Tuesday, May 31, 2022

June Energy - Angels, Kabbalah, Vibration & Ascension message 🍃


June is month of amazing alignment, harmony and bliss. Many pieces of the puzzle (on individual and collective level) will come together to reveal the bigger picture. That can be revelation, uncovering the truth and deeper realization of your life`s purpose. The energy waves of June come in shining royal blue, golden and pink light – as the tri-folded flame of Ascended heart. 🌎

Angels of June will support you to be your best self - they are Arch. Michael and Arch. Chamuel with divine blue and pink light. They will help you to fill your cup, to be resilient, strong and confident in all that you do.

Cosmic Vibration for June 🌙

The cosmic vibration this month is 3 –number of Divine Abundance, flow and manifestation. This is number of Holy Trinity and arch. Micahel. The colour is royal blue and golden flame of protection, cleansing and strength. So this month energetic and psychic protection will be quite powerful. The Cosmic symbol is triangle of blue light within a golden circle. You can use this symbol through the month for protection and for removing all negative energies or entities from the space.

Another symbol at this time is blue diamond. Project this symbol in each of your chakras or in each corner of the room for protection.

[ for more information see the meditation with Sapphire blue light ...]

Chakras to work on: you can pay attention specially to your Heart, Throat and Third eye chakra. This month we will feel the wonderful unity of the Mind-Body-Soul (Or Psychic – etheric –Astral) body.

Kabbalah Tree of Life 🌳

In Tarot 3 refers to Major Arcana III. The Empress – mother of Nature, all planet and all living beings living in harmony. This card symbolizes the Earth, Gaia and our connection to it.

In Kabbalah 3 is associated with Binah (Understanding) the third Sefira on the Tree of life, represents the left brain, analyse and deduction, ability of rational thought. The spiritual quality of Binah is Joy. For people who love to work with spirit animals – the one for month is Red Fire Dragon.

Alchemical Element ⭐

The element of June is Celestial fire. In the beginning of the month it opens portal of Fire -Divine Abundance and manifestation. This fire is associated with God Osiris and colour ruby red and represents the rising sun. Fire is element of transformation, deep change, cleansing, rejuvenation, burning the old, release, lightness, freedom. It activates our Yang, masculine qualities of inner strength, resilience and being able to transform the reality. The Blue fire cleanses and removes all lower energies, emotions and entities from your aura. You need to invite this blue fire and feel deep cleansing in all levels.

In this month many souls have cleared already their Karmic debt, they are ready to start new life.

Another element that comes strongly is Air/ Ether (with the Sun in Gemini). Air is element of lightness, freedom, connections, relationships, knowledge, wisdom, travel and change. This is element of shape shifters –like the sign Gemini –people able to be light as a feather and floating on the wind. 

Colours to enhance your energy: all colours of the month –royal blue, golden, pink, and also yellow, orange will be great to improve your energy flow.

Crystals for June 💎

Crystals and stones that will help you to increase your power and manifest for your Highest good: red jasper, ruby, strawberry quartz, citrine, yellow aventurine, yellow calcite, amber. For some people who have pink aura will be wonderful to work with pink crystals –like rose quartz and kunzite.

Spiritual themes ★ 

-        tapping into your new Self power. Feeling within your power.

-        Discovering new fields of knowledge, expansion of mind

-        Connecting with your spirit family, expanding the light

Ascension message & symbol 

Symbol of ascension this month: Snowflake. It refers to cleansing, releasing and purification of your emotions and mind. Need for rest, recuperation, solitude; Letting go of something in the past. Ascension. Snow fairies and white flame angels are guiding you. Clear your mind from negative thoughts.

If you want to know more about New moon in Gemini -click here. 

✫ If you want to read Tarot for spiritual guidance for Gemini -Sun and Moon - click here

✫ to understand more about the properties of the Sapphire blue light click here

Nina Lea-Nour ✬
May- 2022 ©
Angels medium

Sunday, May 29, 2022

New Moon in Gemini -Doorway to Miracles (+Questions to Self) 🍒

This New moon in the sign of Gemini opens doorways of Magic, miracles and manifestation.  🌒

 This is the first New moon when we activate the alchemical element Air in the body. (after the Equinox) That means this is a special Cosmic portal, when we need to be aware of element Air in our life. The aspects of this element are revealed in transitions, travels, changes, discovery, expansion, need of freedom, study and knowledge, relationship –friendships.

