Saturday, October 5, 2019

Cleansing & Recharging crystals II

Cleansing Crystals II

   There are various methods of crystal cleansing. I want to clarify that crystal need cleansing which is the same like taking care of plants and flowers – they need water, care and soil in intervals. Crystals work in the 6 th and 7 th dimensional level, so they always work by sending and absorbing energy from the environment. Regardless if they are programmed or not. That work is very subtle though. Programming the crystal makes the inner energy of crystal to be focused and amplified for a particular cause or reason. Which makes the crystal work in much better way, in the same time programming the crystal will make it work faster, and it will need regular periods of cleansing.

    There are many rules about crystal cleansing. First of all, if you have huge crystal collection, and many of your crystals are in "inactive” state, which means they are not programmed, nor used for other purposes – they are just kept in a place or as a decoration. In that case crystals will need cleansing rarely – as they already absorb energy from the surrounding and people. For example – every 3 months. Crystals kept in dark places or cupboard are inactive too, unless you use them for healing or meditation.

* ( I want to give here one example from my practice. I had a small piece of amethyst cluster, which I kept in a drawer, a dark place. When I took it out one day, I realised that the crystal wasnt "feeling" well, it was like dull and asleep. I wanted to activate its power, so I placed it outside on my altar space, with other crystals and objects. After just a month I saw a visible change in this small amethyst cluster - it was growing! At first I thought it`s my imagination. But then after 2 more months I was ceratin that not only it was growing and small crystals are appearing, but it became also more radiant, glowing and clear. That`s how we can be sure, crystals feel surrounding, they absorb energy, they know when they are cared and cleansed. Even a different kind of being, they have a living inteligence and grow. That is related to crystals on a rock, or clusters, but not cut and polished pieces. But the living soul however remains active in the crystaline grid of all of them. )

Crystals and stones that are actively used, or placed in crystal grids, or for meditation, or programmed, need cleansing approx. once in month. The perfect time for cleansing and recharging crystals is on Universal portal dates – Full moon, New moon, or special Astrological event, Eclipses, Solstices, or Mirror date (like 09.09). In this time the crystals will benefit from amplified strong energy, which affects their inner structure.

-      Methods of cleansing and recharging }

     Some of the most common methods for cleansing your crystals include: placing them in luke warm water with sea salt (2-3 spoons) and leave them overnight. Place them in a dish or a bowl (from glass or porcelain) covered with sea salt – like a mosaic. The salt will work energetically, even if crystals are not totally covered. Also another good method for cleansing is smudging (Paulo Santo or other wood), sound of crystal bowl, Tibetan bowls, burring in a soil near plant, covered with rose petals…(add your own)
Now I`ll ask questions on crystal cleansing and write the answers, with the help of my spirit guides.

Q. How long time is needed for the crystals to be cleansed with salt?

Depending on how much you use that crystal, if placed in a warm sea salt water or above salt directly they will need around 12 hours. The next 9-12 hours crystals can be recharged.

Q. Which crystals I can place in sea salt and which in water?

Some specific crystals can be slightly damaged or dissolved from the water and salt, as they are more sensitive. These are: Fluorite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Selenite, Morganite, Danburite, Celestite, Calcite…(most crystals that end on -Ite- are water sensitive). You can cleanse them by – smudging, or by intention and sound from special music, or Tibetan bowls. These crystals also can be cleansed by indirect sunlight. (strong direct light is not good for most crystals.)
Sound bath and light are perfect cleansing for them.

Q. Which crystals I can recharge by moon light?

Usually the moon light has cleansing, and rejuvenating and activating energy for crystal inner structure. It connects with it (in similar ways that it connects with our core at the Heart centre and at the Third eye, Ajna). Place the crystals in a glass bowl near the window, they could be surrounded by plants too. Let the moon light recharge them. These crystals are related more to the moon and feminine Yin energy: Selenite, Moonstone, Danburite, Blue calcite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Fluorite, Morganite.

Q. Which crystals are good to be recharged by the Sun light?

Crystals that have yellow, red, orange colour, would be the best for recharging on sunlight. That`s because with the time the colour of some crystals could slightly (or more) fade and become pale. Crystals that are sun-sensitive and you should be careful to not expose them on strong sun light are: Amethyst, Rose quartz, fluorite, all quartz family. – except citrine. Crystals that you can recharge on Sun light: sunstone, carnelian, garnet, clear quartz, citrine, calcite yellow, white, tourmaline, smoky quartz.

Q. do all crystals need equal time for cleansing?

Some crystals and stones can stay much longer time without cleansing, or recharging, after being programmed. Such crystals are usually the violet colours: like amethyst, charoite, tanzanite, and selenite, citrine. They can be used also for cleansing other smaller crystals. Their good period to be cleansed is 3-4 months. (or in Solstice, Equinox energy). Pyrite and gold can stay even longer time without cleansing – 7 months. You can recharge and cleanse the small stones by placing them on a cluster of amethyst or citrine. Make sure that the cluster is large enough or that its small crystals wont be broken from top.
Q. Which crystals/ stones need faster cleansing?

Now here is something people might be not aware of – one of the most beautiful, but also most energy sensitive crystal is Rose quartz. If you use rose quartz – as amplifier, in a grid, or placing above chakras, it will need to be cleansed every 7-10 days. Rose quartz also can be easily cleaned with warm /cool water, or salt. Be careful to expose it on strong sun, as he is photosensitive. Rose quartz and any other pink colour translucent crystal will be the same – for ex. Morganite, rose opal, they have very strong amplifying and cleansing vibrations for the Heart chakra and connect with Inner child and divine feminine.

Q. Which crystals and minerals can be cleansed by burying them in soil of garden?

This method is good, if you think your crystals will like the soil, and if it is clean. You can burry them also in the soil of pot with flower -for example geranium, money tree. Crystals that will be good to use this method are: all jaspers (red jasper, kambamba jasper), dark green stones – malachite, chrysoprase, amazonite, also the black stones – obsidian, black tourmaline, onyx. Amber and moldavite can also be placed in soil, or in the sun light.
Rose quartz or other type of quartz stones can be placed in a bowl with rose petals and covered by them – in this way they ll receive beautiful recharging energy.

Thank you for tuning in, stay on the path of Divine Light!

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium
Reiki master 
Tarot intuitive

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