Sunday, November 10, 2019

Spheres of Existence beyond - Ethereal plane -II

              Astral plane Second (the same like different bodies in the aura) This is something like flying zone of the planet – it looks like spider web of different emotions, thoughts and it`s like the place for cleansing (pipe) of all negative emotions in state of sleep. This is also the place of emotional, mental healing and cleansing in sleep of all astral bodies of humans, living and asleep. It can be called Upper astral – and has strong cords connection with soul – heart chakra and Astral-mental light, as well as to Moon energy and clairvoyance. 1. Upper Astral is related to Astral bodies of living people, and their cords of healing and rejuvenation, in state of sleep. 2. Upper Astral is related to people in state of deep uncontrolled sleep, who are in vulnerable state – like after traumatic experience, koma or near death experience, where the cords holding them to the heart chakra are very thin. 3. Upper Astral of people who are in deep state of meditation, extasy, astral travellers, or clairvoyant experience when they connect to the other side, and see beyond the veil. In all Upper astral spheres there are different beings, mainly fairies, could be astral angels, guardian angels, and other not benevolent beings. That’s why this astral level can be very chaotic, there is called “flying” zone, as all astral bodies are like flying in void. 
The colours of Upper Astral are multiple, but it has generally dark blue, and silver light. 

II.           Astral-mental world ~
It is called also the First Etheral sphere - where all of the higher beings reside, also all kind of elements, including water, ocean, and collective Earth spirits - like Tree and flowers spirits, some elementals. There are here also patterns of green-blue spider web and seven pointed stars in this plane. Also this is the world for accessing another time window, higher dimension, shifts, and all kind of Gateways. People can enter this sphere only trough process of ascension, meditations and rituals. This plane is very close and interconnected to our physical plane. 
 (Crystal spirits, elementals, nature spirits, undines, mermaids, water spirits, water element, spirits of all elements, Tree and flower spirits, nature devas and some faeries connected to trees and flowers and water fairies, cosmic and planetary souls and entities, collective dream patterns, moon connections).

III.         Ethereal -first light of spiritual advancement (here are different kind of Angels, spirit guides, Reiki angels and Faeries of higher hierarchy). This level has many different colours but mostly they are in shade of green, pink, and light blue – like the Heart chakra and Throat chakra. (Equal to sephirot Yesod -Foundation or connection between giver and receiver in Tree of life in Kabbalah). The first ethereal level are residing your Spirit guides, they can be not only different angels, ancestors, but also faeries, tree spirits, Ascended masters. This is the level of all Masters of the world - Buddha, Jesus, Virgin Mary, and to all Gods and Goddesses in history of earth. Thats why this sphere is Worlds Heart - as all higher beings connect to give to others from heart, they dedicate their life to a mission for humanity. 

IV.         Ethereal – second light – Pearl white light for Spiritual teachers, gods and goddesses, As. Masters, and connection to Higher Self. This is the level of unconditional love without ego. (Equal to sephirot Hod -Glory, Splendour, on the Tree of Life in Kabbalah).

V.           Ethereal – Third light – it has violet and golden colours. This is the level of emotional, mental spheres of light (or awaken astral bodies of Ascended masters) like Jesus, Buddha, Maytreya, Parvaty, Krishna…In this level there are no ethereal beings, but only light from their Higher Consciousness, also some Spirit guides and guardian angels for advanced souls and masters are here. Mostly it is filled with their ideas, thoughts and feelings, which is preserved in level as an “archive”. So they can be reached any time from advanced humans. (This level equals to sephirot Netzah – Eternity, Victory, continuing cycles – of the Tree of life in Kabbalah).

Thank you for tuning in! Stay on the path of Love, Joy and Light! 

Nina Lea-Nour *
© All rights reserved 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki healer 
Tarot intuitive

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Spheres of Existence Beyond - Astral plane -I

In this article I`ll observe some basic questions related to astral planes, or what is the image of “afterlife” for earth souls.
Here I`m answering the questions: What are astral planes? How does afterlife look like for different souls? What we experience in the transition time to other side or in process of dying.

I.             Astral plane:

This is the plane immediately connected with the earth plane, or the dense physical reality we live in. We experience this plane every day through our state of sleep, meditation, dreaming, imagination or visualisations. Astral plane is strongly connected to our believes, feelings, subconsciousness, emotions, and with our Ethereal and Astral body, which consist of lighter and higher vibrational energy.

