Saturday, December 29, 2018

Soul Types and stereotypes -II

   But all of these elements are mixed and this amazing cocktail is visible in this life and shows the past life shades for the person.

      Imagine now a relationship, where the man is type Warrior (fire traveller), and the woman is Mystic traveller (nymph). In this case you are attracting each other on basis of opposites, not similarities. This is quite usual type of relationship. The partnership is manifesting because you probably have very little or lack of fire energy, expressed in domination, confidence, self-power, fearlessness, fighting, overcoming obstacles, transformations, embracing change). You miss most of these qualities and then you need to fill them through the fire element of another person. That’s how the one who is missing an element for his personal Growth, he will meet person with predominant the same element – in this case Fire. Mystic traveller – nymph is usually feminine energy, directed inwards, slow moving, it can have negative traits like uncertainty, hesitant, insecure, avoiding conflicts, closeness, loneliness, or being alone. That’s how they are opposites.

     The union or relationship between Warrior and mystic traveller will happen, not because one of them wants to be “complete” through another (even you can view it that way), but in order to find and develop and manifest the qualities of Fire (or water) in each other, and to study lessons how to deal with the same fire energy in yourself. In this case Warrior will be very attracted to Mystic traveller (nymph) in order to find the missing element in his soul.
      Usually such puzzled pieces made of opposites are very strong and have high sexual energy and attraction. Even so they are not quite stable in long-term. But they are very good for learning lessons on qualities and values. In this case if you are woman, you are attracted to person, who is open, honest, dominant, leader, likes taking actions, risks, and likes to travel. But he is missing water element (gentleness, nurturing, care, inner knowledge, compassion, empathy) You feel attracted to him on sub-conscious level, because:
1.   He reflects your own desire to travel and meet different cultures, going out of your shell.
2.   He reflects your fears to travel and be open to love, be vulnerable or hurt
3.   He will give you the lesson of finding the fire energy within you, that is missing (determination, strength, confidence).

Similarly you will give him the qualities he is missing. This is connection on complementarity.
        On the other side – you can have relationship based on similarity and common energy. This will be amplifying relationship, while the first will be more conflicting and more learning relationship. Everyone has both types, but also will depend on what is the best for the soul. Such connections can be very good in friendship, and in long term relationships, where partners are very close together. In them also you can find missing puzzled pieces within similarities. For example you have a friend, who is the same type as you -Mystic traveller. But she needs to work out and manifest more of her qualities, as she is unstable emotionally, quite slow, indecisive, unable to react in important situations, chaotic, not organized, lack of self-confidence…All these qualities she can find in you as you have enhanced them through spiritual work. That’s how you can teach her, with her willing, how to overcome some obstacles and how to manifest these qualities within her own type of Mystic traveller. So the puzzle of similarities in one relationship is also based on oppositions, dark and light, positive and negative. They need to be focused and worked out.
      Relationship in this case will be good, if both partners find and observe their darker side, understand it, accept it and ask the question “why”. Then they can start to work on enhancing their positive qualities and release fears. But also remember – everyone works for himself. You cant release negativity or darkness from your partners Soul! If he doesn’t allow help or if he is not open. So in journey of Similarities its also important to trust, release negative aspects, allow your lover to help you and heal you.

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue further to part III ...

nina Lea-nour *
angel`s medium 

Soul Types and stereotypes -I

There are different types of souls. 
Here I want to observe something very important, that is often misunderstood. About stereotypes and types of behaviour and thoughts in different people. Are stereotypes related to gender? Or are they related to personality? Both is true. There are some gender stereotypes for sure. But more commonly, that’s a wrong perception. Why? For example is it correct to say “ what kind of women men like? Or what to do if you want to attract a man? That’s very nice advices, but the problem is they concentrate only on one general stereotype of MEN. Not of all. Think about that – if you are woman, you are not the same as your girl friend, she doesn’t react in the same way as you in different situations. She likes different types of men. You too. In this way you are quite different. That’s how within the bigger gender categories male and female there are different types of individual souls. To understand that better, I ll observe here different types.

