Monday, April 23, 2018

Patterns of existence - how human souls were created? -III

Part III ....
(discussion on how human souls were created and develop, what is monad, what is mental monad and monadic groups?)

3. How human souls were created?

The archangels as we know them in our plane, are created in the second hierarchy (celestial light), which splits into multiple colors. They also created the beings of ethereal light, and they observed the creation of other worlds in the hierarchy (astral and mental spheres). That` s the process of the beginning.

Angels, that created the mental light, had the mission to manifest, grow and expand this light into a “hard matter” or what we call “physical world”. This is called process of manifestation or transforming the astral-mental light into another thought form. In order to make this manifestation possible, angelic beings needed first to create a thought form of souls. 

These were the real human (and other spices) souls, that were created within the sphere of astral-mental light. This was last in the hierarchy of the celestial light (but not the lowest, as nothing can be called low, which comes from angels). Human souls were created by the conductions of archangels (that use celestial light to infuse the light body of humans), and work of mental light angels – that shaped, imagined and send into “physical plane” the human souls. All “solid or heavy” matter universes are made by astral-mental light as thought-form in the beginning. This thought-form was created exactly with the intention and ability to transform and expand in a hard matter (physical existence). That’s how human souls were connected both to astral-mental light and to cycle of physical existence, they undergo both through process of birth-death-rebirth. In such way, human souls were not created by “one god” or source, but from its traveling rays of light. The same as the opera-house/ theatre cant create” the humans, musicians, conductor, audience, within this house, just opposite –humans by their creative abilities built the opera-house.

4. Do human souls have monads? What is monad?

The main responsible archangel for our universe (world) is arch. Michael, who we can call “actual creator”. That’s why many Christian churches are so attached to the image and cult of this archangel. He is one of the highest in hierarchy and if we turn to him, it equals to “prayer to god” as we understand it.

Humans were created in the beginning as “groups” of thought forms of souls, each separate group had different predetermined tasks, study and lessons to be learned in the physical plane. One such soul group is called “monad”, it consists of 108 souls. That means these 108 souls were created in spiritual oneness together in astral-mental light plane. But they are separate souls. They are split into 3 other groups (by 36 souls) called “mental monadic group”. These 3 groups are split again in 3rd level into 3 more groups, each by 12 souls, which is called “astral/ emotional monadic group. These are the so called “soul groups”, and every soul we meet, belonging to our group is our actual “soul mate”. What that means?

The monadic group of 108 are like my family of astral-mental light. They are not only the same “color” as my aura, they will have the same vibration, vision, creative mission, similar lessons to learn. From them 36 (mental group), will have also very similar karmic lessons (not personal choices). From these 36 in group, 12 souls will have also the same emotional – and astrological aspects by birth chart. That means if I want to find the perfect match” or a soul corresponding to my own feelings and experiences, it should be from the group of 12. You can imagine this is very hard task, as the souls are spread in many different regions on the planet. That’s why its not very easy. Some souls even have monads out of the planet Earth, and on other worlds and planets (in the same universe). That’s how many of these souls would feel alone, or “not in the right place”, or totally different. They should learn how to live and survive in the emotional and social climate of earth, which will be one of their challenges. The main reason for that is to give chance for the whole group to evolve and expand (which is also part of meaning of life here). What we need to remember – if we reach to higher spiritual levels –this affects automatically on other members of our light family (monad 108), they will also have acceleration of their spiritual growth. That’s how each soul that is ascended to higher level, matters for the whole earth plane. 

Thank you for tuning in! If you feel guided, continue reading next part here....
Abide in angelic Light. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 225 -18

Patterns of existence - discussion on what is God -II

Part II ...

    Here is the place to say something, quite funny – about all religious disputes and conflicts. God can be One, he can be also “Holy Trinity”, he can be also yin and yang – because all that words are allegories about God. (please read what is allegory). They show the actual pattern of thought of human itself, not of god himself. They show what human “imagine and think” about god. Not what god really is. Finally – why god was created from humans? He was also “imagined” and created by most of the universal mindful beings everywhere. Because they needed the idea of god, in order to grasp the “whole existence” of the universes. 2. because they needed to explain and understand the reason of their own existence as humans. 3. because they wanted to justify (to make justification, to bring justice) to all evil and dark events, all sadness and fear that is part of the existence.

These are the three main reasons for imagining god with ego of humans and mixing up many theories. That’s why its quite true and we could reply more on what we can grasp on this level – god is the whole nature (creation). It is the cycles of life-death, it is expansion through light and wisdom. He will not “punish” the people in end of the days, nor he feels “jealous” from other gods. That’s obvious, and its product of still low levels of understanding of cosmic energy.

