Monday, January 31, 2022

New Moon in Aquarius - vision of your True Self 🌙


We are now entering the Doorway of Sun and Moon alignment in sign of Aquarius – that portal opens many blessings and awakening of magic of your true Self. Moon is the powerful Portal of initiation of mystical Divine feminine energy, revealing our hidden emotions, our light and dark aspects too. When the Sun and the Moon are aligned in one sign it occurs new Moon, which is like the seed planted to grow in time. 

When we have Aquarius New moon, we are invited to work and activate the Air element in our body. This powerful element is awakening of the Higher consciousness, mind and intellectual power. You need to take charge of your thoughts, intentions and actions, to take responsibility and really visualize the future you want to create.

This future is now as we are already living in it. So, be aligned with your thoughts, connect every moment with what your intention is.

Now is the time to be productive, to be more creative and go forward on your quest. In the physical body air is in the blood cells, but specially we need to pay attention to our breathing, throat, nose, ears, Thyroid and lungs. These organs are essential not only to our life, but to the purity of the environment and nature. From the pollution of air, waters and our environment come so many allergies, skin and lungs problems.

Be mindful what you drink, and try to incorporate little deep breathing practices daily, like qi gong, yoga, pranayama.

Another important aspect of Aquarius new moon, is trying to see your future Self, become your future version of Self.

Vision, strong intuition and creative energy are now available to you. Aquarius New Moon portal also teaches us how to connect with others, how to meet your Soul family, be friendly and kind, be open, tolerant, feel and understand others, how to give and receive guidance, how to stand up for your true Self without fear. 

In this time you can ask these questions to your Higher Self (practice journaling) ★ ðŸŒ™

-        Am I honest and truth to myself? Do I speak the truth at all times? (if not, what holds me back?) ðŸŒ™

-        Do I share and feel closeness with my friends and soul mates? Do they feel close to me too? What I would like to change? ðŸŒ™

-        What is the new amazing idea or project I want to create? ðŸŒ™

-        What is in my past self that I want to release? ðŸŒ™

-     Am I making mindful choices and do I see clearly things before I take any decision? ðŸŒ™

When you write these simple but powerful questions, you will start to focus your mind and really clear the energy of your intentions.

The archangels you can work on this Moon portal are Gabriel and Zadkiel – the angels of true purpose, justice, vision and transformation. You can try to activate this energy by using the crystals of Soul awakening (Aquarius) like amethyst, purple fluorite, lepidolite. (Connect with your beautiful team of angels and spirit guides too!)

 On the New moon you can make short ritual for expansion of mind, clear vision and fulfilment of your Soul purpose.

You can also include music in this ritual – like wind chimes, kalimba and koshi bells.

Choose a quiet place and time and light up 3 (or 6) violet candles in the direction North. You can add also amethyst stones, clear quartz or white jade. Take few deep breaths, and connect with your Third eye chakra. This is the power of your Pineal gland, but also washes away any stagnant energy in your brain. This will help you to rejuvenate your mind, to let go of any fears, worries and anxiety in your life, to be free and connect with your Power.

🔮 If you want to know more about Ajna chakra, read here.

You can say the affirmation: “I`m connected with my Higher truth and Higher life path. My mind is clear and focused and free from any worries. I see and sense all the invisible around me, I feel the oneness of all."

Sending you light and blessings!

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

How Karma is related to Free Will?


In the previous article I wrote about Karma- basic concepts, but there is much more to it, so its impossible this topic to be simplified. Here I`ll observe what is Free will?

Along with Law of Karma, we have the law of Free Will – which is also Universal law existing for all humans in 3D and higher planes. This law means that every soul has the ability and the imprinted birth right to make CHOICE, to use his own free will, and no once can impose her to not use this right. Karma exists and Free will exist, thy are both part of the program in the 3D reality as we know it. Karma has 2 basic aspects:

-        1. Aspect of pre-planned program or what we call “Soul Contract” for this life time.

-        2. Aspect of cause-effect – or what choices you make, or what I call mirror aspect of Karma

For my perception both are fractals of the big Karma.

The law of free Will is not only not controversial here, but it is intertwined with the law of Karma. If we see the life as a game, in which we are players, that’s how we can make choices and go through levels in different speed, using different tools, and being fast or slow (depending on your personal traits and character). 

