Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to cleanse your Aura -III

     } Creating mantras, drawing, painting mandala, flowers, landscapes will totally connect with the Source energy and help you to cleanse your aura. That is the positive art focus, which is in sync with your inner needs. Have in mind – not all kind of art are positive, but they are here also to help you work with your dark side” and release old patterns. Painting mantras in bright pure colours can work like colour therapy and will influence your chakra expansion.
     ~ Drinking herbal water, green, white, black tea, herbs. Drinking warm water with lemon and herbs will help you detox most of the dark clutters and layers within your ethereal body. Any kind of herbs and green tea are great for aura cleansing and removing blocks from the energy. Specially lavender, chamomile, Thyme, rosehip, St. Johns Wort (yellow herb), Melissa, hibiscus... Be sure to let the energy of herb stay for a while to absorb water, before your drink it.

         ~ Last that I`ll mention here is candles and smudging – burning the smoke of Paulo Santo wood will flush away any dark energies at your home and around you; In similar way you can use frankincense, or white candles and make a circle with a light of the candle around your body – in clockwise direction. In the same way you can cleanse your home energy.

 ~  Meditation, yoga, reiki and spiritual exercises. All of them when they are regular will help to improve the energy flow (Yin-Yang flow) of your body and cleanse and restore your aura. Remember the principle of regularity, in order to feel the results fast. Just once in a while cleansing is not enough.

I.             Obscure feelings that can shrink your aura
You should take care to stay away from some obscure feelings that can deprive your aura from radiance and strength. Feelings like: anger, resentment, depression, fear, envy, anxiety, hatred, helplessness, feeling stuck, feeing unworthy, stress, fatigue – which are very common in modern society, will make your aura dull and shrink. In order to avoid them, you need to invite and connect strongly with the opposite feelings of light. Here I`ll give you simple example, on how the inviting of opposite feelings can help you to eliminate the obscure one.

Look at this list below and see the couples of opposite feelings:

Anger – inner peace,balance of emotions
Resentment – letting go, joy
Depression – self-love, joy
Fear – security, Inner trust
Hatred – Love, acceptance, forgiveness
Helplessness – confidence, abundance
Stress – safety, inner peace, self-love
Feeling unworthy – powerful, confidence
Fatigue – sleep, relax, retreat

As you can see in this list, the key is simple – the opposite feelings are the answer how to overcome all negative ones. By cultivating more and more inner peace – you ll be free from anger. (on a daily basis) By letting go of the old things that you no longer need, and feeling joy you will overcome easily resentment. (Joy can be felt in so many ways, you choose what makes you feel happy! – music, dancing, walking, yoga, connecting with others, love…) By relaxing (bath), retreat, going away, traveling and sleep you will overcome fatigue; By cultivating self-love and inner peace practices you`ll cast away the Stress. On a daily basis. It doesn’t work if you do it just once, effect will soon fade away.
Now the second exercise is: concentrate only on the positive feelings -read them, repeat them in your head or aloud. They can naturally help you to have the intention to feel them, and by that you naturally cleanse and expand your aura.

So all the feelings of Joy, Love, Sleep, relax, inner peace, abundance, acceptance, self love, gratitude, letting go, being powerful, confident, secure, having trust when they have enough focused energy will expand your aura.
Feel Joy with intention and you wont feel resentment, depression or anxiety. Feel Love with intention, and you will not have the space for fear or hatred. That’s how the spiritual world works – you substitute one energy and vibration with another. You feel the space.

Thank you for tuning in, dear children of Light! Feel free to share this article, post a comment or ask question below. Stay on the way of Divine love, harmony, joy!

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
tarot intuitive 

How to cleanse your Aura -II

We shouldn’t forget that every person is a channel of Divine light and spiritual mission and messages. We are earth messengers, while angels are heavenly messengers. That’s why we need to deliver certain messages to others -or to our Higher Self.
I`ll describe here the main natural ways to cleanse and expand your aura; some of them you are very familiar with, while others may seem a bit strange or new.