What are angels?
We can accept/ perceive angels as light rays of the Source (god), that are spread throughout the universe. These rays we can call angelic rays of ascension, love, light. They are the form of light, that is real (and of course everything can be real). With the complicated travel and time of this highly intensive divine light (energy), angels became (transformed) into beings of Light. They spread the creation further more, that’s why there are multiple hierarchies in angelic world. Angels are eternal beings, even so they are changeable, not constant, as they create all possible worlds and universes. To be more clear - angels are like conductors or directors, the whole opera house (or theatre) is “god”, and souls are from both sides of the stage – musicians and audience. This is the divine mechanism of universe, explained in simple words.

How all universal pattern works? How people/ souls were created?

First the archangels created multiple worlds from celestial light, which was the initial thought form, the pure divine light. They created thought forms of all angelic spheres of celestial light, where they live “out” of universal expansion, as they have function to conduct and direct all creation. They observe all functions of universes. Then they created thought forms of other angels and celestial beings.

 From their side these beings created worlds (spheres) of ethereal light, which is the next level (after celestial). They expanded, evolved, changed and “shaped” their worlds with ethereal angelic light. These angels were also “archangels” as we know them, but the “next level”. They shaped another thought form creation of angels (angelic souls) from astral light. The angels created from astral light, evolved, expanded their abilities, and became also conductors of light worlds. They created another angelic beings and more universes, using mental (liquid) light. These beings became the angels assistants, and divided into many other branches in hierarchies – angels, fairies, angel-fairies, elementals, enlightened beings, ascended masters. So their thought forms were created before humans! All that happened in much higher levels (universes) than ours.

All of these creations of worlds and angels are made of multiple levels and colors of one kind of light. For example – the first celestial light splits in many celestial rays in different colors, which create different universes. (read about universe patterns and creation…). So there are celestial white light, celestial golden light (universe and beings), celestial blue-violet light (and beings), celestial green light… and so on. The levels of celestial lights are 9. The same is valid for the ethereal light ( 9 levels), for astral light (9 levels), mental light (9 levels), and the last was astral-mental light (9 levels). The first light directly from the source was called (or what we can call here) “crystal celestial light”, which was the highest one, it spits into 3 lights and worlds. 

Thank you for tuning in! If you feel guided continue reading part three .....
Abide in angelic Light. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 225 -18

Patterns of existence - discussion on what is God -I

In this short article I want to explain and clarify some issues regarding concept of God, divine energy and universes, as well as how we were created?

    I. As I wrote in my article “Creation of world -Light -I” from the initial universal Source, sprang multiple rays of light. Each ray transformed into pattern of existence –with a special function to spread light through the whole creation. These light rays are what we call angelic beings (or archangels). The clear comparison is with the light of the sun or a star – if god is the sun, the rays are its angels. They spread in different frequencies, covering all spectrum of universal light with different colors. These angels are the first pattern of expansion of the New universe. The time matters and all things within this universe are not timeless, but from the point of view of the universe – they can be eternal.

 What is God?
God we can call the universal pattern of expansion of energy and creation of all thought forms, no matter if we perceive them as "positive” or "negative”. There is nothing called with such names in highest universal planes. All is belong to the Source, all sprang from it, all is constantly changing, expanding (or shrinking back). All is ending and beginning…

In reality which is the first? Ending or beginning? We cant be sure about that, because the patterns of universal energy are much more complicated. Anything that begins, and start to appear – in reality has already ended (in one of its forms, or one of its frequencies). End of one form or frequency, means immediately the start of better and higher form/ frequency. That’s one of the basic mechanisms of the universe in all its forms.

So God is not “who” it cant have “personality traits”, just because it does not have “ego” attached. It accepts all energy as “one”, (good and evil are one, love and fear, light and darkness), all are One, and that means “Good” not because of the “qualities”, but because it serves the universal expansion. That’s why the Source can call it “good”. Moreover, the source energy as such can not be “angry, sad, provoked, nervous, jealous, furious”, cant also feel resentment, need to punish others, need to “restore justice, need to destroy”, or anything else, that is connected only with our nature of humans. God is a source energy of expansion, that sends its light (angels rays) to all parts of the creation. Nothing more –nothing less. That’s why concept of “god” is closer to “yin-yang” tradition of union of all things, then to the Christian/ Jewish/ Muslim god.

