Saturday, June 11, 2022

Meditation for Healing and Balancing the Root chakra in Divine Ruby temple 🧘‍♀️


This meditation is design to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate the Root chakra at the base of your spine. This chakra is centre of safety, security, money and it is directly connected to energy of your home. 💜

Root chakra has ruby red colour and its ethereal stamp is golden spiral. This meditation is astral projection to the Divine Ruby temple with arch. Sandalphon and your guardian angels.


When you are ready sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place and breath deeply a few times.

Divine ruby temple is a 9 D place in Ethereal realm, out of the time and space. You can receive full healing and regeneration of your Root chakra here.

Now let`s begin. Establish your connection to Source, by breathing deeply. Visualize stream of white light coming from the Source above and anchoring in your Heart. Now see stream of diamond white light flowing from your heart to the ethereal core of the Earth. You are connected with pillar of your own Light above to Source and below –to the crystalline core of Earth.

Feel your heart expanding more and more with the colour of your own divine Light. See it stretching out of your body in all direction. You are in the safe sphere of your Heart.

    Astral Travel

Now we call upon our guardian angels, our Astral angels and spirit guides, and all other beings of light that want to help us today. We call on arch. Sandalphon to be with us now and create our Merkaba.

Feel this powerful energy uplift now.

You are in your Merkaba and your Astral travel begins. (…)

Together with your guardian angels and arch. Sandalphon you arrive at the magnificent place –  Divine Ruby Temple.

This temple is designed specially for your healing in all levels and in all dimensions.

In front of you is amazing exquisite Temple shining in the sun with Ruby crystal shine. This is the most magnificent structure that you have ever seen. Take a moment to observe this temple now. See the style, architecture, domes... 

There are many angels in this temple, as it is surrounded by wonderful gardens full of all kind of flowers. Small waterfalls, channels and fountains create atmosphere of splendour around the temple. You are invited by your angels and the angels of the Ruby ray to enter the temple.

They welcome you with warm smile and lead you to your healing room.

In the middle of the chamber you see a giant Ruby crystal, that emits light to all walls around. It has magnificent structure and energy.

You sit on a cushin here and observe the crystal, connecting with it. Each crystal has higher consciousness and crystal spirit. Exchange your energy from the Heart with this Ruby crystal and feel its healing ruby light.

You are now surrounded by your angels and archangel Sanadalphon (angel of music and rituals). They create a special healing space around you in form of pyramid. You are sitting in a circle of golden spiral, which is within ruby square. This square is within another big square forming the base of the pyramid of light. 

Pyramid is the Divine form of healing and activation of your energy and etheric body since ancient times.

See yourself in the middle of the pyramid of ruby light. Each wall of it transmits light to your body.

Above your Crown chakra and in your Stellar Gateway chakra opens beautiful lotus flower of ruby light. They are glowing and swirling clockwise. From the top of the pyramid strong ray of ruby light flows down to the middle of the chakra lotus, penetrating your Crown. Then the ray flows down to your Third eye, Throat, Heart centre, Solar Plexus, Sacral and reaches the Root chakra in the base.

Feel your Root chakra filled with shining ruby light like a sphere. It expands more and more. (…)


    Your angels and arch. Sandalphon place healing hands on your aura and your Root chakra. Feel their intense light. Stay for a moment observing the ruby light of this chakra and how it grows stronger and vibrant.

See ruby and golden flame within your Root chakra. It grows brighter and cleanses away all negative cords, negative emotions, blockages or entities in this place. They are transmuted into divine light.

This is chakra that reflects your skeletal system, muscles, bones, tendons, skull, nails, teeth and hair. Angels flow golden light mixed with ruby light into all these systems now. Starting from your head down to your feet. Feel all your cells in the skeletal system, muscles, tendons being washing with this healing light.

See your skull, nose, ears, neck, backbone, shoulders, arms, hands, wrists washed with golden-ruby light. Then see this light in your body in front down to your legs, flowing into your left leg, knee, ankles, feet and toes. See the ruby light flowing in to your right leg, knee, ankles, toes.

Now feel how the golden ruby light rises up from your Root chakra, connecting with your Heart, with your Crown and all higher chakras.

This is the awakening power of the Root.

Now your Root chakra and skeletal system, muscles, tendons, hair, teeth are cleansed with this light for your divine wellbeing.

You are ready to return to your waking world.

We thank arch. Sandalphon, our guardian angels and the Ruby crystal spirit for this healing energy.

You can return to this temple again in any time.

Now return slowly to your waking world, take 3 deep breaths in and out. Feel your Root chakra and say the affirmation:

“I`m whole, safe and secure. My home is place of my soul and safety. I feel the abundance in all aspects of my life.”

And so it is.


Nina Lea-Nour ✫
June-2022 ©
Angel`s medium

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