There are generally four different types, that can be mixed in different proportions.

1. Traveller of mind (or thinker) – Person of element air, wind, crossing limits, observing, moving, communication, expansion of mind, social, focus outward).
2. Mystic traveller (type water, person of depth, psychic, feelings, divine feminine, focus inward)
3. Warrior – traveller of fire – connects with fire, person of action, fast movement, wars, fighting battles, confidence, know what he wants, truth, defender, fearlessness, physical strength)
4. Forest traveller – earth traveller – connect with nature, trees, wisdom, roots, ancestors, link to past lives, stability, financial growth, abundance of material resource, grounding, family, focus inward and out).

That are the same personality types that I wrote about …elements (Nymphs, fairies, gnoms, salamanders). All correspond to special aspect of soul. And that soul aspect is preplanned in the Soul stamp. (in the same way as Astrological planetary aspects are part of the Soul plan). According to your life mission and what qualities you need to master and what you need to manifest, you will have certain element ruling. Of course people are mixture of more elements, but one is usually predominant.
That’s how we can observe now the gender stereotypes through the prism of these types of travellers.
Be aware that all elements have also darker side, we are made of different portions of all elements, of darker and light sides, but we have normally one or two dominant.
So the elements types can relate to general gender stereotypes. For example 1. The Thinker (wind traveller) and 3. Warrior -fire traveller can relate well to the expansive nature of masculine energy, while 2. Mystic traveller (water, nymph, mermaids) and 4. Forest traveller (earth, forest fairy) will relate well to divine feminine and women stereotype.

Thank you for tuning in! Please read further the part II ....

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Demonic incarnated Souls

I.             Demonic incarnated Souls and entities

   Only demonic soul and entities actually don’t have chakras. They have developed connection with the Earth orbit (earth star chakra), and they will also have developed senses of astral plane, as they will be connected with demonic entities. These creatures don’t have any sign of Crown chakra, nor Third eye chakra. Why they are incarnated here?

    They are here from the real demonic entities, to accomplish principle of duality, and to add tension to the earth plane. As there is no real “game” without tension. Even so they are not here by default. (means from beginning). How? Demonic human souls come from the very low level humans souls, who did not raise their frequency and not advanced. Moreover they fail in more traps of illusion and dark energies regardless of signs given to them. So when the human soul experience death of physical body she would choose the Demonic entity, and not the angelic being which they may even not perceive. That is due to strong attachment to the demonic energy from the same past life time.

     In such way the human soul quits her divine soul contract, and loses her status of eternity and source union. That means it become demonic entity, which is individual energy of dark planes, with limited life cycle. Demonic entities cant incarnate, they are living quite longer, but the soul dies with the entity. The only way the demonic entity to “survive” temporary and extend their life, is to incarnate as humans again. But they will be now not assigned from the divine Source, and wont have any abilities more of demonic entities. That means they will only have one life time, after its end, their Soul wont be united with the Source, but will be just like a physical body death. Their energy released, will go to fuel the energy of the demonic dark planes. 

    Sadly (or not) such entities exist and such human incarnated beings exist. They will be recognized by their mission of special darkness – creating mass murder, or creating atrocities against humanity, or making something which may seem to other people extremely cruel. All of that will be possible because of strong immanent attachment to demonic entities, which will be visible on the face of the individual. He can also be drawn to black magic, and rituals, including sacrifices…Such souls exist and they were on the top during dark times of human history (See some blood human sacrifices, and Mayan history, and other tribes). These rituals are directly linked with the demonic energies. They are not “allowed” from angelic realms, but created by human in lower state of consciousness.

     Example of such souls can be Alister Crouly and Rasputin. They usually have special hypnotizing eyes and abilities to influence the masses of lower level humans. They also can be very intellectual, with well developed left brain, but they wont have developed heart centre or compassion. They will be purely evil, as they will live to be so. Demonic souls don’t have any connection to the Divine source, or ethereal light, nor upper chakras. Nor any light in chakras.