As any game, there are rules. Also, similar to any computer game, there are programmed levels, obstacles and challenges. The avatar should fight in many areas, in order to go to higher levels, which also can lead to his death (in the game).

Free will is related to our right to make choices when we are on certain crossroads, and to make decisions and changes (which will affect our efficiency in the matrix). How this is related to karma?

Imagine you are in a game and you have 3 different paths to choose. You can choose any path, according to the law of Free will, but you cant choose all paths together. (that’s important limitation in 3D). However, no matter which path you choose the outcome is already “planned” for this path (or it is programmed). That means, no matter what you choose, you still will experience something that was “planned” for you soul. The difference is which aspect of it you choose

For example, you are musician, who also loves writing and who works as a book seller. Now imagine you are on a major crossroad in life (which happens in certain times), and you need to decide which of the paths to take: to develop your talent in music and accept invitation to play in big orchestra, 2. to accept invitation from a Publishing house and start writing a book; 3. to reject all of these versions and continue selling books and have quiet life.

All of these versions are made by using your free will, in order to reach to spiritual growth for your soul for this life. Usually souls have between 3 and 6 major choices for a time. (Note: the lower level souls sometimes have “zero choice” or 2 choices, so they don’t have opportunity to grow so much. The same is valid for souls that start a Karmic cycle). You also may think that you can accept all choices – in the same time to be musician, and write a book and in the same time to be a book seller. But no, there is no such case. You cant make simultaneous choices to go on all 3 paths in the same time. As this is law of Free will – and choices. But you can actually make these different choices in different timelines (different growth). That means – a person can become a musician and start devoting himself to spiritual gift of music. After certain time in his life he can become ill, or just decide that he no longer needs this career, and turn to book writing, and selling books. That means he makes different choices, and it will mean he contributes to his spiritual evolution.

If the person makes the choice to not be musician, to not write a book (there are many reasons), and just be a book keeper, that’s totally Ok for the Soul too. He will be given different Karma lessons in this case. But if so, he rejects to use his “spiritual gifts” and he will receive again these gifts in his next life.

                 image: art by J.  R. Oliver 

So, all the choices we make – no matter how big or small, are helping us in evolving to higher version of Self, or challenge us to become better in the game. And all the choices have already pre-planned scenario in the game, which is an outcome. All of the outcomes are totally beneficial for the Souls spiritual evolution.

In this sense, we don’t have bad Karma – we have events that we perceive as good and bad, but in fact its all Karmic lesson.

Another abstract example: Imagine you have 3 ways to go, you are in the forest – if you choose the right way, it will lead you to the big city, where you will experience some painful events, abuse, control, and you will be working in a slave environment, have hard sexual relationship and more.

If you choose the middle way, you will go to a beautiful house in the forest, where you will meet your soul mate, you will fall in love and give birth to a child.

If you choose the left way, you will go to the big mountain river and lake, you will enjoy some quiet time living in solitude, you will make daily meditation, and finally you will fall from the high rocks by chance and die early.

As you can see, all of these versions are pre planned scenarios. In life matrix of course they are much more complicated, and not so simple as described. But the soul have the choice here and now, this choice will be not the same in the future. So, we choose just 1 thing in such major transitions. Exactly this choice (free will) creates the Vortex of Karma to be activated in the direction we choose to go. Here is the question –how we make the choice as we are not aware of where this path leads you?

(you can think about it) 😊

In the next article I`ll write about what are Karmic gifts and Karmic relationships?

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium
© all rights reserved

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What is Karma? (Karma pattern in 3D)


In this article I`ll write again about Karma –one topic that is very complex and controversial in all spiritual circles (and religions). Therefore, I need to make one special note here: this is information that I channelled from my angels and guides. Some aspects are the same as what I wrote in the past, some add more light on Karma. You are totally free to believe, understand or accept it, or not.


                      art by Richard J. Oliver 

I want to write series of short articles on Karma, starting with the basic question: What is Karma?

This question does not have simple or one sided answer. In broad perspective Karma is an active Universal Law, that helps the physical, and spiritual evolution of humanity in the dense physical levels. Karma exists on 3D level and will continue to exist until 7 D level. Here are some aspects of Karma, that most people don’t understand (or just have different perceptions on them).

