the matrix again from this perspective.

I. Attachment – Earth – Muladhara
Now the attachment we feel and call love, is the basis and root of the all, even not first. *first is attraction. It comes naturally by often and regular interactions with the subject we love, by his presence and togetherness and willing for that. In all kind of realities (including of course virtual one, which many people could avoid and say, its not real) Attachment awakes our inner, primary desire to “belong to” someone, somewhere, to feel safe and comfort. To be loved. It is natural state of love, but if we stay only on this physical level – what happens? Then normally attachment could become a “bad” or unhealthy one, and could devolve in a harmful the human being feelings and states like: obsession, desire for physical possession of another, uncontrolled sexual desire, all abnormal phases of sexual illnesses, and nymphomania. This all abnormal and deformed states of “attachment” come naturally ,as the feeling of love cant find another ways to evolve and to “grow” more. When other levels of love and channels are blocked inside the person. When it continues it could lead to very black ideas, illusions, self-harm, harming of another who I love, abuse and mania. Many kind and almost all of the manias and depressions starts from here, this is the root of it. Then what happens? The feeling of love devolves in something opposite, could destroy itself and transform in hatred, depression and feeling lost. That’s also common condition, when we don’t have understanding of the how matrix is working. Or how the love is evolving. Wanting to embrace one moment or state we are blocked and its like a situation ,if someone tries to brake with a car a thick wall in front. He cant understand that simply the way to go is not “through the wall” but he should finally turn. He stays maybe years trying to go through the wall, which he wont succeed obviously and surely risks his life.
The healthy attachment exists! This is the good point and we should keep it, by also evolving and exploring the “love tree” more.

II. Attraction – Fire – Svadhishtana and Anahata (heart chakra)
This level – of love is also deep, subconscious levels, which we don’t understand “with mind” mostly. Everyone knows about “flutters in the stomach” , “love from first sight”, “fluids between us”. How we feel attracted by someone? We feel exactly “in love” in so easy and subconscious way, as the child could love” a toy, which desire, or an animal. We cant find or even search for a logical explanation about why we feel so. Just we do. Then we “fall” in love as if we “fall in a trap” of our attraction and emotions.
We don’t ask if its good or bad, right or wrong for us! We have our primitive, first signal reasons to be attracted. And we cant know really why we feel so! The consequences? If we stay just in this level of “beautiful illusion” , soon the feeling of “bliss” and feeling of “flutters in stomach” will be replaces by deep disappointment and delusion. Why? Simply because only with staying in the level of attraction is not “evolving” – means we cant see the real picture, but put one image of what we want to see”! Then it appears like a hologram in front of our eyes. And seems like real of course. Any dream or strong visualization also would seem real to us. Here is why people say “love is blind”. It’s the truth! Love sees projection of what we want to “see” on the face of another. So its easy to fall in illusion. Someone said – the need of love is not the love itself. Here love is like the fire – burns all, spreads, doesn’t need or care to see the reality. It cares to attract itself. This state cant stay long…it will dissolve in “sorrow, disappointment” The prince of our dreams will return to be a monster. We cant have what we expected, simply because we didn’t open our eyes.

The attraction will be amazing feeling, enjoying the strong flow, affirmation, if we succeed to combine it and take it to the next level of love –

III. Passion – Desire and compassion – Water
Here is where we come to the “pure love” and closer to unconditional love. Passion is a very basic fuel of love. And this, unlike most expressions in poetry as “fire” , its connected with the water element. We need water in order to survive, every day, our planet consists of 71% of water! That’s w huge figure, compared to earth; for human body water is (average for both men and women) around 65 %, the baby evolves inside waters” of mother, designed for him. Every living creature on earth needs water for its existence. Water, as well as love, means Life.

The “passion “love is for the first time not totally egoistic, but also compassionate, understanding feelings of others. We need not only to feel passion, but also to create the same feeling in another human. We start to take care” about another, as if he is “me”. Our ego emerges in “ego of another”. We see our happiness in his happiness. In this higher level we start to improve our inner vibration field and become “compassionate”. Means if you feel sorrow, I can feel your sorrow as mine. If you feel sadness, loneliness, and any blue emotions, I can feel the same myself. This is Oneness on the emotional level – which is so important in relationships! If you feel sad, but I don’t want to feel the same, or cant or pretend I do not “see” you, this is not Oneness, and not compassion.
If you feel happy, but I don’t ,or cant feel happiness with you, this is not Oneness ,not passion, not sharing. On this level we share “ emotions together. We cant love truly without “sharing emotions”.
For example, if we are strongly attached and crazy “in love” with someone (first 2 levels) but we don’t “share emotionally, then you are in one way, I`m in another –then our love is lost and will be gone soon.

Here is one more thing – by developing in ways I`ll explain later – the higher levels of love- we also start to improve naturally the first levels. By developing, passion and compassion, you can easily feel attracted and attached to someone. That’s how sometimes we love our best friend” or closest person to us. But this is not a rule. All kind of love should evolve and there is no other way. Now passion (desire and compassion) means watering the tree of love every day. Its sharing one feeling and not letting someone feel “alone”, lonely on his way. Also its desire to bring happiness to another more than yourself. Here love is rich and evolving and will possible grow to the next level of blooming flower (blossoming tree). To the Mindfulness.

IV. Mindfulness – Air – Anahata – Sahasrara (crown)
The air is also primal element, source of life for all humans. It equals to spirituality, open mind, consciousness. Here love is a conscious ,free choice of mind *and heart! But here I don’t mean the rational “mind” but mind evolving from levels. Here love is pure energy of inspiration. It inspires us to create. To breath into the universe and “cleanse” our energy – as it is unconditional and transparent love. Its purely spiritual in this level. But its all we need, as we have already the finished process of seed to blossoming tree. When we make a conscious choice to love, we devote ourselves , we decide to be faithful and believe in another person (not just in his love), and believe in your love. Then we are closer to the universal unconditional love with light – which is near to the love of God. But again – this state doesn’t come alone! It’s a whole process of loving, evolving, believing and acting in this way. 

The highest level will take you out of the boundaries, out of the societies and rules, restrictions and human bodies. Its equal to Sahasrara – The crown chakra, and presents the divine love. This love include great principles of humanity as forgiveness, helping others, loving yourself and other like yourself. According to Jesus, one of the great teachers of principles of love. “ Love others like yourself” and “love your enemy”. Pure love is like a clear glass, we don’t see it ,but we can touch it. Here we start to love really.
All other levels are steps, lessons to the highest level – eternity. The reason for the tree to exist, having blossoms and fruits…but also the tree itself is a reason! Every tree (with root, stem, branches, leaves, blossoms) is example of evolving love, and life.
Be this tree yourself and feel the evolving love, and fruits by yourself!