Saturday, October 5, 2019

How to program a crystal and connect with it III

How to program a crystal }

   After you buy a piece of beautiful crystal, the first thing you need to do is of course cleansing it. With the different methods of cleansing and recharging. Then after 12 hours appr. You`ll be able to program your piece.

     Programming is putting an intentional energy from your heart core to the crystalline lattice, so that the crystal will work on focusing and amplifying energy for the specific cause or action. For example you can program crystal for healing, rejuvenation, cleansing blockage, attracting love, abundance, money flow, safety, grounding, sexual energy, protection…And all qualities that you need.
You can easily program a crystal, as well as pendulum by taking it in your left hand (if it is a small piece), and simply say aloud or think the words like:

Rose quartz, welcome to my space, I program you now to bring me healing, emotional cleansing, rejuvenation, opening of my heart, attracting love, abundance and romantic feelings in my space now. Thank you, and so it is…”

In addition you can use your breath to recharge the crystal more, by blowing into it once. That’s all for programming. That is a ritual and should me made in a clean and quiet environment, and when your aura is clean too. So don’t do that in times of sadness or anxiety. Nor if you are not alone.
If you like you can light a candle to make atmosphere more quiet.
Any other details in that ritual will be up to your personal preference. Feel free and use your imagination.

Simple programming prayer for a pendulum. I`ll talk about pendulum and how it works in separate article. The words that you can use for pendulum programming can be similar to:
“With the help and guidance of my angels and spirit guides (names…) and archangel Haniel (or Gabriel or your archangel) I program this pendulum to give me true and clear answers of questions that I need to know only from Higher angelic perspective and Source true. I ask this pendulum to connect with my heart center, and my Third eye centre (visualize the expanding white light from your heart and third eye and how it wrapped around the pendulum), and connect with my Higher Self presence, for the highest good of myself on my spiritual path. And so it is.”

(that`s my personal prayer, you may use yours).
It`s always good in the beginning to ask for angelic help and guidance, 2. Your space, room to be clean, 3. You to be in clean state of aura and heart.

Crystals contain all primal elements in Higher dimensions, they consist of Water, earth, air, fire. Depending on the crystal some elements are more dominant than others. For example in a ritual or crystal grid you can use energy of aquamarine, blue calcite, green, blue fluorite as water element. And energy of amber, carnelian, red jasper, ruby, red garnet – as fire element. Citrine contains the sun codes and is perfect for ascension in different periods; Amethyst is related to the Violet flame angels – Zadkiel, archangel Amethyst, violet Fairies, and arch. Raziel, and helps you in all kind of transition, change, transformation and soothing chaos of mind. Amethyst contains more Water and air energy.
Have in mind that we program our crystals, by using already their inherent power and metaphysical qualities. In such way you need to know the properties of the crystals well and to feel your connection with them. 

Thank you for tuning in, stay on the way of Divine Light! 

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master
Tarot intuitive

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