Wednesday, June 29, 2022

New Moon in Cancer - Balance of Yin -Yang (+Questions to Self) ๐Ÿฆ€


๐ŸŒ’ New Moon is portal of awakening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole energy body, and mostly we feel light codes being received in our Third eye, Sacral and Earth Star chakra.

Moon is related to the Third eye in Esoteric astrology –which represents our psychic senses, awareness, sub-conscious mind, dreams and body of Astral light, our ideas and imagination too.

In this powerful New moon portal in sign of Cancer we activate the alchemical element water in the body. Water is primal element of the creation of Universe and it has crucial part in healing the physical and energy body in all levels. In this time we need to pay attention especially to our brain, nervous system, reproductive organs, urinary system, bladder, kidney, ovaries. Balance of water in the body will affect our hormonal balance and the good condition of hair and skin.

Cancer is a loving water sign of duality. This sign is nurturer and care taker, but it is not related only to the Divine feminine. Cancer New moon invites us to make balance between the Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) flow in the body.

As we are in the Water element, it is perfect for cleansing, balancing and healing our emotions, feelings and letting go of past trauma. Love, compassion and forgiveness will be required now, in order to become healed.

At this time you may use these crystals and aspects of Cancer:

 ๐Ÿ’ŽCrystals of Cancer: aquamarine, celestite, moonstone

  ๐Ÿ’œArchangel to work: Haniel

  Qualities: sensitivity, compassion, taking care

  ⭐Chakra: Sacral

The New moon in Cancer is portal of rejuvenation, cleansing and alignment of the Spiritual and emotional body.

The main theme in this time are personal relationships, love and romance, home atmosphere, children and being compassionate.

As Cancer is sign that values memories and past, often indulging in nostalgia, we need to think about our past and present relationships and how we have evolved. 

This New moon in Cancer is perfect time to create personal space and journal about some questions to your Higher Self. ✎


๐ŸŒ›    How can I nurture and take care of myself?

๐ŸŒ›        Do I spent enough time with people I love, my partner, children?

๐ŸŒ›     Do I feel appreciated in my romantic relationship?

๐ŸŒ›       What are the things that are missing from my love relationship?

๐ŸŒ›        Do I feel happy and complete in my romantic life?

๐ŸŒ›     What do I want to create for myself this month?

๐ŸŒ›      Do I have private space?

๐ŸŒ›    How much time I dedicate to my spiritual practices & meditation?

๐ŸŒ›  How much water I drink daily?


Write down these questions in your journal and answer them with open mind. This is practice of self-awareness and connecting with your sub-conscious mind.

You can say the mantra of Water

“I am like Water, I go with the flow. I heal all my past.”

Every New moon we return to our deep inner core, we are shown also our deepest fears. So this is a great time for shadow work.

Cancer Tarot card ๐Ÿ”ฎ

The Tarot related to Cancer is VII. The Chariot – meaning achieving great results, victory and success with all you do by balancing Yin-Yang energy. Going forward with determination, conviction and believe in your power.

Oracle > Oracle of the Shapeshifters by Lucy Cavendish 

There will be a bright piece of beautiful luck, shining and golden and full of vibrancy. It will offer you energy, confirmation and validation, and is a blessing from the Universe. It is not a reward for your changes, but know that it is utterly connected to the strivings you have made to drop judgement, ego and other harmful feelings and habits. As a result you too are glowing with beauty.

Thank you for tuning in! You can like, share and comment on this article, or buy me a coffee!  ๐Ÿต

Nina Lea Nour ✫
June -2022  ©
Angel`s medium

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Summer Solstice & Light codes activation /2022 ๐Ÿข


Summer Solstice (and Winter Solstice) are major energy Portals that bring light codes and accelerated ascension to our planet. This is the midpoint of the year, when all souls are aligning to the crystalline grid of the Earth. In the same time we receive light codes into our Solar Plexus chakra from the Sun.

