Monday, August 26, 2019

Homosexual desire from Spiritual perspective -IV

Part IV final }

      The starting of realization of such feeling, if not inherent from birth, is around the age of 15 years, when the Sacral chakra starts to expand for the first time. (I`ll write separately about the years of chakra expansions). Then it’s the time when boys and girls can feel spontaneously attracted to the same sex individuals. That will seem strange for them from one side, because of the social restrictions and taboo, but from another they will feel more closeness, warmth and familiarity to the individual from the same sex. Exactly because in these ages the barrier of differences between genders starts to appear strongly. That barrier can be an obstacle to like the opposite gender for some (even it can result in dislike, or disgust), and can be a challenge to others, who will be able to start the first love crush to another.
      However the developed feeling of closeness to the same sex in these years might be just temporarily, and not stay during all life of individual. It can also have deeper roots, and help the soul to have its personal growth and transformation.

Have in mind that due to the intensity of the feeling of sexual attraction in this years, the first love crush in teenagers will be related mostly to sexual experiences. For homosexual men the feeling of “love” is immediately linked with “like, thrill and sexual attraction”. As they are people of spontaneous feeling and Yang energy, they don’t wait to “know” someone until they have intense feeling. That’s one of the big misconception and division between genders in the way they express love. For girls usually they will have more need of observance, deeper knowledge, in understanding the soul of another. Even so in the teenage years (after 14) everyone has the feeling of sexual attraction spontaneously. Due to the sacral chakra expansion. In later years women tend to take longer time to acknowledge, understand and extract the feeling of love, due to their tendency to analyse. They can also be defensive and slow to act. Also for them feeling of love” will be more or less separated from the sexual desire, and related to world of the Soul, and subconsciousness. That means woman can “love” or like someone even without to have sexual connection with him. She is more dreamy, and she will need to be possessed, and be “loved”. That’s why psychologically women tend to have the passive position in the relationship – one who need to be loved, to be cared, and to be object of sexual desire. That we speak of the majority, but as we stated here, due to the complex and unique way of the Yin-Yang energies, there will be women who are more active, who have predominant masculine Yang energy, even thought they are not homosexual.

    Men on the contrary, are more connected and familiar to the physical side of love, which means also thrills and emotions. They can be easily attracted and love someone, because of sexual desire, even though in later years they realize this feeling could be not named as "love”.
Even so the limits between love and like concept are blurred. In many cases until 20 years souls cant differentiate them. Thats because it`s meant to be so.

       The spiritual perspective on homosexuality is quite different from any social norms, taboos and restrictions. They can even add more intensity and thrill to the same sex attraction in some respect. Homosexual desire is related to the balanced portions of Yin and Yang (masculine) energy in human body. The soul does not carry the gender characteristics, but when incarnated in the human body, it needs to acquire specific gender. The (mismatch between the Soul aspect energy, which is in emotional body and aura, and the physical gender makes the difference in sexual attraction of the individual. In some cases homosexuality is inherent (from birth), while in others its more complicated process of individual and sexual growth, with specific karmic reflections. The soul of a man can be attached to another male soul, namely because of past life experience and karmic debt, which can be also planned in the Soul contract. However the homosexual desire is related to the complex and multi-layered nature of humans emotional and ethereal body, which makes each individual and each relationship very unique. In any homosexual relation needs to be created from two parties with opposite characteristics on energy flow – Yin (feminine, passive) and Yang (masculine, active). There will be usually found wounded parent relationship in most of individuals who acquire homosexual feeling. Usually the men will have wounded relationship with the father, while women with the mother. (Note: that does not mean wounded parent relationship will have as a result appear of homosexuality traits in the child. The effects can be multiple.)
The homosexual feeling has a complex nature on emotional and physical level, and its not an illness, but in the same time can be accompanied by traits of extreme behaviour, which can be viewed as illness. Only the cases of implementing force, or out of control violence toward another person is considered a crime (from Spiritual perspective).

Thank you for tuning in! Be present, and follow the way of divine Light!

