Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Functions of the Brain as Spiritual system & Sub-conscious mind -III

 In this part I focus on suppressed fears, Pituitary gland and connections between Brain - Heart and Throat. 

     There is section about conscious fears (which has links to the sub-conscious fears layer). Within this section are also archived negative emotions like self-doubt, resentment, grudges, panic disorder, anxiety; and the most primal fears of death, darkness and the unknown.

     The bigger the section of conscious fear is, the less well other sections in the mind will work. That means fears will take the space of other mind activities like thinking, analysing, nice memories, conscious choices. Also it means if person has too many fears that will affect his ability to study, receive knowledge or memorise things. On bigger picture fears will affect all his life and all his organs in very negative way.

That’s why the more we are afraid or worried, the less we can tap into our intuition, inner guidance; and the more you feel stressed even without obvious reasons.

Fears shouldn’t be suppressed in the sub-conscious mind, but released completely.

That happens only through different kind of energy work, or meditation, or with sleep at night. It`s important to know that all dreams, regardless if they seem dark, threatening or weird or serene, have the function to Release fears from the Sub-conscious mind.

People who have psychic abilities or more open Third eye have healthy cycles of sleep.

       Another gland (star in ethereal level) is Pituitary (Hypophysis) gland. It is linked with the blood pressure, body temperature, blood and heart. This gland is extremely interesting central, as it releases several hormones and manages multiple other organs in the body. This gland on ethereal level has connection with the spiral of many other glands – Thyroid (in the Throat), the Thymus and Heart ethereal light. In the Thyroid gland there is a light blue star (9 pointed) which refers to hormonal balance and its place of Ethereal codes transmission. This light is crutial for cleanness of aura and body. (Note: from here  -any physical symptoms related to throat –nose, lungs, illness are related directly with aura cleanness, that is valid specially for flues and viruses.)

( ★ That means the virus will come in and affect (infect) your throat, lungs, nose, ears, taste senses mostly in condition of strong aura uncleanness, closed or blocked throat chakra, or closed/ blocked heart.)

The energy of Heart, Throat (Ethereal codes of cleanness), are linked with the brain (Third eye, Pituitary gland) with an active light chain.

     The angels responsible for the hormonal balance and Pituitary gland is Haniel, and angel of third eye and Pineal gland (and sub-conscious mind) is Jeremiel. The angel of conscious mind and body healing is Raphael.

     The more you remember things with your conscious mind, and understand them, or even observe them without judgement, the less they can affect your soul, and less fears you ll have.

The less you remember things or feelings, the more they ll be suppressed in sub conscious mind, and the more they ll affect your soul.

    The idea of the brain is to be controlling central. To attain less suppressed fears and negative emotions, and to contribute to personal well being. In the brain happen very important processes of healing, releasing, and self-programming. That’s why we listen to meditation as the electric waves of music, words and codes are transmitted to our brain, in form or "programming”. Meditation, affirmations and hypnosis are positive mind-programming tools, to overcome different fears and establish peace of mind and clarity.

    The less fears you have, the more your mind will be open, clear and flowing, and the more focused and self-centred you will be.

The brain also affects the organising skills and way you perceive the reality, the way you react or how you react on “impulse” or mindfully; People with developed Third eye and healthy Pineal gland, don’t react on impulse, they don’t feel easily grasped by any emotions like anger, panic or anxiety.

That comes from state of cleanness and clarity of mind.

 ★  Thank you for tuning in! 

Continue reading part IV here ...

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 
© March 2021

Functions of the Brain as Spiritual system & the Sub-conscious mind -II

 Continues from part I - Sub-conscious mind 

Layer 5 – All suppressed and unrealised fears of the Soul (in this life time) including all negative feelings from other people – anxiety, worry, fear of the unknown; They affect directly the cycles of sleep and awake (or Pineal gland and production of Melatonin).

The more suppressed fears person has, the less healthy sleep regime he will have.

Layer 6  - All suppressed and unrealised fears of the Soul from multiple past lives (which are usually related to this life).