It`s interesting to know that our Astral body is connected to the physical body always through thin cords. We use our astral body in the night, when we sleep, or when we make meditation or Astral travel. In this way our Astral body keeps the physical body safe and in special state or absence”. Astral body resembles the physical body, but it can look younger and with higher frequency, which makes it better version of the body.
Astral Plane is divided to 9 Astral sublevels, each of them containing different information of astral and different ethereal beings.
Of course all Astral planes are invisible to the human eyes, and vibrate in another frequency than earth plane. Some of the lower astral planes inhabit various types of ghosts, spirits or entities, that were incarnated or not. { ref. please see my article: What are ghosts? I } 

The Sub-Astral – (my angels also call it Dark or Black astral - Demons, ghosts, entities, spirits 
There are three levels, that can be called Sub-Astral, or Dark astral – and which are “below” and consist of kinds of dark non-incarnated beings, like demonic entities, ghosts, demons. They are mostly not incarnated (as humans), and have another purpose of existence. In some very rare cases though they could incarnate.
For now I wont go into more details in these levels, as I have separate article dedicated to demons and entities from Astral plane.

The Sub-Astral Spirit of Deceased Souls, ghosts
Another three levels from Astral are inhabited by deceased incarnated beings, that are passing through that plane, but for some reasons couldn’t go further to the Light. They had not enough power of mind, or were trapped in the Astral levels. These beings we also refer to as “ghosts”, or spirits. They can be felt by extra sensitive humans or clairvoyants, as they are very close to the earths energy. Most of them were overly attached to the physical plane -like different kind of attachment to people, objects or money, which made them unable to connect with their Spirit guides. So they didn’t go to the Accelerated golden tunnel of Light, which is the main purpose of all human beings. These are spirits of deceased. They can often live or merge together with the dark faeries realms. These souls live in a similar to earth or fantasy-like conditions and environment. But they don’t have advanced spiritual lessons (as humans) and don’t have angelic presence.

{ The Astral plane -Void or Collective consciousness of Earth/ Physical plane

Another three halls (planes) are filled with Void or dark matter, where is actually collected all material consciousness of Earth and humanity. Here are living in form of clouds or transforming fogs, and energy diffusions all dark thoughts and feelings (which have energy cords and look as spider webs often) of collective Soul of humanity. Here could live also the collective evil, dark thoughts or twisted psychology of all earth eras and history periods. They are mostly related to moments of energy downfalls in humanity consciousness – like the invention and use of Atom bomb or different war weapons and techniques and chemical weapons, or atrocities of humans against humans or against nature. Here would be Nazi ideas, Related to demonic world other inhuman ideas, which are far from the omnipresent God Spirit in human.

This is one of the lowest Astrals, no other beings live here, but it`s like a soup of void and fogs; This territory is something like an archive of the humanity. (like Akashic records but with opposite sign).
The medium Astral plane are the souls of the deceased and different kind of ghosts and imprints of energy.

The Upper Astral (or Silver Astral plane) 

This plane is close to us and our physical plane, is inhabited by so called shadow-sides (or Astral bodies) of all beings, already living on Earth – but in state of sleep, deep meditation, state of connection to Astral – like clairvoyant, or mediums, and dream state. These are all astral bodies from present and near past – future of the earth. So you can see some forms of angelic presence (guardian angels, astral guardians, or faeries), as well as Astral fluid bodies and thoughts in this Upper astral plane.

The main colours of astral levels are dark – dark blue, grey, silver, all shades of silver and sparkles, moonstone light, dark silver. In these levels you can also see and receive information (if you are a medium), about past lives of person, his aura colours, his chakras and Astral body and patterns, his future options and choices. This plane is amazing as it is visible in it the whole web of cords and energies of the Planet. This level is the actual Blueprint of the Earth, and one way how the spirits and angels see us here, and how we view ourselves in state of meditation or connecting with other creatures.
All planes are actually 12 – they are like big spheres, and they are divided further into 12 more sub-levels – or 144 levels total. Each of the 12 sub-levels are divided into 10 more smaller spheres-planes (or discs of reality), so they are totally 1440.

The levels and planes are related to the pattern of the bodies in human aura, after the physical body. They are also related to the kabbalistic Sephirot and tree of Life.
The first level is called Astral Plane- as I have described already.