If God as universal source was a “personality” or anyone (who could have human qualities, like Greek gods or ascended masters) then we will easily be corresponding only to His energy and name, and to nothing else. What will stop the great creator of World to place a seed of only one religion, only one deity, one path of understanding the Truth for all humanity? What would make him want the strong separation of religions, sects, philosophies and theosophy in our world? These question should be asked and contemplated very deeply. They are important! If God was a great figure of Force, he would like everyone to see just him, no one else. Then and only then, he would be very close to the concept of Bible (Jewish and Christian) god, who needs punishment, who sends flood and cataclysm on earth, just because he is “jealous” of other “gods”? Is that not just amazing for so Great energy?

    Understand well the idea of “god” – as a source, expanding energy, endless dynamic of universes, process of creation, process of cultivation, life and death (cycles), cycles of shrink and expansion of energy. All is within that source. In this sense (as I wrote before) – God (Source) doesn’t create the “devil” (eternal evil), which is purely human creation. From that we can assume, that all people have right to believe in any religion they want, as well as all atheist will also have right to disbelieve in initial existence of “God” as described from most people. Simply because god is not entirely in any of these “religious patterns, he is away from them. The main function of existence of all religions is to put within one frame the mind of people, to control their actions, to lead their thoughts and affect of their feelings. Even so religion is/ was necessary for the human mind in this time. Religion in world reveals human need and desire to seek the divine truth, to seek the “good” and determine the concepts of human ethics and morality. Without the laws and restrictions of religion, humans would be much like tribes, that look up to the sky for rain and signs of nature. So what is god? All what you will read about god” in all existing religions is god, and in the same time it is not “god”. How is that possible? Its not a controversy, it`s quite logical. God is the creator, god is the nature, god is protector, he is all-mighty, god is compassionate, god is love, god is “heavenly father”? Yes. And no, because he is all possible aspects in one in synchronicity. 

Thank you for tuning in! If you feel guided, please continue reading second part here... 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 225 -18

Archangel Raguel - energy flow in the human body -II

Second part II ~
III.       The movement of energy pattern 8

This is the movement of already received energy within the body, which has frequent “upgrade” from Divine source. The flow looks like pattern of 8 or symbol of eternity. It has the following direction: We receive energy from left hand, it flows to the Heart center – then to body all warm chakras – to the right leg, right feet and into the ground. The energy that goes to the ground connect us with earth, in the same time it flushes away all the negative, heavy energies from our body, then the energy moves again up, together with renewed power, through our left foot, leg, warm chakras – again to the Heart. From heart it flows out through the right hand and palm. This is pattern of energy that looks like form of 8, it makes energy rejuvenation, and we can call this process “energy circulation”. Energy moves also in many more complicated ways inside our body. The eternity symbol is visible in the second energy meridian of rejuvenation, the one of Cool chakras.

    Again the energy moves from the left hand and arm, into the Heart center, then up to the Cool chakras (Throat, Third eye, brain, Crown), from there flows to the right direction into the right hand, arm, again into the heart, then again up to the Cool chakras, from Crown splits to the left side and flows in the left hand, arm and the process repeats. This is the continues energy flow in all times of activity. (except the state of sleep, when the energy flow is different).

IV.     Two sided 8 pattern of each chakra

I all add here, that except of the general big energy movement within the body, there are other energy flows, connected to every chakra. These flows look like magnetic field (and in fact they have magnetic properties).
All that energy has pattern of magnetic field around human body. Each chakra has the same pattern of horizontal 8 –eternity, or forming magnetic field around. That means each chakra and organ have energy combined from two aspects – Ying and Yang – feminine and masculine, or in visible form – left and right side. That’s how Reiki healing works by amplifying and cleansing the magnetic connections of each chakra, or organ, using our own field with the divine energy source.

V.  The Clock spiral of body
The clock spiral is something quite different from the energy flow meridians. This is clock related to human Life, including human mind, principles and karma. Each human has this clock” in form of spiral, moving in one direction, and combined with another spiral under it, so that in shape looks like 8. This spiral has the size of human head and slightly larger, and it moves in space above the head (2 times), inside human body this clock is 5 times, with head 6 times, and down under the feet again 2 times. Totally that makes 10 spiral clocks for each human. This clock has energy of divine combined with energy of human aura – and also specific vibration. Depending on human life-time that is appointed to live, or an illness, or any health issue, the spirals above and below the body start to move slowly, they may even change their direction of flow – which means a hard event is going to come (in the near future) for this person. If we could see the clock spirals” above and in the human, we would understand much about his illnesses predestined circle of life here. The clock spirals are moving to the right side of human – and then to the left side, resembling form of 8. It moves in special rhythm and speed, which is related to the speed of heart impulses. In case of illness of body or psychology, the spirals start to be darker or dull red color, they start to move very slowly. The slow movement is indication that something is out of balance, or that the person is going to face hard events or death. People in age after 75 have generally slow moving clock spirals, but their physical vitality will be high, if the color of spirals remains the same as their aura, if they have frequent upgrade of their energy, and if there are no torn or cut threats of energy from the spiral. In all cases before “death” the spiral clocks become very dull, almost fading, there is cutting of threats and it becomes obvious that person is near to experience his physical end of life.