They are closed for the spiritual expansion. So their purpose is to bring tension, and evil. and 2. To make diminishing of lower level humans.

    Higher level humans cant be affected from demonic souls. The same as they cant be affected from demons in astral plane, due to the double and triple protection. Even so advanced souls will know which places and people to avoid, what actions to avoid, what to listen and what to not listen.
The last thing I want to state – sadly what we as advanced souls observe in world stage is true. World leaders (many of the Elite) are either demonic incarnated souls, or very low level humans, who are on the way to choose being in demonic sphere. That’s why we continue to experience very hard times and world economy will collapse. So humanity is well heading to very dark ages again.
Final words: in order humanity to raise its frequency and go to the next evolutionary level, we need at least 30-33% from humans to be Advanced souls. (Higher levels souls). Which means the part of lower and middle level will be decreasing.

Thank you for tuning in! Blessing and stay on the way of angelic Light.

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

Creator Souls, Energy souls -III

Only higher level / advanced souls are eternal, always existing individual Souls. After they reach to the higher frequency possible for the earth plane, they will be given more energy from the Source, and will develop the Flower of life code (which is code of all Angels). Now they will be able to work with angelic beings and interact and study from them to become angelic students.

     The creator Souls -which are assigned on earth will be the only eternal individual souls, that have the ability to create other planes within this universe, and other matrixes. That can happen only after millions accomplished mission in various dimensions and levels. They carry amazing power, and will also be separately taught from masters and angels about matter of creation. That will be in very advanced stages, only after completing all cycles of incarnation successfully. Then they will acquire the status of Ascended master.
I have to observe now the aura and energy differences between all Souls. The Creator Souls will be distinguished as very Light souls, they will have also strong and immanent connection to the Higher Self (Source self), will have golden, pearl white, turquoise, or amethyst/ lavender colours in outer sphere of the aura field. They will signify special protection sphere, which is given from the birth right. Most of these souls are meant to have special psychic or mediumship abilities throughout many life times. They will be also guided by at least 2 or 3 spiritual guides, between them an angelic being.

They will be extra sensitive for all energies around, and could easily sense peoples emotions and thoughts. (these are also characteristics of all people in New earth). Creator souls have access to the Akashic records through their Astral mental Light (the ethereal grain within the Pineal gland ,Third eye). They could be also spiritual teachers or have religious lives more than other Souls. They have special award for their given mission here – Merkaba star which is source of High power – in the chakra called “Soul Star” above the Crown chakra – which is appr. 6 inches above the head.
With all other Souls these higher chakras look slightly different. Non creator advanced Souls (which are 12%) have the soul star chakra but no Merkaba. Even so they will have ability to create” one energy star by accomplishing many spiritual missions. They have their Soul star in about 5 inches above head.

     All other Souls from lower and medium levels will have Soul Star chakra too, but in about 4 inches above the head. That’s so, because the higher level the soul achieved, the bigger is the space of his Third eye and Crown chakra. Respectively the higher above will be the Soul Star chakra. Some people though wont have Soul Star chakra at all, as they will have closed, diffused, or blocked (smoky) Crown chakra. That is sign they are not connected (refusing to be) with the Higher Source, or higher Self. In such way they cant reach to their spirit Guides even if they want.
The lower level souls have predominantly down chakras and well developed Heart chakra, but they have closed or problematic (not flowing) upper chakras, closed or not developed Crown chakra. That’s as their level requires it, not because they are “evil”. They already don’t have assigned mission which requires special abilities. But they always have choice to expand and develop if they want. (it will cost them much more efforts, than for Higher Souls).

Thank you for tuning in!
Please read the next part here ....

nina Lea-nour *
angel`s medium 

Creator Souls, energy Souls, entities -II

Part II ....

Here is the difference – the Energy souls don’t have the option to be Creators and create other matrixes of existence or planes. Only creator souls (which are 8 % from humans) will be able to do that. The rough statistic about humanity and soul advancement now and in next 2000 years is:

-      Advanced souls (Creators) – 8%
-      Higher level Energy souls (non- creators) – 12% - which will increase
-      Middle level souls (with some awareness) – 20 %
-      Lower level souls (without higher awareness, blinded and easily manipulated) – 50-55%
-     Souls of incarnated demonic entities (which are without individual Soul, but can exist as humans) – 8-10% and going down.