All Spheres/ Planes are:

I. Astral Plane first ( equal to the space between and under the sephirot Malkut -Kingdom of the Tree of life in Kabbalah). This sphere includes 6 sub-levels called Sub -Astral. (1. Sub Astral of Demons, ghosts and dark entities; 2. Sub-Astral of deceases souls, trapped souls, dark souls that were incarnated or not incarnated; 3. Sub-astral -void, collective subconsciousness, thought patterns of humanity; level of dark fairies; 1. Medium Astral – Soul of the deceased in history of earth, plus collective unconscious mind patterns and believes. Different kind of ghosts and spirits can abide too. 2. Medium astral of deceased souls, some entities and dark fairies; 3. Medium astral of deceased souls, souls psychologically tested and committed suicide or act of murder or ancestral crime.)

Thank you for tuning in, children of Light! 
Please continue to read the next part about Spheres and planes beyond ....

Nina Lea-nour
© All rights reserved 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tarot Portions ~ Esoteric Keys to Aces in Minor Arcana

          I am here to reveal the beautiful, magical and magnificent world of Tarot cards. Tarot are much more than a divination tool (even all divinations are not simple). It`s tool for self-transformation, discovery of the Universal principles, spiritual growth and Occult knowledge. It holds many keys, which are studied through history since the beginning of times, and it has one of the richest and complex symbology. I wont talk about the structure of Tarot cards. But for anyone who has doubt I want to point out – Tarot is not instrument of witches and wizards, or fortune tellers, and certainly not demonic tool for evil forces. Even so anyone can make it according to his own views, desires, interests and primal energy. As people living on Earth are totally different, Tarot became with multiples facets, millions ways of reading the symbology and variations. The contemporary Tarot is a challenge to any beginner in the Occult tarot science, as it is multi-layered and various. That’s why the first thing to do is following, when you start reading cards: 1. Make it simple 2. Study it through your own memory and ways to understand. 3. Practice daily.

In order to study the esoteric puzzle of Tarot I dedicated much time, but also I have to admit – I received special help from my spirit guides and angels and Higher self, in order to look deeper and understand the cards meanings. To look behind the veil, you need not only desire and energy, but persistence and efforts.
I decided to divide all things into groups, so to study it better in depth. I cant recommend you that, as everyone has different approach. Find what is suitable for you and continue on your way.

First of all, in order to understand the principle of esoteric keys in tarot, it will be very nice to know basic things about numerology and angelic codes numbers. You can go without that, but for me it was related to my strong interest to revealing angelic world and messages. Here I dedicate time to general numerology of Tarot Minor Arcana. This principle as you will see later in your study, is related to Major Arcana too.

      Each number and each Arcana is related to deep symbols, Spiritual messages, and holds patterns of Cosmic geometry and universal principles, that rule in Earth plane. Here is list with basic principles and qualities of all Minor Arcana cards.

I.             Aces  ~  represent the energy of Receiving from the Spirit, (angels, spirit guides), and this is receiving of Personal Power. Aces hold the divine essence of Spirit (God, Higher Self…) and they are also Cosmic portals to personal power, related to spiritual growth of Self. (As you can see in all aces in standard Tarot version is shown a hand stretched from a cloud or place, which gives a spiritual tool) Aces are related closely to the power of I. Magician, who works with all elements. They in fact represent different aspects of Magician, what kind of spiritual tool he is using in order to be advanced or to help others in need. Magician is a higher Master, who is already familiar with the elements and he can control his personal power. With the Aces you have the opportunity to be in control of your power in different aspects.  

       with the Ace of Cups you are opening the great Portal of Divine Love, Abundance, spiritual wisdom, fertility, joy of life, psychic gifts, clairvoyance. It`s portal to pure Spiritual essence of Water element (feminine energy, innocence, nourishing, soothing). It hold the keys to cleansing, inner purity, love, fulfilment. That is related to all aspects, but in itself means Purity of heart. Ace of cups is gift to feminine energy, nurturing inner child, pure love, and deep spiritual connection. That’s the Gate to what you are Given as a tool. Magician has mastered the element of Water in ace of cups, he has control over his emotions, psychic gift to see beyond visible, and purity of heart. Each card Portal is invitation for awakening and higher consciousness. Imagine arch. Gabriel giving you the cup with pure angelic water, that cleanse all negative energy from you; it also gives you magical and psychic abilities, Love and abundance.

