Friday, June 2, 2017

What is Aura? - I

      Part I ~
     I start writing on a very significant topic, discussed since long time. Surely anyone who drop by my article will have a general idea about what is aura field. At least some wide spread ideas on it.
Here I want to state, that aura is much more that we already know and more than what we imagine.

    I. what is aura? 
An energy field surrounding the physical body and containing records of information (memory) of the individual past life experiences, karmic lessons and missions. Auric field looks totally different with the different people. The more Soul is ascended spiritually and clean, the more aura looks whiter, more transparent and has bright colors.
Question: do you need to use your eyes in order to “see” (perceive) an aura? ~ no, you need only middle open Third eye chakra, in order to see the aura and colors of someone or your own. That means you don’t need to be a psychic, but in a certain higher level of spiritual development and practices. Everyone on the way of ascension and growth can see auras.
What you need to do is to be devoted to the process, to know you want to reach higher levels, to cleanse and activate your chakras.

II. So how does aura look like?
Aura has usually a shape of an egg and rarely more outspread like a sphere. It consists of light and colors, indicating the individual growth. All the colors, shades and light, reveal much about persons emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical condition. If the person is spiritually developed and practicing (meditation for ex.) his aura will look brighter, more shining, and the colors of energy will be smooth and even. If not, the aura appears more dull, with shades of dark grey, or with sharp lines and patterns (sharp lines look more like spikes, not like triangles).

    The egg shape field has several layers. They are more than what we can perceive. The inner layer, or the part closest to our physical body is full of white light and it has function of protection. This is our shield of the body. Exactly this 1 layer of the field can be “cracked”, damaged, injured by person attachment (addiction) to another bad entity, or negative energy field. This energy coming from another person, can suck from this first layer of pure energy. That’s what we call “energy vampires” –even if they are not aware of that. The more someone is ascended or spiritually awaken, the more he is at risk from attack of unfriendly energies. We have to say, that happens not in the final phase of spiritual growth, but before that, when person is sensitive to the energies, but still didn’t develop very good shielding and protection. Why this happens? Its simple – the sensitive person on a way of spiritual growth, has aura with intensive colors, brightness, love and purity. He radiates that pure light, even not visible for human eyes, and in this way he attracts people with usually very low energies. As no one wants to “drink” from unclean water, so the same is valid for the energies of people. The more clean energy you have, the more you should be aware of your protections against low vibrations and people who want to drain you. in reality, these people may even not want willingly to harm you, but they want to find an easy way to “raise” their own low vibrations. For some reason, they cant find a source to do that (God, angels, spiritual masters, higher self), so its easier for them to just be stick to you. Of course this will happen only if you are not well protected, and if you allow that. In many cases though, feelings like empathy, compassion and love, can open the source of purity and make other negative energies to stick to you. With developing and practice you`ll know how to make safety field (protection), and sense just the people who will have draining effect on you.

    Its recommended for the sensitive people (empaths) to make always protections, to wear amulet, make cleansing rituals, and to avoid more crowded places (which happens naturally). This is one of the biggest challenges for the empaths. Be aware, that some of them can feel exhausted even after spending time with “positive” energies of people (if they have huge working space), as they will feel different vibrations from all around. Empaths need more quite places and air to breath in solitude. 

* I hope you enjoyed reading my article, feel free to share it and add your comment below! thank you. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0510 -1- 
photo by nina nura ~ white roses at the sea side, Bulgaria

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