Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Moon energy and cycles -I

The moon is powerful queen of the night sky, and many myths and legends were created to celebrate the moon goddess. The moon energy is really powerful during the main cycles – of full and new Moon, when the vibrations are higher and people can feel the mystical power of the moon. The full moon enhances our psychic abilities, connects and opens our Third eye, amplifies our inner sensitivity for spiritual connection, understanding and seeing god signs, and send us meaningful dreams.

Here I`ll explain more about the moon energy and how it is important for all humans, specially to the one that need spiritual guidance.

I.                   The moon – the Sun

Moon is connected with the feminine (Yin) energy, night, dreams, subconscious mind, psychic, clairvoyance, spiritual connection and water element. In contrast –the sun energy accelerates the masculine (Yang) flow in the body, it is related to day light, sunrise, new beginnings, strength, visible world, mindfulness, awareness, connection with other people on physical plane and fire element. The two are powerful and have ability to balance all the energy flows within human body and two are important for our spiritual world.

The sun light and energy is connected with awakening, recharging, boosting, inner power, love for world and others, physical plane. The moon light is connected with all earth water, spiritual world (hidden aspects), self-love, self-acceptance. The moon energy has ability to sooth, release, calm, nurture, cleanse; while the sun light will help us to uplift our emotions, be in tune with nature, send us inspiration, bliss, positive emotions, grounding, and recharge our physical body.

As I already discussed in my article about Yin-Yang energy flow in the human body, there are two basic flows on subtle level – we can balance and cleanse these energy flows by Reiki, meditation and nature connection and healthy food. [ … ] The yin energy encompasses right side of the brain and left side of the body, while yang masculine (sun) energy covers the left side of the brain and right body side. Therefore most men, have amplified and more balanced “yang” (masculine) side, while most women have balanced the yin side of body. Another interesting fact is that the same side which is dominant in the human, is also the vulnerable side. So the men would have more problems related to right side of body, with women that will be opposite. Although that’s not a rule, because of too many hidden aspects and other imbalances of emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. That’s how its very individual to be determined in such way. But here I want to concentrate on moon energy. 

Please continue to part two here: Moon energy and cycles -II   Feel free to share this article, post a comment below or recommend it to a friend! Thank you for tuning in. 

nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
@ 3 - 12-18 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Angels of mission (Zadkiel, Jophiel) -VIII

  1. Arch. Zadkiel
Zadkiel is the amazing angel with violet-golden aura, she is archangel leader of Violet flame angel group. She has sparkle of amethyst violet rays around her, and appears only for people who are already on path of ascension, and souls devoted to spiritual development. Zadkiel is leader angel for all ascended masters and teachers (Buddha, Jesus, Kuan Yin, Kutthumi, El Morya, Serapis Bay…) She will assist all people for their ascension with aura and energy cleansing, releasing pains from the past, being confident and motivated about the future mission, releasing bad and harmful emotions using violet light, feeling joy, love and forgiveness to others and to yourself. Zadkiel is universal angel of freedom of all souls from material plane and burdens of pain, freedom from dark energy and attachments, of forgiveness and cleansing energy with violet and brilliant white light. She takes care for all people, who turn with prayers or fiats to her.

Archangel Jophiel
Jophiel is the angel leader of Amber flame angels. She has beautiful golden –amber (peach) color aura and soothing rays. She is angel of illumination, self-reflection and beauty in all aspects. She is mission angel for people who are devoted to:

-         art and history of art (fine art, sculptures, applied arts)
-     interior designers, garden designers, people who work for home decorations, atmosphere and style in homes
-         Painters and people who have any kind of hand crafts (painting on glass, wood, porcelain, drawing, icons, design of furniture…)
-         People working for fashion and style – fashion designers, make up artists, hair style artists, jewelry designers.
-      Teachers and students in fine art (all history and theory of art, artists biographies, world famous painters).
-         Drawing, portraits, landscapes art, color photography;
-         Movie montage and theatre/ movie décor making.
-         Art of historical architecture (except for religious places and temples).
-    People who create perfumes, aroma oils compositions or use them for cleansing the home energy;
-       People who organize home and objects according to principles of Feng Shui.
-      Making drawings and prints on any material (clothes, scarves, hats, lingerie, curtains, covers).