Ace of Wands – represent the essence of Fire element. This is the Primal fire of Universe, holding the keys to motivation, willpower, strength, polishing personal qualities, endurance, flexibility, passion, dedication to a goal, being devoted to what you want, persistency, Inspiration. All of these are amazing qualities of the suit of Wands. They are here the Gift to you from the spirit in Ace of Wands. As all portals, it`s up to you if you will go through it or stay in your zone. All Aces also hold energy of New beginning, inspiration, bliss, enlightenment, Ideas. Imagine Arch. Zadkiel and Arch. Metatron giving you gift of brilliant wand, which is your Personal power. You can overcome any obstacle with it.

Ace of Swards – this is the gate to Higher consciousness, mindfulness, clarity, Truth, Justice and Wisdom in all aspects. In Ace of Swards Magician holds the keys to mindfulness and wisdom, he sees clearly and distinguish the truth from falsehood. Ace of Swards is also the gift from Spirit to release and let go of old negative patterns (habits, believes) that no longer serve your highest potential. Swards are magical tool representing the essence letting go and cutting away all attachments and addictions, or old wounds of mind-heart in relationships. You have this gift now. They also will have meaning of education, knowledge, study, creativity of mind -writing, reading) Imagine archangel Michael giving you a lightning blue sward with power of Wisdom, knowledge and Justice.

Ace of Pentacles } its is Gift of Abundance, manifesting desires, fruitful project, healing, Health, stability, grounding, integrity, connection with nature, natural sources, material success and fertility. All possible desires came truth, but with your constant efforts. It`s gift of Coin – pentacle, which means balanced act of giving, and receiving, stability, grounding. Here Magician can earn his independence and controls element Earth in the essence of Ace of Pentacles. He knows how to use healing techniques with the nature, he is abundant, because he has all what he wants. You have the same power to manifest all things in real plane. But it requires patience, slow growing of the seeds, care and dedication. Nothing comes easily from one day to another. Meditate with ace of Pentacles, and see arch. Sandalphon giving you gift of Golden talisman in circle. This is your power now.

Short description of meanings in reading. 
Besides the spiritual aspects and symbols of Tarot, most people like to have simple” reading and have very clear messages from cards. Which could be a bit hard ,if you are beginner. Here are some variations and meanings of the Aces I suggest.

Ace of Wands - Motion, creativity, spark of passion for new venture, willpower and persistency to the goal. Also inspiration, beginning of project, taking back your power, confidence, gaining strength. Motivation, passion, persistency, flexibility, strength.

Ace of Cups ~ Power of emotions, feelings, love. Psychic abilities, clairvoyance, dreams come true. Emotional and spiritual fulfilment. Pure love. Opportunities for new relationship or close friendship. Filled with joy, spiritual enlightenment, opening psychic senses, finding your love mate. (feminine)

Ace of Swords ~ Power of mind, thinking, finding truth, defending the truth, fighting for justice, victory, breakthrough. Opportunities of mind expansion (study, research, teaching, knowledge). (masculine)

Ace of Pentacles ~ Power of material resources, nature, connecting with nature, grounding, physical health, satisfaction. Growth and prosperity can be in your hands, if you wish. Opportunity of abundance, new career. That card indicate you are ready for new start of life (like renovation, or new home, abundance and prosperity).

Aces represent also new pathways (beginning of journey), opening of new horizons. These cards show the inner force, qualities and attitudes that the person keeps. We have to understand that aces are a potential (or inactive power) that can be activated with our Free will, and self-discipline. It`s like the hand (of god) giving to the viewer from clouds the opportunity, but it`s in his hands if he will accept the gift or not.
These are my observations of Aces in Tarot, I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to share my article, ask question or post a comment. Thank you for tuning in children of Light!

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

List of Angelic codes and messages of Ascension -II

Continues from part I  ~

666 – Code of archangel Chamuel and Ariel } meaning Divine Love, relationship, Open your heart to receive love of angels. This code is profound as it means to connect with your spirit guides and angels daily though your Heart chakra, make daily practices, and connect with the nature and flowers. It means love, but first Self-love, care and abundance, and plenty of all things. This is code of endless resources, power of giving and receiving, blessings. The message is: Connect with the nature, make grounding meditation, walk outside in mountain, park or garden, make gardening, plant a tree. Deep emotional healing is on the way. Forgive and forget the bitterness of past love, and look forward for to your new life. Realize who you are and that you are divine being worthy of Love and care. Make self-love rituals and care for your spirit. 6 vibration is loving with shining beautiful pink and golden light. Imagine this light all around you to feel uplifted in your emotions. 6 is related to Pages in Tarot, maiden and feminine energy, and card VI. Lovers. It`s crystal is Rose Quartz; The Portal day is 6 of June of Arch. Chamuel.

