Sunday, March 21, 2021

What are Energy cords and how they affect us? -I

 In this article i`ll present my understanding about energy cords, and answer basic questions about how they are created. 

      As we all know the body of human consist of energy, which expands in different areas inside (chakras and meridians) and outside (aura).

      Human body as energy has much more complex structure, it looks vivid and flexible than what we imagine and much bigger than the physical body.

Sadly (or not) we cant see this energy with our physical eyes. But it is there. Each person has unique energy, which refers and holds special codes and aura from past lives, special form, colour, even sound and texture. For that reason we need to study more about aura [ref. about what is aura here…] and about chakra system. 

   For someone to have pure and cleansed energy, he needs to maintain energy hygiene. That hygiene has multiple levels, but it`s mostly related to energy work, meditations, practices and exercises. 

      Similarly to the physical body that needs to be clean , we take daily shower, we brush our teeth, face and hair, in the same way we need to acknowledge and nurture our energy body. For that one of the most important things are meditation, aura cleansing, space cleansing and physical exercises. Energy is in constant movement, changes and it`s very flexible. If we feel stuck, or very tired in daily life, it shows we have certain blockages in our energy.

What are energy cords and attachments?

    Energy cords (or ties) are different size thin cords in ethereal level, looking much like tentacles, or spider webs. These cords have grey, brown or even blackish colour. They come from different parts of your body and connect you with the etheric body of another person. What we need to know about these energy cords is: they are in most cases negative, and they drain your energy leaving you feeling too tired, overwhelmed, stressed or with blocked chakras and meridians. Some cords are special and they have specific function and have positive role. I wont observe them here. 

   How these cords are created and why?

   Energy cords are created between you and certain important people in your life, in order to exchange energy and connect in higher level. That means you don’t have such cords with everyone. The person needs to be in contact with you for a long time, or be emotionally connected with you –through heart or mind in a special way. In some cases this can be karmic relationship. 

    Energy exchange between people is always important and it`s happening in our daily life, even if we don’t realize it. You can have energy cords and attachments with people in positive or negative way. For example when a child is born, he/she always have energy cords with his mother and father in first place. Then the child will create energy cords with his brothers and sister. Later in life he develops different connections and relationships. The more significant the relationship or friendship between two people is, the deeper are the energy cords from both sides.

      That means you create such invisible subtle cords with your parents, with your close relatives, siblings, with your close friends; with your partner, with each person you had sexual connection (even virtual one). That shows a very complex picture of how many cords we have.

       Be mindful – each of these close relationships can take away from your energy and become negative tie. These cords are positive as we have healthy relationships with others and we feel happy. But they can become very destructive if some negative feelings surface and overcome our relationship. Such feelings as strong anger, hatred, fear from someone; too much worry about someone, jealousy, envy, can make a very dark energy cords between you and the other person. That means if you went through situations of sadness, depression, anger, conflicts, or other feelings, you definitely need to cleanse these cords from your energy.

[ continue to part II to understand how you can cleanse your energy cords ...] 

art by Yishu Wang

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
Reiki master I
© Mar. 2021

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