Sunday, May 22, 2022

7 Reasons why Meditation is So Important in Your Life ⭐


Here I`ll discuss what are the reasons meditation is one of the basic tools for personal growth, health and ascension + 7 different kind of meditations you can incorporate in your life.  

Meditation is practice that is the basis of your spiritual development. Moreover –practicing meditation can give you multiple benefits in your everyday life such as perfect health and connection with your Body-Mind-Soul.

What is meditation?

There can be many definitions on that, but I will say – meditation is a spiritual tool to create Time-space reality where you bring peace, love, serenity and focus to your Mind. Meditation also makes the ultimate ALIGNMENT between your Heart (Soul), Mind (Psychic), and Body (Karmic avatar). That’s why for anyone who wants to go forward on his spiritual development or just bring calmness to his mind, this is a crucial practice.

What is the purpose of Meditation? 

One of the most important purpose of meditation is to create empty space within your MIND and cleanse the conscious/ sub-conscious mind from clutter and negativity. Only when you reach the state of EMPTINESS, you will be able to receive more healing energy, joy and love in your life. As Mind-Body and Heart (Soul) are always in flow and connection, meditation will make them synchronise together with the Higher Self.

The laws that are valid for the outside world, are valid for the inside too.

⭐ Without making free space, declutter your room, you cannot bring positive and healing energy. Equally, without freeing space in your mind you can`t feel happy and fulfilled.

We need to be aware: without to make empty space in our lives we will feel easily exhausted, out of balance, and vulnerable to the outside negative influences.

7 reasons why meditation is important for your life


  1. it brings all energy system into balance, infusing more serenity, peace and ultimate joy. 
  2. it aligns all chakras and washes away any negative cords from them.
  3. it cleanses, recharges and infuses peace into all bodies –physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
  1. meditation focuses the mind and removes all negative energies from your nervous cells, organs and aura, it has healing effect on your body.
  2. Meditation has the ability to balance your hormones, cleanses the blood, and promotes happiness, joy and optimism. (It heals your emotional body).
  3. It brings back missing pieces of energy (de-fragmentation) and restores the energy balance, cleanses and strengthens your aura, raises your vibration level, make you aware of the outer reality.  
  4. With meditation you can connect to Higher spiritual realms, your Higher Self, your guardian Angels, Archangels, elementals, crystal spirits and other Cosmic light beings.
  5. Meditation also can release and remove all dark entities, cords, blocks and Fears from your body/ energy, washing away your body with angelic Light. 🧘‍♀️

After all that you can realize how important is meditation, so you can create inner peace, empty your mind and harmonize your environment. There are many more benefits from meditation as a spiritual tool, it can cleanse Past life Karma, Ancestral Karma and make you feel grounded in the present.

When you make meditation daily, you will expand your most powerful magnetic centers –Mind and Heart. That will give you amazing intuitive skills, developing psychic gifts and opening to the Universal flow of Abundance.

In the next article I`ll reveal 7 basic types of meditation that you can practice.

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Nina Lea-Nour © 
May -2022 ©
Angel`s medium
Crystal healer

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