   ~ Nature connection 
There are multiple different ways how you can connect with nature, but generally all nature sources are here to help you to cleanse your aura. The clean and purification of aura and chakras mean expansion. So your aura will expand naturally by: walking in nature, garden, forest, touching the trees, speaking with the trees, sitting under a tree (root meditation), hiking in the mountain. Walking barefoot on a fresh ground, gardening, home plants, watering plants, touching plants. All of them will cleanse your aura, and important to note here is -even without your intention for that.

            ~ Natural water sources
Other ways to cleanse your aura is by spending time near natural water sources: mountain lake, waterfall (they have specially very high vibration); sea, ocean, river, stream, mineral spring and hot water, onsen. In some cases also the rain can cleanse your aura, but have in mind the atmosphere cleanness. Swimming in the sea is one of the best ways to clean your aura and remove all clutter energies inside your chakras. Taking shower and bath has similar effect and adds for spiritual hygiene, but have in mind that some processed (hot water) is not so good for health. Still there will be things to discover and understand in future.

      } Washing with salty water
Everyone who is not able to swim in the sea can make a salty bath and pour the water of sea salt (in crystals) over his forehead. That has very good cleansing effect. Placing your feet in salty water before sleep is also amazing for the energy circulation and cleansing.

      ~ Eating fruits and vegetables, avoiding meat 
Things that are good for the physical body are definitely good for the aura and spiritual body as well. So in order to detox and feel cleansed from negative energies, you need to take care of your diet. Avoiding the following products as much as possible will add to your aura expansion: meat, bread, processed flour products, sugar, processed flour and sugar products – cakes, biscuits, sweets. Eat more as possible for you: row fruits and vegetables or 2. Boiled vegetables.
      ~ Feeling of love, joy, being in love
Love is the beautiful feeling that really cleanses your aura, when it`s pure. Your heart chakra holds the key for the whole energy expansion and health. If you connect with your inner child, and feel loved, if you have healthy relationship, healthy love connection and making love with open heart of joy, then your aura will be naturally expanded. That means you`ll stay younger and less influenced from a harsh chemical environment. Have in mind – even if you don’t have a partner, family or children, love is all around you.
     ~  Crystals and gemstones meditation
As we know crystals and gems are natural channels of divine spirit and energy. By just keeping crystals beside you in your bedroom or space, holding crystal, meditation or reiki with crystals, or making crystal grids with intention, all of that will cleanse your aura.

     ~  Essential oils
Diffusing and working with essential oils is proven to be one of the best ways for releasing toxic energy from the body, opening your senses and cleansing your aura and space itself. That’s why you may consider learning more about different essential oils and their properties. Use oils like lavender, rosemary, basil, orange, lemon, tangerine, frankinsence, vetiver, for making a relaxing bath or with aroma lamp. Breath and let your energy to be cleansed by that energy.

   ~ Tibetan bowls, some music instruments, singing, mantras, prayers
Vibration of the pure sound and music will restore most of your ethereal body. That’s why Tibetan bowls, saying mantras, music, and prayers are so amazing for natural aura cleansing. They also expand the heart and Throat chakra, and add beautiful balance. That’s why you can choose a positive music, or playing Tibetan bowls in your daily practices.

Thank you for tuning in! If you are interested in topic of Aura, please continue reading the next part : ...

Nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

How to cleanse your Aura -I

In this short article I`ll observe the main ways how anyone can cleanse and expand their aura field. Firstly I want to determine why is it so important to cleanse aura?

I.             About aura and why is it important to cleanse it?
II.           Some natural ways of cleansing and expanding aura
III.         Some obscure/ negative feelings that can shrink or make your aura dull.

I/ Aura field
The aura is our natural space of energy out of the physical body, acting as barrier that keeps us safe and protected from the harsh environment or negative emotional climate. If you want to imagine the importance of aura, you can compare it with the magnetic sphere and atmosphere of our planet. Without oxygen or other essential elements, we cant have life on earth, humans cant breath. Oxygen is one of the basic elements for humans existence. Similarly the aura field holds the energetic oxygen for the Soul. 