Summer Solstice portal opens on 21. June and its energy will be strongly felt in the next 20 days. There are multiple magnetic and energetic adjustments at this time on ethereal levels. ๐ŸŒป

The whole planet is in time of rejuvenation, cleansing and healing. In the same time also all humans receive an “energy upgrade”, their chakras become aligned to the Divine Central Sun, to some special stars (like Sirius, Pleiades) and planets like Saturn.

In Summer Solstice is a special time for magic and rituals, when multiple dimensional doorways are opening on Earth. All ancient civilizations used these doorways to connect with gods and higher consciousness.

At this time we are open to receive influx of light into all our chakras. We activate and expand especially the Heart, Higher Heart and the Crown chakra, as we align to the crystalline core of Earth and to the core of the Sun.

    We need to be aware that on Ethereal level we have "seeds of light” within each of our chakras. These seeds of light I call “ethereal stamp” of the chakra. In the Solar Plexus chakra we have ethereal seed of 5 pointed golden star. This is the same essence of light existing in the Sun crystalline core. That’s why we connect with our Sun from the Solar Plexus.

Our Heart chakra is always connected to the crystalline grid of Earth and with all living beings. It`s always connected to animals, plants, trees, mountains, sea, rivers, crystals and all forms of life. The ethereal stamp of the heart chakra is emerald green hexagram (6 pointed star) within golden orb. This light is connected and aligned to crystalline core of the Earth.

Therefore we are always connected inside with link between all our chakras and in the outside world.


In the energy of Summer solstice your Heart is in mode of “ascension and attunement with all around. Angels that we can call upon to help is activate this light codes and to open, heal and rejuvenate our Heart and Crown chakra are Uriel and Chamuel.

You can do the following activation for your energy 

Visualize radiant pink-golden light descending down to your Crown chakra, swirling, healing and expanding it in all directions. Feel this wonderful energy for a while. Let go of any negative thoughts, emotions, negative patterns and cords from your Crown chakra –imagine them flow away from your body and aura.

Imagine the sphere of pink-golden light flowing down to your Third eye, expanding and healing it, to your Throat, to your Heart, expanding and healing it, to your Solar Plexus, down to your Sacral, to Your Root chakra… See how all of these chakras are expanded and healed with light. Finally see your feet chakra opening like a lotus flower with pink-golden petals. You are standing in the middle of the Energy lotus, blooming and activating all your centres.

This is energy activation you can use with arch. Chamuel, arch. Uriel and your angels and guides.

At this time, ask questions to your angels about your next step, life mission and if you are on the right path. Be open to receive the answers in any way.

Nina Lea-Nour ✫
June-2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Tarot & Oracle with archangel Haniel (16-30 June)


This is channelled collective message with Tarot for spiritual guidance for the period 16-30 June with the help of archangel Haniel. ๐Ÿ”ฎ

This is time of total transformation, raising of frequency and manifesting changes in your life in many levels. For some souls that can be major changes, as the soul is going to a higher level. Your reality is totally different now.

Tarot cards we have  ★

1.     The Strength, 2. the Empress, 3. the Death

    The Strength

Overcoming your fears and shadows. This card is a challenge to overcome all negative believes, thoughts and behaviour patterns that are no longer serving your new Self. You shift into higher dimensions, so some things are no longer needed. Release your fears and self doubt that you are not strong enough and you cant do So much as you want. Remember: don’t compare your journey with anyone else, you are unique soul. Now is the right time for you to take action to clean your energy field, to step into your power and expand your potential.

Some souls went thought major transition over last month(s). You need to have faith, resilience and to really go forward with passion and determination. Shine your light with all positive qualities, compassion, as you receive spiritual support things month!

    The Empress

Self love practices, nature elementals

This is card that encourages you to connect with Nature in all its forms. You may feel guided to take a trip in nature, to have more outdoor activities, gardening, taking care of plants, flowers, trees. Bask in the beautiful summer sun and you will feel its warming rays illuminating all your body and chakras.

This card indicates need of self-care, coming back to your inner core, remembering that you are part of the whole planet. You are always connected to the nature, earth and the crystalline core of Gaia. Take time to think how you can live more green and sustainable life, how you can contribute to the earth raising and rejuvenation.

