Saturday, August 24, 2019

Homosexual desire from Spiritual Perspective -II

        Part II } 

        Society even in 21. Century is not so advanced in psychology or just starts first steps to spiritual understanding. That’s why we cant rely on social norms, restrictions in general. Homosexual desire has also (important to know!) many controversial points, that’s why it has been objects of many debates. How spirit guides, angels and Soul view this kind of attraction? So every human is related to energy type, before he is born. That energy type usually corresponds to the physical body given to the individual, which is already in the Soul contract. That means before someone is born he already agrees (is known) what gender he will be. In the earth plane there are created 2 kind of energies – corresponding to the two genders – Yang (male energy) and Yin (female energy). When individual is born he is always a mix between these 2 energies, but only one is the Dominant between them. Dominant in this case means more active, and undominant will mean inactive or very less active.
       When a male is born he has usually dominant Yang energy. That means from spiritual view he will have an ethereal energy 12 pointed star situated immediately above his Crown chakra and under his Soul Star (5 inches above his head). This star has shining orange yellow colour in males, and it’s the source of Yang energy. The Yang energy means activation of physical power, sexual instincts, passion, grounding, and its related more to energy of Warrior (fire element). Here I observe things in very “clear” way, but when it comes to human soul they are quite more complicated and complex. Yang energy makes the man moves faster, and his right side (Yang flow) will be much faster, his blood usually moves faster, he will be warmer, and more related to instincts, and survival, and more intention-action orientated. Yang energy is much more active and related to “fast moving presence- future”. It`s the energy of dominance, leading and protection. That means also awaken left sphere of the brain, energy of synthesis, and conclusion. So that’s fire-warrior energy of Yang. (in angelic language that is called SAI energy, and female -REI)

    The female YIN/ rei energy is usually related to physical body of female, and the individual will have dominant Yin flow. The woman will have 8 pointed ethereal star of energy in silver colour in the place below the Soul Star chakra. She will have the faster moving energy flow in her left side of the body, and right brain. In order to understand better the principle of energy imagine it like soft flowing water. So this water of Yin energy will move fast in such individuals and will have visibly more clear and brilliant colour (pearl white, or light blue). The Yin energy is related to nourishing, caring, mothering instincts, gentleness, slow motion. Also to deep thinking, analysis, dreams, psychic abilities, sub-conscious mind. That’s how women are more intuitive, and related to sub-conscious mind, irrational, and more analytical. While men (should be) more rational, grounded, related to instincts, desires. The Yin energy reflects more with past-to present moment. Which means it can relate to painful memories and traumas more than Yang energy. The Yin energy has the principle of obedience, and giving cleansing nurturing power. The Yang energy has the power of dominance, swiftness, being active, physical reality. The Yin energy is related to another level of non-physical reality and feelings.
     Both energies Yin-Yang exist as flow in human body of each individual. But they are not equal in quality and flow, as just one is dominant (ruling the Soul), and another is inactive, or active in different degree.
     Now I return to the topic of homosexual desire, in order to explain how it is related to female and male energy. We have to be aware that there are different KIND of homosexuality, so they all have different roots. First of all there are souls born with pre planned homosexuality. That means they have the physical body of one gender (for ex man) and the dominant energy of another gender (Yin). Such individual when he is born, he will have Rei star (8 pointed star in silver, mixed with orange colour) in place above his Crown chakra. That means he has mixed characteristics of Yin-Yang energies. His energy will be more feminine, and left side of the body will move faster. So in this case there will be a mismatch between his physical body and his type of energy flow, which will make him appear as feminine, fragile. On the other side this person will be attracted to the opposite energy (not body!), which will be clearly dominant Yang flow. That’s how in homosexual relationships we do have two separate opposing energies that can attract each other. In short that means -in this case homosexual relationship is linked with the feminine-masculine opposition of energy, NOT on the physical bodies relation.
That’s how obviously in the most homosexual couples, for ex men -one is playing the role of the dominant side (Yang) and hunter, being seduced and other is in the role of submissive side (charmer, seducing). That’s how they maintain the balance of polarities of Yin-Yang energy. One is usually playing the obvious role of the opposite gender, while another is already in the role of the same gender.

The second type of homosexuality is related to the person who "plays the role" of the same sex. He is interesting case, and in fact more often met, than the mismatch energy type. This individual, if a man, will have dominant Yang energy, and usual characteristics. But also he could have some visibly shining Yin energy flow too, which will make him in complicated position. That means his dominant energy can be Yang, but he can have faster moving Yin side. Another case of this homosexual type is related to psychology – wounded parent, or brother-sister relationship. Another type is related to Spirit and past life karmic relationships. So we need to be aware there are so many complex types of homosexual behaviour and we cant put them together.
People in that homosexual type with dominant Yang energy and fast moving Yin flow, will be very easily drawn to the same sex, and will feel stronger closeness, trust and familiarity with the same gender. But also they can be Bisexual, or be attracted in one point of their life to other gender as well. And that pattern will depend also on which souls he has a karmic debt to, and what kind of relationship he needs to work out”. Usually this kind of person will realize his sexual attraction to same sex in the years after 15, 16, or later. That will be just very obvious to him on process of his sexual maturity.
On the other side, people from the same kind who have already karmic relationship with their parents, will have wounded relation with their father or elder brother (for men), and mother or sister, for a woman. That’s how family relationship is quite important to note and what are dynamics of that family circle. In most people attracted to same sex, you can notice such wounded relationship with parent. That wont be always connected with aggressive behaviour or violence from parent, but also being witness of some painful relationship between mother and father. Being victim of a sexual crime (from a parent or anyone out of family) also will affect the soul in dramatic way, but NOT his sexual orientation. That means he wont change his desire, because of that, but he will be traumatized of any sexual experience for long time.
The last type of homosexual desire is related to Karmic debt. Its obvious that we all have some karmic debts if we are here on Earth playground. And most of all it is related to different kind of relationships, love and crimes from past lives. The soul that has attraction to same sex, will not have attraction to ALL people of that gender. Please note that. The same as in heterosexual relations, soul feels drawn to special individuals through his life, and not to others. That means in this type of attraction, the principle of Karmic debt energy exists, together with being attracted to the opposite energy (Yin) in another.
The person who is drown to another with the same gender, will be feeling strong desire to pay him back, or they can feel unusual closeness, as if they know each other for long time. That will be exactly because their souls have known each other for many life times, so they can recognize each other. They are predestined to fall in love, and to work out” something that was unfinished from a past life. That can be reaching to forgiveness, compassion, eliminating jealousy or working on level of sexual desire. Most of the homosexual male couples have spiritual work connected with acceptance of Self, overcoming social blocks, and sexuality expression. So there is a reason for each of them why this relationship is played.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue reading the next part of the article here ....

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master

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