Ref. More on Aura and its structure in details you can read here } 

In the same way as atmosphere, connected with global climate and nature are the basis of healthy Earth, the clean aura and chakras are essential for human health. (Not only on energy, but in overall physical level). In order for us to have happy and healthy chakras, we need to cleanse aura regularly. That means daily. This is the same as, in order to have healthy teeth you need to brush them and take care of them daily. That principle of regular cleansing and care is valid for every part of the body, and spirit.
As an extension of your own emotional, spiritual, causal bodies, ethereal body, aura is related to your Higher self and your avatar body on earth.

As a complicated net of multiple vibrations and influences the aura connects with others and it`s interrelated with auras of other people (family, society, children), and is constantly affected by others. Aura of each human is also related to the energetic grid of the earth atmosphere, magnetosphere and earth core. That means our aura is influenced by all earth activities, including earthquakes, volcano eruption, magnetic storm, atmosphere levels of pollution and chemicals. In that respect the seasonal energy changes of earth, equinoxes, solstices and full moons have high influence on human energy bodies.

     The cleanness of aura and chakras are the same on energy level, as the cleanness of the physical body. If your body is not washed regularly with water, or if you neglect your daily purifying rituals, you will have naturally a pitiful looking, unclean smell and overall appearance will be like a homeless person. Exactly the same, on spiritual levels, people who neglect their aura cleanness look like beggars sank in mud and covered with bad smell. That`s what we need to avoid and totally take care. But in order to happen we need to incorporate regular practices of spiritual care, which is part of the Self-care (teeth brushing, taking shower, personal hygiene).
That’s how purity of the aura is essential for humans, as it`s part of the spiritual hygiene.
Photo: Al Azhar park, Egypt by Nina Nour

Thank you for tuning in! If you are interested in the topic of aura continue to the next part ....

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

November energy update & Oracle cards

    Hello children of Light! We are approaching quickly the beautiful intense energy of November. It`s energy will be much more steady, and quiet than the energy of previous months -and October. Here we have the preparation for sailing in smooth waters of life. We already prepared what we need. But we have to work through some inner doubts, conflicts and feelings that will arise a bit suddenly this month.

       The main focus of October was setting a new goal, seeing things from new perspective, realizing your personal power and standing in your Truth identity – not compromising with others behaviour. October is powerful month of transition on Soul level and opening of more layers of Mind (Connection to Higher self and Astral-Mental light in the Third eye). The basic vibrations of the months of October is the Tarot card of Dimensional Gate opening – X. Wheel of Fortune (release and remove of Karma) and XIX – The Sun – Illumination, vision, Success, positive flow of events.
In November the energy of October will continue but without the turbulence and ups and downs of previous month. Here we are coming to state of balance, with the theme card of Tarot – XI. The Justice and archangel Raguel and Jophiel. You will discover the principle of Cosmic justice in all things, and ending of a Karmic cycle, that began this year or long time ago. That`s why a certain feelings may arise - awareness, compassion, peace, release of any dark emotions (anger, fear, jealousy) and being filled with Forgiveness. See the beauty in all things around you, and be thankful, also for all people and souls that surround you and help your spiritual growth.

      Sun in the deep sign of Scorpio reinforces our inner desires, needs and some hidden feelings will come to surface. Take look inwards in this month and observe what is in your Mind pattern, habits or behaviour that needs to change. You have to realize that pattern first before proceeding to levels of transformation. Don’t look too critically to others mistakes, or qualities, nor to your own. Take time to connect with your inner guidance (for each person could be different – intuition, Higher self, Spirit guides and angels) and make space for meditation, no matter of the busy schedule. Time exist in the way you make it, and the way you view it. There is always “a time” when you create it. One of the basic themes this month will be- introspection, evaluation of past events, insights and inspiration for new projects. The energy will be also in aspects of adventures – as Mars is in Libra, which means we wont be sure about the direction we are heading. There will be feeling of new beginning, desire to see new places, travels and experiences that we have missed for a long time. Now is the time, plan and jump ahead for your new ideas.