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Homosexual desire from Spiritual Perspective -III

    Part III :
   In most of female Yin homosexuality, we observe wounded mother relationship, and spiritual work with self control, self-acceptance, personal boundaries, saying no, being active, working on realizing identity, being independent.

   In the case of female homosexual energy, the types are similar to the one described about male. Usually woman with more Yang energy will be attracted to the woman with Yin energy, who will have to pay karmic debt or work some qualities from past life. Yin energy female also will be considered as Bisexual, or the one who can have relationship with man too. That’s why this kind of woman will be more swinging”, or can have identity-problem, or create feeling of uncertainty, freedom and need to be caught. (like a butterfly effect). This kind of woman will be usually not very independent, will need to be supported, loved by more than one person. She can also suffer from loneliness. All of that are possible scenarios, as each case is very unique.

    Another point we need to remember is -that these kind of homosexual relationships are good and worked out specially to get karmic points and soul lessons. But that is what all kind of relationships are about! Due to some other characteristics like – being social taboo or restricted, being complex on soul-level, and being related more than usually to Thrill, suspense, in sexual desire, these relationships don’t have very lasting real life. But they have very strong imprint on the soul. Like the saying of Lao Tzu : THE FLAME that burns twice as bright, burns HALF as long”.
They are very similar to the feeling of first love, impossible love, or “fatale love”, that leaves the soul feeling missing a part, or being torn apart.
That’s because these relationships are based on previous wounds and spiritual pains from past lives.

1.          Q: Is there illness in homosexuality?
       No, the feeling between two people from the same gender has the same feeling of love and attachment as male-female relationship. The illness occur in spiritual plane only when human rights of freedom is violated. This right includes making a free choice who to love, and who to be loved. The violation of freedom, or any kind of force to another individual, or implementing harsh methods, is viewed as soul-spiritual disease. Such kind of harsh disease are all cases of pedophilia, or other obsessive attractions, made from problems in human mind and related to childhood. But homosexuality is not one of them.
In some cases due to complexness of the desire and nature of feelings, we can have some harsh elements in that relationships (as in any). That will be also because of higher level of obsession (possessiveness) in that type of relationships. Which can create the pattern of sadistic-masochistic behaviour. Even so these relationships, if chosen, are not psychological illnesses. They are way of “sexual play”, or creating sexual thrill. In physical plane, that thrill is mainly created by Yang energy (male). No matter of its directed to women (in certain movies above 18), or to men. Because men are the warrior – active force of the earth energy. They are creating the physical level, and are spontaneously sexual. Women are on the other hand, fragile spirit nurturer, and in-sexual, non spontaneous. That’s how they are related to element Fire/ Air (masculine) and Water- Earth (feminine).

      There is also a homosexuality which is acquired and one that is inherent. The first one might be not planned in the individual Soul contract. The second is always planned before the soul is born. That kind of feelings can be tricky to acknowledge from the root. According to surroundings, condition and social restrictions, homosexual feeling can arise spontaneously or gradually. It also will depend on which side of the individual Emotional body is wounded – feminine or masculine. Yes, we talk here about wounds” in emotional plan, but they are quite usual for all human beings, and doesn’t mean homosexual people are any different. If a person is put in some abnormal conditions or specific situations (like spending longer time in surrounding of male individuals, or being vulnerable about a male character) he can start to acquire homosexual desire. That doesn’t mean he will immediately be “labelled as homosexual. Because the labels don’t work in such complicated matter as feelings and desires.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue reading the next part IV here....