  ♊Gemini are sign of duality and shape shifting. They can have many forms as their life is like multi faceted gem. So often people in this sign have multiple talents. Some of the more important things for Gemini are social connections, honesty and kindness. They are curious, flexible, open to change and deeply supporting for their friends and family.

At this New moon in Air sign it`s perfect time to create personal space and journal about some questions to your Higher Self  ✎

🌛      Do I feel I have accomplished my goals and desires?

    🌛  Do I have honest and open communication with my friends?

🌛      Do I hide/ suppress my emotions? If yes, why, in what situations?

🌛      Do I have healthy boundaries? Can I say No when I don’t need something?

🌛      Do I have balanced time between work –family and time for rest?

🌛      Is something in my life in extreme (or of balance)?

🌛      Do I trust people in my social environment or do I feel suspicious?

🌛      What in my romantic relationship makes me unhappy? Why?

🌛      Do I feel I`m on the right path, following my life mission?

🌛      What is my most desired next project?

🌛      Do I feel affected too much by the opinions of others?


Feel free to answer some or all of these questions in your diary, or create your own.

                                                    art by Hsiao Ron Cheng 

As alchemical element Air is related to lightness, wisdom, flexibility, communication, travelling, expansions and breath of life. You can feel more vulnerable in your relationships and communication, pay attention to your Throat chakra, lungs, respiratory system, ears, nose, sinus, throat, Thyroid.

You are now ready for your life changes and like a butterfly to open your wings and fly in a new direction.

You can say the mantra of Air at this time:

I am light like Air, I travel, change, expand.”

Every New moon we return to our deep inner core, we are shown also our deepest fears. So this is a great time for shadow work.

Gemini Tarot 🔮card is: VI. Lovers – being able to make the right choices in love and relationships, while keeping your values and principles.

At this time look at your personal astrology chart - in which house is Gemini sign? In this sphere you can have major shift and transition.

Oracle for the New Moon

Beyond Lemuria Oracle by Izzi Ivy

Look at how you choose to nourish your physical body and your ethics surrounding your food choices. Where possible fortifying, filling and nourishing alternatives. Your body and energy will thank you for it. This card also signifies strong animal energies. That could mean working more closely with an animal spirit guide or bringing an animal companion in your life. You may have a greater awareness of the wisdom of the animals and what their treats or messages mean to you.

  If you want to know more about Gemini Tarot for spiritual guidance cards - click here!

Nina Lea-Nour ✬
May- 2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Types of Crystalline light - Indigo blue (+Affirmation) 💎


Indigo Blue (Sapphire) Crystalline light 

Indigo blue light is transmitted with the presence of Arch. Jeremiel, and Michael, together with the violet light. This light is deeply cleansing, healing and rejuvenating your Third eye chakra (Pineal gland). It upgrades your Pineal gland to its maximum potential. It has qualities of deep psychic protection. Third eye is energy center that needs special protection, as many dark entities and creatures of lower astral can use its energy. This light creates a strong shield around your Third eye and removes, flushes away any negative entities, false believes from your brain cells.

Indigo blue Tanzanite light cleanses and calms your brain, brain cells, nervous system, eyes and all senses that you perceive the world.

This crystalline light is connected to your Psychic Body (first Spiritual body) in Blue light and it holds the Blue-print from your past incarnations.

Blue light will also open up your channel to receive information from your spirit guides, angels and higher Self. It can assist you in connecting your past lives, regression, in channelling information for your highest good, in shielding your Astral body.

This is one of the strongest lights for psychic protection.

If you have past life traumatic event, or in this life cycle, you can invite indigo blue light (with Arch. Jeremiel) to cleanse and heal this memory. That is a process (as most things in the energy world). All things need time to heal, the same as in the physical world. You can make pyramid activation meditation with Indigo blue light, that opens all your energy centres from your higher to lower chakras with blue light.

While your feel the shower you can say the following affirmation (repeating it 5 times):

With the divine help and light from my angels, arch. Jeremiel and arch. Michael, I now cleanse and release any negative memories and negative imprints from my brain cells, nervous system and the Subconscious mind. I let them go.”

The crystals you can use for cleansing with Indigo blue light are – all translucent blue crystals – tanzanite, sapphire, blue agate.