     In the end of the month Venus in Sagittarius will bring passion and idealistic vision to the future. You ll feel optimistic, loved and sending out love to the world, which is perfect state for creativity and joy.
In November we need to clean and clarify our future plans and organize things according to our best potential. Be more focused and don’t spend much time in useless things or conversations that not support your higher purpose.
We walked already through the Gate and the Full moon on 12 of Nov. will increase your ability for focus, strategy and protection of your aura from toxic environment. Which is important in times of deep change. 

Now we will take look at the Oracle and tarot cards for this month.

As we approach to the new beginning I decided to use 2 Oracle decks and one Tarot for the November reading. I use “Wild wisdom of the faery oracle” by Lucy Cavendish & “Inspirational wisdom from Angels and Fairies” by Frances Munro.
They both have very uplifting energy.

The Fairy cards for November are:
16) Her Special Place ~ Feel free to relax, enjoy your special moments of self-care, self-love and rejuvenation. You deserve this time now to tune into your inner guidance and dedicate time for your Self, asking what are your desires. What your body wants? Maybe you were deprived from enough sleep time and rest? Maybe you need to make your schedule little more free so you could make time for your rituals: go for a walk, enjoy being alone, listen to the trees, connect with water of the autumn lake or river. Observe, breath, relax. Let your spirit free. And you ll benefit from all kind of selfcare practices, salty baths, aroma oils, candles, meditations and all things that makes you happy and calm. Don’t think that outer world will stop its rhythm, if you have this little time of indulgence and care of self.
  Apple Blossom fairy ~
This is the dreamful Apple blossom fairy, sitting on a tree, staring to the beams of moon light. She is here to tell you her message: everything is changing, but your Soul has constant roots. She is thinking about the future, her message is simple: believe in your many strengths and follow the path that benefits you. [ from the guidebook: You need to act now to ensure that the wisdom of the Universe is all around you and empowering you. Too often you are content to allow others to shine and take centre stage instead of you. It`s time now to believe in your own strengths, which are many and not diminish them”. The power of the November Full moon will give you more confidence, and enhance your abilities, taking you to higher levels of your path. Believe, be sure that you are on the way.
Make meditation and visualize how powerful you are and how many great qualities you really have.

Tarot card message of November [ the Sun and Moon tarot ]
King of Cups : it`s amazing card which resembles very well energy of Scorpio and it`s passion, emotional intensity. This King of cups is very bright on his white horse, he is real Active power, and he can move anything ahead. He is creative, emotional, fearless, dominant, taking control over his feelings, in the same time he is also gentle and giving, generous and very intuitive. As connected with Air, King is like the wind – with flexible stable power. He is warrior for a cause, or emotional protection, and has healthy boundaries. His wants quick actions and his potential is not in waiting, but in taking control right away. That’s the energy of the month, be active, take your power with confidence, with healthy boundaries, but with kindness and emotional control in the same time. If you are not this Kind, at least you ll befit from having him nearby in November.
It was pleasure to bring you this intuitive energy update and Oracle messages for month of November. Thank you for tuning in, Children of Light! Live in divine truth, harmony and love.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

Introduction to most common crystals -II (Selenite, Citrine, Obsidian)

This article continues from part one } Introduction to most common crystals -I 

Selenite ~
This crystal is great for angelic connection, Moon magic, protection on spiritual level, helping in process of ascension, connects with your spirit guides, astral travel, it`s perfect for cutting energy cords, clarify your aura, opens Third eye, Crown chakra, Soul star chakra, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, psychic energy, connection with spirits/ ghosts. Cleansing energy of space, or Oracle, Tarot cards – when placed above them. It is amplifying crystal and cant absorb negative vibration – but repels it. The angels that you can call on when working with Selenite are: Haniel, Gabriel, Seraphiel, Muriel.