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
reiki master

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Homosexual desire from Spiritual Perspective -II

        Part II } 

        Society even in 21. Century is not so advanced in psychology or just starts first steps to spiritual understanding. That’s why we cant rely on social norms, restrictions in general. Homosexual desire has also (important to know!) many controversial points, that’s why it has been objects of many debates. How spirit guides, angels and Soul view this kind of attraction? So every human is related to energy type, before he is born. That energy type usually corresponds to the physical body given to the individual, which is already in the Soul contract. That means before someone is born he already agrees (is known) what gender he will be. In the earth plane there are created 2 kind of energies – corresponding to the two genders – Yang (male energy) and Yin (female energy). When individual is born he is always a mix between these 2 energies, but only one is the Dominant between them. Dominant in this case means more active, and undominant will mean inactive or very less active.
       When a male is born he has usually dominant Yang energy. That means from spiritual view he will have an ethereal energy 12 pointed star situated immediately above his Crown chakra and under his Soul Star (5 inches above his head). This star has shining orange yellow colour in males, and it’s the source of Yang energy. The Yang energy means activation of physical power, sexual instincts, passion, grounding, and its related more to energy of Warrior (fire element). Here I observe things in very “clear” way, but when it comes to human soul they are quite more complicated and complex. Yang energy makes the man moves faster, and his right side (Yang flow) will be much faster, his blood usually moves faster, he will be warmer, and more related to instincts, and survival, and more intention-action orientated. Yang energy is much more active and related to “fast moving presence- future”. It`s the energy of dominance, leading and protection. That means also awaken left sphere of the brain, energy of synthesis, and conclusion. So that’s fire-warrior energy of Yang. (in angelic language that is called SAI energy, and female -REI)

    The female YIN/ rei energy is usually related to physical body of female, and the individual will have dominant Yin flow. The woman will have 8 pointed ethereal star of energy in silver colour in the place below the Soul Star chakra. She will have the faster moving energy flow in her left side of the body, and right brain. In order to understand better the principle of energy imagine it like soft flowing water. So this water of Yin energy will move fast in such individuals and will have visibly more clear and brilliant colour (pearl white, or light blue). The Yin energy is related to nourishing, caring, mothering instincts, gentleness, slow motion. Also to deep thinking, analysis, dreams, psychic abilities, sub-conscious mind. That’s how women are more intuitive, and related to sub-conscious mind, irrational, and more analytical. While men (should be) more rational, grounded, related to instincts, desires. The Yin energy reflects more with past-to present moment. Which means it can relate to painful memories and traumas more than Yang energy. The Yin energy has the principle of obedience, and giving cleansing nurturing power. The Yang energy has the power of dominance, swiftness, being active, physical reality. The Yin energy is related to another level of non-physical reality and feelings.
     Both energies Yin-Yang exist as flow in human body of each individual. But they are not equal in quality and flow, as just one is dominant (ruling the Soul), and another is inactive, or active in different degree.
     Now I return to the topic of homosexual desire, in order to explain how it is related to female and male energy. We have to be aware that there are different KIND of homosexuality, so they all have different roots. First of all there are souls born with pre planned homosexuality. That means they have the physical body of one gender (for ex man) and the dominant energy of another gender (Yin). Such individual when he is born, he will have Rei star (8 pointed star in silver, mixed with orange colour) in place above his Crown chakra. That means he has mixed characteristics of Yin-Yang energies. His energy will be more feminine, and left side of the body will move faster. So in this case there will be a mismatch between his physical body and his type of energy flow, which will make him appear as feminine, fragile. On the other side this person will be attracted to the opposite energy (not body!), which will be clearly dominant Yang flow. That’s how in homosexual relationships we do have two separate opposing energies that can attract each other. In short that means -in this case homosexual relationship is linked with the feminine-masculine opposition of energy, NOT on the physical bodies relation.
That’s how obviously in the most homosexual couples, for ex men -one is playing the role of the dominant side (Yang) and hunter, being seduced and other is in the role of submissive side (charmer, seducing). That’s how they maintain the balance of polarities of Yin-Yang energy. One is usually playing the obvious role of the opposite gender, while another is already in the role of the same gender.

