Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Daily Meditation practice for divine healing and protection 🧘‍♀️


This is short meditation practice to use daily for protection and cleansing of your energy field. In this meditation invoke the presence of 5 powerful Archangels and rays: Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Chamuel.

Sit in a quiet place or lie down. It s preferable to light up one white candle if you can.

Now focus on your heart centre and see it expanding until it reaches to the perimeter of your aura. Feel yourself safe and secure within your heart Light. It has the vibration and colour of your Soul imprint. Breath in and out deeply a few times.

When you feel connected with your heart, say in your mind or out loud:

I invite Arch. Raphael and the Divine emerald Light of Healing and rejuvenation to remove and cleanse away all negative emotions, negative thoughts and blockages from my body and aura. Let all my cells, bones and blood be cleansed with emerald green light.

(See and feel the Green light flowing through your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual body and all aura.)

Now we invite arch. Gabriel into your space:

“I invoke now the power of Arch. Gabriel to surround me with diamond white light of purification. Let all my chakras and energy body be cleansed, rejuvenated and raised in frequency to 5D.”

-        Visualise your body washed with diamond white light like a shower.

Next we invite arch. Michael into the space >

“I now invoke arch. Michael to be with me and surround me with Blue sapphire light of protection and strength. Please remove from my body all negative cords, attachments or entities now. Place a shield of divine protection around me in all levels, layers and dimensions.”

We invite arch. Uriel into the space >

“I now call upon arch. Uriel to pour on me the golden light of illumination and wisdom. Please cleanse and upgrade my Spiritual body and raise my frequency to the highest possible light, connecting me with the Source above and with the crystalline core of mother earth below.”

(Stay a few minutes in this golden sphere of light and see your body being washed away and upgraded with golden codes).

Finally we invite arch. Chamuel into the space >

“I call upon arch. Chamuel to surround me with Pink crystalline light of love and forgiveness. Please cleanse, rejuvenate and open my Heart and my Crown chakra so I can transmit divine Love to all around me.

Thank you archangels! Thank you (3 times) and so it is!

This is wonderful practice to use in the morning or evening before you sleep.

Nina Lea-Nour  ✫ 
June_2022 ©
Angel`s medium

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