When Earth feels good that affects all humans, as we have innate connection with the crystalline core of the Earth.

You may feel guided also to take care of animals, plants, trees, or to connect with elementals of nature, fairies, mermaids.

Some people may be called to take care of their home, children, family, or their own body.

Card of challenge:     The Death

This is card of challenge and it shows your need to let go, release and cleanse. Something needs to be released from your life. You are in time of deep transition to a better life. Your focus shift, your vibrations are different. That means you are now renewed Higher version of yourself.

Think what in your environment is no longer in alignment with your truth and purpose. Is your home place that really reflects your soul?

Do you need to de clutter, clean and organise things at home, maybe your bedroom, clothes or kitchen? Maybe you need some major changes and renovate your home or bring new energy in it.

This card challenges you to really feel the deep inner change. Death means not being afraid to step into a new life with new cleaner energy. The quest is to let go of the old.

Oracle card – messages from Lemurians ๐ŸŽ”

(using “Beyond Lemuria Oracle” by Izzy Ivy)


Now you are at time that all things are possible, many doors are opening in front of you. Feel grateful for all that you manifested into your life. What did you create? What do you want to create in the future or this month?

From the book:

“This card encourages you to dream big. It comes as a reminder that you can choose how you want your life to go. You can manifest all you wish to create or release. It`s time to sow the seeds of the reality you want to experience. In magical practise there is a saying “As above so below”. Work with this principle through affirmative thinking and higher intention. Then anchor or ground your dream seeds.”

  ★Tarot cards used: Tarot of Nicolletta Ceccoli 

Thank you for tuning in my blog! Please leave a comment, ask question, subscribe or buy me a coffee. ๐Ÿ’—


Nina Lea-Nour ✫
June -2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Full Moon in Sagittarius - Rebirth & Alignment (+Journaling prompt) ๐ŸŒ•


This is magnificent Full moon in the sign of Sagittarius it brings rebirth, transformation and alignment with your Spiritual path. This moon marks the end of a major cycle in your life, or it can be a period of transition from old to the new energy. It is also the end of Spring season which beginning was marked by the New moon in Aries. ๐ŸŒ•

The Full moon connects on the ethereal level with our Third eye chakra (or Pineal gland) and activates it. Third eye and the Subconscious mind are influenced strongly by the Moon phases.

Not all people realize that and the reason is, we are still ignorant in how to use our Third eye and psychic abilities.

   The key theme this Full moon is going through personal transformation, rebirth, and taking risks in the direction you want to develop. 

Sagittarius is fire sign and this Full moon activates fire energy in your body – represented by blood flow, blood vessels and heart. On emotional and spiritual level it brings you the alchemical fire element - it`s time to see the bigger picture, to make a life review (of the last 3 or 6 months) and see how far you have gone. It`s the time to claim your power and be grateful for the things you manifested and setting new goals.

Here are some powerful questions to your Self to write and answer in your journal  ๐ŸŒ”

๐Ÿฆ‹     What things do I want to manifest in my life now?

๐Ÿฆ‹    What are the things that no longer serve me and need to be released?

๐Ÿฆ‹     Did I accomplish my goals for the last 3 months?

๐Ÿฆ‹     What are the current challenges in my life?

๐Ÿฆ‹     Do I have enough inner strength and power?

๐Ÿฆ‹       How do I work to increase my strength and power?

๐Ÿฆ‹      Do I feel self-confident about my current project/ work?

๐Ÿฆ‹      Do I believe in my abilities and talents?

๐Ÿฆ‹       What are my goals for the next 3 months?

๐Ÿฆ‹      Do I feel proud of my achievements and who I am?


By answering these simple questions you will reveal some hidden sides about you or receive great clarity on your life path.

You can use the mantra of Fire in this full moon:

I am like Fire, I shine brightly.”

This full moon activates in you’re the qualities of Sagittarius: determination, adventurous spirit, adaptability, optimism.

Sagittarius also ask us to believe in ourselves and that we have the strength to reach to any high mountain.

