Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What are Frequencies? -III

Now lets concentrate on what you can do to raise your vibration and level?
There are so many beautiful things to do, and the harmony with all around you is essential – people, nature, home, relationships.

-      Walk and spend time in the nature.
(perfect are higher mountains, hills, but also just going in park will make your energy much cleaner, breathing fresh air, and watching the trees and flowers is amazing for grounding and feeling of joy.)
-      Home cleanness and decluttering  - that is very important for your energy health, you have to intend cleaning in daily schedule, as well as cleaning the floor with sea salt water and natural ingredients. Clutter and staff that you don’t use, or piles of clothes are lowering vibration. As well as dust and messy room. Make light to come in your space, and air too.
-      Using natural and fluoride free toothpaste. Using natural cosmetic or oils, instead of cosmetic with chemicals.
-      Eating fresh (raw) fruits and vegetables. (that helps to elevate your health, mood and energy immediately). Drinking plenty of water is essential!

-      Staying on a camp near river or sea for few weeks. That has amazing affect on all body and aura. Realize that what makes your physical body happy, makes also your energy higher, and visa versa.
-     Regular meditation practice, listening Tibetan bowls, bells, quiet meditation and yoga exercises will elevate your spirit – but I need to repeat again – regular, not occasional, not for 10 min. Put that in schedule, you will have great result very soon.
-    Energy work, chakra cleansing daily, psychic protection, mantra chanting, and protection sphere of light; Any kind of spiritual healing, reiki practices.

-      Regular sport activities that motivate and detox the physical body, will also uplift the spirit and cleanse the energy. (but don’t stay just there, go to meditation practice).
-      Dancing and body movements have the same beautiful and cleansing result. Playing or listening some kind of music (classical, spiritual, piano, violin), singing has also uplifting effect
-      Gardening, taking care of trees, flowers, plants.
-      Crystals and minerals connection, meditation and healing with crystals; crystal grids – they are very powerful to set intention and work on it, about protection and space clearing.
-     Some essential oils and raisins and woods for cleansing the home space – Jasmine, Lavender, rose, frankincense, Myrrh, palo santo.
-     Light up candles can cleanse the stagnant energy of the room, or disperse some hidden negative emotions. That’s very nice technique when you have visit from people you don’t love so much.
-     Water with sea salt in a bowl will cleanse the room energy in perfect way.
-     The same is valid for all kind of plants and flowers. They bring nature soul to you.
-     Travelling and connecting with people who feel close to you or soul mates, will also uplift your vibration; Traveling though to places that speak to your heart.
-    Writing journal or diary is a very helpful practice, even by itself cant change your vibration, but will help you realize many things within your life.
-     Thinking and experiencing intentionally feelings of love, gratitude, compassion, open heart, forgiveness, honesty, will lead you on the path of spiritual awakening.
-      Taking bath, shower, with sea salt; natural mineral spa, and resorts.
-      Viewing the night sky, stars and moon, or shooting stars; Viewing sun on the sunrise or sunset.
-      Walking barefoot on the fresh grass or soil in the morning (spring, autumn).
-    And finally (or even in first place!) the good sleep is essential for keeping high frequencies. Any person who is in good health has very strong sleeping habits, and schedule. Sleep is essential for Third eye opening, achieving state of relaxation and inner peace. Its meditation of transition.
-   Reading, writing or contemplating on books about spirituality or personal development, or topics about how to save the environment.
-      Helping people in need, orphans, older people or with disabilities is so amazing to bring you higher frequencies – as all returns to you.

These are most of the ways I can think of to raise your frequency faster. Do many of them regularly and you will have amazing result soon.

Thank you for tuning in!
Hope you stay blessed, on the way of light and ascension!

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

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