People from group of archangel Jophiel should master qualities like: love and passion for art, artistic approach, creativity, new ideas, inspiration, persistence, sense for organization and planning, feeling for harmony, feeling for harmonious combination of elements, expressing individual self, not giving up on their passions.

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18

Angels of mission (Azrael, Cassiel) -VII

  1. Archangel Azrael
Archangel Azrael is powerful angel, who can also be your mission angel. He has amazing pale yellow aura with golden shine rays on outer sphere. He is not so common for "mission” angel, but rather can be a Karmic cleansing angel for more people. He will protect you if you have mission (* please note that mission does not mean “profession, job or carrier”) related to these areas: 

-       people working in graveyard or helping in funeral ceremony and burring the body.
-        or people who suffer from endless pain of loss (of someone loved) and want to depart from life, or to suicide.
-         People who have psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clear knowing), who can connect with death souls and spirits.
-         People who have shocking experience (near death) or coma, people who went through car accidents or were near to die, but where saved. (this is aspect of Azrael working as Karmic cleansing angel).

Qualities that Azrael will need you to develop are: patience, inner peace, serenity, deeper understanding of life meaning, overcoming obstacles, seeing the light in the tunnel (thinking in positive way), persistence, inner strength, ability to release and let go of hard situations, love of life, understanding the deeper meaning of “death” departing and soul transition. Azrael is amazing guide for all souls, that’s why we don’t feel to be afraid or avoid talking to him. Some souls have special relation with this angel.

  1. Archangel Cassiel
Archangel Cassiel, the same as Azrael, is more in the group of “karmic cleansing angels”. He can be your mission angel, if you are dealing with the vulnerable groups of people as part of your mission:
-         working in place for psychologically ill people.
-      Having a child or a close person (brother, sister), who has psychological problems or mind illness
-      Working with people or lost souls, with suicidal thoughts and instincts attracting death.
-      Working with people who are old, near to die or with vulnerable social status (for example prisoners, criminals);
-       Working with people who are recovering from strong addictions (drugs, alcoholism…)

The main qualities you will need to master, if you are from group of Cassiel are: strength of mind, compassion, understanding others, desire to help vulnerable souls, desire to comfort people who suffer, persistence, understanding mechanics of human psychology. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18

Angels of mission - (Haniel) VI

  1. Archangel Haniel (lavender, mauve group of angels)
     Haniel is mission angel of people who are related to water energy – sailors in ocean, sea, fisherman, traders on ships, people with swimming sports, she protects all fishes sea life; as well as women womb. Haniel is mostly appearing as a “female”, but of course anyone see her according to his personality. She has amazing soothing pale blue inner aura (wings) and lavender-mauve light shine in outer sphere. Archangel of purity of desire, She helps with mission of people who:

-        want to get rid of harmful addictions (toxic and unhealthy foods, cigarettes, alcohol, cacao, chocolate, sugar).
-         also toxic friendship or relationships (people you need to let go, or people who don’t serve your highest good).
-         She guides also all people who protect ocean waters and work for causes for all fishes, dolphins, sea animals.
-      Haniel protects all things related to women psychology, health and feminine energy. (issues with connecting divine feminine and inner goddess, women heart issues, women love relationships, little girls, women womb health…)
-      She also is guiding people who work in performance arts like: modern ballet, theatre (actors and actress), camera men, photographers, belly dancers, Indian and Asian dancers and performing arts.

Haniel is related to Second chakra (Sacral) and intimate organs in human body. She can help you to balance your masculine and feminine energy, and add more warm emotions and sensitivity (if you are man). Haniel will assist you in releasing negative feelings towards your close female from your family (mother, aunt, sister). She will balance also hormones and stress in any situation, when you feel not ready to “perform” something for others, including exams and public speaking. 