You can activate the energy of the Full moon with a simple ritual. ๐Ÿ’œ

Light up 3 (6) yellow candles in the South direction of your home (representing fire element). You can use some yellow crystals for optimism and confidence and manifesting your desires – amber, citrine, yellow aventurine, yellow jade. Call upon archangel Uriel for illumination and wisdom on the Full moon and say the following prayer:

“I call upon arch. Uriel and the angels of yellow-golden flame to surround me with sphere of Illuminating light. Please let all my physical, emotional, mental, spiritual bodies be cleansed from any negative energy, cords or entities. Pour the cleansing light of illumination and clarity me now. Thank you!”

Then say the following affirmation:

“ I` m filled with confidence, believe, strength and inner power. I am Soul of divine Light now and always. I`m connected to Source. And so it is”.


Oracle card ("Beyond Lemuria Oralce" by Izzy Ivy)

Journey to Wholeness ★

This card is about loving yourself and others from a sense of wholeness, exactly as you are right now. It is only from this space that healing can take place. We may find ourselves in the relationships or scenarios where we can see great potential. We may have concepts of others that are not really who they are, due to subconscious projections or ideals. We could have the idea that we could feel better about ourselves when we achieve a goal or status – that success will somehow make everything better. Unfortunately this takes us out of the present and makes our love somewhat Conditional. To be a healer you need to transcend the perspective that the being in front of you needs to be “fixed”.

Hold the vision that they are perfect as they are. From this place they can heal themselves through the transformative power of acceptance. Acknowledge the full spectrum of the picture and bring any fractured parts back to the present moment. In this place we are whole, and thus we have the power to step into the brightest version of ourselves.

Nina Lea-Nour 
June-2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Meditation for Healing and Balancing the Root chakra in Divine Ruby temple ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️


This meditation is design to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate the Root chakra at the base of your spine. This chakra is centre of safety, security, money and it is directly connected to energy of your home. ๐Ÿ’œ

Root chakra has ruby red colour and its ethereal stamp is golden spiral. This meditation is astral projection to the Divine Ruby temple with arch. Sandalphon and your guardian angels.


When you are ready sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place and breath deeply a few times.

Divine ruby temple is a 9 D place in Ethereal realm, out of the time and space. You can receive full healing and regeneration of your Root chakra here.

Now let`s begin. Establish your connection to Source, by breathing deeply. Visualize stream of white light coming from the Source above and anchoring in your Heart. Now see stream of diamond white light flowing from your heart to the ethereal core of the Earth. You are connected with pillar of your own Light above to Source and below –to the crystalline core of Earth.

Feel your heart expanding more and more with the colour of your own divine Light. See it stretching out of your body in all direction. You are in the safe sphere of your Heart.

    Astral Travel

Now we call upon our guardian angels, our Astral angels and spirit guides, and all other beings of light that want to help us today. We call on arch. Sandalphon to be with us now and create our Merkaba.

Feel this powerful energy uplift now.

You are in your Merkaba and your Astral travel begins. (…)

Together with your guardian angels and arch. Sandalphon you arrive at the magnificent place –  Divine Ruby Temple.

This temple is designed specially for your healing in all levels and in all dimensions.

In front of you is amazing exquisite Temple shining in the sun with Ruby crystal shine. This is the most magnificent structure that you have ever seen. Take a moment to observe this temple now. See the style, architecture, domes... 

There are many angels in this temple, as it is surrounded by wonderful gardens full of all kind of flowers. Small waterfalls, channels and fountains create atmosphere of splendour around the temple. You are invited by your angels and the angels of the Ruby ray to enter the temple.

They welcome you with warm smile and lead you to your healing room.

In the middle of the chamber you see a giant Ruby crystal, that emits light to all walls around. It has magnificent structure and energy.

You sit on a cushin here and observe the crystal, connecting with it. Each crystal has higher consciousness and crystal spirit. Exchange your energy from the Heart with this Ruby crystal and feel its healing ruby light.