Layer 7 } Dreams, sleep cycle, symbols of dreams, astral travel. Within this layer there is a special inner dimensional door to the “collective sub-conscious mind” –which is related to the Planetary grid (or what we know as magnetic Earth grid; from here we are plugged in” the whole “matrix” or reality that we see); This layers we can access only in state of sleep or deep meditation. This layer is a doorway to what we know as “Astral level” 1 where we experience our true Soul and or connect to other dimensions, or past lives; lucid dreaming.

Layer 8 }  which is intertwined with layer 7 is a doorway to memories from your past lives. They are connected with your Pineal gland as they are important memories of the Soul. Through the same door (energy portal) you can access the Akashic records even without direct assistance of angels, but with spiritual guidance.

     Above the doorways (energy portals) of Layer 7 and 8 is the magnificent Portal of Astral-mental light, that is the light of Pineal gland into Higher dimensions beyond. This is exactly the centre of the Third eye, when activated this Portal can connect us with angels, faeries, spiritual realm, Higher self.

This is the mystical passageway to the “other side” or to angelic kingdom. The Astral light is a energy Spiritual doorway, and it looks like Eight pointed star –octagram- with a spiral within. In Active state the star is spinning with brilliant light, and can be golden, dark blue or violet (depending on individuals personal development).

This light of passageway is different from the door to dreams and past lives of the soul.

It`s interesting to know, the exit point of the Soul in transition after death, is not in the Pineal gland, but in Hypothalamus. There is another gateway to the angelic realms, through the Astral fields.

[ on more information about Astral fields, pls see links below ]

Astral fields or planes are vast territory, they also have many levels.

     Before the transition of the soul, Astral angels are invited into the room (that happens in exact time according to soul karmic Contract). They prepare the soul for the transition and bring peace, love, calmness and serenity in the brain, also they remove by magnetic waves (angelic music), all pain neurons from the person).

That calming of the soul happens in stages and not at once, but there are many different cases.

      The outer layer of the brain (which has special protection also as physical system) –has energy cover of liquid blue light, which serves as energy protection from any harmful outer forces. The sensitive people or psychic have by “default” bigger energy liquid light protection.

   The Conscious mind has also many layers, similar to subconscious, but with different structure.

Each section in it looks like a spiral, a small library in spiral form, with many rooms and shelves. There are sections for “conscious memory”, or things we choose to keep in active state. (for example if we study and have to take exams), but also things that were deeply memorized by the soul. (which creates energy stamps). There is section of “emotional memory”, or what feelings we have experienced.

Another section of Conscious mind is ability to think, link different things, discern, understand, judge and analyse.

 ★ Thank you for tuning in! 

Please continue reading part III ... 

Nina Lea-Nour ❂
Angel`s medium 

© March 2021

Functions of the Brain as Spiritual system & the Sub-conscious mind I

I start writing this message with help of my angels and arch. Jeremiel, about the complex and complicated system of the brain.

What we know as brain” is far away from the real complexity and essence of the true system. Here I` ll look to some hidden or not well known spiritual functions of this amazing organ and how it works. *please be aware that I don’t give any medical knowledge that can be confirmed here with the existing medical science.

I.               Brain and it`s functions ★

         Brain is very complex organ, containing largest networks of neurons and electric neuro impulses. It looks like an amazing electric central. This organ operates with real energy waves of different kinds, colours and spectrum (wave lengths). The brain as organ is much more than what we can already see, observe and test with our limited scientific knowledge of today.

The large perimeter of this brain is in fact hidden from our science, simply because its energy (as such in higher frequency and “invisible”). This is the most complicated organ in human body, and the one that existence is crutial for life and survival.

The Brain has 3 main doorways, known as Glands, to higher dimensions of spirit: they are Pineal gland, the Pituitary gland, Hypothalamus.

I`ll take a look at all of their functions like a spiritual Gateways.

basic scheme of brain 


Pineal gland (in higher vibration this is what we know as Third eye)

It is situated in the back side of the brain, it has size of a green peas.  Around Pineal gland there is a complex spiral with dark indigo blue colour of passages of Sub-conscious mind. It resembles the spiral of Nautilus.