Qualities you need to master if your arch. is Haniel are: purity of heart, passion for helping others, feeling passionate about things, understanding your deeper desires, feeling confident, assertive and full of peace. Having clean and clear relationships with others, maintaining good friendships, non judgment to your friends and family, acceptance, feeling joy from simple things in life, being grateful. She will teach you how to manifest abundance and feel joy from what you do. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18

Angels of mission (Jeremiel, Raziel) -V

  1. Archangel Jeremiel (indigo blue angels)
Jeremiel (Remiel) is very important and amazing angel, with indigo blue, violet and light golden aura (wings). He/ she is dedicated to bring deeper knowledge and revealing mysterious side of the world (earth plane) to humans. Jeremiel is astrological angel (angel of souls connection) for Sagittarius. He will lead you on your path of higher spiritual knowledge and understanding of god and universe. He is helping people with mission related to:

- study of history, archeology (study, books, practicing), all knowledge related to history, important discoveries about the past or future, ancient civilizations.  
- secret knowledge (hidden mysterious orders and occult knowledge – for ex. Kabbalah…)
- people with psychic abilities like clairaudience, clairaliance, connecting with angels and light beings.
 - ceremonies and religious rituals, people of all religions and institutions (popes, imams, rabis, religious leaders, prophets).
 - people revealing the past, fortune tellers, Tarot and oracle cards readers.
 -  yoga students and teachers, spiritual teachings,
 - people who want to reveal their past life incarnations, dealing with meditations and regressions, hypnosis.
 - religious statues and sculptures (like statue of Virgin Mary, Buddha, Kuan Yin), monasteries and people who devote to god - nuns, monks.   
- people who read dream symbols, or who can read any signs.
- People devoted to philosophy, theology, theosophy, religious study, any spiritual practices, meditations, chakra cleansing.
- people connected with traveling to religious places (of any religion), or places from your past life (earth traveling).
- Jeremiel protects also healing and karma cleansing from hard karmic experiences of past.
-  All spiritual writers (people who write about spirit, soul, awakening, ascension and angelic realm –together with Gabriel).
Qualities for Jeremiel adepts should be: all qualities of discipline and purity of body, heart, mind, speech and connections with others, restraining from sexual relations (celibacy), keeping pure heart and emotions, control over emotions/ restriction of negative emotions (anger, hatred), non judgment, keeping inner peace and balance, work devoted to god and angels, (or to inner self and cleansing self in all levels). If other mission angel mostly are supporting your qualities related to others, Jeremiel (and Raziel) are archangels more related to self-knowledge, connection with higher self, purity, and introspection. This is angel related to Tarot card “The Hermit” – person who goes away from world, in order to achieve higher knowledge.

  1. Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is one of the keepers of the "Akashic records” (or library of universal plan and consciousness/ sub consciousness of mindful beings.) Raziel has beautiful shinging tanzanite blue aura (wings) and rainbow rays from outside. This angel is specially dedicated to help advanced souls (like ascended masters, Buddha, Jesus, Krishna…) and souls that are close to the way of ascension (after 5. level). He protects also people, who have mission related to:

-   Libraries, book stores, book archives, book restoration,  
-  People connecting with Akashic records for highest good of others, people of advanced spiritual knowledge;
- dedicated to knowledge of astronomy and astrology (planets and stars, galaxies, systems)
-  space craft engineers and people of space, scientists on space, planets and aliens;
- architects and architecture of religious buildings (cathedrals, mosques, churches, temples, monuments)
-  people who can astral travel, read signs of dreams, messages and meeting souls in dreams.
- People who can clearly see/ perceive angels (clairvoyance) and communicate with angels also with clear knowing.
- all religious prophets and ascended masters, who are connected to Akashic records wisdom;
- people who can connect to souls of departed (death) and know information from them.
- people who wrote (or assisted) in writing of Sacred books (Bible, Bhagavad Gitta, Torah, Talmud…), except Quran.
-  People who have strong connection and feeling to earth crystals (clear quartz, selenite, aqua aura…)

Qualities that these people need to have are similar to the qualities from Jeremiel – purity of body, mind, heart, connection with higher self and ability to perceive the future, to understand the hidden secrets of life and earth existence. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18 

Angels of mission (Michael, Ariel) -IV

  1. Archangel Michael (Ruby red angels)
Michael is the angel who created our world and galaxy as it is now. He is one of the angelic leaders and teaching people from earth of qualities like fearlessness, brevity, courage, determination, assertiveness, self-respect, self-reliance, self-confidence; he helps more gentle and vulnerable souls to be safe and protected under his care. Michael is very often angel of Karmic lessons, but also he is mission angel for people, who possess the same qualities, or the one working with missions in spheres:

-         guards and protectors for institutions or people
-         people in military service, officers and commanders in army
-         interior police and exterior police officers;
-    detectives and people who deal to investigate criminal cases (with arch. Raguel – justice)
-    people instructors and teachers for martial arts (King fu), and fighting techniques, fitness instructors.
-      People devoted to body building and body strengthening, dealing with sports and body building
-         All kind of sport people, involved in competitions and physical activities.
-         People who carry and lift heavy materials as profession;
-         Helpers in stores who carry heavy things;

Qualities that people need to master with arch. Michael are: brevity, being able to go above obstacles, to release fear and resentment, to concentrate on the most important, to let go of anger and negative emotions, inner strength, courage, stability, satisfaction from life, assertiveness, removing doubts, self-reliance, confidence, being grounded and aware of the reality, mastering art of fighting and respect to other beings.

  1. Archangel Ariel (pale green angels)
 Archangel Ariel is well known for her environmental protection, love to all nature, plants, trees and animal world. The aura of Ariel is inner pale green light and outer sphere (rays) of all pink colors. (so she can be seen in both colors, opening the heart). She/he is your mission angel, if you are working and devoted to any of these causes:

-         Gardening, taking care of flowers, plants, trees.
-     Taking care of animals, animal rescue causes, taking care for abused or homeless animals.
-       All environment causes, connected with the earth and ground, but also with the seas, oceans (together with Haniel).
-    Taking care for any home pets (birds, cats, dogs..), domestic animals, farming.
-         cooking and food preparations, kitchen chefs, restaurants and hotels. (Cooking is connected with organic products, taking care and growing seeds, grains, vegetables, fruits and their most healthy preparation in the kitchen.)  
-         gardens, parks, forests maintained by humans as well as wild forests.
-         Dealing with agriculture, planting grains, vegetables, fruits. Harvest and sawing, grains and nuts.
-         Wild animals protection and threaten animals causes.
-         Recycles of food, and all wild forest, flower fairies and elementals.
-         Mindful consumption of goods (specially food).
-     Writing foods on topic of food consumption, cooking, healthy recipes, agriculture, health benefits from fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts.
-         All things related to nature, environment, earth life, plants and animals are under care of Ariel.
-         Bees and bee keepers, production of honey, and bees wax

If she is your mission angel, you need to master qualities like: devotion for nature, realizing importance of environment, being passionate about clean environment, clean forests and foods, feeling love and compassion to animals, plants, trees, all nature. Developing gardening skills, understanding/ feeling the language of flowers, animals, trees. Being connected with the nature from your heart, being mindful about environment and cleanness of nature; being mindful about your health and cleanness of the food; developing close relation to animals, nature and all nature life. Your attitude to animals matters highly from angelic perspective, so Ariel is not encouraging you to slaughter animals or eat meat without to think deeply about the process it comes to you. In this respect the whole humanity needs to change its thought patterns and remove the cloud of blindness. So Ariel is connected with all people too, regardless of their specific mission. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18

Angels of mission - (Chamuel, Sandalphon) -III

  1. Archangel Chamuel (pink light angels)
This is the angel of romantic love, unconditional love, feelings, heart, forgiveness, letting go of hard memories, heart healing, opening of heart chakra, connecting with inner child. Chamuel helps you to give and receive love freely, and let go of feelings of guilt in your life. She is mission angel for people who are:

-       working with children under 9, in kindergarten
-  working in organization, management of wedding saloons, celebrations, events, anniversaries, family gatherings, parties
-       devoted to humanitarian causes to help others – for ex. Red cross causes, taking care for poor people, or people in vulnerable position, who suffered abuse.
-         Nurses, baby citers for children up to 6 years old.
-       Care and support (charitable and free) for older people, the one who lost their homes, properties, or someone close to them.
-         Supports people of all charitable organizations and charity.

