Monday, April 23, 2018

Patterns of existence - discussion on what is God -II

Part II ...

    Here is the place to say something, quite funny – about all religious disputes and conflicts. God can be One, he can be also “Holy Trinity”, he can be also yin and yang – because all that words are allegories about God. (please read what is allegory). They show the actual pattern of thought of human itself, not of god himself. They show what human “imagine and think” about god. Not what god really is. Finally – why god was created from humans? He was also “imagined” and created by most of the universal mindful beings everywhere. Because they needed the idea of god, in order to grasp the “whole existence” of the universes. 2. because they needed to explain and understand the reason of their own existence as humans. 3. because they wanted to justify (to make justification, to bring justice) to all evil and dark events, all sadness and fear that is part of the existence.

These are the three main reasons for imagining god with ego of humans and mixing up many theories. That’s why its quite true and we could reply more on what we can grasp on this level – god is the whole nature (creation). It is the cycles of life-death, it is expansion through light and wisdom. He will not “punish” the people in end of the days, nor he feels “jealous” from other gods. That’s obvious, and its product of still low levels of understanding of cosmic energy.

What are angels?
We can accept/ perceive angels as light rays of the Source (god), that are spread throughout the universe. These rays we can call angelic rays of ascension, love, light. They are the form of light, that is real (and of course everything can be real). With the complicated travel and time of this highly intensive divine light (energy), angels became (transformed) into beings of Light. They spread the creation further more, that’s why there are multiple hierarchies in angelic world. Angels are eternal beings, even so they are changeable, not constant, as they create all possible worlds and universes. To be more clear - angels are like conductors or directors, the whole opera house (or theatre) is “god”, and souls are from both sides of the stage – musicians and audience. This is the divine mechanism of universe, explained in simple words.

How all universal pattern works? How people/ souls were created?

First the archangels created multiple worlds from celestial light, which was the initial thought form, the pure divine light. They created thought forms of all angelic spheres of celestial light, where they live “out” of universal expansion, as they have function to conduct and direct all creation. They observe all functions of universes. Then they created thought forms of other angels and celestial beings.

 From their side these beings created worlds (spheres) of ethereal light, which is the next level (after celestial). They expanded, evolved, changed and “shaped” their worlds with ethereal angelic light. These angels were also “archangels” as we know them, but the “next level”. They shaped another thought form creation of angels (angelic souls) from astral light. The angels created from astral light, evolved, expanded their abilities, and became also conductors of light worlds. They created another angelic beings and more universes, using mental (liquid) light. These beings became the angels assistants, and divided into many other branches in hierarchies – angels, fairies, angel-fairies, elementals, enlightened beings, ascended masters. So their thought forms were created before humans! All that happened in much higher levels (universes) than ours.

All of these creations of worlds and angels are made of multiple levels and colors of one kind of light. For example – the first celestial light splits in many celestial rays in different colors, which create different universes. (read about universe patterns and creation…). So there are celestial white light, celestial golden light (universe and beings), celestial blue-violet light (and beings), celestial green light… and so on. The levels of celestial lights are 9. The same is valid for the ethereal light ( 9 levels), for astral light (9 levels), mental light (9 levels), and the last was astral-mental light (9 levels). The first light directly from the source was called (or what we can call here) “crystal celestial light”, which was the highest one, it spits into 3 lights and worlds. 

Thank you for tuning in! If you feel guided continue reading part three .....
Abide in angelic Light. 

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`S medium 
@ 225 -18

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