And it produces Melatonin – the hormone of sleep cycles.

About Sub-conscious mind 

   Mind that is in state of letargy, dormant, or in a “liminal space”. Here are gathered things that are not in active use from the memory and soul, but still are important for other reasons. This is an inactive mind, but in state of sleep one area of Sub-consciousness becomes active, while the Consciousness is in active.

The sub-conscious looks like a large maze of libraries with many rooms, archives, corridors and doors. Each room of this maze of subconscious has special place and function, with many archives” and drawers. That is symbolic representation. These are most important rooms, layers or “libraries” of the sub-conscious mind.

Layer 1. – Memories from childhood. (this room is divided into sections in every 3 years, starting from years 3-6, and 12 to 15).

Here we can find suppressed (unrealized, blocked) memories from childhood trauma or something that the soul doesn’t want to remember consciously.

Layer 2 – Memories from the past in this life – from 15 years until present moment, also divided in groups by 3 years. (after year 15)

Layer 3 – suppressed Feelings and emotions that affect soul. They are unrealized, rejected or blocked as they are here. That can be any kind of positive or negative feelings. For example if you have sexual desire, which your conscious mind wants to reject and avoid, it can be here. Also feeling of rejected joy, love, or opposite, rejected hatred, disgust or cruelty can be also here.

These are usually feelings which are blocked by the soul itself, or are not admitted by it. Therefore they are hidden in “darkness”.

Layer 4 – Your believe system – this layer is presented also in the conscious mind, but here these believes are mostly from your higher spiritual mission, or connected with past lives. They form your values, and self-image of the soul (not of the ego). 

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue reading the next layers of the Sub-conscious mind in part II ...

Nina Lea-Nour ❂

Angel`s medium 

© March 2021

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Full Moon in Libra ♎︎ Affirmation, Questions to Self


Last Full moon we had sign of Virgo and Hermit. This moon is reflecting the energy of card VIII. Justice –representing sign of Libra.

Affirmation: [say this affirmation in a ritual of each day, 9 days after Full moon]

I am powerful creator of my destiny; I make choices from my heart, and I accept the consequences. I observe things with clear mind and open heart. My mind is clear and I know what is right for me. I have strong values. I discern between right and wrong. I always see the situation from all sides and measure positive and negative. I m in balance.”  


This full moon is perfect time for:

-        going inward, evaluation of the past, meditation;

-        cutting of negative cords energy practice, letting go, forgiveness meditation

-        Healing and energizing of Heart and throat chakra

-        Gratitude meditation with pink light (and arch. Chamuel)

Questions to ask yourself for inner work during full Moon:

What can I bring to my current relationship?

How do I really feel about my current relationship? /or friendship?

Do I feel loved, appreciated and accepted for who I am in my relationship?

What are my specific fears about my relationship /friendship?

What did I accomplish or change to improve my relationship?

After short meditation take time to ponder on these questions and write down the sincere and honest answers in your journal.

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

Full Moon in Libra -Portal of Pink blossom [28]


Energy of this Full moon is light and filled with spirit of tranquillity, wisdom and connections of heart. In this time we are focused on our heart centre, throat center, and the way we express our truth to the world.

   Libra is sign of peace, harmony and balanced communication with others. But also sign of analysing, understanding, acceptance, tolerance and giving love. They are example of peace makers and good diplomats. But in order to achieve that peaceful state of balance, we first need to give love to ourselves. We need to achieve the peaceful mind within. Be still, be grateful for all, enjoy the small moments of life. When Libra are in harmony, they know how to be present in the moment, how to feel joy and serenity, without to think much about past or future. Because that can cause amount of stress.

The full moon portal is pulling energy of healing fears of subconscious mind, emotions and different aspects of self, that no longer serve our highest good. So each full moon element and sign reflects what kind of fears we need to remove. 

