Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Creator Souls, energy Souls, entities -II

Part II ....

Here is the difference – the Energy souls don’t have the option to be Creators and create other matrixes of existence or planes. Only creator souls (which are 8 % from humans) will be able to do that. The rough statistic about humanity and soul advancement now and in next 2000 years is:

-      Advanced souls (Creators) – 8%
-      Higher level Energy souls (non- creators) – 12% - which will increase
-      Middle level souls (with some awareness) – 20 %
-      Lower level souls (without higher awareness, blinded and easily manipulated) – 50-55%
-     Souls of incarnated demonic entities (which are without individual Soul, but can exist as humans) – 8-10% and going down.

     So from that chart you can see how many are the souls with Higher consciousness, that are expected to be spiritually expanded in next decades.
Incarnation process requires long time with various experiences on physical plane – thousands of years.

       The lower level souls, as well as medium level have also human consciousness of course, and here is something, I want to clarify: the developed brain or intelligence or memory itself is not equal to Higher consciousness. As it is equal to developed state of mind from human perspective. Higher consciousness is reached only with higher awareness, feeling and sentience within the Spiritual expansion. Not before that, and no other kind of intelligence can substitute the spiritual expansion. Nor it means that all lower and middle level souls are evil”, as one of the characteristic of Souls is having divine guidance. Which means they are by default” out of the Evil, but could fall in trap of mistakes and evil thoughts, due to illusion and unawareness.

That’s why if we can make this comparison, lower and middle level souls are just in lower grades of School of earth, while Higher levels are in higher grades in university. The medium and lower level souls are not meant to be Creator souls. However they have individuality and Collective Soul, which is exactly the case with animal world. Of course any human soul is in much higher frequency than the animal (except souls of demonic entities).
All these souls will be expected to be more advanced in next decades (until 2033 and until 3003 year). When series of special events will occur and determine the future of earth plane. It will be the start of the New earth.
All these Souls will have the choice – to experience other dimensions, planets and life scenarios in other galaxies of the universe, or to return back to the Source- mother. When they return, they become One and immerse themselves in the Light of the Source. That means in fact, they stop to exist in the way humans comprehend “existence of soul”. Even so they will continue to exist as a Collective Source, which can again separate different Sources and souls from himself. 

       This will happen to all souls of lower and medium levels (which are around 70% from all). That means the completion of their evolutionary cycle will end with re-union with the Source. Even so, they will experience much higher and planes and dimension of existence which can be viewed as “Heavenly planets” or lands from human perspective. However, if a soul cant reach to this level, and be advanced with the Collective consciousness frequencies, it will go back to the mother-Source earlier. In this way we have also appointed “time”, but it is created from the collective expansion rules. Not from above.
Other Souls, who are Higher levels but non-creator Soul, will be expanding faster and will be some of the leaders of the New earth. They will establish New earth as place with “new rules”. The entire old system will collapse, together with all failed parameters  - there wont be ruling of government, bank or monetary system will disappear; borders and countries will disappear. People will be much more technologically advanced but also with Higher consciousness, many things from the markets and trade world as it`s now will vanish. Humans will live in special Areas, and circles, which will be very well developed, kept with exact members and with sophisticated system.
People will live in collective communities, not in families, as it is now. Some individuals will be chosen for community – circle -area Leaders for term of 3 months. Almost all of them will have to be leaders. People will develop very strong sense of compassion and will live in peace and incorporate with nature in perfect way. They will use mostly plant-based diet, new kind of fruits and nuts will be discovered. The consumption of any kind of meat, fish or animal product will be considered crime. People will develop minimalistic life style, which means they will have only the things they need in order to fulfil their mission. They will work much less and be able to enjoy life much more, travel will be very easy activity. Gaz and benzine veikles – including airplanes will disappear and be substituted by other advanced machines, that are able to soar with high speed and no sound.

      So this is just a little part from the whole picture of New earth – in far future.
Higher level Souls will also have choice -to experience multiple other dimensions and alien planets within the Universe. Or to accomplish mission on the spiritual realm as becoming a Spirit guide for humans. After completing these “contracts” of the advanced soul, they will have chance to live in the Angelic planets, with some of the Archangels, or higher consciousness creators (devas, ascended masters), who they will assigned to. They will become part of their helpers. That will happen after millions years – or time that we already cant comprehend. As time is deviated and created for the purpose of this earth plane. The universe has different time.
That means the souls that remain lower vibrations will not have chance to be advanced, if they don’t speed up their development. From one side – they are eternal, but only as part of the Collective Source.

Thank you for tuning in!

nina Lea-nour *
angel`s medium 

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