You are now surrounded by your angels and archangel Sanadalphon (angel of music and rituals). They create a special healing space around you in form of pyramid. You are sitting in a circle of golden spiral, which is within ruby square. This square is within another big square forming the base of the pyramid of light. 

Pyramid is the Divine form of healing and activation of your energy and etheric body since ancient times.

See yourself in the middle of the pyramid of ruby light. Each wall of it transmits light to your body.

Above your Crown chakra and in your Stellar Gateway chakra opens beautiful lotus flower of ruby light. They are glowing and swirling clockwise. From the top of the pyramid strong ray of ruby light flows down to the middle of the chakra lotus, penetrating your Crown. Then the ray flows down to your Third eye, Throat, Heart centre, Solar Plexus, Sacral and reaches the Root chakra in the base.

Feel your Root chakra filled with shining ruby light like a sphere. It expands more and more. (…)


    Your angels and arch. Sandalphon place healing hands on your aura and your Root chakra. Feel their intense light. Stay for a moment observing the ruby light of this chakra and how it grows stronger and vibrant.

See ruby and golden flame within your Root chakra. It grows brighter and cleanses away all negative cords, negative emotions, blockages or entities in this place. They are transmuted into divine light.

This is chakra that reflects your skeletal system, muscles, bones, tendons, skull, nails, teeth and hair. Angels flow golden light mixed with ruby light into all these systems now. Starting from your head down to your feet. Feel all your cells in the skeletal system, muscles, tendons being washing with this healing light.

See your skull, nose, ears, neck, backbone, shoulders, arms, hands, wrists washed with golden-ruby light. Then see this light in your body in front down to your legs, flowing into your left leg, knee, ankles, feet and toes. See the ruby light flowing in to your right leg, knee, ankles, toes.

Now feel how the golden ruby light rises up from your Root chakra, connecting with your Heart, with your Crown and all higher chakras.

This is the awakening power of the Root.

Now your Root chakra and skeletal system, muscles, tendons, hair, teeth are cleansed with this light for your divine wellbeing.

You are ready to return to your waking world.

We thank arch. Sandalphon, our guardian angels and the Ruby crystal spirit for this healing energy.

You can return to this temple again in any time.

Now return slowly to your waking world, take 3 deep breaths in and out. Feel your Root chakra and say the affirmation:

“I`m whole, safe and secure. My home is place of my soul and safety. I feel the abundance in all aspects of my life.”

And so it is.


Nina Lea-Nour ✫
June-2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Daily Meditation practice for divine healing and protection ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️


This is short meditation practice to use daily for protection and cleansing of your energy field. In this meditation invoke the presence of 5 powerful Archangels and rays: Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Chamuel.

Sit in a quiet place or lie down. It s preferable to light up one white candle if you can.

Now focus on your heart centre and see it expanding until it reaches to the perimeter of your aura. Feel yourself safe and secure within your heart Light. It has the vibration and colour of your Soul imprint. Breath in and out deeply a few times.

When you feel connected with your heart, say in your mind or out loud:

I invite Arch. Raphael and the Divine emerald Light of Healing and rejuvenation to remove and cleanse away all negative emotions, negative thoughts and blockages from my body and aura. Let all my cells, bones and blood be cleansed with emerald green light.

(See and feel the Green light flowing through your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual body and all aura.)

Now we invite arch. Gabriel into your space:

“I invoke now the power of Arch. Gabriel to surround me with diamond white light of purification. Let all my chakras and energy body be cleansed, rejuvenated and raised in frequency to 5D.”

-        Visualise your body washed with diamond white light like a shower.

Next we invite arch. Michael into the space >

“I now invoke arch. Michael to be with me and surround me with Blue sapphire light of protection and strength. Please remove from my body all negative cords, attachments or entities now. Place a shield of divine protection around me in all levels, layers and dimensions.”

We invite arch. Uriel into the space >

“I now call upon arch. Uriel to pour on me the golden light of illumination and wisdom. Please cleanse and upgrade my Spiritual body and raise my frequency to the highest possible light, connecting me with the Source above and with the crystalline core of mother earth below.”