Black Obsidian ~
Obsidian is highly protective stone. An obsidian egg or ball in the room when programmed can absorb and clean all negative energies and entities from the space or home. It works perfect for physical, psychic protection, against magic, energy interference, cords attachments from other people. Similar properties has the Kambamba Jasper stone. Also it`s one of the grounding stones, connecting your root and earth star chakra with the core of Gaia. It`s totally one of the best stones to have at home, or the work space. It has also great calming effect of the nervous system, and works against mental fatigue, tiredness, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks. The archangel you can call on to bring you and amplify the energy of Obsidian is Azrael, and Seraphiel.

Red Jasper ~ is perfect stone to bring you vitality, enthusiasm, self-esteem, creative energy, optimism, calmness, confidence, inner strength, being able to let go of the past, being present. It cleanses the Root chakra and Earth star chakra. The archangel to work with that stone is Michael. Cleansing: you can cleanse red jasper in various ways – place it in warm water with sea salt for 12 hours; recharge it on sun light, or burry it in a pot of red geranium flower.

Tigers eye ~
That is the stone for boosting the inner strength, ability to see or sense others energy, confidence, ability to overcome obstacles, fearlessness, taking risks, going with the natural flow, being present and grounded. In addition it works for connecting you with the sun energy and helps for cleansing the Solar plexus chakra. It’s the stone of courage. It`s stone directly connected with the Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) above the belly.

Green aventurine ~
All kind of aventurine are famous for metaphysical property of attracting abundance and money flow. Green aventurine you can work in a crystal grid for attracting more money, luck, success, feeling of joy, gratitude, satisfaction, positive energy, vitality, emotional healing. It heals also the heart, lungs, throat and emotional body. It`s stone of new beginning and rejuvenation. The archangel to call on when working with this stone is Chamuel (and Ariel).

Citrine ~
Citrine is an amazing crystal from quartz family, it has beautiful yellow-pale to orange-brownish colour and it`s translucent. Citrine is one of the most popular stones for healing and cleansing, and it`s connected with Sun Yang energy and archangel Uriel. Citrine can be used for so many purposes: cleansing aura field, strengthening and expanding chakras, cleansing all chakras, specially the root, Sacral and Solar Plexus. It brings sense of joy, love, vitality, confidence, courage, self-love, attracts abundance, and money flow, it helps in times of change and transitions, brings understanding and harmony between people. It`s crystal of happiness and joy, soul connections and inner values.

Thank you for tuning in dear children of Light! Sending you blessing and stay on the way of Love, Truth and Harmony! 

Nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

Introduction to most common crystals -I (Clear Quartz,Amethyst, Rose Quartz)

Here is a list with the most common crystals and their basic metaphysical properties. Crystals exist in angelic realm too, but they work there in much higher level of vibration. That`s why they are brought to earth to accelerate the whole Earth energy, - to bring access to higher realms and connect with nature spirits and angels; - to tune the whole nature to the ascension process and different stages of it – to connect with the Third eye and Heart ethereal codes of humans and cleanse it.
Crystals are like conduits of divine Light codes, they also bring energy from the core of mother Earth to all Earth chakra of humans.

Some of the most common crystals we use:
Clear quartz:
It helps you in any kind of cleansing energy body, healing, and bringing positive energy, expanding the aura, boosting energy vitality, amplifying any positive results and qualities, expands and cleanses all with all other crystals. What it cant do? Clear quartz mostly can cleanse, but cant remove from your energy entities or attachments; But it does a different kind of protection by expansion of humans aura. Clear quartz is the crystal that you can program with any kind of intention from heart and mind.

Amethyst ~
This amazing crystal is almost for all purposes – it can help you for psychic protection, keeping away negative energy, clearing aura, removing cord attachments, cleansing and balancing chakras. It transmute all negative energies around. Amethyst is the crystal of archangel Zadkiel, and archangel Raziel, and Violet flame. You can make meditation with violet flame cleansing and amethyst. It has very soothing and refreshing effect on mind and body. It`s stone of awareness, psychic wisdom, clairvoyance, angelic connection, mindfulness and mediation. (What it cant do? – it cant absorb negative thoughts or change negative patterns).