Such indications can be seen also in the spiral clock near to heart, and some little indications in eyes. The energy will go away from the eyes, then from the heart, then from the breath and lungs. In the state little after death, these clock spirals of life “turn off” and are gradually dissolved in the space. They are also part of the records of guardian angels.

Thank you for tuning in! This is the end of my article, feel free to like it, share or post a comment below! I`ll be happy to answer your questions. Abide in angelic Light. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 0111 -18 

Archangel Raguel - energy flow in the human body -I

In this article I ll observe the mechanism and ways of energy flow inside and around the human body. I wrote already about what is aura (link…) and much information on chakras – energy wheels in the body. Now I want to speak about general energy flow.

I.       Energy flow –basic concept
Everything around us is energy. That statement we know well already, regardless if we believe in it or not. But what is more, everything inside of us is also energy. This is truth and proven many times, from different sciences. Now I want to concentrate on how the energy is moving within and around the human body. What are the mechanics of this movement?
I ll clarify first, that what we call “energy” has very wide range of understanding and appear in different ways. Generally what is inside the human body we can`t see from outside, because our bodies are not transparent by nature. This has reasons. The energy flow inside our body is also invisible for us, and still for our scientific methods or devices.
Every organ, every cell, every molecule in our body is source of energy. The main sources of higher potential energy (or energy centrals) are situated in the heart (blood vessels, blood pressure), and mind (brain, nervous system). Also each chakra is situated specially in a place near to main physical organ. The chakra represents the activity of that organ, that’s how it is the energetic value of this organ. For example: 

        1. Third eye represents the energy value (and state) of your brain, eyes, vision;
-                  2. Throat chakra represents energy of the throat and thyroid gland, (including ears, nose, trachea).
                3. Heart chakra is energy center of the physical heart, but also includes the lungs, and process of breathing and circulation; Heart chakra has direct connection to the palms of both hands.
-         4. Solar Plexus chakra moves the energy of important organs – stomach, intestines, liver, and solar plexus.
-               5. Sacral chakra is situated as energy sphere in the area of reproductive system, womb, ovaries, genital organs, testicles, and kidneys.
-             6. Root chakra represents the energy of the blood, skeletal structure, bones, also blood pressure, blood cells, back bone, and feet.

     Each chakra is intense energy sphere, turning in clockwise direction with certain speed. Each chakra also has a core of white Light (divine energy) and encompasses special psychological, emotional, mind parameters. Chakras correspond to the cosmic principles, personal state of spiritual growth and believes. That’s how chakras, together with Aura field, are complicated net of energy, with function to protect human body (physical, emotional, mental), and to connect human being with divine Source (god, archangels, spirit guides).

II.     The pattern of energy flow
Energy inside and around the human body is in state of motion, constant flow and change. Energy is not stable, that’s how we can “raise” our vibrations, by cleansing the energy flow, by unblocking our chakras.

How the energy moves? Energy flow looks like motion of spiral, sometimes in one direction, and in some places as 2 interlacing spirals – reminding the DNA pattern. There are the so called energy “meridians”, that show the flow in body in special way. Main energy meridian (lines) come as DNA spiral movement from Crown chakra (or Spiritual Lotus center 2 inches above the head), and flows into body in vertical way, spreading energy and information to all human centers (chakras) and all human organs on the back bone line. Its not by chance all centers of energy are placed on the back bone. 
In such way the Divine energy meridian flows from up to down. This is the God source energy, which we use to cleanse and balance all chakras and all organs. That’s why it is “divine meridian”. It has the main color of your aura combined with pure white light, in some cases light-golden light. This energy is main mechanism of nourishment, recovery of physical body, rejuvenation, and universal love. In fact, people who make regular spiritual practices – Reiki, healing, yoga, meditation, prayer – have much more visible, clean and strong divine energy flow. They can also easily connect to God and angels (by their willing). Other people, who are away from path of spiritual awakening, also have the divine energy flow, but the white light is not so clear, the energy threat is very thin and fragile, like very little string. They can easily become ill –physically or emotionally. 

if you want to know more, please continue reading the next part here .....

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to like my article, share it, or post a comment below! Abide in angelic light. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel` S medium 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Archangel Raguel - truth, honesty and sharing -V

V. What about sharing? Here I`m asking some questions:

1. Is it obligatory (recommended) to share with others from individual perspective? In which cases?
2. Is "not sharing” equal to “dishonesty” and hiding the truth?