  For more information on Crystalline light click here. >

Nina Lea-nour ✬
May -2022 ©
Angels medium

Tarot for Spiritual Guidance for Gemini! Happy Birthday 🎂


This is Tarot reading with Arch. Haniel and Raguel for spiritual guidance for Gemini Sun and Moon sign –valid for the next 2 months. 

Gemini and Air element ♊

Gemini is sign of duality, shape-shifting and constant movement. When you are with Gemini you need to be always open to change, transition and expansion. It connects with the alchemical element Air /wind – which represents travel, lightness, communication, social connection, friendship, relationship, education, study, mindfulness, higher consciousness. Gemini is one very diverse sign with deep knowledge for all aspects of life. As for all Air signs their vulnerable place is Mind (+subconscious mind).

The beneficial colours for Gemini 💜 lemon yellow, light blue

Crystals for Gemini 💎 citrine, yellow calcite, heliodor, yellow aventurine

Archangels ♊ Gabriel, Raguel

Qualities  truthfulness, intellect, curiosity

Tarot card: 🔮 VI. The Lovers

Planet: Mercury

Chakra to work: Throat

 Tarot cards for Gemini! 🔮

We have Queen of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Wands

Queen of Pentacles  self-care, relationship, home, family, safety

Queens in Tarot represent the gentle, loving feminine energy. Flow of giving and receiving, taking care of others, accent on home, safety and family life. Now is the time for you to give nurturing and support to yourself or your family, children. You feel safe and protected in your environment. Archangel Chamuel is here to guide you for the right relationships and people. Pay attention to your home, what needs cleansing and what do you need to de-clutter?

Priority at this time will be also your physical body, health and wellbeing. You can put more effort to have healthy diet, to think about the food you eat or any substances that are not so good for you. Some of you may feel need to start morning exercises, yoga or any sport.

Page of Pentacles ☆New direction, study, new project, being open to change, innocence, friends

This card indicate that you are on a journey to discover new things, places in nature and travels. You feel need to connect with nature, and all nature elements. Going out in nature and breathing fresh air, eating healthy foods is now priority in your life. Maybe you are in need to make a short trip in the mountain, or just walk in the garden; For some Gemini this will be exciting new project, new opportunity for study or be inspired to create, write and explore.

Page of Earth is also showing your special connection to friends and appreciating the support and love of your friends. Nice moments of sharing and receiving gifts.

Queen of Wands  activation, passion, projects, self-care, intuition

Archangel Ariel is sending you message and spiritual gift of confidence, self-discipline, faith, feeling loved and appreciated, optimism; Be open to others and be compassionate. (Working on your solar plexus chakra will benefit you). Follow your passions and connect with Fire element through Sun gazing, walking outside, candles rituals. Queen of wands has the magical power to manifest your desires. Take steps forward and don’t wait for exact circumstances to appear. Just do your best in your part. Connect with like-minded people to fulfil your goal. She indicates success in all your tasks.

Health and self-care: turn attention to your blood pressure, veins, heart and issues with blood. Do you balance your Fire energy? Do you take enough sleep, rest and time out?

Card of challenge: 6 of Swords

You need to be careful about your environment, protect your energy from people and situations that have negative impact on you. There are people who may affect your energy, but only if you are vulnerable. This is time of transition and letting go of the old, past things in your life, past emotions and traumas. You are travelling to another side of the lake.

Bonus Oracle card: [from “Beyond Lemuria oracle” by Izzy Ivy]

Information from other realms, bridging the seen with the unseen, inspiration, seeding the new Earth

You are the pioneer of your life. The way forward may be in your dreams and visions. You might find it useful to do automatic writing or intuitive drawing to capture some of the more lucid information. Be creative and don’t take on options of others. It`s time to think and do things the whole other way.

> Tarot cards used: "Beautiful creatures Tarot" by J.R. Rivera and Jasmine Becket Griffith. 

nina Lea-nour ✬
May- 2022 ©
Angels medium 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Types of Crystalline Light - Turquoise light ⭐


In this article I`ll discuss what is crystalline light and what are the main types of crystalline light, know to humans at this time. 

Crystalline light is the special type of Celestial light, that is transmitted and activated from the cosmic ethereal core of the planet Earth, the Sun, the Moon and all planets from the Solar system. Crystalline light also exists in pure form within each energy centre (chakra) in human etheric body, but only if it is activated.

