
Here is space for articles on universes, patterns of existence, time and space, revelations about other planets, sacred places, galaxies, alien races...All that information I gather with the time with help of my angels and channeled information. Mechanism of universe and patterns of creation is not something easy to be understood and realized. That`s why in my articles I give detailed information, and I ask my spirit guides for more clarity. I hope my channeled messages will be helpful for you, or you might me just curious to know. Thank you for tuning in, enjoy! 


Structure of the universe I 
Structure of the Universe II
Structure of the Universe III
Structure of the Universe IV
Structure of the Universe V

Angelic universes and Akashic records I
Angelic Universes and Akashic records II
Angelic universes and Akashic records III
Angelic universes -amazing truth
Angelic universes -the moon

Structure of the universe - Spices I
Alpha universes -Red and Orange sun
Alpha universes -Yellow sun
Alpha universes -Green sun
Alpha universes -light blue sun
Alpha universes -indigo violet sun

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