The second type of homosexuality is related to the person who "plays the role" of the same sex. He is interesting case, and in fact more often met, than the mismatch energy type. This individual, if a man, will have dominant Yang energy, and usual characteristics. But also he could have some visibly shining Yin energy flow too, which will make him in complicated position. That means his dominant energy can be Yang, but he can have faster moving Yin side. Another case of this homosexual type is related to psychology – wounded parent, or brother-sister relationship. Another type is related to Spirit and past life karmic relationships. So we need to be aware there are so many complex types of homosexual behaviour and we cant put them together.
People in that homosexual type with dominant Yang energy and fast moving Yin flow, will be very easily drawn to the same sex, and will feel stronger closeness, trust and familiarity with the same gender. But also they can be Bisexual, or be attracted in one point of their life to other gender as well. And that pattern will depend also on which souls he has a karmic debt to, and what kind of relationship he needs to work out”. Usually this kind of person will realize his sexual attraction to same sex in the years after 15, 16, or later. That will be just very obvious to him on process of his sexual maturity.
On the other side, people from the same kind who have already karmic relationship with their parents, will have wounded relation with their father or elder brother (for men), and mother or sister, for a woman. That’s how family relationship is quite important to note and what are dynamics of that family circle. In most people attracted to same sex, you can notice such wounded relationship with parent. That wont be always connected with aggressive behaviour or violence from parent, but also being witness of some painful relationship between mother and father. Being victim of a sexual crime (from a parent or anyone out of family) also will affect the soul in dramatic way, but NOT his sexual orientation. That means he wont change his desire, because of that, but he will be traumatized of any sexual experience for long time.
The last type of homosexual desire is related to Karmic debt. Its obvious that we all have some karmic debts if we are here on Earth playground. And most of all it is related to different kind of relationships, love and crimes from past lives. The soul that has attraction to same sex, will not have attraction to ALL people of that gender. Please note that. The same as in heterosexual relations, soul feels drawn to special individuals through his life, and not to others. That means in this type of attraction, the principle of Karmic debt energy exists, together with being attracted to the opposite energy (Yin) in another.
The person who is drown to another with the same gender, will be feeling strong desire to pay him back, or they can feel unusual closeness, as if they know each other for long time. That will be exactly because their souls have known each other for many life times, so they can recognize each other. They are predestined to fall in love, and to work out” something that was unfinished from a past life. That can be reaching to forgiveness, compassion, eliminating jealousy or working on level of sexual desire. Most of the homosexual male couples have spiritual work connected with acceptance of Self, overcoming social blocks, and sexuality expression. So there is a reason for each of them why this relationship is played.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue reading the next part of the article here ....

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master

Friday, August 23, 2019

Homosexual Desire from Spiritual perspective -I

I.             In this article I`ll observe one topic, which is quite uncommon specially when we speak about spirituality. The understanding of homosexual desire, from higher perspective. I want to explain some important points and why people get “all wrong” in relation with that topic.

 What is homosexuality from wide social point?
What is homosexuality from Spiritual perspective?
 Is there something related to illness in homosexuality?
What are basic relations between both sides in homosexual couple?
What are relations between female sides of homosexual couple?

    Homosexuality according to society is viewed as a desire, passion and love/ like between people from the same gender. That passion, love and closeness in homosexual couple should be regarded still as unusual, shameful, impossible, oppressive, inappropriate, shocking, amoral, weird, peripheral, disgusting. We should have in mind that this kind of same sex relationship was a taboo since ancient times. And secondly, we have to admit it already Existed throughout the history in all ancient civilizations.
The phenomenon of homosexuality deserves a special study from psychological and philosophical point. But here I`ll observe it from point of Spirit and source and energy.
I have to turn attention to the following impressive and significant points about homosexuality now:
    - Homosexuality is not a separated or single sexual attitude, as it is spread throughout historical periods, nations and all globe. That makes it with global character.
    - Homosexuality is still and always has been regarded as a taboo, and unusual, out of norm relationship or desire.
   - Similar as appearance of racism, there is negative approach to homosexual desire, reflecting in homophobia. That’s attitude of hatred and aggression to people who are part of homosexuality.