     So from that chart you can see how many are the souls with Higher consciousness, that are expected to be spiritually expanded in next decades.
Incarnation process requires long time with various experiences on physical plane – thousands of years.

       The lower level souls, as well as medium level have also human consciousness of course, and here is something, I want to clarify: the developed brain or intelligence or memory itself is not equal to Higher consciousness. As it is equal to developed state of mind from human perspective. Higher consciousness is reached only with higher awareness, feeling and sentience within the Spiritual expansion. Not before that, and no other kind of intelligence can substitute the spiritual expansion. Nor it means that all lower and middle level souls are evil”, as one of the characteristic of Souls is having divine guidance. Which means they are by default” out of the Evil, but could fall in trap of mistakes and evil thoughts, due to illusion and unawareness.

That’s why if we can make this comparison, lower and middle level souls are just in lower grades of School of earth, while Higher levels are in higher grades in university. The medium and lower level souls are not meant to be Creator souls. However they have individuality and Collective Soul, which is exactly the case with animal world. Of course any human soul is in much higher frequency than the animal (except souls of demonic entities).
All these souls will be expected to be more advanced in next decades (until 2033 and until 3003 year). When series of special events will occur and determine the future of earth plane. It will be the start of the New earth.
All these Souls will have the choice – to experience other dimensions, planets and life scenarios in other galaxies of the universe, or to return back to the Source- mother. When they return, they become One and immerse themselves in the Light of the Source. That means in fact, they stop to exist in the way humans comprehend “existence of soul”. Even so they will continue to exist as a Collective Source, which can again separate different Sources and souls from himself. 

       This will happen to all souls of lower and medium levels (which are around 70% from all). That means the completion of their evolutionary cycle will end with re-union with the Source. Even so, they will experience much higher and planes and dimension of existence which can be viewed as “Heavenly planets” or lands from human perspective. However, if a soul cant reach to this level, and be advanced with the Collective consciousness frequencies, it will go back to the mother-Source earlier. In this way we have also appointed “time”, but it is created from the collective expansion rules. Not from above.
Other Souls, who are Higher levels but non-creator Soul, will be expanding faster and will be some of the leaders of the New earth. They will establish New earth as place with “new rules”. The entire old system will collapse, together with all failed parameters  - there wont be ruling of government, bank or monetary system will disappear; borders and countries will disappear. People will be much more technologically advanced but also with Higher consciousness, many things from the markets and trade world as it`s now will vanish. Humans will live in special Areas, and circles, which will be very well developed, kept with exact members and with sophisticated system.
People will live in collective communities, not in families, as it is now. Some individuals will be chosen for community – circle -area Leaders for term of 3 months. Almost all of them will have to be leaders. People will develop very strong sense of compassion and will live in peace and incorporate with nature in perfect way. They will use mostly plant-based diet, new kind of fruits and nuts will be discovered. The consumption of any kind of meat, fish or animal product will be considered crime. People will develop minimalistic life style, which means they will have only the things they need in order to fulfil their mission. They will work much less and be able to enjoy life much more, travel will be very easy activity. Gaz and benzine veikles – including airplanes will disappear and be substituted by other advanced machines, that are able to soar with high speed and no sound.

      So this is just a little part from the whole picture of New earth – in far future.
Higher level Souls will also have choice -to experience multiple other dimensions and alien planets within the Universe. Or to accomplish mission on the spiritual realm as becoming a Spirit guide for humans. After completing these “contracts” of the advanced soul, they will have chance to live in the Angelic planets, with some of the Archangels, or higher consciousness creators (devas, ascended masters), who they will assigned to. They will become part of their helpers. That will happen after millions years – or time that we already cant comprehend. As time is deviated and created for the purpose of this earth plane. The universe has different time.
That means the souls that remain lower vibrations will not have chance to be advanced, if they don’t speed up their development. From one side – they are eternal, but only as part of the Collective Source.