      If honesty is related to hidden aspects of love, acceptance, defending personal values, integrity, the act of “sharing” with others is related to vulnerability.
There is no “obligation or norm” of sharing with others, as that is to be honest. Sharing shows trust, believe and incorporation of part of me, into part of “another” person. (I talk about pure sharing, not “gossip”, which has quite different aspects). We share things with: 1. People we love, 2. Close friends 3. Family and friends 4. Someone that we like, approve, feel attracted to.
In all other cases, (if we share with people we dislike or hate, we have special hidden reason to do that, so its not sharing, but rather manipulation).
In the word sharing are tangible elements like: honesty, closeness, revealing Self, love, trust, believe, approval, appreciation, like. That’s how we do not share everything to everyone”. We need first to find one or more of these elements in another person (to feel close to him, to gave trust, like, appreciation) in order to share. In the same time sharing is basic ingredient in all close relationships: - close friendship, marriage, lovers relationship, family-children relationships. If sharing is missing, in one of these relations, then there is a gap in it, something is out of balance.
From what I said its obvious, sharing” is special kind of personal trust and approval, which is not equal to honesty or truth in direct way. Moreover: we don’t have to share with all. This will show again some psychological imbalances of person. That’s so exactly because, when people share information, its usually related to something 1.personal 2. From intimate life 3. Important for them, 4. Related to personal differences. That shows when someone shares such information, he becomes “vulnerable” in front of another. Many social conflicts and discussion of integration come from understanding and values between “honesty”, truth and sharing. We need to recognize and strongly divide these categories, in order to go away from illusion.
The simple formula is: truth is not equal to honesty – its not equal to “sharing” – is not equal to trust. They are connected and related but not equal. You don’t have to share with others, even more, being honest, doesn’t mean that you have to share all things related with your personal, intimate life or values. You do that only when you have enough trust in another, or if you recognize similar (same) values in another.
Even more – the ethics and spiritual values require some topics to not be shared at all –if they include also the vulnerability of another person. Such topics are: sexual life (of person and his partner); - something related to me and my body (intimate). These aspects should not be shown, discussed or analyzed from others, unless there is a physical problem, in which case both me and my partner will agree to give quite short information.

Another important statement – not sharing about something, no matter if intimate or not - does not correspond to dishonesty or lie. When you share something, you give credit of another to know about something important for you, in such way you become vulnerable. Then you need to take care with whom and how you share information about yourself. 

As there are too many people with evil intention, that will take advantage of your sharing, or will manipulate you and use that information, you have to be cautious (not afraid - aware) about that:
-         - Don’t share (expose) personal information in front of people you don’t totally trust.
-         - Don’t share information with personal character (about relationships, other people, within marriage, your body, photos, so on) to anyone you don’t know well and to someone you don’t feel connected with equal values and principles.
-         - Don’t share private information also to people who are close to you (ex. Family members) if they are also not connected with you with similar spiritual values, ethics and ideas. (We speak about private information, which can relate to relationships, or anything connected with your body, or anything that you may consider as private.) 

That`s how "not sharing” is not equal to “dishonesty”. One example – if you talk with a friend who you met recently on social media (for ex. Facebook) and you like to communicate as you have similar interest to poetry. This friend asks you about your life, family and relationships, which can happen. What is socially approved here to share with him, is your marital status (if you are married or not), and your relationship – if you have beloved; and nothing more. If you have issues in relationship, you can share or not, depending to what extend you trust and appreciate this person. You are not forced to “share”. Also – sharing, the same as feeling of Love, compassion, joy, fulfillment, passion – is not BY force. Its feeling of freedom and free choice.  
Trust and sharing are connected with inner feeling and inner knowledge (Third eye) about who and how much to trust.
It`s also related to your own boundaries as human.

That’s how you will share with people who also share BACK to you, and won`t share to people who “don’t share anything” with you. It’s a mirror.
Also, if you have a pen pal for example, but you don’t like to share personal details about you, just write that. Be clear about your borders with others. Be open and confident to state –from here to here is my personal territory and not your business.
If someone asks you something you don’t like to share, you can say “I don’t like to discuss personal things. Lets go ahead.” Let another know what you think as personal and until where are your boundaries.
(Topic about healthy boundaries is quite spread now).