     So these are the basic points to have more clarity on homosexuality from social perspective. It is viewed as a taboo, but there are multiple proves of spread and existence of it. The status of taboo makes that feeling even expand more and become multi-layered feeling. The status of being a disease also fails to explain the complicated character of that attraction. Just of the contrary, the taboo exists to create tension, and the tension creates level of suspense, THRILL and erotic shivers. Some of the reasons why certain cultures with strict norms and taboos are the ones to have spread phenomena of homosexual film industry (like in Asian countries), and the one to arise demand for such films.
Now I`ll look to some important points of same sex attraction, that makes it really exciting for film industry, and being a feeling.

1.   The status of taboo in that attraction creates the feelings of thrill, pleasure of expectation, desire for being out of norm, and suspense. There is always level of uncertainty, that keeps the feeling awake.
2.   That attraction between same sex individuals has the energy of innocence, crossing boundaries, expression of Self, and level of closeness.
3.   The homosexual attraction is linked directly with aspect of Soul and Higher self, as it proves the existence of eternal soul in humans.

These points I`ll view in more details, while I concentrate on II. Homosexual desire from Spiritual, higher perspective.
Recently I asked my spirit guides to help me in finding out the truth about same sex attraction, and I received many amazing answers. So now I`ll write them here with their help and help of archangel Chamuel.
For convenience I`ll write them as a list of points related to subject of homosexuality.
1.   Is that a wrong feeling being attracted from the same sex? -2. Is that usual feeling for human soul? 3. What is homosexuality from soul perspective? 4. Are there some psychological issues with that taboo attraction?
1.   The first point is clear statement that there is totally nothing wrong with being homosexual, or attracted to the same gender. The only issue about that can be from social point, as humans as a majority have tendency to expand and keep their population by giving birth. That can happen only through the relationship between male and female. As the earth plane is created to be based on sexual relation between 2 genders, that`s how it should continue to be, and that is something fixed. ( Some alien planets have structure of 3, or can even spread by the same gender individuals.) Our planet is based on principle of polarity, so its quite normal that we see Male and female (Yin and Yang side) in most energies. But the feeling of love, attraction and like between the same sex individuals is quite natural and "normal" from spiritual perspective. One of the proves are: it contains exactly the same elements and feelings of closeness, attraction in friendship of same sex; - it has the same feeling of love, jealousy, passion and sexual desire As in the heterosexual relation; So the Soul takes account of feelings, energies and love, and they are the SAME. That is also a good prove that such feeling cant be a disease, as there is repeated, fluent and consistent. There is such attraction, love and desire, as it was in times of Ancient Greek, Egypt, China, Mexico and all other world. For that reason two individuals from the same sex have the right to express their love freely, regardless of social stamp.
     Thank you for tuning in! Please read the next part of the article - Homosexual desire from spiritual perspective... 
      Nina Lea-nour *
      Angel`s medium 
      Reiki master

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Page of Swords (Court Tarot)

                                                Sun and Moon Tarot - Vanessa Decort 
The energy of all Pages is the one associated with the card Fool ( 0) – innocence, new start, new energy to begin, inspiration, positive energy, seeing the world with eyes of a child, discovering new things, connecting with inner child, immaturity. This is the card more or less of “surface” level, but very uplifting. Page has the psychological attributes of little child and usually a girl, maiden, not grown woman. This card could mean also attraction to much younger woman (girl), sisterhood, very close girl friend. Page in many spreads is source of revealed messages –could bring meaning of new friendship, news delivered from someone close to you (or about him), or gossiping.

    Page of swards represents in a situation curiosity, need for communication, trust, desire for knowledge and education. It indicates passion and enthusiasm to start new project, idea, or learning, or hobby related to knowledge. This card signifies taking risks, using unusual approach, positive energy to start a project, learning, courses.
This is also energy of a child, and innocence. Less experience, but very high enthusiasm. It can be daughter, son or young sister.
The message of Page of swards is: act on your passions and future projects, but be careful who you share them with. Don’t be too open or sharing with everyone around. Ask for help, and advice from someone more mature than you, be open to guidance. Start of new learning and new social circle.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Knight of Swords (Court Tarot card)

