Saturday, June 4, 2022

Tarot & Oracle with Archаngel Haniel (1-15 June) 🔮


This month feels like waves of blue, golden and pink energy opening the tri folded flame of Heart. We are invited to centre inward, to connect our Heart with Higher mind (Third eye) and with emotional body (Sacral chakra). Allow yourself to feel the flow of your feelings without judgement. 


The first card for June is I. The Magician 🔮

This card indicates reaching to inner wisdom, time to take control in your hands and take responsibility. You are in a phase of important beginning in your life. Many things can seem attractive or unfamiliar. This card is related to your Crown chakra and archangel Zadkiel – the angel of the violet flame. On a spiritual level it indicates Oneness, connection to Source, angels and feeling of unity of all that is. Astral travels are possible now, receiving guidance from your Spirit team. This energy relates to element Air, Yang and transmutation of all negative things. As above –so below.

On emotional level Magician shows that you need to master your confidence, and finally to create the reality that you want for yourself. Surround yourself only with people and objects that support your life path and mission. Time for re-evaluation of your life and important connections.

Card 2: The Temperance 🔮

You are in deep need of balance and harmony now. This balance may mean to organize your time and to free space for the things that are important for you. If you felt overwhelmed or stressed consider taking rest, and focus on keeping your healthy body. Balance is card of creating space for rest, rejuvenation, connection with nature, exercise and healthy diet. These will be important factors for your wellbeing. Try to pay more attention to your emotions, the way you interact with others and understand what triggers your reactions.

This card indicates deep healing in all levels –emotional, mental, spiritual. The numerology vibration of the card is [5] revealing Karmic lessons learnt, connect with Arch. Sandalphon to receive peace and serenity. Know that your guardian angels are with you and support you with healing.

 ☆ See about healing turquoise light here  ...

Card 3: Queen of Pentacles ★

Card that indicates feminine energy, focus on home space, cleansing, de cluttering, organizing home. Taking care of children, pets and self care are important now. You realize how your energy is connected with your home energy. Take time to place energy protection in your space, to cleanse the space (you can use sea salt, lavender or frankincense oil). Also you can consider moving some pieces of furniture or creating small changes so your home feels like cosy space for your Soul. Queen of Pentacles reveals Earth element and arch. Chamuel – being more with your family and people you love. Taking care, giving and receiving love.

For some people that maens dedicating time to gardening, enjoying flowers and plants, walking in nature... For others taking steps to create healthy diet with more fruits and herbs.

Oracle Card Message from the Mermaids” by Karen Kay

Shine your light for all to see

You are like a lighthouse and your light can

Illuminate any dark areas of your life

This mermaid reminds you to shine your light wherever you go and not be shy. She reminds you to be aware that light is attractive to others and acts rather like a magnet, drawing others to it like moths to a flame.

Sometimes we feel as if our light is missing, but in truth it`s always there. Even when we stand in the shadows the light is there to guide us. Perhaps your inner shadows are being revealed, so they can be exposed to the divine light of your Soul.

When light is present, darkness can`t exist. This isn’t to say that darkness is bad, far from it, in fact. For in darkness gestation occurs, and in the womb like sanctuary of darkness, ideas are formed and protected. It`s important to remember that both – light and dark are necessary for growth. A seed grows in darkness before it reaches for and is nurtured by the light.”

 Tarot cards used: "Ceccoli Tarot" by Niccoleta Checcoli

Have a wonderful month of June! 💜

Nina Lea-Nour
June -2022 ©
Angel`s medium

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