I. Karma and Predestination  ★

Predestination here I use as pre-planned (programmed) reality, that you come to participate in. If we want to admit it (or not), our dense 3D reality has exact rules and resembles a computer game. (it is much more complex, and I want to add –It is NOT a virtual reality). We have this matrix of life, and every Soul has exact plan that she will mostly benefit to learn karmic lessons and to grow and expand. Of course as every game, there are levels. So, there are people who are in the lower spiritual levels, or just beginners, and people who are (spiritually) advanced. Now –the more past incarnations in the physical dimensions or other universes you had, the more spiritually advanced you will be. But the Karma still exist for you and everyone who is born in this physical plane.

There are certain points of attraction, which are in the Soul plan (or soul contract) before you were born, and which you can`t change no matter what. These points of attraction can be seen as Doorways, spirals or Vortexes that pull in strong energy. The soul is meant to go through these Vortexes and to experience certain things. In this aspect, Karma consists of all these doorways, spirals that are in the Game (ref. life), and that the soul can`t change. 

These are: date of birth, place of birth, city and country you are born, stars and Natal chart (planets configuration) on the date of birth; Date of death, passing to the other side, the country you are born, the stars and planets configuration. You parents and family you are born in are totally part of “Karma” aspect of the program; Your own children and the time of their birth are related to your Karma. The people who have major influence in your life are part of your Karma (imprints in your life for spiritual expansion). That means all people who you felt painful about, loved, cherished, have long term relationship with, soul mates, partners, people pulled strings in your soul…are mostly part of the Karmic plan for your Soul. (In some places this aspect of what I call "Karma" is actually Soul contact)


In the next article I`ll write how Karma relates to the Free will? 

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Archangel Uriel - What do you need to know ★


Archangel Uriel is one of the powerful angels from the order of Fire and Transformation”, he works closely with arch. Michael, Nathaniel, Samael, Metatron –all of them use the Cosmic principle of Transformation of the Soul –and achieving higher dimensions. That’s why Uriel is so important at times when we go through transition (on physical, emotional or spiritual level).

Angels of Fire element have the qualities to cleanse and transmute all negative energy in the aura, as fire has highly cleansing qualities. They are often seen as warrior angels, carrying a sword with different light. All of the archangels of Celestial Fire have golden shimmer in their aura. Uriel is angel that has vibration 777 - of Divine Abundance. She works with Yellow-Gold flame angels for cleansing and releasing negative energy from aura, blood cells, blood vessels, and intestines. 

How you can recognize/ visualize Uriel?

Everyone has the ability to perceive the angels in his own unique way. Angels are PURE light, so they can take any form they desire, and your Higher consciousness attract the specific form of the angel, according to your believes. Angels are also genderless.

I see Uriel as a woman warrior angel, with very strong but yet gentle presence. She has yellow-golden aura, with purple shine on the outer sphere.

Uriel has warm yellow-amber aura with very magnetic properties. Her presence is felt immediately. I see her holding a scroll and a pentacle in a circle of golden light. She is angel of Knowledge, wisdom and transformation of the Soul. She will help you to learn Karmic lessons in this life and with any transition.

You can call upon Uriel to help you 

-        When you feel lost in life, and don’t know your life purpose

-        For cleansing your aura and Crown chakra

-        For having closer connection with all angels and your guardian angels

-        For understanding your true life mission on 3D plane

-        When you need more courage before big change.

-        When you need self-discipline and motivation before exam

-        When you need self-discipline on a spiritual path

-        When you want to start new work, carrier and to have clarity

-        When you want to receive knowledge about person or situation

-        If you are devoted to help people and to teach them

-        If you want more courage as spiritual teacher and how to clearly convey your message

-        For any business and project beginning

-        If you need to boost your confidence and self-esteem

-        When you need to cleanse and remove blockages from your Solar Plexus chakra

Uriel`s name: “God is My Light”

Crystals: citrine, Amber, golden topaz, yellow calcite

Attributes: Sun disc, scroll, fire flame, sword, pentacle in circle

Flowers: yellow and orange poppies, daffodils, marigold, yellow rose

Spiritual stamp of Uriel: Golden Pentagram in circle

Cleanses: Crown chakra, Solar Plexus

 ★ If you want to know more about Citrin read here!

She is one of the direction angels, related to North and element Earth (in esoteric Christianity and Kabbalah)

You can say the following invocation/ prayer:

I call upon arch. Uriel now with open Heart. Arch. Uriel please surround me with sphere of yellow-golden light, cleanse any negative thoughts and vibrations from my Mind and emotions. Please protect me with purple Celestial light and increase my confidence, positive energy and self-believe. Show me the next step in my life purpose.”