                                                       Dark Fairytale Tarot 
   Energy of fire element – world of active force, quick action, move, taking risks, ready to change, brevity, ready to overcome obstacles (to go through fire). Very passionate and very impulsive; He can be associated with card 7 – The Chariot. Traveling (knight is always associated riding a horse), fast transition, new home, carrier, unexpected life changes, willingness to change.
Knight of Swards combines two masculine energies – that of Fire (knight) and that of Wands (Fire element). That’s why he is very fast in any decision, he is always riding to a goal, and has extreme ambitions. He can seem cruel or cold hearted sometimes. In tarot he will represent younger brother, cousin or friend. He can also be a third party in a love relationship, that comes between a couple.
He has spirit of freedom, quick thinking and always ready with new projects and ideas. He has desire and strong motivation, but his actions can possibly be faster than thinking.
In situation reading Knight will show you the way you can solve problem – be fast, don’t delay, don’t concentrate on egoistic approach, use your creative mind and determination.
Spiritual message: be aware of hidden obstacles on your way, but prepare to act and avoid them.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master

Monday, August 19, 2019

King of Swords -Tarot court card

King of Swards:
Sun and Moon Tarot - Vanessa Decort

      King in all suits represents: the principle of masculine energy –Yang; it is equal to major Arcana Emperor, as well as Magician – power to manifest, Air energy (1). Qualities of Kings are: generosity (giving), stability, safety, protection, figure of the Father. The King is showing ambitions, strength, authority, honour; he is ready to support his loved once in all ways – financially, emotionally, creatively. This is the pure power of success and manifestation, of fast action to achieve something.

The element of King court cards is Air (wind) – representing summoning of all forces, manifesting all ideas with wisdom and using all 5 elements.
The ultimate qualities of King are represented by King of Swords – air in Air – manifestation of truth, wisdom, justice, decision making, fairness, loyalty.
The main spiritual quality of King is determination, abundance.

King of Swards: represents clear mind, intellect over feelings, logical and fair decisions, truth, authority, justice, ambition and strong believes. In tarot reading can show as an older man, father, or someone with higher authority. Or he could be a person with qualities of clear thinking, truthful, strong, someone who controls his heart. This card has the feeling of cold power, leadership, diplomacy.
As a situation in reading it can appear as advice to use diplomacy, logical mind, objectiveness and justice in this situation. To leave your emotions behind when judging about someone. King of Swards is supporter of mind, higher purpose or education.

Nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium
Reiki master
Tarot intuitive 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Weekly Tarot cards (Sun and Moon Tarot) August

Hi dear Tarot lovers and children of Gaia!
I`m posting again the new weekly Tarot reading for the week 11 – 17 August. This week we have profound energy after the opening of the Lion`s gate (and that’s a dimensional portal, accelerating mindfulness, awakening and spiritual insights.) I`ll post an update about month of August – first two weeks.

I use the magnificent Tarot “Sun and Moon” Tarot by Vanesa Decort. Which is truly amazing, full of symbolism and occult energy.

Positions of the cards are in a circle – the card 0 is in the middle – then starting from above we move in clockwise direction, placing 4 cards – the one above reveals what are your goals and desires in this period; The card to the right – what is your creative energy, positive qualities, and your assets now; as well as surrounding, people; the one below signifies the subconscious mind, memories, feelings on past, psychic energy, visions, dreams. The card on the left side (4) reveals the love and relationships, what is your attitude or love life in the present.
Then we make another circle and move again clockwise starting from the upper right side – position 5. Family, ancestors and family karma – what are your relations with the family? Position (6) – Right corner down – What is your environment and surrounding (can include home, or work place). Are you shielded against negative energies? Position (7) Left corner down – Love relationship, desire to connect, and last (8) Left up card – Friends and people willing to support you – what are your relations.
Now this is the reading itself.

