Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Finding your Soul mate - Puzzles -I

   In this article I`ll observe some of the simple mechanics how you can find person from your soul group, how to recognize them? What are the roles of the relationship players? What you can do to avoid energy attachments and Karmic debt? What is the dynamic of attraction in the relationships?

I.             Is it spiritual truth that the partner you attract has the same qualities of you in the present moment?

    The first question is quite important as it is well spread in spiritual circles and transpersonal psychology. What do you think? Is it truth that the partner you attract mirror the same qualities that you have? This is complex topic, so the answer to this question is not one-sided. Yes and No. First of all here we need to understand – people are unique and have unique Spirit stamp in their energy. That’s why no one can mirror exactly the same qualities that you have.

      What each relationship (friend, soul mate) reveals are different aspects of your Self in your souls Journey. In this sense, the desire to know and meet another stems from the desire to understand, meet and reflect on different aspects of your own soul (taken in progression of Past-Present-Future).
Something we need to feel and understand deeply is that we are already COMPLETE beings. No part is missing (or should be found in another). We don’t need to stick to a person in order to be complete. No any other reflection can make us more whole, or more fragmented. What we need is to dive into our inner world and to seek aspects of ourselves, including in our sub-consciousness.
The relationship and commitment play” are related to inner work, awakening and higher awareness of the world around.
Similar to travel and return, meeting different souls and being in relationships helps us in process of personal growth and expansion.
A relationship, that is an intimate bound between two souls will reveal hidden aspects of our Selves and our spiritual mission here.

II.           What are the basic aspects to look for when you have relationship with someone? Why do you attract specially this person?

      Some of the main things to be aware in relationship, is that it is like a puzzle game. Your partner could be a missing puzzle piece to complete you, but he will complete just one (or two) particular side of you. No piece of puzzle can be fixed totally just from one side or one relationship. That’s exactly the situation with humans. That’s why during our life journey we have many relationships, including with family, children, friends, soul mates, intimate. We cant find all aspects that we need for our soul only in one puzzle piece, only in one relationship. Here I want to clarify what kind of special aspects we can expect to find or what are different combinations when we speak about love relationships.

-          Sometimes we can attract person who represents our fears in that moment. That has the aim to feel what we fear, to realize them and work on eliminating our hidden fears, through the presence of another. In this case presence will be felt as sharp or harsh.
-          Sometimes we are attracted to person, who reflects our desires and inner wishes to fulfil in reality. That’s one very positive and light aspect of another. Then we can feel motivated and inspired through another in relationship. While the fears will bring us the shadow Self.
-          We can feel attracted to person, that has qualities or elements that we are missing and need to work on or manifest in our reality. I`ll give an example below -for example we are missing strength and determination, so we find these qualities in our partner.
-          Another person in relationship can possess very similar qualities to us, with that we feel in alignment, and to help our union to be based on nurturing these qualities. That’s also very light aspect of relationship.
-          Also we attract mostly very complex relationships, that are combination of all. Our partner can reflect in the same time our fears, our weaknesses, and our positive qualities. That is what happens in multiple relationships, to make us realize what we need to work on.

    What we need to remember is that a partner will not represent the completeness of relationship or “perfect love”. That means he is never a perfect match. He can be reflecting more or less our positive qualities and inspiration, and give light to the soul. But in all cases he is making the “gap” of something that needs to be found, quality or situation that we need to work out in this life.

That’s how relationships are far from human understanding about love.

Thank you for tuning in! Stay on the way of Light and abundance!

nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium

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