(Stay a few minutes in this golden sphere of light and see your body being washed away and upgraded with golden codes).

Finally we invite arch. Chamuel into the space >

“I call upon arch. Chamuel to surround me with Pink crystalline light of love and forgiveness. Please cleanse, rejuvenate and open my Heart and my Crown chakra so I can transmit divine Love to all around me.

Thank you archangels! Thank you (3 times) and so it is!

This is wonderful practice to use in the morning or evening before you sleep.

Nina Lea-Nour  ✫ 
June_2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Tarot & Oracle with Archะฐngel Haniel (1-15 June) ๐Ÿ”ฎ


This month feels like waves of blue, golden and pink energy opening the tri folded flame of Heart. We are invited to centre inward, to connect our Heart with Higher mind (Third eye) and with emotional body (Sacral chakra). Allow yourself to feel the flow of your feelings without judgement. 


The first card for June is I. The Magician ๐Ÿ”ฎ

This card indicates reaching to inner wisdom, time to take control in your hands and take responsibility. You are in a phase of important beginning in your life. Many things can seem attractive or unfamiliar. This card is related to your Crown chakra and archangel Zadkiel – the angel of the violet flame. On a spiritual level it indicates Oneness, connection to Source, angels and feeling of unity of all that is. Astral travels are possible now, receiving guidance from your Spirit team. This energy relates to element Air, Yang and transmutation of all negative things. As above –so below.

On emotional level Magician shows that you need to master your confidence, and finally to create the reality that you want for yourself. Surround yourself only with people and objects that support your life path and mission. Time for re-evaluation of your life and important connections.

Card 2: The Temperance ๐Ÿ”ฎ

You are in deep need of balance and harmony now. This balance may mean to organize your time and to free space for the things that are important for you. If you felt overwhelmed or stressed consider taking rest, and focus on keeping your healthy body. Balance is card of creating space for rest, rejuvenation, connection with nature, exercise and healthy diet. These will be important factors for your wellbeing. Try to pay more attention to your emotions, the way you interact with others and understand what triggers your reactions.

This card indicates deep healing in all levels –emotional, mental, spiritual. The numerology vibration of the card is [5] revealing Karmic lessons learnt, connect with Arch. Sandalphon to receive peace and serenity. Know that your guardian angels are with you and support you with healing.

 ☆ See about healing turquoise light here  ...

Card 3: Queen of Pentacles ★

Card that indicates feminine energy, focus on home space, cleansing, de cluttering, organizing home. Taking care of children, pets and self care are important now. You realize how your energy is connected with your home energy. Take time to place energy protection in your space, to cleanse the space (you can use sea salt, lavender or frankincense oil). Also you can consider moving some pieces of furniture or creating small changes so your home feels like cosy space for your Soul. Queen of Pentacles reveals Earth element and arch. Chamuel – being more with your family and people you love. Taking care, giving and receiving love.

For some people that maens dedicating time to gardening, enjoying flowers and plants, walking in nature... For others taking steps to create healthy diet with more fruits and herbs.

Oracle Card Message from the Mermaids” by Karen Kay

Shine your light for all to see

You are like a lighthouse and your light can

Illuminate any dark areas of your life

This mermaid reminds you to shine your light wherever you go and not be shy. She reminds you to be aware that light is attractive to others and acts rather like a magnet, drawing others to it like moths to a flame.

Sometimes we feel as if our light is missing, but in truth it`s always there. Even when we stand in the shadows the light is there to guide us. Perhaps your inner shadows are being revealed, so they can be exposed to the divine light of your Soul.

When light is present, darkness can`t exist. This isn’t to say that darkness is bad, far from it, in fact. For in darkness gestation occurs, and in the womb like sanctuary of darkness, ideas are formed and protected. It`s important to remember that both – light and dark are necessary for growth. A seed grows in darkness before it reaches for and is nurtured by the light.”

 Tarot cards used: "Ceccoli Tarot" by Niccoleta Checcoli

Have a wonderful month of June! ๐Ÿ’œ

Nina Lea-Nour
June -2022 ©
Angel`s medium