777 – Code of archangel Metatron and Uriel } meaning deep spiritual transformation, changes though challenges. Fire energy and movement ahead, divine signs, going on your path. Going successfully through the life challenges, or dark tunnel” of life will soon end and you are seeing the Light. Be patient now, don’t act impulsively, keep your temper. This code shows you are fighting your battels and going through hard times into the light. 7 vibrates with yellow, orange and golden light. It`s Tarot card is Knight – movement, persistency, dedication, Fire, travel, overcoming obstacles; It`s Arcana is VII. The Chariot – again movement, victory, travel, battle, challenges. But 7 is quite strong number as it builds your character, qualities and destiny. It is fire that burns the old Karma and leads you on a new path of angelic guidance and love. The crystals of 7 are: fire agate, citrine, carnelian. With this code you can have the message for travel or movement to another direction which transforms your life. The Portal day is 7 of July of arch. Metatron.

888 – Code of Archangel Jeremiel } meaning Ascension, higher consciousness, Mindfulness. Traveling to a new reality above. This is the profound and deep code of Jeremiel, vibrates with amazing deep violet colour and amethyst. It means: You are on the way of ascension and spiritual expansion. Cleanse your aura daily, your third eye is opening to a new reality. You have the gift of clairvoyance or will be extra sensitive to worlds beyond. You have psychic abilities, and connect easily to spirit realm, angels and moon energy. Be careful what you wish for. Avoid negative people and psychic intruding; you have creative power, dedicate time to your talents and mindfulness. Visit the sea, lake, river or waterfall. Be still and quiet your mind. Deep healing is on the way. Dedicate time for meditation and focused thoughts, and observation and review of your past and future. ] energy of code 8 is related to Water element, undines, water spirits, colour violet, the Tarot card Queens, and VII. Strength – gentle power, self-control. As well as card XVII. The Star – highly spiritual card. It can mean a process of cleansing of the old and awakening. The crystals of number 8 are Lapis Lazuli, also Aqua aura quartz, and lazurite, and tanzanite. The elementals are crystal spirits and water serpents. The Portal day 8 of August or Lions gate – is dedicated to arch. Jeremiel and inner strength and psychic connections.

999 – code of archangel Haniel – the moon angel } means: Expansion and end of a cycle in life. You are on the way of shifting of perspective, adapting to a new ways of life. You step back to your power after a period of struggle and resistance. Don’t cling to the past. It`s important now to release and let go of the old patterns in your life. Acceptance of your karma, going with the flow. Feel that you are powerful creator and make the best and mindful choices on the way. You can manifest what you want now. Angelic connection and guidance are available to you, also in your dreams. You are ready for the next step. The vibration of the 9 code is beautiful pearl and light blue, which is colour of Haniel. It resonates with beginning and endings of cycle, as many cycles (also in rituals) related to number 9 or 12. It`s energy of King – which means ruling, stability, peace, integrity, Justice, unity, uniting differences, higher mind, realization of personal power, authority. And 9 – the Hermit of Tarot – going within, meditation, going away from social life, finding the truth inside, need of rethinking, balancing of energies, self-care, connection with ancestors and angels. 9 has very angelic vibration, so you can be sure that something is about to happen through the next moon cycle -as the energy is moving fast as the wind. The elementals of 9 are elves and Sylphs, of air and some natural places in mountain. The portal day of Haniel is 9 of September – dedicated to letting go and moving to higher levels of Mind. (This year 2019 has the strong vibration of arch. Haniel). 

Thank you for tuning in my messages and angelic codes of ascension! 
Stay on the way of Divine love, harmony and light! 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

List of Angelic codes and messages of Ascension -I

In this short article I`ll turn attention to specific messages and angelic numerical codes that we may see any time of the day, through different ways.
As I said already, all kind of numbers and figures are patterns of divine codes of angelic guidance and information that you need to understand. It`s up t you if you trust that codes – means they matter to you -or you don’t. Then you don’t need to read about them. All things in nature can be codes with special messages, connected to your spiritual path or improvement of life. Seeing repeated patterns is also a sacred sign – like repeated numbers, patterns, flowers, feathers, natural signs, birds…Any sign can have unique characteristics according to the person and his unique path.
That’s why I give here some special triple codes, that are related to angelic presence and messages. We could say each of them can have universal meaning – (the same as the chakras have universal lights and meaning). But also each code can have specific meaning to different people, according to his situation and feelings. So it`s also about your own intuition to understand that.