Thank you for tuning in!

nina Lea-nour *
angel`s medium 

Creator Souls, energy Souls, entities -I

For this article I ask for the help of my spirit guides and arch. Raziel, in order to reveal the information in the most clear way, to be understood and benefits anyone interested. Thank you!
I`ll observe the important topic of the Souls and soul differences. First I want to ask the questions and tune in to receive the answer from arch. Raziel.

1    1. Are all souls on the equal level from the beginning?

      All the Souls are created from the Original Source energy, and they have several sources. As these sources are all connected and came from the One Original source (what we may call god), but it is sentient entity/ always evolving energy. The Source originally don’t have beginning or end. He also don’t have function to expand. His function is to bring from itself and create” other Source entities, each of them will be separated and fractalized into more Mother sources…until it reach the Pure creator consciousness (or called True energetic Self). All these sources have unique characteristics, they have something like individuality. They are living, expanding in time-space, and constant in the same time. All the Sources have the ability to create and live in multi-dimensions and multiverses, in order to experience and explore various life patterns. All Sources have differences too. The Mother source of this universe (or multiverse) is Source Entity 1. This source gave energy and created all the True Self Sources. Here I ll call them Creator Souls. The True Selves are related to the fractalization to multiple Soul Groups, Soul family and finally the individual Soul. As that happens for one Mother-Source split to 3 other soul-groups, that are split again to 3 groups (9), each of them is split again to 3 groups (9), and then it reaches the individual Soul. This soul has the same sentience and the same matter as the Original Source. As it is part of it. The Sources are also related to Angelic energy. They have the function to evolve, expand and experience all possible spectrums of reality. Until they reach the final stage of highest dimension and frequency, and until they become creators from their Side.

     It`s something like the Individual souls are students and then graduate and should become teachers in some moment of evolution. That happens very slowly in all multiverses.

     These individual Souls have very special role on the planet here. Because they have the highest possible source of energy, they are meant to evolve much faster, and they have characteristics like Merkaba in the place of Soul star chakra. These Souls have golden, turquoise, pearl white shine in the aura, and their auras are much bigger. They also have the privilege to be specially protected on earth plane. They have very well developed Third eye and astral mental light, which means the Pineal gland on ethereal level. Through it they can connect with Akashic records and with their mother Source, with the whole universe, and with Higher Self.
Some people due to misunderstanding of whole paradigm called the Creator Souls “Source players” and other souls – soulless ones and entities. That’s simply not truth, according to the universal truth, but can be seen so from lower perspective, or explained in such way. There are no humans here, who are Soul less. Yes, there are entities, that I`ll discuss after, but each soul has its source, and Not computer simulation, as some people want to put out.

            What are Energy Souls? Are they less developed and what are the differences with Creator Souls?

      To be more clear – the Creator souls are much less in number than all other souls – they are 8% from the whole population. They are incarnating on material earth plane multiple and thousand times. But when they finish all reincarnation cycles they will not go back to the Mother Source. They are meant to be individual creators, so they are programmed from the beginning to create other universes, other planes (matrixes) and forms of life. So these Souls are the most advanced in the whole creation.

       Other souls also come from the Origin Source. But by “default” or from the beginning of their creation, they were separated with another mission, which is not to be individual creators. What is that mean? All souls by the rules of the Earth material plane should incarnate multiple times, until they reach certain level of spiritual expansion, consciousness and awareness. The souls are already not equal in level (spiritual level), since they are born. They are also not equal to themselves from point of past and future life Selves. That means one and the same soul will be very different before and after her expansion. All souls undergo significant changes, and that’s part of the reason why we are here. Wen need to experience and observe all these changes.

      After all souls complete certain higher level of spiritual expansion and evolution of Mind, they will reach to the moment where they wont need to incarnate. That will happen only with Collective evolution, or collective reach to higher level, and requires not majority of humans, but certain percent. Then the souls who already accomplished that “mission” will be able to return to their Source self. They have options to fulfil other missions in other dimensions of reality within other planets/ planes, different from earth.