Qualities that adepts of Chamuel need to master and improve are: empathy, feeling and understanding others, seeing through eyes of another, open heart, purity of heart (work with Heart chakra and ethereal light seed), acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude. This is the archangel who takes care of broken hearts and painful love relationships. People most often need to pass the bitter lessons of love, care, forgiveness – that’s how Chamuel is also angel of forgiveness (together with Zadkiel). She will teach you how to enjoy abundance of life and be grateful for what you have now.

  1. Archangel Sandalphon (turquoise light angels)
This is the angel of calmness, peace, serenity in human life. Sandalphon takes care of souls, connected with music, chorus, opera, singing, as well as for babies (up to 3 years), and pregnant women. That’s why if you are expecting to have baby and give birth, the best angel to connect is Sandalphon and turquoise light angels. He will take care of all unborn babies also, so consider to ask for his help. Mission angel for people:

-         dealing with little babies, nurses, gynecologists, doctors for babies
-         taking care for pregnant women, or women who have vulnerable status of pregnancy. (or went through abortion)
-         All people of music – singers – in groups, musical bands;
-         Music performance arts – opera, ballet, theatre music
-         All composers and musicians of classical music instruments
-         People of folklore and traditional country music, dances
-        Church chorus and religious music; chants and kirtans;
-       People who pray in all religious temples in world (prayers are taken by arch. Sandalphon to his color and vibration)

Qualities that adepts of Sandalphon have to improve and study are: devotion to art of music, practice and persistence, patience, serenity, balance of yin and yang energy, balance of polarities, being careful, being precise and have feeling of details, opening heart and throat chakra; going with the flow, self-discipline, prayers from heart, singing, speaking from heart; expressing music from heart. Ability to share emotions with others. 

(Note: What I mean by "qualities" for humans is that each person needs to master certain qualities more than others. That doesnt mean people with mission angel Chamuel are not "honest" or have other basic qualities, that are listen to other angels. :) That means simply, many people need to master exactly these qualities, which are a bit challenging for them. If they are in higher levels thought, the same qualities required from the mission angel, will shine in them, and make them visible.) 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18

Angels of mission - (Gabriel, Raguel) -II

  1. Archangel Gabriel (and pearl white angels)
Gabriel is the archangel of sending divine guidance and messages, he supports all kind of writers, poets and written works. The categories of people related to mission of Gabriel are:

-         writers, poets, researchers, humanitarian science
-         writers of fictions, literature, linguistics and language study
-         all kind of creative writing (articles, blogs, newspapers…)
-         Teachers in the schools and university assistants
-         Journalists and managers related to social media –tv, radio programs
-         Screen writers, play writers;
-         People who deal with education and teaching of children (above 9 years)
-         People who spread knowledge in social media, web sites, technologies.
-         People who work with papers and archives, editors, publishers;
-         People who love studying/ teaching foreign languages
-         News writers, reporters, photographs in the news
Qualities that are needed for archangel Gabriel adepts are: creative imagination, devotion to truth, honesty, truthfulness, objectivity, seeing the truth, persistency, purity of speech (Throat chakra).

  1. Archangel Raguel (and Aquamarine blue angels)
Powerful angel of justice, speech and people` s communication. This is angel of harmony, balance and understanding, also angel of purity and truth in all aspects of life. He is observing specially people with missions in:

-         Justice system (lawyers, judges, justice professions).
-         Students and professors in social law and humans rights
-         People with causes for human` s rights, defending rights of cultures and vulnerable groups (like right for education for girls in countries of Africa)
-         Listeners and students of courses and seminars of all kinds (specially humanitarian)
-         Psychic people who can connect with elementals and fairies.
-         Writers, publishers of books about law and justice, human rights
-    People who communicate by voice (ex. Mobile companies, operators, customer service, managers in companies, who deal with organizing groups of people).
-       Psychologists and people who help others by listening and communication.

Qualities that adepts of Raguel (friend of God) need to master in their mission are: clarity of speech, clear mind, purity of speech and expression, simplicity in communication, honesty, determination, openness, to see the hidden truth in others, psychological understanding, tolerance; They need to work mostly to open and clean their Throat chakra, avoiding any situations of lie, mischief, misunderstanding, hidden emotions, good listening skills, balance in speech. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 2-25-18