This light is in form of ethereal stamp in the center of each chakra. 

 for more information read the introduction to chakras: Root chakra -center of safety.  

Crystalline light creates alignment and has deeply healing, restoring properties for the whole human energy. 

That’s why it`s so important to have more knowledge about this type of light.

II. Types of crystalline light? ☆⋆

There are multiple different types of crystalline light, here I`ll just mention the basic ones. Each type of light is connected with specific frequency, colour, healing properties and assist us with exact part of our energy bodies.

This crystalline light brings to all cells and energy system deep cleansing, alignment and rejuvenation, that’s why it is important to consciously invite this light and work with it.

Turquoise Crystalline light 

Turquoise light is present in the crystalline core of Earth, Gaia. As a conscious being (similar to a crystal), Earth has energy structure with crystalline core of 7 layers. One of them is turquoise crystalline light. This light is transmitted also with the presence of Arch. Sandalphon, angel of crystals and vertical Plane, his wings have shining turquoise and white light.

This crystalline light has properties of cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the physical (ethereal) body, as it purges and releases all energy blocks and attachments. Turquoise light will cleanse, rejuvenate and upgrade your ethereal body, your cells, blood, bones, muscles, tendons, skeletal system, skin and teeth. It activates and connects with the Root chakra at the base of your spine, aligning it to the core of Earth. Turquoise light is wonderful to meditate and bathe in for rising Kundalini and for any type of healing.

It is perfect for crystal healing with crystals turquoise, amazonite, blue calcite, blue fluorite.

This light works also for cleansing and removing Ancestral Karma, traumatic past events and removing negative Ancestral imprints –as it is infused deeply in your bones. (For that you will need to dedicate time and practice).

On a emotional and spiritual level it brings to all body inner peace, serenity, relaxation and feeling of releasing of past. Turquoise light act as a refreshing shower for the brain and nervous system.

Its qualities are similar to the Aquamarine blue crystalline light.

 For more information and meditation with Turquoise light, click here>

Nina Lea-Nour  ✯
May -2022 ©
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Meditation-Activation for cleansing with Turquoise light (Arch. Sandalphon) ⭐


The Portal of Turquoise light opens on 5. May -2022 – this is portal of Archangel Sandalphon and turquoise light angels. This light is has immense qualities of cleansing energy, protection and infusing the aura with peace, love and serenity. 

We need to come to state of peace and serenity, but also to create our inner boundaries, regardless of outer world. These boundaries are not easy to be set in the low emotional state of fear, anxiety or depression. The streams of turquoise light (on 05.05 until 15.05) give you the opportunity to create your boundaries, while cleansing all of your aura, chakras and space. This is highly powerful stream of angelic Light that flows into Earth`s core now, and then to your Heart and lower chakras.

This meditation is designed to help you to receive the streams of Turquoise light from Universe and Central Sun and to infuse and upgrade your all energy system.

Sit or lie down in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breath deeply and slowly, inhale, counting to 5 and then exhale slowly. Repeat that breathing pattern 5 times. You are now relaxed and prepared for the meditation. 

Imagine yourself (Higher Self) in a beautiful mountain place. There is vast lake in front of your, surrounded by trees and flowers. See the waters of the lake is crystal clear. On the lake surface you see scattered lotus flowers, blossoming with radiant turquoise and white light. Each lotus radiate wonderful light and shimmer.

You feel deeply peaceful and relaxed. Breath the fresh mountain air while listening to the birds. Stay in this present moment here. This is your sacred place.

II. Part 💜

See sphere of turquoise light coming from above. This sphere is shining with beautiful colour and swirling. The sphere is sent by Arch. Sandalphon – the angel of divine connection, music and crystals. Sandalphon is here to make powerful protection for your aura and to cleanse all your chakras and body. See how the Turquoise sphere enters your aura and descends into your Heart. The sphere of light is growing, expanding and spinning faster. Now this sphere expands out from your body, encompassing all your aura. Feel how the turquoise light removes all negative energy and stagnant heavy emotions from your aura now. It also creates your personal boundaries, they are important to make you aware of WHO you are and what do you want, what is your spiritual mission here. Stay in this sphere for a while (…)

III. Part ★

Archangel Sandalphon now calls the turquoise light angels to surround you with healing energy. All angels make a healing circle around you, sending you light from the palms of their hands. Take time to feel the warming peace of this light.

