Friday, January 14, 2022

What is Energy & how does it work?


In this article I`ll explore what is energy and some nice ways to work with energy – related to spiritual and body perspective.

Energy is everywhere around us, if we think of it – we are surrounded by energy sources – nature, trees, animals, stones, crystals, flowers, fruits all that are sources of Earths energy; the Sun light is the immense energy for the planet, but also we are energized by the Moon, Venus, Mercury and all planets in the Sun system, regardless of how far they are. Moreover, all elements are independent energy sources: water (ocean, sea, rivers), air we breath, wind, fire.

 Human body consists of energy, as we have Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) flow of energy within our system. The main organs like heart and brain are huge centers of electro-magnetic impulses which we have our energy to move, create and be humans.

All oxygen, blood, water and bones are filled with energy – so they can exist in the 3D world.

On a higher ethereal and spiritual level, our feelings, thoughts, emotions, intentions are impulses that can become part of the energy. The way we connect with other people, feelings like love, compassion, forgiveness are also source of energy, that affects the balance of our Body-mind- Spirit.

Without understanding what energy is and how to work with it, we cant move forward, and specially we cant evolve into higher dimensions as humanity.

What we need to know?

Our body – on ethereal level, consists of energy centres –chakras –they are connected with the most significant organs and Glands in the body. For example the brain and eyes are related to Pineal gland and to Third eye chakra, the throat, nose, ears and lungs are related to Thyroid gland and are part of the Throat chakra, Heart and blood flow are part of the Thymus gland and Heart chakra.

We have chakras, and meridians in the body, we also have the outside energy blanket of protection – aura. (that was known and well used by all Ancient societies in China, Japan, Egypt, Persia, Syria). 

- We need to be aware that each chakra is like a beautiful sun/ star, within us. They consist of magnetic core- center with ethereal stamp (which of course is not visible), from energy impulses, light and colour vibration. 

Each chakra has certain frequency, that we need to balance with energy work. Each chakra also can expand and shrink – as it is like sphere of Ethereal light. We can balance our chakras by simple meditation, and I`ll observe each chakra separately to understand how. We have 3 D chakras related to our physical body (from Root to Crown chakra above your head), and we have non-physical chakras that are out of the physical body and they are in 5D and higher – like Earth star, Soul Star chakra, Gold star chakra. They are within Celestial light.

In order to balance and maintain healthy our chakras we need to make daily practices and first –to have the intention to do so.

Most people nowdays have dull, closed, imbalanced or blocked chakras, they cant provide the energy/ fuel for their body. So, after a while (it happens gradually) this energetic imbalance will appear as strong health imbalance in body: if your Third eye is blocked or without flow, your can have problems in sight, your brain can be over active or under active, you may have difficulty sleeping, insomnia, unhealthy believes and blocks in your mind, headaches and more.

Aura as energy field 

The aura field that we have is our sphere of protection and strength, keeping us safe from the external sources of negative energy (like toxic environment, people and entities). Aura is like our white cocoon, so we need to keep it healthy and clean. Aura can`t be clean by “itself”, so daily energy practice is essential for aura field.

 ★ Read more about what is aura here!

We can expand and shrink our aura and all of our chakras by focused intention and thought! But we cant cleanse and balance it just by intention. That’s why we need energy work.

The same way as you go to the gym and play sport daily if you want to have healthy body, in the same way you do energy work. We need to acknowledge, we cant have strong aura and energy just by intention. (in the same way we cant have muscles only by intending to go to gym). What we need to do is 1. to focus on what we need to achieve, what chakra we need to work and heal. 2. make daily meditations, slow exercises like yoga, chi gong, tai chi, and breathing techniques like pranayama are the essence of energy work.

There are many more kind of works, connecting with nature and crystals are also amazing to help you in the process. But only they cant heal and balance your energy.

 ★ You can read more information about chakras here

Nina Lea-Nour © ★ Jan. 2022
Angel`s medium
psychic healer

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your three articles on the Sefirot: Keter, Chochma, and Bina. How can I found out more about Nature and the 7 Lower Sefirot?