Thank you for tuning in!
Please continue reading part II ....

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

What are Frequencies? -III

Now lets concentrate on what you can do to raise your vibration and level?
There are so many beautiful things to do, and the harmony with all around you is essential – people, nature, home, relationships.

-      Walk and spend time in the nature.
(perfect are higher mountains, hills, but also just going in park will make your energy much cleaner, breathing fresh air, and watching the trees and flowers is amazing for grounding and feeling of joy.)
-      Home cleanness and decluttering  - that is very important for your energy health, you have to intend cleaning in daily schedule, as well as cleaning the floor with sea salt water and natural ingredients. Clutter and staff that you don’t use, or piles of clothes are lowering vibration. As well as dust and messy room. Make light to come in your space, and air too.
-      Using natural and fluoride free toothpaste. Using natural cosmetic or oils, instead of cosmetic with chemicals.
-      Eating fresh (raw) fruits and vegetables. (that helps to elevate your health, mood and energy immediately). Drinking plenty of water is essential!

-      Staying on a camp near river or sea for few weeks. That has amazing affect on all body and aura. Realize that what makes your physical body happy, makes also your energy higher, and visa versa.
-     Regular meditation practice, listening Tibetan bowls, bells, quiet meditation and yoga exercises will elevate your spirit – but I need to repeat again – regular, not occasional, not for 10 min. Put that in schedule, you will have great result very soon.
-    Energy work, chakra cleansing daily, psychic protection, mantra chanting, and protection sphere of light; Any kind of spiritual healing, reiki practices.

-      Regular sport activities that motivate and detox the physical body, will also uplift the spirit and cleanse the energy. (but don’t stay just there, go to meditation practice).
-      Dancing and body movements have the same beautiful and cleansing result. Playing or listening some kind of music (classical, spiritual, piano, violin), singing has also uplifting effect
-      Gardening, taking care of trees, flowers, plants.
-      Crystals and minerals connection, meditation and healing with crystals; crystal grids – they are very powerful to set intention and work on it, about protection and space clearing.
-     Some essential oils and raisins and woods for cleansing the home space – Jasmine, Lavender, rose, frankincense, Myrrh, palo santo.
-     Light up candles can cleanse the stagnant energy of the room, or disperse some hidden negative emotions. That’s very nice technique when you have visit from people you don’t love so much.
-     Water with sea salt in a bowl will cleanse the room energy in perfect way.
-     The same is valid for all kind of plants and flowers. They bring nature soul to you.
-     Travelling and connecting with people who feel close to you or soul mates, will also uplift your vibration; Traveling though to places that speak to your heart.
-    Writing journal or diary is a very helpful practice, even by itself cant change your vibration, but will help you realize many things within your life.
-     Thinking and experiencing intentionally feelings of love, gratitude, compassion, open heart, forgiveness, honesty, will lead you on the path of spiritual awakening.
-      Taking bath, shower, with sea salt; natural mineral spa, and resorts.
-      Viewing the night sky, stars and moon, or shooting stars; Viewing sun on the sunrise or sunset.
-      Walking barefoot on the fresh grass or soil in the morning (spring, autumn).
-    And finally (or even in first place!) the good sleep is essential for keeping high frequencies. Any person who is in good health has very strong sleeping habits, and schedule. Sleep is essential for Third eye opening, achieving state of relaxation and inner peace. Its meditation of transition.
-   Reading, writing or contemplating on books about spirituality or personal development, or topics about how to save the environment.
-      Helping people in need, orphans, older people or with disabilities is so amazing to bring you higher frequencies – as all returns to you.

These are most of the ways I can think of to raise your frequency faster. Do many of them regularly and you will have amazing result soon.

Thank you for tuning in!
Hope you stay blessed, on the way of light and ascension!

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

Finding your Soul mate -Puzzles II

     Part II ...