     On spiritual level Full moon in Air sign Libra is cleansing and healing of ethereal body and heart. It indicates healing, releasing, cleansing of subconscious fears and patterns of mind, related to fear of judgement, fear of exams, fear of public speech; fear to trust others, fear of being misunderstood; fear of cheating/ betrayal; fear of dishonesty and backstabbing; fear of commitment; fear of speaking the truth; of social rejection; Fear of being not accepted, and not appreciated; fear of being left alone, fear of change in relationships or feeling.


Full moon care in Air sign – ethereal cords and attachments with others, cleansing, releasing; breathing exercises, mantras, meditations, walk outside. Meditate with sphere of Pink light and arch. Chamuel. Focus on Heart and Throat chakra. 

As Air signs we need to activate and heal our connections with others; For Libra is quite important to have healthy and loving relationships. To be loved and appreciated for who they are.

Spiritual tools: work with pastel pink and white colours and crystals rose quartz, pink opal, white opal, smoky quartz; Libra loves truth, clarity and justice, try to find areas of your life that you lack these qualities?

You can meditate and call upon arch. Chamuel to heal your heart from any past wounds, for forgiveness and letting go.

Qualities you need to acquire or observe within you: Purity, clear connections, honesty, compassion, self-love.

Use rose quartz as ultimate healer for releasing any fears from connecting with others; for forgiveness and calm mind.

Air element and signs have active and analytical mind, that can be restless and lead to tiredness, or being overwhelmed. Calm your mind with meditations and good sleep; also be sure to make things that you really enjoy.

Libra Court card: Queen of Swords: 

This Queen has strong intuitive power, the sword is tool for cutting away the past and all that no longer serve us; releasing ties with people and situations. She holds the keys to wisdom, knowledge, inner transformation and change, defending truth and justice in all aspects. Queen of Swords (air) is independant, free spirit and loves to create connections with many people around. She is the Priestess of knowledge and always pursuing to understand more, open to new ideas, with strong creative imagination. She needs to be in balance of mind, and to take fair decisions by looking to the bigger picture from above. Her positive qualities are self-love, empathy, honesty, imagination. 

   Date [28]  : Numerology [10] – this Full moon gives sense of completion, closing a major cycle in life. X. indicates Tarot arcana The Wheel of Fortune – which I call Wheel of Karma. All things are aligned and return to their right place. Some people will have more good karma and new doors will be open for them. Expect changes and turns in unexpected direction.

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

Tuesday Tarot, energy & Light activation - [23]


9 of Cups and 3 of Pentacles

      These cards show that you need to focus on your gratitude and appreciate all things that you have. See all what you have accomplished, and see and admit your progress, how you have change for the better? Now is time for you to rest, feel grateful and enjoy little things in life. You are independent and have freedom that you needed long. Maybe you are in need of a soul mate, intimacy or a partner. Observe your emotions and yearnings. What do you really need now? Cups are energy of feminine Water element – it reveals our feelings, love, joy, expectations and what we can receive and give in relationship. 9 of cups shows you have sweet moments with the person you love. Also material and financial support.

3 Pentacles – is card of work, progress, patience and partnership. All things are done better in team work. Be sure to understand what others are doing and put your efforts as part from the bigger project. You are on the way of mastering your skills, need to put more efforts, persistency and be flexible. All qualities for the team work are here, be sure to ask for help when you need it. Don’t hide your efforts and devotion, but rather show it.

In spiritual aspect it can indicate opening to new perspective and clear seeing or planning for the future. Stay focused and present in the now. 

Beginning of seeds planted before, start of new project. That time you need to put more time and energy. 

"Work your Light Oracle" by Rebecca Campbell 


 "Lemuria or Mu is one of the earth`s lost lands, where Heaven really was a place on earth. A time before we were kicked out of the garden of Eden. In Lemuria, life worked in harmony, all beings were seen as equal and we were deeply reverent to mother Earth. 

Perhaps you too believe that Heaven really can be a place on Earth. Perhaps you are part of the transition team who at soul level are devoted to creating this kind of harmony on the planet now. Thank you for wanting to do this work. 

It`s easy to get overwhelmed by the state of affairs on the planet right now, but you are being encouraged to keep holding the clear vision of the future. It`s closer than your think. 

You may be guided to hold the frequency of Lemuria in your own community, family, workplace or within yourself. Know that it`s possible and while at times it may feel like you are alone, you truely are not. There are hundreds and thousands who hold the codes of this ancient lost land....

Keep doing what you are doing and remember: The only way to heal the world around us is to first heal ourselves. 

Close your eyes and say the affirmation: "I hold the codes of lemuria and believe that Heaven really can be a place on Earth." 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
Reiki master I

© Mar. 2021

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tarot Portion for Aries ♈ [March-April]

 Aries energy is very bold, with focus forward and what we need to accomplish. This is time to take exact actions with determination and willpower. Don’t over think ,just do all what is needed.

(You will have busy schedule also this month) 

Work, creativity, inspiration, projects, friends connection and family will be plenty in Aries season. This Tarot is specially for Aries Sun and Moon sign, and it can be valid for fire signs too. 

Tarot Portion Aries 

Death – Transition & Queen of wands ❧

     This combination indicates rising power, return back to your plans and organise all at home and work. It`s right time to take action, to be ambitious and show your confidence.

Transformation is coming into your life, as you are invited to release and let go of the old. That can be old grudges, negative energy, or even home de clutter. For some people it will indicate period of going through tunnel of grief, you need to let go of something or someone that is not for your highest good.

 You need to start with renewed power. Queen indicate feminine energy and fire element in the same time.

    Archangel Ariel is sending you message and spiritual gift of confidence, self-discipline, faith, feeling loved and appreciated, optimism; Be open to others and be compassionate. (Working on your solar plexus & Sacral chakra will benefit you). Follow your passions and connect with Fire element through Sun gazing, walking outside, candles rituals, or yellow, orange colour. Queen of wands has the magical power to manifest your desires. Take steps forward and don’t wait for exact circumstances to appear. Just do your best in your part. Connect with like-minded people to fulfil your goal. She indicates success in all your tasks.

Health and self-care: turn attention to your blood pressure, veins, heart and issues with blood. Do you balance your Fire energy? Do you take enough sleep, rest and time out?

Love, romance and partners Tarot ❦

IV. the Emperor & 8 of Wands

      That combination shows you have love and support from a strong male person. He can be a leader or have strong sexual energy. Be aware of situations that he show off his dominating nature and power, and bothers you with more possessiveness and jealousy. Even so he is the one that can always give you advice, help and even material support. He can be attractive and father like figure.

8 of Wands is fire, changes and multiple perspectives. Going on a journey or swift, unexpected changes are possible. You need to ride the wave in the moment and don’t think too much about which way to go. Trusting in universe I will give you best solutions. A situation with someone who loves will develop faster in direction that will be positive. It`s good if you set healthy boundaries and don’t be pessimistic or over analyzing qualities of your partner or potential lover.


Angel Message 35. golden Egg 

You are on the way of new beginning; continuing a path that you have left behind. Moving forward in project or new idea. Being independent and self-reliant. Can indicate birth of child.  Golden light activation. 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

Monday, March 22, 2021

Witches Oracle - Serpent - 22-03


Serpent –Power 

    Serpents are associated with myriad deities, including Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Nemesis. The ram-headed serpent is a symbol often seen in association with the Horned god. Their power is depicted in the myths of Quetzalcoatl (the plumed serpent of the Mayan), and Ouroboros (the serpent who encircles the earth).


When Serpent enters your life, you can be assured that creative energy is high. Like the phoenix rising out of the ashes, you have the ability to rise to any challenges at the moment. Serpent is associated with Kundalini, the energy of creation. You may have to shed a skin, having outgrown something in your life.

Serpent power gives you the gift of intimacy. Observe how you crave or avoid close contact with others, and whether your attitudes to your sexuality and creativity require integration. Let your power rise and express itself in all areas of your life, being as wise as the serpent with any directions to consider.

 [ reading from "The Witches Oracle" by Sally Morningstar ]

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

Ostara Goddess - Spring Equinox ritual


Ostara, or other spelling of her name Eostre, Eostra is Anglo Saxon goddess of Pagan tradition; her name can have several connotations and meanings; She comes with the awakening the light of the awaken Sun in Spring Equinox (20-22 March) which was major festival for all shamans and pagans. Her name is related with old German name of Eaostremonath (or April), when the earth becomes fertile and prepared for the warm Spring days.

    Her connection with the Greek Goddess Eos (Aurora) of the dawn is very clear. Ostara is linked with awakening, direction East fertility, new beginnings, her symbols are white hare, spring flowers and eggs.

      The spring goddess has amazing appearance as her name means “light of the rising sun”, her direction is East, and her colour is green and red. Ostara had festival with gathering clean spring water and cleansing the home and energy, young maidens were dressed in white, symbolising purity, renewal and rejuvenation. This is festival of beginning of warmth and birds of spring.

In this time it`s perfect for home cleansing, setting intention what you need to do and a fresh start to a project. Think how your life needs to be changed in a positive new direction.

Other symbols of Ostara are: white hare, rainbow, birds, daffodils, butterfly, full moon;

    In Ancient pagan traditions this is the time for colouring egg (which was adopted later by the Christian church in Easter). Each colour of egg symbolises different intention and gives blessing to certain area of life. For example colour red is for good health, fertility; green – growth and rejuvenation; yellow – joy, vitality; blue – peace, calm mind;


Personal Ritual  for Ostara ❥

You can make the following ritual, or adapt it to be your own (rituals are very personal creation of energy);

You need 6 white or green candles on the altar;

Bowl with water and sea salt;

Crystal wand or athame (by choice);

Spray with water and lavender, clarie sage oil;

    Now light up the candles in any appropriate time. Imagine yourself surrounded by light, and your aura expands. Take a few deep breaths and say “I call the goddess Ostara now to be with me for this ritual. I ask the goddess to bring me blessings of health, love, rejuvenation and creative energy in all aspects.”

 Visualize steraming green light coming from your Crown chakra and down all your body.

Then take one candle and start to from East: “I invoke the spirits of the East, spirits of Earth to encircle me with green light and blessing of health and rejuvenation, stability and grounding. Thank you.”

Move with the candle to the South and say: “I invoke spirits of the Fire, spirits of South to encircle me with red and yellow light; bring me blessing of passion, inspiration and motivation; Thank you, spirits of South.”

Move with the candle to the West: I invoke the spirits of Water, spirits of West, encircle me with blue light  and bring me blessings of peace, love and purity. Thank you spirits of West.”

Now repeat the words to the North direction: “I invoke the spirits of Air, spirits of North, encircle me with crystal white light, send me blessings of wisdom, knowledge and clarity. Thank you spirits of North.”

Now you can meditate for a while with this strong enhancing energy and blessings in your space. Then take your crystal and draw circles, spirals in each corner of the room, visualizing the negative energy being pulled inside these spirals. You can say affirmation or words like “I ask angels of cleansing and protection to remove, clear and cleanse all the negative energy from my space now, in all directions of time and space. Amen.”

The last step is to sprinkle the water and spray with lavender and clairy sage in each corner of the room.

Your ritual is finished and you can thank the Goddess Ostara, bring the flowers, and coloured eggs on the altar if you have.

Happy Spring!  

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

What are Energy cords and how they affect us? -III

 Continues from part II }

The best and most effective way to remove negative energy cords with other person is meditation for cords cutting.

    There are many meditations and the angel helping you to cut such dark cords, remove entities and others is arch. Michael. He is appointed to protect your aura with beautiful dark blue and purple light. If you call on archangel Michael and ask his help to cut the negative ties of energy between you and other person, he will be there to do that.  The best way to do is through meditation, when you are still for 15 min and visualize the process of cutting cords.    [link to meditation for cords cutting ...] 

That will require some time, devotion and focus energy in order your cords to be removed well.