Rose Quartz } 
The stone of unconditional love, feminine energy, connection with your inner child, cleansing and healing emotional body, amplifying self-love, gentle healing of past love, forgiveness, attracting abundance and feeling joy of life. This is also the stone of gratitude and feeling how much abundant you are, appreciating all what you have. This beautiful crystal can work for attracting new love, soul mate or friend, for sexual energy, romance. Connects with arch. Ariel, Chamuel, Hanniel and rose flower fairies. (what it cant do } Rose quartz cant protect you and can not absorb the negative energy or remove entities. It has very gentle vibrations, that and makes perfect cleansing, refreshing and atunement of Heart chakra and also Throat chakra (Vishudha). It vibrates with amazing spectrum of heart healing, emotional cleanse, vitality, innocence, joy and forgiveness. Thats why it`s a must have stone for all collections. It needs often cleansing  - every 7-10 days place it in warm water with sea salt.) 

Thank you for tuning in! Hope that information was helpful for you, feel free to share, subscribe and post a comment below! 

Nina Lea-nour * 

Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

List with crystals and properties IV

Here i`ll make short list with crystals and properties which may be helpful.

1.   The best crystals for spiritual and psychic protection: crystals like Black obsidian, black tourmaline, amethyst are the best for keeping also entities or negative cord attachments away from you.

2.   Crystals for emotional healing and attracting love, abundance: Rose Quartz, danburite, chrysocolla, pink opal, fire agate, peridot – they connect you with your inner child and amplify joy of life, open your heart and bring you loving relationships. Also these stones can cleanse or remove past Karma in love relationships. (these crystals can help for forgiveness and releasing emotional pain).

3.   Crystals for grounding, safety, personal power, confidence, strength – Red jasper, Tigers eye, yellow aventurine, green aventurine, citrine.

4.   Crystals for spiritual cleansing, angelic connection, psychic visions, astral travel, dreams – selenite, moldavite, celestite, morganite, danburite, smoky quartz, fluorite (blue, green, purple, white).

5.   Crystals for aura, energy cleansing: Aquamarine, green/ blue fluorite, clear quartz, labradorite, Celestite, Angelite. 

6.   Crystals for cutting cords of physical, emotional body, removing blockages from chakras: tourmaline black, selenite, danburite, moldavite.

7.  Crystals for self-esteem, boosting self-power, confidence, joy of life, material success: citrine, yellow calcite, yellow aventurine, carnelian, emerald, heliodor, aventurine, tigers eye, red jasper. 

8.   Crystals for psychic connection, clairvoyance and opening of Third eye: Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, kyanite, selenite, black tourmaline, purple fluorite, amethyst, charoite, Tanzanite, moonstone. (also for past life vision and regression).

9.   Crystals for healing and rejuvenating of physical body, tissues, muscles and structure, bringing balance: emerald, malachite, jade, nephrite, moldavite, green aventurine, chrysocolla, peridot, turquoise.  

10.      Crystals for connection with sun ray energy and codes, boosting Yang energy, power, opening the Solar Plexus: citrine, red garnet, fire agate, yellow calcite, Amber.

11.      Crystals for connection with moon energy codes, boosting Yin energy cleansing of ethereal body – selenite, moonstone, celestite, opal, kyanite, morganite, aquamarine, larimar. (also for past life dreams, or regression) 

12.    Crystals for connection with nature spirits, elves and faeries, and Tree spirits: amazonite, Rose quartz, peridot, emerald, Fuchsite, Rhodonite, Turquoise.

13.   Crystals for cleansing and amplifying Second chakra, increasing vitality, creative flow, sexual energy, self-love, attracting partner: carnelian, orange aventurine, amber, fire agate, citrine, garnet.

These are the main properties of the crystals that you can have in mind when you want to make programming of crystal. Each crystal is unique, the same as each person is, so you will have special connection with different crystals. First of all, you can meditate, take a few deep breaths (or perfectly early in the morning), then you can visualize the crystal you need to work with.

Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Take the crystal in your receiving hand – for most people it`s left. Take deep breath and visualize the crystal as clearly as you can. Try your best, if you cant visualize well, try to feel the energy of the crystal. What does it feel like? Is it soothing, calming, or revitalizing, rejuvenating, raising? What do you feel? This feeling is the first step to connect to the crystal energy.
Be sure that in the same way the crystal also feels your aura and energy body, it connects with you.
Then open your eyes, after the meditation and look to the crystal. It`s good if you massage the palms of your hands, the inner side of your arms or feet with it. Another very good way to connect is simply to lay down and place the crystal (s) on your body, while laying horizontally. Place the piece of rose quartz on your heart, solar plexus or Third eye...close your eyes, breath and connect with the energy. Or you can make reiki for yourself or another, by placing small stones for each chakra. That will have amazing effect.
Clear quartz you can use for any kind of program or together with other crystals in a grid.
You can call on crystal Spirits (or faeries) to work with them on specific energy point of chakra and to bring balance. Crystal spirits are very gentle beings that bring the high realms 7 th dimensional light of the crystal, and work with its vibrations to bring you desired healing or qualities.

Thank you for tuning in, stay on the way of Divine Light! 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 
Tarot inuitive 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How to program a crystal and connect with it III

How to program a crystal }

   After you buy a piece of beautiful crystal, the first thing you need to do is of course cleansing it. With the different methods of cleansing and recharging. Then after 12 hours appr. You`ll be able to program your piece.

     Programming is putting an intentional energy from your heart core to the crystalline lattice, so that the crystal will work on focusing and amplifying energy for the specific cause or action. For example you can program crystal for healing, rejuvenation, cleansing blockage, attracting love, abundance, money flow, safety, grounding, sexual energy, protection…And all qualities that you need.
You can easily program a crystal, as well as pendulum by taking it in your left hand (if it is a small piece), and simply say aloud or think the words like:

Rose quartz, welcome to my space, I program you now to bring me healing, emotional cleansing, rejuvenation, opening of my heart, attracting love, abundance and romantic feelings in my space now. Thank you, and so it is…”

In addition you can use your breath to recharge the crystal more, by blowing into it once. That’s all for programming. That is a ritual and should me made in a clean and quiet environment, and when your aura is clean too. So don’t do that in times of sadness or anxiety. Nor if you are not alone.
If you like you can light a candle to make atmosphere more quiet.
Any other details in that ritual will be up to your personal preference. Feel free and use your imagination.

Simple programming prayer for a pendulum. I`ll talk about pendulum and how it works in separate article. The words that you can use for pendulum programming can be similar to:
“With the help and guidance of my angels and spirit guides (names…) and archangel Haniel (or Gabriel or your archangel) I program this pendulum to give me true and clear answers of questions that I need to know only from Higher angelic perspective and Source true. I ask this pendulum to connect with my heart center, and my Third eye centre (visualize the expanding white light from your heart and third eye and how it wrapped around the pendulum), and connect with my Higher Self presence, for the highest good of myself on my spiritual path. And so it is.”

(that`s my personal prayer, you may use yours).
It`s always good in the beginning to ask for angelic help and guidance, 2. Your space, room to be clean, 3. You to be in clean state of aura and heart.

Crystals contain all primal elements in Higher dimensions, they consist of Water, earth, air, fire. Depending on the crystal some elements are more dominant than others. For example in a ritual or crystal grid you can use energy of aquamarine, blue calcite, green, blue fluorite as water element. And energy of amber, carnelian, red jasper, ruby, red garnet – as fire element. Citrine contains the sun codes and is perfect for ascension in different periods; Amethyst is related to the Violet flame angels – Zadkiel, archangel Amethyst, violet Fairies, and arch. Raziel, and helps you in all kind of transition, change, transformation and soothing chaos of mind. Amethyst contains more Water and air energy.
Have in mind that we program our crystals, by using already their inherent power and metaphysical qualities. In such way you need to know the properties of the crystals well and to feel your connection with them. 

Thank you for tuning in, stay on the way of Divine Light! 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master
Tarot intuitive