Now You see how a turquoise sphere of light expands and opens a radiant white lotus flower in your Crown chakra. The lotus brings peace, harmony and removes all negative energy from your Crown, infusing it with deep inner peace and protection from outer influences. See the same turquoise sphere of light and white lotus flower opening in your Third eye, Throat, Heart chakra. The light brings deep peace, inner knowing, self-love and protection for all your chakras. Now let the Turquoise sphere descend to your Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root chakra, where it cleanses and removes all negative and stagnant energy. This light is able to remove and dissolve all blocks.

You see each chakra cleanse, flowing in perfect balance of Yin-Yang.

Now feel how all negative energy, fears, anxiety, insomnia slide away from your body into the ground. You have special connection with the Earth, so feel your Earth star chakra (below your feet), it is swirling with Turquoise light. Your energy roots of safety and protection are spread from this chakra down to the centre of the Earth. Down to the crystalline core of mother Earth. See these roots, how they take in crystal white light from the core and back to your body.

Know that at anytime you are protected, loved and safe.

Sit with this energy for a while. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes.

Nina Lea-Nour
May - 2022 ©
Angel`s medium

Monday, May 23, 2022

Tarot Journal - XI. Strength 🔮 (+ Gallery of Favorites)


Keywords🔑courage, power, confidence, resilience, flexibility, passion, compassion, forgiveness, sexuality, health, beauty, fears, boundaries 

 Tarot of Nicoletta Ceccoli 


 ★ yellow sky – optimism, success, light, truth, fulfilment, inspiration.

★ Lion: fears, doubt, worry, bravery, strength, resilience, courage

    Flowers: desire, attraction, beauty, spiritual growth, flourish

White: purity, innocence, compassion, Soul Star, eternity, emptiness, serenity 

Note: These are the symbols from the traditional Rider Waite deck.

Strength represents health, physical body, overcoming fears and problems from inside. Connection between your body and soul, taking care of your body, self-love.

Other aspects of this card in a love reading are compassion, passion, forgiveness, sexual attraction, or obsession. (with Cups and Wands)

 it represents stamina, persistence, going forward, encouragement, inspiration, defending someone, taking care of someone, resilience, flexibility.

★ Being proud of your achievements and who you are.

★    Overcoming limiting believes, setting boundaries  

      Taking back your power, being confident

    Being arrogant, not caring about others, narcissist

Spiritual reading: Don’t be afraid, you are supported by your angels and spirit guides. Go forward with confidence, release your fears.

Spiritual message: Shine your inner Light. You are beautiful.

Sign: Leo, Fire

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Sacral  💛

Crystals: Amber, Tigers eye, fire opal

Combinations: Leo cards: 5, 6, 7 of Wands

My favourite decks 

"Beautiful Creatures Tarot" by J. R. Rivera

Angel Tarot by Jayne Wallace

Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidi

"Faerie Tarot" by Nathalie Hertz 

Mystic Faery Tarot by Barbara Moor

"Hush Tarot" by J. Hush

"Crystal visions Tarot" by Jennifer Galasso

Traditional Rider Waite Tarot

Nina Lea-Nour 🦋
May - 2022  ©
Angel`s medium 
Crystal healer

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Meditation for Cleansing the Etheric body & Strong immune system (Arch. Haniel+ Arch. Gabriel)


This meditation is designed to cleanse your aura, energy body, to rejuvenate your cells, and to wash away any toxic energy from your Throat, Thyroid gland, lungs, sinuses, nose, ears. It washes away all stagnant energy and removes blockages from your etheric body, it infuses peace, serenity and angelic celestite blue light into your energy.  💜

In order to benefit from this meditation it is best to first feel grounded and calm, and restrain from food one hour before the meditation. 


Choose your meditation position in a quiet space - garden or home, you can either lie down or sitting. Keep your back straight and take a few deep breaths into your nose, holding the breath, then exhale out through your mouth. Continue this breathing pattern a few times.

Feel and see how with each breath you draw in pure white light from above into your body and all aura. This light expands through your body, each chakra and washes away any heavy energy, removes any blocks, raises your vibration.