          0. Your position now: Six of Pentacles – Success, receiving in material plane, joy
You are now aligned with the success in all levels – all your projects, study or investment will be successful in this period. You are rewarded for your past efforts. Open your arms to receive!
     1. Your desires, goals, intention – Queen of Cups
You are striving to take the energy of emotional flowing, cleansing, increased psychic power and intuition. In order to achieve that connect with Water – the element for August (numerical value 8)-  consider swimming, walking by the lake, sea side, or any place with natural water source. Striving for deep self-reflection.

     2. Creative power, your positive qualities – 5 of Cups
Feeling disappointed and low energy. It`s hard for you to be inspired now, as you still have something to let go of. Crying over the past situation that brings you emotional pain. You need to let it go and cut ties. Need for emotional release and transformation. Karmic lessons of emotional body.
     3. Subconscious mind, psychic connection, dreams, vision – 6 of Cups
Pleasure, joy of receiving emotional healing. Balancing your heart centre, nurturing your inner child, gratitude for what you have, being cherished. Your psychic gifts will be flowing with the moon energy, you`ll receive deep healing of your Yin – feminine side. Be open as you may have dreams and visions about past lives.

       4.  Love, emotions, feelings (your attitude) – 20. Judgement
Cleansing of Karmic relationships and cutting ties. Spiritual awakening, purification, higher consciousness, realization. Need for holistic living. Being aligned with your higher Self and destiny. Ascension through power of forgiveness and self-love.
     5.  Family, Ancestors, Karma – XVI – the Tower
Something needs to be destroyed, in order for you to receive a revelation. Cleansing of family karma, which comes to an end. The Lightning of the Tower releases delusions. Destruction of old patterns and believes.

     6. Environment (work place, or place you spend time) – 2 of Swards
In your environment facing choices, decisions need to be made with clear and balanced mind. Focus inward, meditation. Which way do you want to go? Answer is only within you in your quiet mind – not from others advices or experiences. Need for peace and balance.

    7.  Love relationships, intimacy, desire to connect – 10 of Swards
Transformation though pain and crisis, ending of a cycle – in relationship. It`s not the end of you though! Painful events come to and end. Feeling released and free. End of love, separation. No desire for intimacy or connections. Feeling “out of the world”, rest of mind. Letting go of fear, mental freedom.

     8. Friends, helpful people, alliances – Princess of Swards
Your attitude to connect with others is based on starting of new projects, creative ideas, inspiration and bliss. Connections are with priority, - but not the love ones. Possible new friendship, starting course or study new skill. Being open to receive messages or help. Self-improvement.

Thank you for tuning in this weekly Tarot cards reading!
Have an amazing week with active energy Yin and enjoy the month of Water!

_Nina Lea-nour *
  Reiki helaer
  Tarot inuitive 
  Angels medium 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Ten of Swords - Tarot

                                          Sun and Moon Tarot by Vanessa Decort
Numerical value -10 – filling the cycle, union, integrity. It has the meaning of card no. 21 – world – freedom, wholeness; equivalent card – 10 – the wheel of fortune – ending of one cycle and beginning of a new.

     In the meaning of swards -10 represents end of cycle in life, a painful event which is over, and in the same time indication for new hope, beginning. There is nothing more to struggle. You have reached the bottom point. There is defeat, betrayal, loneliness, crisis, and loss. You lost your hope on a situation, something ends. It can be related to important aspect of life – carrier, relationships, someone valuable to you. This is time of death. In combination of Death card it can mean real loss of someone, or going through period of very hard transition.
     To remember the dark aspect of this card is to be very grounded in this time. Things can happen suddenly and can be shocking for you. Despite that loss and despair, you need to find balance and remember -the light is always there after the darkness. Always expect new beginning and rejuvenation after strong pain and crisis.
Spiritual question: what lessons I can learn from my painful experience and past? What qualities I need to work on and become stronger? I need to let go of the old and give way to the new. 
Remember that Swords bring the energy of release, letting go and cutting off everything from the past that is not in alihnment with who you truely are. In that way, 10 of Swords will bring more relief and release to a situation and end of hardship that you were in. The Archangel ruling Swords is Michael, and Archangel assiciated with the numerology of 10 - is Zadkiel. 

Nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium
Reiki master