Thank you for tuning in! This is the last part of my article, feel free to like, share it or post a comment below. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 110 -18

Archangel Raguel - truth, honesty and sharing IV

IV. Honesty and sharing – two sides of a coin    
What is honesty? The topic of truth and honesty is very wide, but we have to see the multiple sides, in order to grasp the picture. As we see the individual truth, can be with “blurred outlines” and can be source of speculations. Every lie or hiding the truth has deeper psychological (cultural) reasons. Every coin has two sides. Now I ll discuss on what is honesty and what means to be “honest”?

Honesty is state of purity and balance of mind and heart, that recognizes the individual facts, events, and defends individual source of “truth” (views, ethics). Please have in mind, honesty is related to the individual “truth” not to “socially validated facts”, and honesty doesn’t mean directness or being straight forward. People who are honest defend not only their own individual “truth” (view), but also they follow the human ethics and values as whole
That’s why honesty doesn’t mean to be direct, or to be rude, nor to be “negative” and judging another. Important aspect of recognizing the truth is ethics of “non judgement”. What that means?

     Example – (from a question of my friend I received recently). You are going to a place of your family friends. They have made renovation and feel happy from that, they are proudly showing you their renewed flat. You are not so impressed and don’t like the renovation – obviously your friends have different taste for colors, design, furniture, lightning…But you feel “shy” to say directly your opinion. That’s why you say something opposite of what you think “Yes, its nice, I like it”. So is that the right reaction? Lets see closely this case. 

First of all we need to answer the question: why you need to say lie in this case? Is it rude if you say the truth? Is it considered as “lie” such answer? (The same example can be given with anyone else, on basis of personal tastes/ values, ethics differences, like clothes, lipstick, cosmetics, smells, colors…everyday practices). I want to say the following statements:

-   Yes, the answer is not truth, so its obviously “a lie”, as it doesn’t express and hides your personal opinion (truth), and doesn’t defend your personal truth (self)
 The answer in most similar cases is socially approved “lie” assuming that the person will be offended, and that “speaking the truth” is too rude.
 The answer is considered as “untruth” (lie) from higher (spiritual) perspective, if this is totally not corresponding to your inner truth (views, values, principles, ethics, state of mind).

    Then what is the solution? Should we be “rude” and say “Oh, its too bad and I cant like anything in this renovation”, or “So awful that I wonder how you have such a bad taste”. This answer is also not corresponding to “truth” even it express our opinion in this moment. Why? Maybe in the same time, person who views the flat feels depressed, as his girl friend left him. That condition will affect on his mood in subconscious level, he will see most of the things around in negative way. 2. Maybe the person has totally different taste (individuality, character) for colors, interior design – which is mostly the case. 

    How we need to react in this situation, in order to keep the truth and not to offend our friends? First of all its against your self to say something, in which you don’t believe. There is no meaning to do that! (except meaning of socially approved models). Second – there is no meaning also to be direct and rude, knowing that your friends will be offended. Because in this case you will obviously “brag” with your “honesty” which will be far from defending of truth. Truth needs to evolve in human society as act of defending personal truth (inner view, ethics) combined with ideas of LOVE, non-judgement, compassion and acceptance of another. Only then it becomes truth.

So in this case you may say: “this suits you, your character”, or “its not my taste, but happy as you like it.” Another approach is to see something that you really like in that (even one little thing) from the whole, so you can focus on it saying “Oh the cupboard is really nice”, or I love these plants…That’s how you really say the truth, in the same time your friends know your personality, that “its not your color for wall painting” and so on. Remember something more: from psychological perspective, if you totally dislike all in one person (all his clothes, style, appearance), then you dislike the person himself. Then he wont be your close friend.

We as humans need to remove some false, ineffective, wrong models of social interactions, specially if they are related to “hypocrisy”. There is no need to be direct or rude. Then you need to have enough inner balance, self esteem and purity of heart, in order to say the truth with love, acceptance and appreciation. If the other side has the same qualities, the connection will be so easy and smooth. They wouldn’t be offended.

Honesty is about loving and validating your inner truth, your ethics, values, style and social face, and in the same time feeling love, acceptance, tolerance to others.

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nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 110-18

Friday, April 6, 2018

Archangel Raguel - truth, honesty and sharing -III

III. Should we defend the personal truth? What is it?

    From what I said in the first part – differences between the universal and human truth –it is clear, that human truth is: 1. limited, 2. subjected to transformation, 3. is just one piece of the puzzle. Individual truth is this “green wall” I can see from my point of view (side), but I m not able to see your point of view in the same time. That’s because I m not able to look from above – Higher perspective. (or if I`m able it will be with my aim and willpower and I need to have certain psychic abilities). 