     Sometimes what we fear is also connected with hidden desire. In the first aspect -realizing our fears, for example a man is very afraid of “losing someone”, or of betrayal. He didn’t clean this aspect from his previous relationships, and didn’t do shadow work, or from past life experience. That’s  how the fear from betrayal stays in his energy, and will attract now… the person who to reflect exactly this fear. That means if I focus on that fear of betrayal (which can be also in sub-conscious way), I will surely attract that fear to me as situation. That’s also valid for the low of attraction. That’s how is very likely this man to be involved multiple times in situations with betrayal and loss of someone. Because the other side, his partner will be attracted to play the same role, in order to help in growth of the relationship. She will be the missing piece of puzzle – fear- manifestation – elimination, which is needed. Also from her side she will have soul motive to do that. So the relationship can be seen as a play” with certain appointed roles. But what kind of roles you attract and are involved with, depends on where you are in your personal growth and awakening.

      The second case, of attracting our desires, goals and inspiration. This is one aspect that all souls want to achieve. They don’t need to focus on certain person, but rather on their own aim and desire in life, and the spiritual mission. In this way they will attract similar Soul mates. Imagine a person who is devoted to be a writer, or a spiritual teacher. He will write and devote his time to spiritual practices. While he do that his focus wont be to find a partner, even he can have desire for that. If he is persistent in his writing work, and do things in order of – thought -intention -action, it`s sure that he will find on the way person with similar qualities, who can help him in this mission. That’s how Soul mates “best matches” can be found with devotion to your life purpose and mission. If the person is musician, or play in a concert and meets his Soul mate, who plays also another instrument, or he is composer, the life purpose of both will be related to Music. That’s how souls are connected in the Light working. And here there is no matter if the person wants or not. The most important that will happen in the right time and right space for them. Even so that doesn’t mean that both souls wont reflect also hidden fears, or desires of Self. They can do, but the common mission and goal will make their union much stronger.

       Some of the aspects of souls commitment are related to common thoughts (missions), common feelings (emotional level), and common inner feeling (higher sense). You can be together, only because you are focused on bringing up children. Or opposite – you want to be free, or on basis of experiencing poverty together, or on basis of being rich and managing finances together. The same is valid also for all opposite aspects.

     One example of combination of fear and desire in a relationship. That we speak about love, sympathy or close friendship. So you meet a person, who loves travelling. That’s always very good soul aspect. That person may reveal to you special aspect of your soul, related to desire to travel around different places, desire to communicate and observe different people, culture diversities, or desire to travel, meet and connect with people from his own country. The country of that person wont be “by chance”, and you may feel specially attracted to it for a reason. (it could be that it was your birth place in your past life, or that you were in one soul-group with the same person). These are chain-aspects, they often come together. From desire to travel and connect with other cultures, will awaken desire to be more open to others. Open your heart.

Secondly, your higher Self will reveal that you fear exactly that openness, as it makes you vulnerable (to be in front of others). That prevents you from travelling, or meeting new people. Behind all that you are afraid of being hurt or manipulated, which is very common fear. That’s how you are staying in your shell, and you afraid to take step out, so the person-traveller will come to make you open or going out of your zone. That’s how it works.
Also if you have special feelings to that person, like sympathy, sexual desire, then you may fear to fall in love, and to feel sexual attachment. All of that has roots in feelings of shame and guilt from previous experiences.

That’s why if you want to attract positive Light relationship, you need first to cleanse and remove the sub-conscious fears from your mind. 2. The second is to be truly willing to communicate and TRUST in another. (trusting another is equal here to trusting the universe). And 3. To trust yourself (and Higher self) that this is what is best for you now. These are essential aspects in any relationship.
I don’t say here you need to show your weaknesses or to give the keys of power in hands of your partner, or to not react in manipulation. But be more open, confident and trust in the process. This person is part of your souls Journey.
And the forth thing to do is to accept his differences. These are qualities or emotional expression you feel different from you.
So being in a relationship is a journey where two souls are involved equally.

