Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Moon energy and cycles -I

The moon is powerful queen of the night sky, and many myths and legends were created to celebrate the moon goddess. The moon energy is really powerful during the main cycles – of full and new Moon, when the vibrations are higher and people can feel the mystical power of the moon. The full moon enhances our psychic abilities, connects and opens our Third eye, amplifies our inner sensitivity for spiritual connection, understanding and seeing god signs, and send us meaningful dreams.

Here I`ll explain more about the moon energy and how it is important for all humans, specially to the one that need spiritual guidance.

I.                   The moon – the Sun

Moon is connected with the feminine (Yin) energy, night, dreams, subconscious mind, psychic, clairvoyance, spiritual connection and water element. In contrast –the sun energy accelerates the masculine (Yang) flow in the body, it is related to day light, sunrise, new beginnings, strength, visible world, mindfulness, awareness, connection with other people on physical plane and fire element. The two are powerful and have ability to balance all the energy flows within human body and two are important for our spiritual world.

The sun light and energy is connected with awakening, recharging, boosting, inner power, love for world and others, physical plane. The moon light is connected with all earth water, spiritual world (hidden aspects), self-love, self-acceptance. The moon energy has ability to sooth, release, calm, nurture, cleanse; while the sun light will help us to uplift our emotions, be in tune with nature, send us inspiration, bliss, positive emotions, grounding, and recharge our physical body.

As I already discussed in my article about Yin-Yang energy flow in the human body, there are two basic flows on subtle level – we can balance and cleanse these energy flows by Reiki, meditation and nature connection and healthy food. [ … ] The yin energy encompasses right side of the brain and left side of the body, while yang masculine (sun) energy covers the left side of the brain and right body side. Therefore most men, have amplified and more balanced “yang” (masculine) side, while most women have balanced the yin side of body. Another interesting fact is that the same side which is dominant in the human, is also the vulnerable side. So the men would have more problems related to right side of body, with women that will be opposite. Although that’s not a rule, because of too many hidden aspects and other imbalances of emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. That’s how its very individual to be determined in such way. But here I want to concentrate on moon energy. 

Please continue to part two here: Moon energy and cycles -II   Feel free to share this article, post a comment below or recommend it to a friend! Thank you for tuning in. 

nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
@ 3 - 12-18 

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