Thank you, Amen.”

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Saturday Faery message for You 💗


Every Saturday I tune into the energy of faeries and my personal guides and deliver this message for you!

This week the message is 💜

Be sure to follow your inner knowing and intuition. How many times did you refuse to listen to your inner voice? Intuition is a spiritual gift that we all have by birth. But most people still reject this gift or just don’t know how to use it. That’s why tune into the nature, trees, plants around you. Ask yourself, what do you want today? What do you feel today? Where do you want to go on this journey?

I`m using the cards “Universal Fork Oracle” by Anita Inverarity 🔮

Keyword: divination, converse, Energy, free will

Crystal: Labradorite

There is a certain knowing in not knowing. Let go of that need and life will be transformed. The wise woman consulting the Tarot cards is well versed in the ancient knowledge passed down through generations of seers and sorceresses. She will view your palm as a roadway to reason and dance with the fates on the end of a pendulum chain. She can also tell if you are ready to hear, that the real wisdom lies within and divination can only point out the work required to dissolve what we think we know. The cockatoo and cat both symbolize freedom from limiting beliefs. The cockatoo does this through compassionate delivery and mirroring, while the cat holds strong the power of its convictions, even in slumber. Carrying a piece of labradorite will help you protect your aura, and in particular the Third eye chakra when giving and receiving readings.

The way of the seeker, the divine seer and prophet is an important and magical passage for much of humanity. There is a freedom and transformation in the realization that all knowledge is available at any time. We do not require a key or a great belief system or a faith in others to unlock it. When that need becomes still we can explore and be curious about energy exchange and divination as a wonderful tool to converse openly with ourselves.”


[text from the Oracle booklet]

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Tarot and Oracle with Arch. Haniel - collective [20-31 Jan.] 🔮


The end of January is marked by multiple events that will provoke your resilience and inner strength. January we have energy of fire and air, which may provoke conflicts, anger or anxiety to some extend. But we are invited to step into our true power –as beings of light.

         [ Tarot de la Nuit" by Carolle Anne Eschenazi ] 

Tarot guidance – 7 of Wands + 4 of Swords  🔮

7 of Wands card indicate double fire energy. That means you need to be careful and aware of your high emotions, anger, resentment or being too reactive to the outside world. This will be provoking energy and you may experience some clashes with the reality – with other people, situations or even within yourself. You will be invited to come to place within you, where is your true light. To light up your passions, to be prepared for any negative influences from the outside. Number 7 indicates presence of arch. Uriel, who is here to support you in all things. Don’t give up, as you have the inner power. Being honest, open and standing in your power will be important in this time. Don’t let others –regardless of their status –influence your feeling of Safety or taking the power from you. Be present and guard your position. You may experience confrontation with different ideas of people, or judgement. Don’t let this in your energy.

4. Swords – rest, recuperation, transition

this is card of needed restoration and sleep, before returning back to balance. You need to let go of what things “should be”, or your strict schedule for the time. Need for recovery from tiredness, illness or overwhelm. 4 is energy of arch. Raphael and brings healing and element Earth. Grounding in the present moment will be beneficial for you. Meditation and self care practices are important.

Swords indicate releasing, letting go and cutting negative cords with people and situations that NO longer serve your path. With this card you need to go inward and release all your needs and fears of the surrounding. Rest your mind.

Oracle card [from "the Gateway of Light” Oracle by Kyle Gray]

Abundance, regeneration, success

The Great central Sun is shining brightly in your life and upon your world. This is a time to regenerate. Tiredness and old energy are being washed away. Old skins are peeled off to reveal a sacred and more aligned you. This is an exciting time. Central Sun energy is magnetic and all-powerful, opening you up to light and supporting you as you express your own light in this lifetime.

New ideas, opportunities and experiences come easily to you at this time. Like the sun kissing the perfectly ripe soil, the seeds you have planted are being encouraged to grow. Realize that in order to go beyond your horizon, it`s important for you to welcome energetic exchanges. When you help others, you let yourself be helped in return. When you invest energy in projects, you let energy be invested in yourself.

Message from Arch. Haniel  🦋

Gateway of Water:

Transition and changes in relationship; Be true to your values and desires; need of honest communication; purity of heart. Speak the truth. Justice comes to your relationship or marriage. Peaceful separation.

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium

Archangel Jeremiel -Message for Humanity


Dear children of Earth light

We are here to support you in your mission. In this time of ascension to higher dimension, please be aware that you already create the future for yourselves. Because you need to create where you want to live. In the same way that you create your home, decorate it and want to feel it safe, beautiful and clean, in this way you create the New earth. This Ascension is specially for all of you, who felt they have slow evolution, who were empathy and healers, but they didn’t succeed to work with their power, just because you don’t believe in yourself. Don’t believe in your higher Self. That you are loved and supported by the Angels and guides. Specially at this time on planet.


We are here to let you know – don’t dim your light. Don’t try to be “the usual person” to blend with masses. At this time there are no masses, there are emerging Unique souls like butterflies from the cocoon. There are many souls with special gifts and spiritual talents that will be born. There are many souls that will emerge from the cocoon of pain and embrace their freedom. Please know that you are not alone, that we know you and see where you are. We understand your pain. Angels are making at this time powerful protection grid of light around all Earth, so that no dark forces can disturb your Ascension. Be aware that Dark powers, on physical 3 D and higher levels are present. But now we are separating your reality –your soul, and your physical body from this Dark powers. So that they cant reach to you, they cant be able to harm your energy.

Don’t be afraid of these powers. You had already many life times here, and some of you are Starseeds, coming from other planets and times.

We are here to let you know –you are safe and protected by our energy. If you feel specially tired at this time, as if you don’t have energy, rest, sleep and meditate. These will be intense times on earth, as angles are going through a magnetic acceleration for the planet, so the Split in dimension to be possible. Just take your time, be quiet in yourself, be slow. Don’t rush because this will have negative impact on your system and body for a long time.

Now we need you to focus on cleansing your past lives Karma. Maybe you will have intense dreams, maybe you will be guided or have visions. Whatever you feel called, don’t doubt in it. It is part of the great plan for you. Now is the time to cleanse your Karma fully from your cells, energy, emotions and physical body. That’s why you may feel symptoms. That will be caused by magnetic acceleration, the new Crystaline grid around the planet and by your new birth in the higher dimension. You may feel ill, tired, have anxiety, or heating and cooling in your body, you may feel nausea and dizzyiness. That are also some of the symptoms of the acceleration. Imagine you are in elevator moving with speed of light upwаrd. That’s what you can feel. So at this time we ask you to stay grounded, calm and ready to see and feel all messages. Be open to receive all love and support from your angels and guides. Feel our love here for you and for the earth.


I`m arch. Jeremiel,

With love, sending you violet codes of light

nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium
psychic healer

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Full moon in Cancer - deep Soul Healing 🌕


The Full moon 🌕is very strong portal of healing, cleansing and releasing negative patterns of your mind, removing fears from your conscious and sub-conscious mind. It has power of deep emotional (and physical) healing.

Full moon practices  🌔

The best way to feel the energy of the Full moon in Cancer is with practices of meditation and self love, taking care of your body, emotions, paying attention to your sleep and rest. This is time to slow down and to listen to the wisdom of your spirit guides and your higher self.

♋With the water sing of Cancer we need to focus more on our sensitivity, intuition, self-care, psychic abilities. We need to pay attention to water element in our body: do you nourish your body well with water and Yin foods (vegetables)? 

You can try to make self-care rituals with water and sea salt, washing away any negative energy from your aura and chakras.

Aura cleansing Potion for the Full moon 

Here is potion for aura cleansing with sea salt and selenite crystal.

Place one glass or porcelain bowl with pure water, add 2 spoons of sea salt and mix well. Then place a selenite stone in thin a long glass and submerge it into the bigger bowl (so that the selenite is not touching the water). Now focus your attention and say the mantra: I ask my angels and guides, my aura to be cleansed from all negativity and dark energy.” Repeat this mantra 3 times. Now leave the water in the full moon light (even if you cant see the moon, it is ok). On the next day you can remove the stone and place water in a vaporiser, you can add any essential oil you need. You will feel immediate effect from this cleansing water as you spray around in your aura field. This is because water have powerful qualities for programming, similar to the crystal, but we still cant use them.

This crystal water is perfect for the Full moon in any water sign.