      My truth is a green square, which will be different from your truth (on the same object) – red square. I` ll give you example: Imagine you feel disappointed from some services, or distrust some people, who work in a hotels. You feel that, because in the past you experienced negative event – someone stole your luggage from the room, hotel staff was quite rude, and they didn’t help you enough to find the luggage. That’s how you feel insecure in hotels, take extra care for your bag, distrust the hotel staff. As you still have emotional influences from this event, when you go to a hotel again, that becomes obvious in the way your deal with hotel staff and workers. You are quite cautious and careful about all. That’s result from past distrust. Your friend is with you. He sees how you deal or speak with people from hotel and he asks you “Why are you so overbearing?” Now this is simple situation, to explain the outlines of “personal truth”. Your friend has no idea about all “past experience” and why you behave so. From his (limited) point of view, you look “overbearing”, which means person with high nose, arrogant. In the same time, you can`t recognize yourself in this label. You are surprised from that, as you know the pre-history of the event, and you are aware of your own feelings, which is caution and distrust. One and the same thing can look differently from different perspective.

    That also can prove that personal truth is exactly that – truth of a person, not of everyone. That’s so because “another” cant be totally aware of what is inside me now, he can guess, or look to me from the surface, and from Out-look. From position of surface, things are quite different, compared to position of inside.
That proves the fact, that things are (mostly) not the same as they “seem” to look like. Why is so? Because of the inner multiple psychological patterns and models of each individual, that gives multiple and different perspectives to “truth”. Example about that can be found everywhere around you, just think! They are in basis of many individual and social conflicts.

In religion – is the truth, values, laws and practices of Christianity the same as truth of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism? No, they are not. According to Christianity Jesus is part of Holy Trinity, he is God and he gave his life to serve humanity; according to Islam, Jesus is a prophet, and he even didn’t die on cross, while Judaism still are waiting for their Messiah to come, they don’t approve Jesus even as prophet. Then what about Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Mormons? Have they different truths and values? Are they not all labeled “Christians”?
All these examples I give to understand the main point – how all individual different “truths” are reflecting actually the main social, cultural, religious truths. That’s how humanity will have total challenge to recognize and understand the “truth”, even it exists.

IV. Individual truth, lie, distrust, dishonesty

   As we are aware of us as higher Souls, who need time to grow spiritually, as well as physically, we understand better our inner truth. This truth should be defended – no matter if it is approved or not. This truth is important part of us as individuals. To know my personal truth is – to live in state of emotional, physical balance and pure state of mind with all the facts and events that I see as “truth”- valid. All kind of imbalances in this state can be easily transformed to “lies, hiding the truth, inability to see the truth. Here I speak only about “individual truth”.

    Example – I know that my hair is brown. This fact is visible to me, and is valid since I see myself in the mirror, I have photos from childhood…so on. I want to hide this fact for some reason, and say – “my hair is blond”. And use a high blond hair color to change my hair. Not only I m aware of that – I use the hair color, but I insist that my original hair is blond. (here I don’t say of the lie is meaningful or meaningless, in fact all lies are so). Some people will believe my words that my hair is blond by nature, others will not believe. That’s no problem at all about others, until someone wants to prove that I`m saying “lie” and starts to show photos of me with brown hair – as child. What is more important here –I say lie not because I want to hide that from others, which is truth only on the surface. I say the lie, because I want to hide this from myself. What is that mean? How can I lie to myself, if I know I have brown hair finally? If I know that fact, but still I say lie to other people will mean I have “inner” psychological reasons to do that. 
Very common reasons to say lie or hide the truth are:

-         Distrust, dislike, disbelieve in Self and your power
-         Fear of something, fear to lose stability, security in situation you see as stable.
-         Not giving enough love or respect to the Self / self-value

So here we come to the point. The problem in lying (hiding the truth), is not on the surface, and its not about “revealing the truth”, but is about recognizing the deeper reasons, factors and psychological portrait of the person who tells lie. The question is why.
 The usual pattern of such cases is: - If I loved and liked myself (body, face, mind) with brown hair, I wouldn’t like that my original hair is blond.
-         If I loved myself, I wouldn’t hide the truth I m poor, don’t have enough finances
-      If I didn’t fear from judgement of family (society), I wouldn’t lie that I (didn’t ) steal the dress from the shop.

-         If I wouldn’t afraid to lose (safety) the man I love, I wouldn’t lie that I didn’t have another relationship with another man

That’s how the cases of lying grow more and more. A lie is in fact lie to the person himself, and every time he lies he wants to say “others love me as I am” or “I love myself”, which won`t be truth. Individual lie (something that is realized as untruth), is like a snowball –it becomes bigger and bigger the more you roll it. That’s why even very “innocent” lie is mischief. 

Thank you for tuning in! Please read the next part on the topic of truth, honesty and sharing here: ...