111 – Code of archangel Zadkiel } means transformation, change on a deep level of mind, reaching to higher consciousness. Zadkiel and Holly Amethyst are vibrating with the splendid Violet light. Zadkiel rules month of January, or first month in earth calendar. The general element of 1 is Air, and related to Kings in Tarot, or Unity, Oneness, Expansion. The message is: don’t resist change! Feel safe to walk out of your comfort zone, and experience new life. Transformation, signs and guidance are on the way. Be open to receive.” The colour of 1 is purple or amethyst light, and it vibrates with energy of trot 1. The Magician – you can manifest what you want when you use your power (mind and heart) in the right way.
This is common code experienced by light workers or intuitive, and includes also presence of your spirit guides, that they support you!

222 – code of archangel Gabriel } means Love, Balance, Open heart. This is the code of love and vibrates with pearl white light, as well as Indigo blue Light of arch. Gabriel. It means: [ Find inner peace and balance in all your activities. Balance your mind and thoughts, don’t overthink. Make time specially for self-care, cleansing rituals, observing water, meditation or swimming. Be open emotionally, remove your cord attachments from the Sacral chakra. ] The element of 2 is Water, in all natural sources – sea, ocean, lake, waterfall. Purity from water. Code 2 is related to February, second month and specially the 9 days after 2 of the month; It`s related to the Queens in Tarot and High Priestess energy – clairvoyance, freedom and love of wisdom.

333 – Code of Archangel Michael } Means divine protection, safety, making energy shield and protection of your mental body. The message is: You are safe and protected now in your situation and environment. Let go of any fears, worries and doubts. Take special care to stay away from toxic people, low energy situations and negative feelings -anger, fear, resentment, anxiety. ]
Arch. Michael is powerful and works with divine Blue light, or the vibration of 3 is ruby red. It is element of celestial Fire, and dedicated to 3rd month, March. This is special master number which means protection, but also that your guardian angels and astral guards are with you specially in this period. The tarot card of 3 is the Empress – abundance, nature connection, and also all Knights – that represent movement, activation, strong energy up, dedication to cause, persistency, effort, overcoming obstacles, on the way, traveling.

444 – Code of archangel Raphael – meaning Healing power, Reiki, Nature healing; the message is: Be extra careful to what you eat and what are your daily habits. Dedicate time to eat healthy foods, and fruits, restrain from consuming more fatty foods, sweets or addictive ingredients. Include healing practices and meditation and yoga to your daily regime. Your health is on the way of big improvement. Feel yourself wrapped in the Green healing light of Raphael and emerald angels. ] 4 is the number of grounding, stability, mother earth, all trees, plants and nature spirits. That’s why it has strongly healing abilities. 4 vibrates with emerald green light and the Stamp of arch. Raphael (pyramid), and with the Pages in Tarot, as well as arcana IV. The Emperor. The 4 of April is the special portal day of emerald Angels and arch. Raphael.

555 – code of Archangel Sandalphon – this is the amazing code of Music of the Spheres, or Soul music. Opening the door to clairaudience or receiving guidance from spirit and angels. It means change on heart level is on the way. This change will be of events and situations, and something that is like Window of time-space and takes you to another level. Message: You are in need to declutter your life and energy and space. Let go of anything that is no longer aligned with your higher Self and purpose. Let go of negative habits, attachments to people, and places, of negative thoughts or limiting believes. You are in need of energy cleansing, as you have a bit of energy fog from other people in your aura. Time for spiritual detox. ] With this clear message arch. Sandalphone comes to take you to level of purity, and music of spheres -with Tibetan bowls, bells, and other angelic instruments, that cleanse your aura in amazing way. The Tarot card related is V. Hierophant and 14. The Temperance The colour of 5 is turquoise of light translucent green -seafoam green. The portal day is 5. Of May of arch. Sandalphon.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to the next part of Angelic codes and messages here...

Nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master
Tarot intuitive