Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Magic Square, Angels & Spiritual tools for March [8]


March is month with very determined, bold and sharp energy. There is much activation in this time of the year, as March is the month of Spring Equinox -21-23, bringing awakening of the Heart.

     I feel the energy of March is multicolour, blend of light violet, sea green and mystical blue. This month activates our Earth star chakra and energy of grounding, starting new projects, or continuing with the old project that were left behind. All things unfinished now is the time to get ready and be active in this energy.

As it brings strong activation, this can be felt a bit overwhelming, or restless. But with the right focus, flexibility and steadiness, you can accomplish all plans. Use the willpower that was activated in February with Aquarian energy.

Magic Square and numerology of March ❧













The energy of the year is presented as number [5] – from 2021, it is energy of Karmic lessons learned, healing, learning new skills, knowledge, education. Also very good energy for all people who are spiritual teachers and healers.

Other important numbers:

[8] is number of March – [3 + 5 from the year number] – archangel Jeremiel and violet light will support you in this time of transition and transformation. Many new things are ahead of you.

Number energy is in the middle of the square, as it indicates the focus and what we need be mindful. [8] is related to Higher consciousness, Karmic cleansing and healing of the past. Release and remove all things that no longer serve you. But also be mindful about your desires and goals now. Your time is precious. [8] brings element Water- waterfall, unstable, changeable, fluid, nurturing, soft, intuitive. These are some qualities you need to adapt for your soul mission.

[8] represents in the physical body eyes, brain and head; in spiritual body it is reflected by Third eye chakra, the psychic mystical knowledge and clairvoyance. The soul needs to be aligned with her karma, past lives and missions in order to go forward with confidence. Now is very good time for cleansing the negative ties with people from your past, also for healing inner child. Make journaling and meditation, so you can stay grounded in the present.

     This intuitive water number is perfectly connected with zodiac Pisces, deep, dreamy and watery energy; they possess also idealism and duality.

     The Major Tarot Arcana of this month is VIII. The Justice (according to the oldest Tarot versions 8 is not the Strength.)

We see the Justice (representing Egyptian goddess Maat) with her sword in the right hand and scales in left hand. Sword signifies determination, mindful choices and truth, purity of mind and clarity. Sword as with arch. Michael is a spiritual tool to cut all cords, negative attachments from your aura in all levels. That sword is being true to your own values and seeing the situation from above, not in the moment. All people have Karmic experiences here, Justice is card of Karma cleansing too. You are now in the new and higher phase of your life, when it requires much more to be stable and see the truth. The scales are symbol of choices, duality, justice and decisions that are fair for all sides. Make choices with your mind, in state of calmness.

    In march the portal of Full moon (Mirror and self reflection), falls on 28. in sign of Libra (The Justice card).

The New moon Portal is in sign of watery Pisces (time perfect for meditation and beginning in higher spiritual level). All water sign signify the need to journey inward, reflect on yourself and your life, meditate, and cleanse your energy body.

Number of personal power you can calculate by adding the number of year [5] to the number of month [8] to the number of date of birth (for me is 22 which is 2); This number is individual and shows personal spiritual stamp and qualities that will be given to you if you are working on your mission. My personal number for march is 6 – which is universal love, harmony, healing the heart, working with inner child and angels of love and joy – in the pink celestial ray.

Spiritual tools for March ❧:

     This month working with the angels of Violet flame and arch. Jeremiel and Raziel will enhance your Third eye power, intuition, mindfulness and all psychic senses. The focus is on knowing the truth, revelations from high realms (for some people understanding of self and their individual spiritual path). This is mystical number, related to dreams, clarity and knowing. You can use colours in your clothes or accessories (like hair band, hair pins, bracelet or broche) with indigo blue, violet and milky white colour. Write a journal about your dreams, daily impressions and how do you feel in this time. You can also journal about your feelings about past life or make meditation to connect with past lives. Make a ritual with 6 violet candles and arch. Jeremiel and Raziel; make crystal grid with lazurite, lapis lazuli, selenite, blue agate, clear quartz. These crystals will help you in your ascension, Third eye opening and awareness about the world. Perfect essential oils for your home rituals are lavender, frankincense, clary sage. The sacred geometry for march is Eight pointed star (the Star of Ishtar, Innana). Use sacred water in your cleansing ritual.

Energy of grounding

This is number [4] in the Magic square for the month – it reveals your potential (and for all humans), protection, positive qualities and powers that helps you in this time. This number is sum of the triangle” (numbers 8 +4 + 1 = 13 =4). The energy that helps you is that of releasing and letting go of old wounds and people from the past. Also people who have passed away, or someone who you still have energy cords with. As the number 13. reflects the card XIII. Death from major Tarot arcanas. This is also the card of your positive change, power and strength.

Energy of Awakening/ ascension (Personal) 1 [19]

This is energy of the upper triangle, which looks like hour glass and its upper part. Number 1 is number of angelic spheres, protection and cleansing of all physical and spiritual body. It reflects energy of [5+ 8 +6] = 19. This energy includes obviously personal number [for me 6] that means process of awakening and ascension is unique and different for each person! 19 reflects in tarot the arcana XIX. The Sun – love, joy of life, illumination, success and power. It has meaning that in this time I`ll receive important guidance and awaken to higher spiritual levels.

The whole month of March brings many energy vortexes and alignment with higher dimensions, helping you boost your mindfulness, self-love and purity of mind and heart. That is not an easy process, and requires self-discipline and daily steps in one direction.

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium
Reiki healer 
© Mar. 2021 
Copyrighted material

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