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 110 -18

Archangel Raguel - truth, honesty and sharing -II

What is truth from human perspective?

  Validity and integrity of elements and objects in the way they are seen from single human perspective, or from perspective of all society, country, culture, religion, law. The truth is individually, socially, scientifically, approved as validation of facts or events, that are stable in time.

Do you see now the main difference? The truth from earth, human perspective is limited in time –space, limited from mind, emotions, society, it is unchangeable, stable validation of facts. That means from human perspective – “ I was sad person” is fact that makes a stamp about my individuality. As well as “I am happy person now” is also a fact, which is stable and unchangeable in time. We put these statements in the frame of time-space using different tense – past-present. Both are validated facts. Even so this truth is limited, because it shows that “facts” only from position of single individual, a group, society or whole human population.

    The universal truth is unlimited, because it does not consider the linear time-space patterns and takes things in motion, change, regression or growth. That’s why this perspective see pictures as “unstable” or always changing, evolving elements of the whole, which has higher angelic validation. The truth about my condition from universal perspective (and be careful about that), includes not only the fact of my emotions in time, or change of emotions, but also the Reasons –and consequences, cause and effects of these emotions. They answer the question Why.

     That means –the humans limited truth - validated fact of individuality “I was sad” ,plus validated fact “I m happy now” – are combined in the complete resonance of picture: I was sad because I felt alone, and lost the love of people around me, because I was suffering illness, because I was frustrated…(and so on), until I became happy again, because I received support from a person, because I felt trust in myself, because I had creative inspiration, because I red a book (and so on)…Effect of these universal truth together: I m complete being that went trough different emotional hues, felt the instability of life and environment, that’s how he achieved personal growth, knowledge and stable values.
So these are main differences of universal truth and earth truth. Both are actually “truths” and valid.
What we need to know as humans is that one single fact, or multiple facts, one single piece of puzzle, of many pieces, do not make us see the complete picture from higher perspective. This is how it`s meant to be, as we are limited beings.

Now I` ll speak about how to understand the human truth and reality and what happens when someone lies? What are limits of truth, being truthful and honesty? How trust, believe, sharing and honesty are connected in one nice complete picture.

 The human truth can be defined as: 
1. individual, personal view of facts, events, state of mind or heart, that appears from our own point (limited perspective); 
 2. facts, events or existences of objects, that are validated as such from society and social laws 
3. Facts, events and existences validated as such from human science (about planets, physics, psychology, biology, mathematic, history) 
4. Facts, events and existences for humanity, approved as such (truth) from regional institution or religion, or spiritual practice (religious statements and believes, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, others).

As we can assume all of these validated facts are limited, because they are approved from individuals, society or religion, which are in limited position and knowledge. That’s why what we define and see as “truth” cant be “wholesome” but is a piece of validated information, which is fixed for some time and space, but it has potential to “transform”.
Exactly the mechanism of transformation of these facts/ events is invisible for us – and visible for the Universe.

II. How the human limited truth exists?

   If I stated that human truth is limited and has hidden potential to “transform” and expand, that doesn’t mean it`s is still not Truth. We need admit and see it as truth, for me is truth, that I` m human being, that I have specific biology, body, senses and mind. This is a fact and as coincides with my senses, I have to admit it. But if I`m in state of hypnosis, or have psychological illness, or under drugs impact.. I wouldn’t be able to approve and validate this truth. That’s why I ll have another, totally personal and unique perspective, still as human, but in special state.
   Even so, in normal state of mind, and balanced heart, humans are able to see, feel and acknowledge the personal truth, as well as other kind of truth. Here we come to one very significant point.

We can understand and verify the personal truth on basis of our personal experiences (emotions, events, feelings, state of mind) and this process is easy. But truth of society, religion, science, laws, is not so easy to be validated from separate individual. That’s why they just “accept” it as such (otherwise they need to search approval for every little fact-event, existence that they jump by).
 Acceptance is part of the process of understanding. I accept something as fact, when I trust it. That’s how people should (aim to) trust society, country, institutions, social laws, as well as science and religion. But is it so? Because of many different points and aspects of the “personal truth”, we can say there are many gaps in trust and stable position of all these institutions for people.
But – no matter how I distrust the laws in my country, they exist and they are valid (approved from society). No matter how I dislike religion, it still exists and has imprint in social mind and values. No matter if I believe in a branch of science (physics) or some parts of this branch (separate researches), they still exist and some are “proved” and strongly validated as truth (like the law of gravity).

That’s how my “personal” truth as individual is also in different position from the truth of whole organism of society and institutions. 

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nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 110 -18