Thursday, January 13, 2022

Citrine - Crystal of Solar Power 777


Crystals are very special beings, even static they can be accepted as a living beings, similar to the trees, plants and all nature. Crystals have the function of activators of Celestial light, they are conduit of Light from Ethereal and Celestial realms (angels and fairies) to the 3D human realms. 🔮

Each crystal or stone has a specific frequency and codes that resonate with the energy of a certain angel, archangel or elemental beings.

The translucent and semi-translucent crystals channel the energy of Angels and the higher dimensions. Therefore we have these beautiful crystals on earth.

Citrine is a crystal that has vibration 777  and resonates with Archangel Uriel and arch. Jophiel. This is frequency of the blood flow, blood cells, heart and veins, cleansing of all blood flow, balances the Yang energy in chakras and corrects the right, clockwise movement of all chakras.

2. On physical level this powerful yellow crystal has the power to cleanse the stomach, intestine and liver from toxic vibrations. (Note: this cleansing happens first on ethereal level). For detox of your liver, gut and stomach you can consume yellow fruits like lemon, yellow apple, guava, which also have vibration 777. 

3. On emotional level: Citrine gives you creative boost of energy, feeling of confidence, joy of life, removes the feeling of anxiety, sadness and depression. Also it gives you motivation and integrity, and connects with your inner child.

It connects with your digestive system and cleanses fears of: success, power and control, to stay in your authentic power.

This crystal has power to create great boundaries with others and expand your personal space and self-esteem, and to believe in yourself.

It removes away the blocks from fear of judgement or not being good enough.

4. on Metaphysical and spiritual level:

- connects with angels of the yellow flame – Uriel, Jophiel, Nathaniel

- opens your intuition and channel the Solar light, creates alignment with your inner light and the Sun (crystalline core).

- opens and balance the energy of your Solar Plexus chakra, help you to receive intuitive messages from your guides and trust them!

- it strengthen your inner knowing, and staying in your spiritual power

- it helps you at times when you need to move forward

5. How to cleanse Citrine?

The best way to cleanse is to place it in sunlight, outside or on a window. Depending on how often you use the crystal let it stay for 5- 12 hours.

Other ways to cleanse: with sea salt warm water, with sound of Tibetan bowl, with smudging.

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium 

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