Friday, January 7, 2022

Message from arch. Chamuel for the Ascension -07.01


Greeting children of Earth and Light,

We are so happy to be here and assist you as you go through the multiple layers to the 5D plane. We are happy to see all beautiful souls and straseeds awakening in this time on earth.

The Earth is now gradually integrating the new vibration of 5D reality and higher frequencies. You need to be aware that happens in multiple stages, not at once. Because you need to accept, to be open and willing, to give time for the new Cellular upgrade in your bodies (physical and energy). You are chosen to be here now, and you chose it by yourself also. The higher frequencies will need time to be anchored, as you are now (specially in these months January and February), receiving the light codes of higher Dimensions.

You need to be aware that is not an easy process, sometimes it can be painful as you are purging and releasing old energy from your soul and body. For many people it may feel very uncomfortable, painful, related to fear and resistance.

But you don’t need to resist this change, it is happening for your highest Good.

Be open to the downloads of the amazing healing light from the Source. All angels and galactic beings are supporting you now. You need to be prepared for this healing. You should release and get rid of all past wounds, all past expectations, all traumas, all attachments in the 3D world – to whatever it is. Because now you will live and thrive in a totally different upgraded system in your body.

Yes, you will still experience and live in the 3D reality, but you will know what is true and what is false. You will be aware of the fake agenda, fake people, masks and people with implants, as they exist.

The most important things now you need to be aware of are your Feelings and emotions: your fear, anxiety, depression. They need to be acknowledged so to serve their purpose.

Many souls are now starting to move and awaken. They will be even more later in 2022. But it may seem at times like moving against the flow. When you are totally open to heal your emotions, and soul, then your will be ready to let go of fear, which has imprints deeply in your system (energy).

(The Power and social order on Earth was designed to create fear, to implant fear in all structures. Why do you wonder?)

Only when you release fear completely you will be able to heal your physical body and mind. 

Be sure to take care of your physical shell –your body, as it is holder for your Soul. Get enough sleep, rest, meditate, be in nature, drink clean water, turn attention to your emotions, exercise, breath. All of these will give you amazing gifts in the future. Now is your time!


With love and pink light codes,

Archangel Chamuel 

channeled by 

© Nina Lea-Nour 🟊
 Angel`s medium 
Faeries guide 

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