You are now prepared to invite the angelic presence.

      Invitation of Angelic Light

We are now calm and in state of open Heart, as we invite angelic emerald green light to surround you in a sphere of healing. We invite Arch. Raphael with his healing wand to come into the space. See and feel the whole room and your aura bathed in this green light.

We invite the Archangel Michael to come into space and place a shielding blue light around your room, energy, body, mind. Feel this Divine protection light.

We invite now Arch. Gabriel to come into the space and infuse it with her pure white sphere of Light of tranquillity and washing away all negative energies from our emotions. Let all negative emotions be washed away.

We invite the angelic presence of Arch. Uriel to place sphere of golden Illumination light from the Higher realms. See this golden-purple sphere of light surrounding you and your space. It opens your Crown and brings healing for spiritual body.

We invite now Arch. Chamuel to step into the space and infuse our aura, energy and body with Divine love and profound peace. See the pink sphere of Light cleansing all the energy and infusing more Love, opening your Heart.

These are 5 powerful angels and Rays of light that prepare your space for deeper healing.


III.              Angelic Blue Lotus of light – Haniel and Gabriel 

Feel and see now archangel Gabriel white ray of light washing over all your aura and opening crystalline sphere above your head. This is pure white sphere in the space of your Soul Star chakra. See and feel archangel Haniel (angel of the Moon energy) being in your space and opening divine light blue lotus flower of Light above your Crown chakra. This lotus flower opens slowly and gracefully its amazing blue petals. Notice light blue crystalline light flowing down from the center of this lotus, down to your all body and chakras, into your Third eye, Throat, heart chakra. In each of your Higher chakras you see brilliant light blue ball of light that spins.

Archangel Haniel places now under your feet (of your Astral body), wonderful light blue lotus flower. This is the lotus that grounds you and protects your lower chakras. See as yourself sitting within this blue lotus, brilliant stream of pale blue light is radiating from the middle of the lotus, raising up from the lotus roots into your base chakra, into your Sacral chakra, into your Solar Plexus, and anchoring into your Heart.

You feel these amazing two streams of blue light infusing into your energy from your Soul Star above, and from the roots of the lotus below.

Archangel Gabriel sends rays of pure white energy into your Throat chakra. This is cleansing, rejuvenating, angelic light of the 3rd ray, that washes away any negative cords, attachments, removes blockages and entities from your Throat. See and feel the cleansing white light beings infused within your throat, your face, cheeks, eyes, your ears, nose, sinus, mouth, teeth, cleansing the throat and thyroid. Now see the white light infusing and cleansing throat and lungs, increasing the vibration and healing energy of all cells of the lungs. (breath deeply in this process).

Archangel Haniel sends to you now stream of pale blue light pouring into your face, eyes, cheeks and sinuses, ears and mouth, into your throat. This light brings rejuvenation and healing to your etheric body and cleanses the energy from any negative dust or past illness.

The celestite blue light pours into your throat, thyroid and lungs, intensifying the vibration of light in your cells and lungs.

See this celestite blue light, like aqua crystalline light flowing into all your body, neck, back, all of your bones, muscles, cells and tissues.

This light cleanses and heals all of your inner organs, feel it flowing into your lungs, heart, intestine, stomach, liver, bladder, gall bladder, kidneys, reproductive system. Feel how this light washes away any dark or stagnant energy from you.

The celestite blue light flows down your right arm, into your right hand and fingers, down to your left arm, into your left hand and fingers, then into your right leg, and left leg, into your right foot, left food and toes.

This is light that deeply cleanses and detoxifies your whole energy, cells and etheric body.

Stay in this healing, cleansing light for 5-10 min and feel its high quality.

                                                                 Grounding the Light in Pillar

Your whole aura and etheric body is cleansed and your own energy increased by 60%. The more you practice this meditation, the more healing light you will integrate in your body.

You can start integrating and grounding this angelic light into your physical reality, body and mind. See your heart connected with your Crown chakra in balanced flow. Connect with column of white Light from your Crown to the Source of Light (Central Sun) above, then connect your heart with your Root chakra and in the column of light to the Crystalline temple of Earth (Gaia) below. Breath in deeply to ground this energy into the earth.

Return slowly to your waking world with smile and open heart. 💜

Nina Lea-Nour
May- 2022 ©
Angels medium
Crystal healer