What we release in this Full Moon?  🌔

When the moon is in Cancer we release and let go of fears and negative patterns of old aspects of self, blockages of sub-conscious mind, suppressed feelings and emotions, childhood trauma, sad childhood memories. We heal and cleanse the aura and body with meditation, water and fasting during the Full moon day. It is time to acknowledge and understand our fears, especially fear of death, emotional blocks and physical illness.

Work on your Sacral chakra.

Angels of the full moon: Haniel

Channelled Angelic Symbols 🔮

Moon, Key, Blue butterfly

I saw these symbols for the full moon in meditation. Here is what they are: crescent moon – you start to awaken your deep potential and healing of the feminine energy. Don’t hurry, things need time to unfold and heal. Psychic abilities are open now. The key: you have the power to unlock the hidden pathway and hidden knowledge. Trust that you know the direction and you are guided by your inner wisdom.

Butterfly blue: You are about to emerge from the darkness (or suffer) and spread your wings. There is big transformation on spiritual level for you, meeting your soul mates and like minded people. You will receive support and love. You unlock/ understand the way to emerge in a new form, feel free of restrictions of mind.

nina Lea-Nour  © ★ Jan.2022
Angel`s medium 
psychic teacher 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance - Happy Birthday Aquarius! ♒


Happy Birthday Aquarius! 🎂  

As we go into the season of beautiful Aquarius, we have many things to think about. Aquarius is amazing Air sign, that teaches us how to practice qualities like: resilience, mindfulness, being analytical, having open perception about the world and others, tolerance, being innovative and inspired by new ideas, being in the flow of all existing.

With the energy of Air element in Aquarius we need to be focused on cosmic principles of Truth, justice and purity of mind. How much we live in truth of who we are? How much in our life we use social masks and afraid of judgement? Do we have clear and focused mind, that can quickly analyse and make priorities? All these are important questions to ask, if you are Aquarius or not in this time. As air sign, you may focus on social connections, meet with a friend you didn’t see for a long time, share, laugh, enjoy, support. Community, study, education or travel can be priorities at this time!

Angel of Aquarius: Zadkiel

Crystals: Amethyst, purple fluorite, chariot

Colours: violet

Healing flower: Orange blossom

This reading is 2 months guidance for people who have Sun and Moon in Aquarius (Moon is especially important for women).

Tarot cards  1. The Lovers, 2. The Fool 3. The Magician  🔮


With this amazing combination, you are on the verge of something totally new in life. It`s possible to be manifested as a new relationship, falling in love, or meeting your soul mate or twin flame for some.

The Fool – Inspiration, risk

This card represents that you are creating something new, or there is new beginning in your life, which brings you on the wave of inspiration, creativity and open heart. You don’t mind to risk a bit, when you are connected with your inner guidance. The fool is supported by the Universe, so this card shows that you don’t need to be afraid for what is coming for you. You will have sense of love, optimism and believe in your bright star, as you follow what you want. You may benefit to work on your Heart chakra, or use the crystal green aventurine for more inspiration and be open.

Card 1. The Lovers: To be loved, to fall in love  

This card indicates you can meet a potential romantic partner, or a soul mate who will be a good match to your ideas and will be connected more spiritually and emotionally. Some people need to understand important aspects of their relationships, so they may go through time of test. You may be acting possessively, or beings jealous about your partner, but that won`t give you benefits. You need to realize and understand what provokes your feelings and actions. Some self-analysis of situation and what you feel is important. Lovers can signify also that you need to make good harmony in your relationship, pay attention to the needs of your partner, and be compassionate. You want to be loved, but do you give enough love and support to people around you?

Card 3. The Magician:  to manifest your desires

This is one of the very positive and strong Major arcana, revealing your inner strength and ability to manifest what you desire. You need to put more focus and intention to your goal, but the things in next 2 months are going to unfold in very good way. You are in alignment with your personal power, and you need to be more confident and believe in your talents, regardless of outer circumstances. (or what others think about that). This period is marked by creativity and you will be inspired to go on a new journey and discover fields that were unknown to you. In order to make that you should focus on your priorities and leave all else behind.

All in all: very positive changes are waiting for you, a soul mate or a close friend, sharing, love, open heart and creative energy for Aquarius!


Oracle card ðŸ”®

Gently flow through the turbulence. Life has the ability to shape you. Bend, don’t break.