    If you have strong energy ties (which are also negative), with other person, you need to concentrate only on that person. The most important people in your life, who can affect all your future and present relationships are your parents. Then your brothers, sisters, siblings.

     That’s why its very recommended, if you have any hard or negative relationship with your partner now, don’t start cutting cords meditation with him, but rather with your mother and father.

      First thing to do (which most people don’t know) is to make cutting of negative ties meditations for 3, 7 or 11 days with your mother and separately 3, 7 or 11 days with your father. This should be done regardless of your level of connection with them. Because the cords are very subtle energy in the ethereal plane, they come from sub-conscious mind. There could be something in your past, or when you were child, that you don’t remember now, but that actually affect big part of your life later.

    There are so many cases of abuse from parents or father to a child, which then has forgotten and gives blank memory, but there are still cords in the aura. These cords show that cleansing needs to be done on a deeper level. Even if you think you have forgiven these abuses, it can be harder in reality.

    Later these cords create a mental “net” or habit in the person, who can choose future partners with abusive or destructive behaviour. (for example aggressive, offensive language, drinking or other addictions). That’s because the soul didn’t get rid of that past trauma and she repeats it in order to create new opportunity for cleansing! If you let go of this trauma from childhood on deeper energy level, then the cords will be removed and all things will be much different in your reality.

    Another good practice to make after cords cutting is meditation for Forgiveness and letting go. This is wonderful meditation as feeling of forgiveness really heals your soul.  I`ll write that meditation with arch. Chamuel, angel of shining pink light. 

    So before you make any cords cutting meditation, you should start to remove ties with your mother, father, siblings. Then make a gratitude ritual, give them gifts –which are symbolic. After that you can start practice of energy cords cutting with your partner, spouse, past lover, friends.  

* Note: if one of your parents, sister or brother have passed away, still you need to make ritual for cords cutting. Because that will help also the soul of the deceased. Let go of all negative feelings, anger, anxiety, sadness, and focus to rely message of love to this person. Forgive him from heart, then cut negative cords with him, as he is going to the divine Light.

Cords cutting practice is very important also with people who went through divorce or separation –specially if they have children. Don’t forget to take time for ritual and 7 days meditation.

* Personal experience: When I made meditation of cutting negative cords with my father, I felt in energy level much lighter, and there was very light feeling inside me, as if my heart was soaring high. That feeling made me to understand the importance of the cord cutting, releasing and letting go. 

art by Yishu Wang

Nina Lea-nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

What are Energy cords and how they affect us? -II

 Continues from part I :

Ones the negative cords are created, they stay with us all the time, regardless if your relationship with the person or if you are in good terms. 

-        too many negative ties with other people will create strong dark spider –web which is very destructive. It can block your entire energy.

-        All people have energy cords without exception, so they need to maintain energy hygiene and to remove the dark cords in times.

-        The strongest cords are with your parents, grandparents and siblings as they are developed through long period of time

-        One of the most deep and wide cords are created from past/ present relationships, that brought us negative feelings.

-        People who has too many sexual partners in different times have large spider web of dark cords that they need to cleanse gradually.

-        People who are overly possessive or jealous about someone create also strong ties with this person, draining both their own energy and the other persons. They can have blocked Sacral and Solar plexus chakra.

    Some people are totally unaware and un awaken to spiritual energy, they can have very big spider web of cords, which stay with them and can create very negative situations, illnesses in their physical body.

art by Nicoletta Cecoli 

How to prevent from creating dark energy cords?

There is no complete prevention, but if you practice energy hygiene and cleanse your aura and space, the chances to have cords are very little. I`ll explain some easy methods how to clean your energy, also you can read the article about aura cleansing for more details.

1.     The most important thing to do is daily meditation. The length of this meditation can be from 15 to 60 min, depending on your time and choice. Spiritual teachers and healers need to use daily meditation for not less than 30 min.

2.     Space cleansing – that can be done with hexagon crystals, as you draw circles, spirals or pentagram in circle in the air in each corner of the room. You can add a mantra to remove any negative energy which exist in your home. You can make cleansing also with smudging, Paulo Santo, sage, with Tibetan bowls, chimes, bells or other sound. Sound of flute is also very good. Another way is sprinkle of salty water in the corners of the room. (note that any energy cleansing is done best after cleaning the physical space, house).

