Thursday, June 22, 2017

Culture of easy swallowing society -II

- second part - 
II. Accumulation (fast profit)

    We can observe the aspect of accumulation in all aspects of life. They are connected with fast money, gaining profit, using all obligations, connections and things of environment as a profit. This so created “accumulation” of goods, resources, properties, is also quite psychological issue. It comes from the inability of mind to find and create happiness (as a deeper feeling of soul) and from the fake understanding of happiness itself. This culture understand “happiness” mostly as feeling of satisfaction from patterns of the reality, in which individual is put on. This satisfaction often takes shape of “accumulation of goods”, money and profit, acquiring material objects, properties. If we just stay on the line of this “satisfaction” from material world, the situation, in which spirit abide will become critical. Why? Because the human spirit (higher Mind, Self) has by nature implemented need for expansion. The soul of human also has the inner passion for ascension (of feeling to God), as all created things are going in “line” to the Divine essence of Self or God. In the culture of accumulation of material objects, the mind becomes very limited, pushed to the levels only of visible reality (or what we call “material world”). In this limitations still it has the need for “braking free”, for expansion, going out of all limits. Essential part of the human mind pattern is need, passion for development and creation. That’s how, if the mind stays in the limited condition of the “limited” fake material world, it will still keep the need of expansion endlessly. But now, (take care of that!) this expansion will be limited just in the material world of lower senses. That’s how the need for accumulation is awaken, and followed by lack of time (which rise from feeling of need to brake out of time limits); from that accumulation desire, is born Redundancy. The simple rule is activated and in motion like a cycle – the more you have (accumulate, acquire), the more you want, desire. This comes together with another amazing rule, which even could sound contradictory – the more you have (accumulate), the less you feel you have. This is actually feeling of Insatiable hunger for material goods, objects, which comes from the fake understanding of reality. Mostly, this feeling comes from the inability of the Mind to go out of its fake material limits, and roam in the spheres of Spirit (higher mind). That’s how the mind of humanity in this culture stays in low positions. The most important, valuable things are still connected with the physical survival (Root chakra aspects), safety, stability, money and goods. Accumulation in this case (and in word itself) will be opposite of “expansion”, as it lacks spiritual connotations. It is strictly linked with the visible material world, which is limited. So the cycle repeats. This accumulation and redundancy spreads in society as psychological pattern. It states aloud for everyone – if you are rich (have money, property…) you should acquire happiness. (Is it so?) The model repeats for all other spheres of life. This model of course put the stress on the first part “if”. Please take note –it does not ask simply –how to be happy? What to do to reach happiness? it assumes a priori, that the so called “happiness” is form of satisfaction from the physical world, and can not come from another way, than from accumulation of goods. So there is more to it: if you have many friends, you should feel happy. If you have much money, cars, objects, properties, you should be happy.

    Why is that so? The accumulation do very basic tricks of lower mind –which are easy to reach by humans. First, it gives you the main issue of filling the gap of “hunger for goods”, makes you feel safe and stable, makes you feel “survived”. Then it gives you the fake illusion, that you can achieve more and with that you will be more satisfied. But as the mind expands this process endlessly, so the need of satisfaction” in material world will be endless, and the single so loved “happiness” wont be achieved. So it will go on, and on…until the humans brake the cycle of material and fly away in the Spirit. Then things will be much different, as the happiness is only achieved this way.

   What we can say – the simple accumulation of goods, objects, money, properties, cant give you feeling of happiness, but only will stay as temporary satisfaction. The accumulation extends in the psychological patterns of society resulting in redundancy, greed and insatiable hunger for more. All of these reaches to temporary, transient, short satisfaction, and creates a fake reality, and fake values in human mind.

   The illusion comes from the simple assumption, that we can achieve happiness by being “free”, and freedom will come from drop of regulations by accumulating goods. If I have more money, I can buy flat, house, I can make renovation, can travel, can have better work, can have more friends, or better friends…All of these statements are well formed (on outside) as fake illusions.

III. Amplification of Visual perception

    This is one of the most important aspects of “easy-swallowing” society. This culture can not survive or develop without strong visual perception. Everything in the surrounding should be approved first not by lower mind, not by heart (emotions), but by seeing, sensation. Observation and perception with eyes has the strongest affect on human brain. Eyes are accepted as the senses of highest importance. We relay on them for all things that we cant “imagine”. All what is seen with eyes is labeled a priori as “real” and “existing”, and even “true”. All what cant be perceived with eyes is labeled as “not real”, and even “not existing, not truth”. That’s how the reality of eyes and seeing is the only reality for this level of culture. Seeing also has the ability to prove things without interference of Mind, which directly is in the root of many fake believes world wide. Eyes and seeing are in the root of highest good and highest evil. To such extend the culture become totally depending on “visual”, that it hardly can believe in anything which is in spheres of invisible matter and spirit. The argument that the thoughts, radio waves and energy of objects (aura) is not visible but “true” and existing, is Not enough. If majority of cultures worldwide believe and are totally sure about radio waves, this is only due to the fact of their proven scientifically mechanism of work. Societies accept this “fact” in the same simple, naïve way, as they would do most news shown on TV, describing situation worldwide. The visual perception creates the true models of value (aspects of beauty, success, love, relationships, achievements). Most of the values in this culture come from the seeing and influence by eyes. Seeing means much more than  “thinking”, because what we see doesn’t need to be approved. In this way it appears a gap, an empty place, which cant be filled with anything than “hunger”, dissatisfaction. This gap comes from the lack of any measures, meaning and deeper understanding of the objects we see. In other words – we like to answer the easy question “what”, “where”, than to dig into deeper questions “why”, “how”. For example – I see flowers and trees in nature, perceive their beauty, see the natural things, and by the act of “seeing” I answer the question “what” where. But I don’t go further than this, as I feel the information is enough for me, my senses are satisfied, I don’t go deeper in understanding of meaning and sense of these objects –flowers, trees. I don’t ask question “why” are they here? “how” I can use them? What is their essence and meaning for humans? By this so called visual satisfaction, I don’t need longer observation of flowers and trees. My mind is not the active side, my eyes and senses are. I feel the wind in the trees, smell the flowers, see the colors of flowers, they give me pleasure. This simple pleasure is wonderful and…it is enough for me. I stay in this pleasure of material reality, of my limited sensations. I stay by effect of vision, in this way I stop the way of motion of my mind to ask more questions. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
J -1- 

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