      There are different types of souls. Here I want to observe something very important, that is often misunderstood. About stereotypes and types of behaviour and thoughts in different people. Are stereotypes related to gender? Or are they related to personality? Both is true. There are some gender stereotypes for sure. But more commonly, that’s a wrong perception. Why? For example is it correct to say “ what kind of women men like? Or what to do if you want to attract a man? That’s very nice advices, but the problem is they concentrate on only one general stereotype of MEN. Not of all. Think about that – if you are woman, you are not the same as your girl friend, she doesn’t react in the same way as you in different situations. She likes different types of men. You too. In this way you are quite different.

Thank you for tuning in!
This is last part of my article about finding your Soul mate! 
Be blessed, and walk on the way of Light!

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Finding your Soul mate - Puzzles -I

   In this article I`ll observe some of the simple mechanics how you can find person from your soul group, how to recognize them? What are the roles of the relationship players? What you can do to avoid energy attachments and Karmic debt? What is the dynamic of attraction in the relationships?

I.             Is it spiritual truth that the partner you attract has the same qualities of you in the present moment?

    The first question is quite important as it is well spread in spiritual circles and transpersonal psychology. What do you think? Is it truth that the partner you attract mirror the same qualities that you have? This is complex topic, so the answer to this question is not one-sided. Yes and No. First of all here we need to understand – people are unique and have unique Spirit stamp in their energy. That’s why no one can mirror exactly the same qualities that you have.

      What each relationship (friend, soul mate) reveals are different aspects of your Self in your souls Journey. In this sense, the desire to know and meet another stems from the desire to understand, meet and reflect on different aspects of your own soul (taken in progression of Past-Present-Future).
Something we need to feel and understand deeply is that we are already COMPLETE beings. No part is missing (or should be found in another). We don’t need to stick to a person in order to be complete. No any other reflection can make us more whole, or more fragmented. What we need is to dive into our inner world and to seek aspects of ourselves, including in our sub-consciousness.
The relationship and commitment play” are related to inner work, awakening and higher awareness of the world around.
Similar to travel and return, meeting different souls and being in relationships helps us in process of personal growth and expansion.
A relationship, that is an intimate bound between two souls will reveal hidden aspects of our Selves and our spiritual mission here.

II.           What are the basic aspects to look for when you have relationship with someone? Why do you attract specially this person?

      Some of the main things to be aware in relationship, is that it is like a puzzle game. Your partner could be a missing puzzle piece to complete you, but he will complete just one (or two) particular side of you. No piece of puzzle can be fixed totally just from one side or one relationship. That’s exactly the situation with humans. That’s why during our life journey we have many relationships, including with family, children, friends, soul mates, intimate. We cant find all aspects that we need for our soul only in one puzzle piece, only in one relationship. Here I want to clarify what kind of special aspects we can expect to find or what are different combinations when we speak about love relationships.

-          Sometimes we can attract person who represents our fears in that moment. That has the aim to feel what we fear, to realize them and work on eliminating our hidden fears, through the presence of another. In this case presence will be felt as sharp or harsh.
-          Sometimes we are attracted to person, who reflects our desires and inner wishes to fulfil in reality. That’s one very positive and light aspect of another. Then we can feel motivated and inspired through another in relationship. While the fears will bring us the shadow Self.
-          We can feel attracted to person, that has qualities or elements that we are missing and need to work on or manifest in our reality. I`ll give an example below -for example we are missing strength and determination, so we find these qualities in our partner.
-          Another person in relationship can possess very similar qualities to us, with that we feel in alignment, and to help our union to be based on nurturing these qualities. That’s also very light aspect of relationship.
-          Also we attract mostly very complex relationships, that are combination of all. Our partner can reflect in the same time our fears, our weaknesses, and our positive qualities. That is what happens in multiple relationships, to make us realize what we need to work on.

    What we need to remember is that a partner will not represent the completeness of relationship or “perfect love”. That means he is never a perfect match. He can be reflecting more or less our positive qualities and inspiration, and give light to the soul. But in all cases he is making the “gap” of something that needs to be found, quality or situation that we need to work out in this life.

That’s how relationships are far from human understanding about love.

Thank you for tuning in! Stay on the way of Light and abundance!

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium