Sunday, March 14, 2021

New moon in Pisces Ritual -in 5 steps

 [ note: each ritual is individual activation of energy, so you can change it according to your taste ]

 Step 1:   Prepare the sacred space for the ritual and take time to cleanse it. That can be done by Tibetan Bowl sound, bells, chimes, kalimba, or other spiritual instrument; or a drum. Play soothing music, and cleanse the room in the four corners with incense, Paulo santo, Lavender oil spray, frankincense or a candle flame.

Light up 6 white or violet candles on the altar.

      Step 2: Breath deeply and draw the chi energy into your aura, Heart and third eye. Then say “I …(your spiritual name ,ex. The Priestess of the Moon) call upon my guardian angels, angels of Astral, master Kuan Yin, A.Angel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Zadkiel, Haniel, Chamuel, to be with me now and surround me with spheres of white angelic light. I ask them to cleanse and purify my aura, all my chakras in all directions of time-space. I ask them to place a protective shield of blue light around my aura.”

Step 3:  Now take a hexagon crystal wand (or any crystal you choose, preferably clear quartz, selenit, celstite, aquamarine) Draw a spiral with this crystal in the air in front. Then say “I ask the angels to cleanse and remove all negative energy from my aura and space, all dark entities, creatures of shadows or negative vibes from me; and let it be taken away and dissolved into this light spiral.”. breath deeply through this process and visualize all dark energy going through the spiral. Then imagine the spiral is closed and returned to angelic space. 

Step 4 :  Write down 3 – 5 qualities that you need to activate in yourself in the coming moon cycle. For example you can lack persistency, determination, ambition, or calmness, peace of mind. Think about what qualities you need to activate?

Now on a piece of paper in the form of circle, make your spiritual stamp in the middle circle. Write on the edges the date and sign of the new moon. Now you can write up to 3 intentions/ goals you have for the coming month. Remember to focus on short term goals. That can be also for healing, finding love, joy, or suitable work.

Note: Remember do not ask for an object or money directly, as they may not be given to you in this way. Every one receives things that he actually needs; or according to his karma. If you need more money, ask rather for the wisdom and ways to work and have them. If you need more spiritual tools they ll be given to you always.

When you finish the ritual place the circle paper in a box, or under large crystal. Then your intentions start to be activated.

Step 5 : Close the ritual by playing Tibetan bowl, bells, and thank all the angels and archangels.

After this ritual you can do New moon meditation for 10 min.

Thank you! 

Nina Lea-Nour *

Angel`s medium 
Reiki healer 
© Mar. 2021

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