3.     You can prevent your energy from being attached to cords by making energy protection. That happens through simple visualization (or affirmation) of violet, dark blue or golden sphere of light, extending around your body and aura. That process works best if you already worked on your chakras within.

4.     Energy healing and Reiki. That prevents your whole body as removes all cords, or entities from your aura, for period of at least 1 month.

5.     Things that can help you to some degree to prevent from energy cords are: good care of physical body, exercises, yoga, breathing; walking in nature; drinking spring water, yoga.

6.     Movement of energy is required. Something that people still don’t understand is – when you are sick you shouldn’t be still and stagnant. You should try to make movement, exercises little, and go out as much as possible. Because the stagnant energy increases the illness in your body and develops it to higher degree. Thats why fresh air is important too. 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
© Mar. 2021

What are Energy cords and how they affect us? -I

 In this article i`ll present my understanding about energy cords, and answer basic questions about how they are created. 

      As we all know the body of human consist of energy, which expands in different areas inside (chakras and meridians) and outside (aura).

      Human body as energy has much more complex structure, it looks vivid and flexible than what we imagine and much bigger than the physical body.

Sadly (or not) we cant see this energy with our physical eyes. But it is there. Each person has unique energy, which refers and holds special codes and aura from past lives, special form, colour, even sound and texture. For that reason we need to study more about aura [ref. about what is aura here…] and about chakra system. 

   For someone to have pure and cleansed energy, he needs to maintain energy hygiene. That hygiene has multiple levels, but it`s mostly related to energy work, meditations, practices and exercises. 

      Similarly to the physical body that needs to be clean , we take daily shower, we brush our teeth, face and hair, in the same way we need to acknowledge and nurture our energy body. For that one of the most important things are meditation, aura cleansing, space cleansing and physical exercises. Energy is in constant movement, changes and it`s very flexible. If we feel stuck, or very tired in daily life, it shows we have certain blockages in our energy.

What are energy cords and attachments?

    Energy cords (or ties) are different size thin cords in ethereal level, looking much like tentacles, or spider webs. These cords have grey, brown or even blackish colour. They come from different parts of your body and connect you with the etheric body of another person. What we need to know about these energy cords is: they are in most cases negative, and they drain your energy leaving you feeling too tired, overwhelmed, stressed or with blocked chakras and meridians. Some cords are special and they have specific function and have positive role. I wont observe them here. 

   How these cords are created and why?

   Energy cords are created between you and certain important people in your life, in order to exchange energy and connect in higher level. That means you don’t have such cords with everyone. The person needs to be in contact with you for a long time, or be emotionally connected with you –through heart or mind in a special way. In some cases this can be karmic relationship. 

    Energy exchange between people is always important and it`s happening in our daily life, even if we don’t realize it. You can have energy cords and attachments with people in positive or negative way. For example when a child is born, he/she always have energy cords with his mother and father in first place. Then the child will create energy cords with his brothers and sister. Later in life he develops different connections and relationships. The more significant the relationship or friendship between two people is, the deeper are the energy cords from both sides.

      That means you create such invisible subtle cords with your parents, with your close relatives, siblings, with your close friends; with your partner, with each person you had sexual connection (even virtual one). That shows a very complex picture of how many cords we have.

       Be mindful – each of these close relationships can take away from your energy and become negative tie. These cords are positive as we have healthy relationships with others and we feel happy. But they can become very destructive if some negative feelings surface and overcome our relationship. Such feelings as strong anger, hatred, fear from someone; too much worry about someone, jealousy, envy, can make a very dark energy cords between you and the other person. That means if you went through situations of sadness, depression, anger, conflicts, or other feelings, you definitely need to cleanse these cords from your energy.

[ continue to part II to understand how you can cleanse your energy cords ...] 

art by Yishu Wang

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
Reiki master I
© Mar. 2021