“Today when the storms of life come blowing, I`ll bend with them, but not break. I will be brave and let go of the shore with courage. I will not be caught up with the tings I cant change, but focus on what I can and flow. I will swim in the great sea of life and not be afraid because the winds of positive change are on my side”.

[ used: “Magical times empowerment cards” by Jody Bergsma ]

Angels revelation:

Owl: receiving inner wisdom, guidance from your Higher self, messages for your past life experience, Karmic cycle ending. Messages, news. Premonition.

nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium
Psychic healer

Friday, January 14, 2022

What is Energy & how does it work?


In this article I`ll explore what is energy and some nice ways to work with energy – related to spiritual and body perspective.

Energy is everywhere around us, if we think of it – we are surrounded by energy sources – nature, trees, animals, stones, crystals, flowers, fruits all that are sources of Earths energy; the Sun light is the immense energy for the planet, but also we are energized by the Moon, Venus, Mercury and all planets in the Sun system, regardless of how far they are. Moreover, all elements are independent energy sources: water (ocean, sea, rivers), air we breath, wind, fire.

 Human body consists of energy, as we have Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) flow of energy within our system. The main organs like heart and brain are huge centers of electro-magnetic impulses which we have our energy to move, create and be humans.

All oxygen, blood, water and bones are filled with energy – so they can exist in the 3D world.

On a higher ethereal and spiritual level, our feelings, thoughts, emotions, intentions are impulses that can become part of the energy. The way we connect with other people, feelings like love, compassion, forgiveness are also source of energy, that affects the balance of our Body-mind- Spirit.

Without understanding what energy is and how to work with it, we cant move forward, and specially we cant evolve into higher dimensions as humanity.

What we need to know?

Our body – on ethereal level, consists of energy centres –chakras –they are connected with the most significant organs and Glands in the body. For example the brain and eyes are related to Pineal gland and to Third eye chakra, the throat, nose, ears and lungs are related to Thyroid gland and are part of the Throat chakra, Heart and blood flow are part of the Thymus gland and Heart chakra.

We have chakras, and meridians in the body, we also have the outside energy blanket of protection – aura. (that was known and well used by all Ancient societies in China, Japan, Egypt, Persia, Syria). 

- We need to be aware that each chakra is like a beautiful sun/ star, within us. They consist of magnetic core- center with ethereal stamp (which of course is not visible), from energy impulses, light and colour vibration. 

Each chakra has certain frequency, that we need to balance with energy work. Each chakra also can expand and shrink – as it is like sphere of Ethereal light. We can balance our chakras by simple meditation, and I`ll observe each chakra separately to understand how. We have 3 D chakras related to our physical body (from Root to Crown chakra above your head), and we have non-physical chakras that are out of the physical body and they are in 5D and higher – like Earth star, Soul Star chakra, Gold star chakra. They are within Celestial light.

In order to balance and maintain healthy our chakras we need to make daily practices and first –to have the intention to do so.

Most people nowdays have dull, closed, imbalanced or blocked chakras, they cant provide the energy/ fuel for their body. So, after a while (it happens gradually) this energetic imbalance will appear as strong health imbalance in body: if your Third eye is blocked or without flow, your can have problems in sight, your brain can be over active or under active, you may have difficulty sleeping, insomnia, unhealthy believes and blocks in your mind, headaches and more.

Aura as energy field 

The aura field that we have is our sphere of protection and strength, keeping us safe from the external sources of negative energy (like toxic environment, people and entities). Aura is like our white cocoon, so we need to keep it healthy and clean. Aura can`t be clean by “itself”, so daily energy practice is essential for aura field.

 ★ Read more about what is aura here!

We can expand and shrink our aura and all of our chakras by focused intention and thought! But we cant cleanse and balance it just by intention. That’s why we need energy work.

The same way as you go to the gym and play sport daily if you want to have healthy body, in the same way you do energy work. We need to acknowledge, we cant have strong aura and energy just by intention. (in the same way we cant have muscles only by intending to go to gym). What we need to do is 1. to focus on what we need to achieve, what chakra we need to work and heal. 2. make daily meditations, slow exercises like yoga, chi gong, tai chi, and breathing techniques like pranayama are the essence of energy work.

There are many more kind of works, connecting with nature and crystals are also amazing to help you in the process. But only they cant heal and balance your energy.

 ★ You can read more information about chakras here

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium
psychic healer